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Created January 16, 2011 01:54
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Save azu/781466 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
name : 'Local HTML',
ICON : 'chrome://tombloo/skin/local.ico',
check : function(ps) {
return (/(regular|photo|quote|link)/).test(ps.type);
post : function(ps) {
function format0(str, len) {
return ('_' + Math.pow(10, len) + str).slice(-len);
if (ps.type == 'photo') {
} else {
// Tombloo/2011/01/index.htmlのような場所に作成
var date = new Date();
var name = 'index.html';
var path = 'file:///' + getPref('dataDir').replace(/\{(.*?)\}/g,
function(all, name) {
return DirectoryService.get(name, IFile).path;
}).replace(/\\/g, '/');
var dir = createDir(date.getFullYear() + '\\' + format0((date.getMonth() + 1), 2), getLocalFile(path));
name && dir.append(name);
return this.append(dir, ps);
append : function(file, ps) {
var title = convertToPlainText(ps.item);// プレーンテキストに
// utm_*トラッキングコードを取り除く
var itemUrl = ps.itemUrl.replace(/([\?\&]utm_(source|medium|campaign|content)=.+)/ig,'');
putContents(file, joinText([
'<blockquote cite="' + itemUrl + '" title="' + title + '">',
'<p class="jser-sitelink">',
'<strong>' + title + '</strong><br />',
'<a href="' + itemUrl + '" title="' + title + '">' + itemUrl + '</a>',
'<p>' + joinText([ps.body, ps.description], '\n', false).replace("\n", "<br />\n", "g") + '</p>'
], "\n"),
], '\n\n\n'));
<blockquote cite="" title="desc">
<p><strong>Fixing These jQuery | adam j. sontag</strong><br />
<a href="" title="Fixing These jQuery | adam j. sontag"></a></p>
return succeed();
Photo : {
post : function(ps) {
var file = getDataDir('photo');
if (ps.file) {
} else {
var uri = createURI(ps.itemUrl);
var fileName = validateFileName(uri.fileName);
return succeed().addCallback(
function() {
if (ps.file) {
ps.file.copyTo(file.parent, file.leafName);
return file;
} else {
return download(ps.itemUrl, file);
}).addCallback(function(file) {
if (AppInfo.OS == 'Darwin') {
var script = getTempDir('setcomment.scpt');
putContents(script, [
'set aFile to POSIX file ("' + file.path + '" as Unicode text)',
'set cmtStr to ("' + ps.pageUrl + '" as Unicode text)',
'tell application "Finder" to set comment of (file aFile) to cmtStr'
].join('\n'), 'UTF-16');
var process = new Process(new LocalFile('/usr/bin/osascript'));, [script.path], 1);
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