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A Sortable Dictionary for Swift that can do everything a Swift array or dictionary can do.
import Foundation
enum SortType: Int
case Value = 0
case Key, Manual
func toString() -> (String)
switch self
case .Value:
return "Value"
case .Key:
return "Key"
case .Manual:
return "Manual"
func compare(typeOther: SortType) -> (Bool)
return self.rawValue == typeOther.rawValue
struct SortableDictionary<Key: Hashable, Value>
typealias KeyType = Key
typealias ValueType = Value
private var dictionary: [Key: Value]
private var sortedKeys: [Key] = []
private var sortedValues: [Value] = []
private var valueSortID: String? //Used to identify sort used when saving to or loading from CoreData or other save structure.
private var valueSort: ((Value, Value) -> Bool)?
private var keySortID: String? //Used to identify sort used when saving to or loading from CoreData or other save structure.
private var keySort: ((Key, Key) -> Bool)?
private var sortingType: SortType
var sortType: SortType
return sortingType
if (newValue == SortType.Value && valueSort == nil)
else if (newValue == SortType.Key && keySort == nil)
sortingType = newValue
var count: Int
return dictionary.count
var currentValueSort: (valueSortID: String?, valueSort: ((Value, Value) -> Bool)?)
return (valueSortID, valueSort)
var currentKeySort: (keySortID: String?, keySort:((Key, Key) -> Bool)?)
return (keySortID, keySort)
var isEmpty: Bool
return dictionary.isEmpty
var capacity: Int
return sortedKeys.capacity
var keys: [Key]
return sortedKeys
var values: [Value]
return sortedValues
var unsortedDictionary: [Key: Value]
return dictionary
var saveStateData: (dictionary: [Key: Value], valueSortID: String?, keySortID: String?)
return (dictionary, valueSortID, keySortID)
init(dictionary: [Key: Value] = [:])
self = SortableDictionary(dictionary: dictionary, sortType: SortType.Manual, valueSortID: nil, valueSort: nil, keySortID: nil, keySort: nil)
init(dictionary: [Key: Value] = [:], sortType: SortType = SortType.Value, valueSortID: String = "", valueSort: (Value, Value) -> Bool)
if (sortType == SortType.Key)
fatalError("Cannot set sort type to Key without specifying a key sort.")
let sortID: String? = (valueSortID == "") ? nil : valueSortID
self = SortableDictionary(dictionary: dictionary, sortType: sortType, valueSortID: sortID, valueSort: valueSort, keySortID: nil, keySort: nil)
init(dictionary: [Key: Value] = [:], sortType: SortType = SortType.Key, keySortID: String = "", keySort: (Key, Key) -> Bool)
if (sortType == SortType.Value)
fatalError("Cannot set sort type to Value without specifying a value sort.")
let sortID: String? = (keySortID == "") ? nil : keySortID
self = SortableDictionary(dictionary: dictionary, sortType: SortType.Key, valueSortID: nil, valueSort: nil, keySortID: sortID, keySort: keySort)
init(dictionary: [Key: Value] = [:], sortType: SortType, valueSortID: String = "", valueSort: (Value, Value) -> Bool, keySortID: String = "", keySort: (Key, Key) -> Bool)
let sortIDValue: String? = (valueSortID == "") ? nil : valueSortID
let sortIDKey: String? = (keySortID == "") ? nil : keySortID
self = SortableDictionary(dictionary: dictionary, sortType: sortType, valueSortID: sortIDValue, valueSort: valueSort, keySortID: sortIDKey, keySort: keySort)
init(sortedDictionary: SortableDictionary, includeDictionary: Bool = true)
if (includeDictionary)
self = SortableDictionary(dictionary: sortedDictionary.dictionary, sortType: sortedDictionary.sortType, valueSortID: sortedDictionary.valueSortID, valueSort: sortedDictionary.valueSort, keySortID: sortedDictionary.keySortID, keySort: sortedDictionary.keySort)
self = SortableDictionary(dictionary: [:], sortType: sortedDictionary.sortType, valueSortID: sortedDictionary.valueSortID, valueSort: sortedDictionary.valueSort, keySortID: sortedDictionary.keySortID, keySort: sortedDictionary.keySort)
private init(dictionary: [Key: Value], sortType: SortType, valueSortID: String?, valueSort: ((Value, Value) -> Bool)?, keySortID: String?, keySort: ((Key, Key) -> Bool)?)
self.dictionary = dictionary
self.valueSortID = valueSortID
self.valueSort = valueSort
self.keySortID = keySortID
self.keySort = keySort
sortingType = sortType
subscript(key: Key) -> (Value?)
return dictionary[key]
edit(addUpdateOrRemoveKey: key, withNewOrNilValue: newValue)
subscript(index: Int) -> ((key: Key, value: Value))
return (sortedKeys[index], sortedValues[index])
subscript(subRange: Range<Int>) -> ([(key: Key, value: Value)])
var range: [(key: Key, value: Value)] = []
for i in subRange.startIndex...subRange.endIndex
let key = sortedKeys[i]
let value = sortedValues[i]
let keyValue = (key: key, value: value)
return range
mutating func newSort(sortType: SortType = SortType.Value, valueSortID: String = "", valueSort: (Value, Value) -> Bool)
-> (oldValueSortID: String?, oldValueSort: ((Value, Value) -> Bool)?)
if (sortType == SortType.Key && keySort == nil)
fatalError("Cannot set sort type to Key without specifying a key sort.")
let sortID: String? = (valueSortID == "") ? nil : valueSortID
let results = newSort(SortType.Value, valueSortID: sortID, valueSort: valueSort, keySortID: nil, keySort: nil)
return (results.oldValueSortID, results.oldValueSort)
mutating func newSort(sortType: SortType = SortType.Key, keySortID: String = "", keySort: (Key, Key) -> Bool)
-> (oldKeySortID: String?, oldKeySort: ((Key, Key) -> Bool)?)
if (sortType == SortType.Value && valueSort == nil)
fatalError("Cannot set sort type to Value without specifying a value sort.")
let sortID: String? = (keySortID == "") ? nil : keySortID
let results = newSort(SortType.Key, valueSortID: nil, valueSort: nil, keySortID: sortID, keySort: keySort)
return (results.oldKeySortID, results.oldKeySort)
mutating func newSort(valueSortID: String = "", valueSort: (Value, Value) -> Bool, keySortID: String = "", keySort: (Key, Key) -> Bool)
-> (oldValueSortID: String?, oldValueSort: ((Value, Value) -> Bool)?, oldKeySortID: String?, oldKeySort: ((Key, Key) -> Bool)?)
let sortIDValue: String? = (valueSortID == "") ? nil : valueSortID
let sortIDKey: String? = (keySortID == "") ? nil : keySortID
return newSort(sortType, valueSortID: sortIDValue, valueSort: valueSort, keySortID: sortIDKey, keySort: keySort)
mutating func newSort(sortType: SortType, valueSortID: String = "", valueSort: (Value, Value) -> Bool, keySortID: String = "", keySort: (Key, Key) -> Bool)
-> (oldValueSortID: String?, oldValueSort: ((Value, Value) -> Bool)?, oldKeySortID: String?, oldKeySort: ((Key, Key) -> Bool)?)
let sortIDValue: String? = (valueSortID == "") ? nil : valueSortID
let sortIDKey: String? = (keySortID == "") ? nil : keySortID
return newSort(sortType, valueSortID: sortIDValue, valueSort: valueSort, keySortID: sortIDKey, keySort: keySort)
private mutating func newSort(sortType: SortType, valueSortID: String?, valueSort: ((Value, Value) -> Bool)?, keySortID: String?, keySort: ((Key, Key) -> Bool)?)
-> (oldValueSortID: String?, oldValueSort: ((Value, Value) -> Bool)?, oldKeySortID: String?, oldKeySort: ((Key, Key) -> Bool)?)
var oldValueSortID: String?
var oldValueSort: ((Value, Value) -> Bool)?
if (valueSort != nil)
oldValueSortID = self.valueSortID
self.valueSortID = valueSortID
oldValueSort = self.valueSort
self.valueSort = valueSort
var oldKeySortID: String?
var oldKeySort: ((Key, Key) -> Bool)?
if (keySort != nil)
oldKeySortID = self.keySortID
self.keySortID = keySortID
oldKeySort = self.keySort
self.keySort = keySort
sortingType = sortType
var reSort: Bool
if (sortType == SortType.Value && valueSort != nil)
reSort = true
else if (sortType == SortType.Key && keySort != nil)
reSort = true
reSort = false
if (reSort)
return (oldValueSortID, oldValueSort, oldKeySortID, oldKeySort)
mutating func newDictionary(dictionary: [Key: Value] = [:]) -> ([Key: Value])
let oldDictionary = self.dictionary
self.dictionary = dictionary
return oldDictionary
private mutating func sort()
if (sortingType == SortType.Manual)
let oldSortedValues = sortedValues
sortedValues = []
let oldSortedKeys = sortedKeys
sortedKeys = []
if (oldSortedValues.count == 0)
for (key, value) in dictionary
addNewValueArraysOnly(key: key, value: value)
for i in 0..<count
let value = oldSortedValues[i]
let key = oldSortedKeys[i]
addNewValueArraysOnly(key: key, value: value)
private mutating func addNewValueArraysOnly(#key: Key, value: Value)
var index: Int
//If sortedKeys and sortedValues is empyt, insert the new key and value at the begining of the indexes. Otherwise, find the correct index depeding on the sort type, then add them to sotedValues, sortedKeys, the dictionary.
if (sortedValues.count == 0)
index = 0
index = findInsertionIndex(upperBound: sortedValues.count - 1, lowerBound: 0, value: value, key: key)
sortedValues.insert(value, atIndex: index)
sortedKeys.insert(key, atIndex: index)
private mutating func addNewValue(#key: Key, value: Value)
addNewValueArraysOnly(key: key, value: value)
dictionary[key] = value
private func findInsertionIndex(#upperBound: Int, lowerBound: Int, value: Value, key: Key) -> (Int)
//If sorting manually, insert at end of the sorted dictionary.
if (sortingType == SortType.Manual)
return upperBound + 1
let span = upperBound - lowerBound
//If there are only one or two already sorted elements, determine if the new element to be added is less than either boundry element, or belongs after both of them.
if (span <= 1)
if (sortingType == SortType.Value && valueSort!(value, sortedValues[lowerBound]))
return lowerBound
else if (sortingType == SortType.Value && valueSort!(value, sortedValues[upperBound]))
return upperBound
else if (sortingType == SortType.Key && keySort!(key, sortedKeys[lowerBound]))
return lowerBound
else if (sortingType == SortType.Key && keySort!(key, sortedKeys[upperBound]))
return upperBound
return upperBound + 1
//Otherwise, find the halfway point between the two bounds...
let halfspan = round(Double(span) / 2.0)
let halfWay = lowerBound + Int(halfspan)
//...and determine if the element to be inserted is greater than, less than, or equal to the halfway point element. If equal, return the haflway point plus one for a safe sort, or use it to form a new set of boundaries and recursively search deeper.
if (sortingType == SortType.Value && valueSort!(value, sortedValues[halfWay]))
return findInsertionIndex(upperBound: halfWay, lowerBound: lowerBound, value: value, key: key)
else if (sortingType == SortType.Value && valueSort!(sortedValues[halfWay], value))
return findInsertionIndex(upperBound: upperBound, lowerBound: halfWay, value: value, key: key)
else if (sortingType == SortType.Key && keySort!(key, sortedKeys[halfWay]))
return findInsertionIndex(upperBound: halfWay, lowerBound: lowerBound, value: value, key: key)
else if (sortingType == SortType.Key && keySort!(sortedKeys[halfWay], key))
return findInsertionIndex(upperBound: upperBound, lowerBound: halfWay, value: value, key: key)
return halfWay + 1
mutating func insert(#key: Key, value: Value)
if (hasKey(key))
fatalError("Key: \(key) already exsists in this sorted dictionary.")
addNewValue(key: key, value: value)
dictionary[key] = value
mutating func insert(#element: (key: Key, value: Value))
insert(key: element.key, value: element.value)
mutating func insert(#keys: [Key], values: [Value])
let count = keys.count
if (count != values.count)
fatalError("[Key] and [Value] must be of the same length")
for i in 0..<count
insert(key: keys[i], value: values[i])
mutating func insert(#elements: [(key: Key, value: Value)])
for element in elements
insert(element: element)
mutating func insert(#dictionary: [Key: Value])
for (key, value) in dictionary
insert(key: key, value: value)
mutating func insert(insertAtIndex index: Int, key: Key, value: Value)
if (index > count)
fatalError("Index out of bounds!")
else if (sortingType != SortType.Manual)
fatalError("Can not insert a (Key, Value) pair at a specific index unless using Manual sort.")
else if (hasKey(key))
fatalError("cannot insert a prexsisting Key. Key: \(key)")
sortedValues.insert(value, atIndex: index)
sortedKeys.insert(key, atIndex: index)
dictionary.updateValue(value, forKey: key)
mutating func insert(insertAtIndex index: Int, element: (key: Key, value: Value))
insert(insertAtIndex: index, key: element.key, value: element.value)
mutating func insert(insertAtIndex index: Int, keys: [Key], values: [Value])
let count = keys.count
if (count != values.count)
fatalError("[Key] and [Value] must be of the same length")
for i in 0..<count
insert(insertAtIndex: i + index, key: keys[i], value: values[i])
mutating func insert(var insertAtIndex index: Int, elements: [(key: Key, value: Value)])
for element in elements
insert(insertAtIndex: index, element: element)
mutating func insert(insertAtIndex index: Int, dictionary: [Key: Value])
for (key, value) in dictionary
insert(insertAtIndex: index, key: key, value: value)
mutating func update(updateValueAtIndex index: Int, withNewValue value: Value) -> (Value)
if (index >= count)
fatalError("Index out of bounds!")
let oldValue = sortedValues[index]
if (sortingType == SortType.Value)
let key = sortedKeys[index]
remove(index: index)
insert(key: key, value: value)
sortedValues[index] = value
return oldValue
mutating func update(updateValueForKey key: Key, withNewValue value: Value) -> (Value?)
let index = getIndex(forKey: key)
if (index == nil)
return nil
let oldValue = update(updateValueAtIndex: index!, withNewValue: value)
return oldValue
mutating func update(updateWithNewElement element: (key: Key, value: Value)) -> (Value?)
return update(updateValueForKey: element.key, withNewValue: element.value)
mutating func update(updateKeyAtIndex index: Int, withExistingKey key: Key) -> (key: Key, value: Value)
if (sortingType != SortType.Manual)
fatalError("Indexs can only be updated while in Manual sort.")
else if (index >= count)
fatalError("Index out of bounds!")
else if (!hasKey(key))
fatalError("Key: \(key) does not already exsist.")
else if (key == sortedKeys[index])
fatalError("Key: \(key) already located at index: \(index).")
let value = self[key]!
let oldValue = sortedValues[index]
let oldKey = sortedKeys[index]
remove(key: key)
remove(key: oldKey)
insert(insertAtIndex: index, key: key, value: value)
return (key: oldKey, value: oldValue)
mutating func update(updateKeyAtIndex index: Int, withNewKey key: Key) -> (key: Key, value: Value)
if (sortingType != SortType.Manual)
fatalError("Indexs can only be updated while in Manual sort.")
else if (index >= count)
fatalError("Index out of bounds!")
else if (hasKey(key))
fatalError("Key: \(key) already exsist.")
let oldValue = sortedValues[index]
let oldKey = sortedKeys[index]
remove(key: oldKey)
insert(insertAtIndex: index, key: key, value: oldValue)
return (key: oldKey, value: oldValue)
mutating func update(updateKey oldKey: Key, withExistingKey key: Key) -> (key: Key, value: Value)
if (!hasKey(oldKey))
fatalError("OldKey: \(oldKey) does not already exsist at another index.")
let index = getIndex(forKey: oldKey)!
return update(updateKeyAtIndex: index, withExistingKey: key)
mutating func update(updateKey oldKey: Key, withNewKey key: Key) -> (key: Key, value: Value)
if (!hasKey(oldKey))
fatalError("OldKey: \(oldKey) does not already exsist at another index.")
let index = getIndex(forKey: oldKey)!
return update(updateKeyAtIndex: index, withNewKey: key)
mutating func update(updateElementAtIndex index: Int, withNewKey key: Key, andNewValue value: Value) -> (key: Key, value: Value)
if (sortingType != SortType.Manual)
fatalError("Indexs can only be updated while in Manual sort.")
else if (index >= count)
fatalError("Index out of bounds!")
else if (hasKey(key))
let keyIndex = getIndex(forKey: key)!
if (index != keyIndex)
fatalError("Key: \(key) already exsist at another index.")
let oldValue = sortedValues[index]
let oldKey = sortedKeys[index]
remove(key: oldKey)
insert(insertAtIndex: index, key: key, value: value)
return (key: oldKey, value: oldValue)
mutating func update(updateValuesForKeys keys: [Key], withNewValues values: [Value]) -> ([Value?])
let count = keys.count
if (count != values.count)
fatalError("[Key] and [Value] must be of the same length")
var oldValues: [Value?] = []
for i in 0..<count
let oldValue = update(updateValueForKey: keys[i], withNewValue: values[i])
return oldValues
mutating func update(updateWithNewElements elements: [(key: Key, value: Value)]) -> ([Value?])
var oldValues: [Value?] = []
for i in 0..<elements.count
let oldValue = update(updateWithNewElement: elements[i])
return oldValues
mutating func update(updateWithNewDictionary dictionary: [Key: Value]) -> ([Value?])
var oldValues: [Value?] = []
for element in dictionary
let oldValue = update(updateWithNewElement: element)
return oldValues
mutating func update(updateElementAtIndex index: Int, withNewElement element: (key: Key, value: Value)) -> (key: Key, value: Value)
return update(updateElementAtIndex: index, withNewKey: element.key, andNewValue: element.value)
mutating func update(updateKeysStartingAtIndex index: Int, withExistingKeys keys: [Key]) -> ([(key: Key, value: Value)])
var oldValues: [(key: Key, value: Value)] = []
for i in 0..<keys.count
let oldValue = update(updateKeyAtIndex: i + index, withExistingKey: keys[i])
return oldValues
mutating func update(updateElementsStartingAtIndex index: Int, withNewElements elements: [(key: Key, value: Value)]) -> ([(key: Key, value: Value)])
var oldValues: [(key: Key, value: Value)] = []
for i in 0..<elements.count
let oldValue = update(updateElementAtIndex: index + i, withNewElement: elements[i])
return oldValues
mutating func update(var overwriteElementsStartingAtIndex index: Int, withNewDictionary dictionary: [Key: Value]) -> ([(key: Key, value: Value)])
var oldValues: [(key: Key, value: Value)] = []
for element: (Key, Value) in dictionary
let oldValue = update(updateElementAtIndex: index, withNewElement: element)
return oldValues
mutating func remove(#key: Key) -> (Value?)
let index = getIndex(forKey: key)
if (index == nil)
return nil
let element = remove(index: index!)
return element.value
mutating func remove(#index: Int) -> (key: Key, value: Value)
let value = sortedValues.removeAtIndex(index)
let key = sortedKeys.removeAtIndex(index)
return (key: key, value: value)
mutating func remove(#keys: [Key]) -> ([Value?])
var oldValues: [Value?] = []
for key in keys
let oldValue = remove(key: key)
return oldValues
mutating func removeAll(keepCapacity: Bool = false)
sortedKeys.removeAll(keepCapacity: keepCapacity)
sortedValues.removeAll(keepCapacity: keepCapacity)
dictionary.removeAll(keepCapacity: keepCapacity)
mutating func edit(addUpdateOrRemoveKey key: Key, withNewOrNilValue value: Value?) -> (Value)
let index = getIndex(forKey: key)
if (index == nil)
if (value != nil)
addNewValue(key: key, value: value!)
return value!
fatalError("Cannot add a new key with a nil value to the dictionary.")
return edit(updateOrRemoveAtIndex: index!, withNewOrNilValue: value)
mutating func edit(updateOrRemoveAtIndex index: Int, withNewOrNilValue value: Value?) -> (Value)
let oldValue = sortedValues[index]
let key = sortedKeys[index]
if (value == nil)
remove(index: index)
update(updateValueForKey: key, withNewValue: value!)
return oldValue
mutating func edit(#index: Int, key: Key?, value: Value?) -> (key: Key?, value: Value?)
if (sortingType == SortType.Manual)
if (key != nil)
if (hasKey(key!))
let keyIndex = getIndex(forKey: key!)!
if (index == keyIndex)
let oldValue = edit(addUpdateOrRemoveKey: key!, withNewOrNilValue: value)
return (key: nil, value: oldValue)
else if (value != nil)
let oldValue = edit(addUpdateOrRemoveKey: key!, withNewOrNilValue: value)
return (key: nil, value: oldValue)
else if (index < count)
let tuple = update(updateKeyAtIndex: index, withExistingKey: key!)
var key: Key? = tuple.key
var value: Value? = tuple.value
return (key: key, value: value)
let oldValue = remove(key: key!)
return (key: nil, value: oldValue)
else if (value != nil)
insert(insertAtIndex: index, key: key!, value: value!)
return (key: nil, value: nil)
fatalError("Cannot insert a Key with no Value.")
else if (value != nil)
let oldValue = edit(updateOrRemoveAtIndex: index, withNewOrNilValue: value)
return (key: nil, value: oldValue)
fatalError("Both Key and Value are nil.")
fatalError("Cannot edit at a specific index unless using Manual sort.")
mutating func edit(#element: (key: Key, value: Value)) -> (Value?)
return edit(addUpdateOrRemoveKey: element.key, withNewOrNilValue: element.value)
mutating func edit(#dictionary: [Key: Value]) -> ([Value?])
var oldValues: [Value?] = []
for (key, value) in dictionary
let oldValue = edit(addUpdateOrRemoveKey: key, withNewOrNilValue: value)
return oldValues
mutating func overwrite(#index: Int, key: Key, value: Value) -> (key: Key, value: Value)
if (index >= count)
fatalError("Index out of bounds!")
else if (hasKey(key))
fatalError("Key: \(key) already exsists at another index.")
let oldValue = sortedValues[index]
let oldKey = sortedKeys[index]
remove(index: index)
insert(insertAtIndex: index, key: key, value: value)
return (key: oldKey, value: oldValue)
mutating func overwrite(#index: Int, element: (key: Key, value: Value)) -> (key: Key, value: Value)
return overwrite(index: index, key: element.key, value: element.value)
mutating func shift(#index: Int, key: Key)
if (!hasKey(key))
fatalError("Key: \(key) does not already exsist at another index.")
let value = self[key]!
remove(key: key)
insert(insertAtIndex: index, key: key, value: value)
mutating func swap(#index1: Int, index2: Int)
if (index1 >= count || index2 >= count)
fatalError("Index out of bounds!")
else if (index1 == index2)
fatalError("Cannot swap, indexes are identical.")
let element1 = self[index1]
let element2 = self[index2]
remove(key: element1.key)
remove(key: element2.key)
if (index1 < index2)
insert(insertAtIndex: index1, element: element2)
insert(insertAtIndex: index2, element: element1)
insert(insertAtIndex: index2, element: element1)
insert(insertAtIndex: index1, element: element2)
mutating func swap(key1: Key, key2: Key)
if (!hasKey(key1))
fatalError("Cannot swap, Key: \(key1) missing")
else if (!hasKey(key2))
fatalError("Cannot swap, Key: \(key2) missing")
let index1 = getIndex(forKey: key1)!
let index2 = getIndex(forKey: key2)!
return swap(index1: index1, index2: index2)
func getIndex(#forKey: Key) -> (Int?)
for i in 0..<sortedKeys.count
if (forKey == sortedKeys[i])
return i
return nil
func hasKey(key: Key) -> (Bool)
return dictionary.indexForKey(key) != nil
func getElementIndex(element: (key: Key, value: Value)) -> (Int?)
return getIndex(forKey: element.key)
func hasElement(element: (key: Key, value: Value)) -> (Bool)
return hasKey(element.key)
mutating func removeLast() -> (key: Key, value: Value)
let lastIndex = count - 1
return remove(index: lastIndex)
mutating func reserveCapacity(minimumCapacity: Int)
func sorted(valueSort: (Value, Value) -> Bool) -> (SortableDictionary)
return SortableDictionary(dictionary: dictionary, sortType: SortType.Value, valueSortID: nil, valueSort: valueSort, keySortID: keySortID, keySort: keySort)
func sorted(valueSortID: String, valueSort: (Value, Value) -> Bool) -> (SortableDictionary)
return SortableDictionary(dictionary: dictionary, sortType: SortType.Value, valueSortID: valueSortID, valueSort: valueSort, keySortID: keySortID, keySort: keySort)
func sorted(keySort: (Key, Key) -> Bool) -> (SortableDictionary)
return SortableDictionary(dictionary: dictionary, sortType: SortType.Key, valueSortID: valueSortID, valueSort: valueSort, keySortID: nil, keySort: keySort)
func sorted(keySortID: String, keySort: (Key, Key) -> Bool) -> (SortableDictionary)
return SortableDictionary(dictionary: dictionary, sortType: SortType.Key, valueSortID: valueSortID, valueSort: valueSort, keySortID: keySortID, keySort: keySort)
func sorted(sortType: SortType, valueSort: (Value, Value) -> Bool, keySort: (Key, Key) -> Bool) -> (SortableDictionary)
return SortableDictionary(dictionary: dictionary, sortType: sortType, valueSortID: nil, valueSort: valueSort, keySortID: nil, keySort: keySort)
func sorted(sortType: SortType, valueSortID: String, valueSort: (Value, Value) -> Bool, keySortID: String, keySort: (Key, Key) -> Bool) -> (SortableDictionary)
return SortableDictionary(dictionary: dictionary, sortType: sortType, valueSortID: valueSortID, valueSort: valueSort, keySortID: keySortID, keySort: keySort)
func filter(includeElement: (Value) -> Bool) -> (SortableDictionary)
let newDictionary = filterDictionaryOnly(includeElement)
return SortableDictionary(dictionary: newDictionary, sortType: sortType, valueSortID: valueSortID, valueSort: valueSort, keySortID: keySortID, keySort: keySort)
func filter(includeElement: (Key) -> Bool) -> (SortableDictionary)
let newDictionary = filterDictionaryOnly(includeElement)
return SortableDictionary(dictionary: newDictionary, sortType: sortType, valueSortID: valueSortID, valueSort: valueSort, keySortID: keySortID, keySort: keySort)
func filterDictionaryOnly(includeElement: (Value) -> Bool) -> ([Key: Value])
var newDictionary: [Key: Value] = [:]
for (key, value) in dictionary
if (includeElement(value))
newDictionary[key] = value
return newDictionary
func filterDictionaryOnly(includeElement: (Key) -> Bool) -> ([Key: Value])
var newDictionary: [Key: Value] = [:]
for (key, value) in dictionary
if (includeElement(key))
newDictionary[key] = value
return newDictionary
func map(transform: (Value) -> Value) -> (SortableDictionary)
let newDictionary = mapDictionaryOnly(transform)
return SortableDictionary(dictionary: newDictionary, sortType: sortType, valueSortID: valueSortID, valueSort: valueSort, keySortID: keySortID, keySort: keySort)
func mapDictionaryOnly(transform: (Value) -> Value) -> ([Key: Value])
var newDictionary: [Key: Value] = [:]
for (key, value) in dictionary
let newValue = transform(value)
newDictionary[key] = newValue
return newDictionary
// func reduce<U>(initial: U, combine: (U, Value) -> U) -> U
// {
// }
func combine(otherSortableDictionary: SortableDictionary, overwriteOther: Bool = true) -> (SortableDictionary)
if (overwriteOther)
var newSortedDictionary = SortableDictionary(sortedDictionary: self)
newSortedDictionary.insert(dictionary: otherSortableDictionary.dictionary)
return newSortedDictionary
var newSortedDictionary = SortableDictionary(sortedDictionary: otherSortableDictionary)
newSortedDictionary.insert(dictionary: self.dictionary)
return newSortedDictionary
func combineDictionaryOnly(otherSortableDictionary: SortableDictionary, overwriteOther: Bool = true) -> ([Key: Value])
return combine(otherSortableDictionary, overwriteOther: overwriteOther).dictionary
// func print() -> String
// {
// let printString = "["
// for i in 0..<count
// {
// printString += "\(sortedKeys[i]) "
// }
// }
func ==<Key: Equatable, Value: Equatable>(lhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>) -> (Bool)
return lhs.dictionary == rhs.dictionary
func !=<Key: Equatable, Value: Equatable>(lhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>) -> (Bool)
return lhs.dictionary != rhs.dictionary
func +<Key, Value>(lhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>) -> (SortableDictionary<Key, Value>)
var newSortedDictionary = lhs
newSortedDictionary.insert(dictionary: rhs.dictionary)
return newSortedDictionary
func +=<Key, Value>(inout lhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>)
lhs = lhs + rhs
func -<Key, Value>(lhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>) -> (SortableDictionary<Key, Value>)
var newSortedDictionary = lhs
// newSortedDictionary.remove(rhs.dictionary)
return newSortedDictionary
func -=<Key, Value>(inout lhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>)
lhs = lhs - rhs
func +<Key, Value>(lhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: (key: Key, value: Value)) -> (SortableDictionary<Key, Value>)
var newSortedDictionary = lhs
newSortedDictionary.insert(element: rhs)
return newSortedDictionary
func +=<Key, Value>(inout lhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: (key: Key, value: Value))
lhs.insert(element: rhs)
func -<Key, Value>(lhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: (key: Key, value: Value)) -> (SortableDictionary<Key, Value>)
var newSortedDictionary = lhs
newSortedDictionary.remove(key: rhs.key)
return newSortedDictionary
func -=<Key, Value>(inout lhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: (key: Key, value: Value))
lhs.remove(key: rhs.key)
func ==<Key: Equatable, Value: Equatable>(lhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: [Key: Value]) -> (Bool)
return lhs.dictionary == rhs
func !=<Key: Equatable, Value: Equatable>(lhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: [Key: Value]) -> (Bool)
return lhs.dictionary != rhs
func +<Key, Value>(lhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: [Key: Value]) -> (SortableDictionary<Key, Value>)
var newSortedDictionary = lhs
newSortedDictionary.insert(dictionary: rhs)
return newSortedDictionary
func +=<Key, Value>(inout lhs: SortableDictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: [Key: Value])
lhs = lhs + rhs
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