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Last active September 12, 2019 01:37
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<p>And the configuration folder can be found:</p>
<p>The configuration folder is usually where you would add new log file configurations which are unique for a particular log file, or set of log files. For example, if you were to add a new log rotation action for the Ubuntu package manager <strong>apt</strong>, you may use something like below:</p>
<pre>vi /etc/logrotate.d/apt</pre>
<pre>/var/log/apt/term.log {
rotate 12
/var/log/apt/history.log {
rotate 12
<p><strong>logrotate</strong> runs each day by default, and is invoked using the daily cron job. The below subject detail the common components of creating a <strong></strong><b>logrotate</b> configuration file.</p>
<h3>Create a new empty template</h3>
<p>To create a new <strong>logrotate</strong> configuration file, you need to create a new file in <strong>/etc/logrotate.d/</strong>. You will then need to add a reference to the log files you wish to rotate. This can be directly to a single file or use pattern matching to match a group of log files. The below example matches all log files in <strong>/var/log/myapp/</strong> which have a <strong>.log</strong> extension.</p>
<pre>/var/log/myapp/*.log {
<p>You will need to add further commands to this template before it becomes useful. Further commands will be added inside the <strong>{ </strong>and <strong>}</strong> tags.</p>
<h3>Rotate based on log file size</h3>
<p>Use the <strong>size</strong> keyword to rotate the log file when it exceeded a given file size. The below example rotates a file when it reaches 10 KB.<strong> </strong></p>
<pre>/var/log/myapp/*.log {
size 10k
<h3>Rotate based on time (Month, Week or Day)</h3>
<p>You can rotate logs using the <strong>monthly</strong>, <strong>weekly</strong> or <strong>daily</strong> keyword to create a new log based on duration. The keywords explain them selves, and they can be used in conjunction with the <strong>size</strong> keyword to rotate on which ever criteria is met first.</p>
<pre>/var/log/myapp/*.log {
size 10k
<h3>Limit how many log files are kept after rotation by number</h3>
<p>The <strong>rotate</strong> keyword allows you to specify how many old, rotated, log files are kept before logrotate deletes them. The <strong>rotate</strong> keyword requires an integer to specify how many old log files are kept.</p>
<pre>/var/log/myapp/*.log {
size 10k
rotate 8
<p>The above example will keep <strong>8</strong> old log files.</p>
<h3>Limit how many files are kept after rotation by date</h3>
<p>You can specify how long to keep rotated files using the <strong>maxage</strong> keyword. Any rotated log files which are older than <strong>maxage</strong> will be deleted. The below example will keep rotated log files for 56 days.</p>
<pre>/var/log/myapp/*.log {
size 10k
maxage 56
<h3>Compress rotated log files</h3>
<p>Log files which have been rotated can be compressed to save disk space. Gzip is used by default.</p>
<pre>/var/log/myapp/*.log {
size 10k
rotate 8
<p>You can change the default gzip compression to another format by specifying the <strong>compresscmd</strong> command and a different executable to use. The below example changes the compression format to bzip2 for better file compression.</p>
<pre>/var/log/myapp/*.log {
size 10k
rotate 8
compresscmd /bin/bzip2
<h3>Ignore missing log files</h3>
<p>If a log file does not exist when <strong>logrotate</strong> is running then an error will be thrown. You can use the keyword <strong>missingok</strong> to avoid this scenario and instruct logrotate to ignore the log file if it does not exist.</p>
<pre>/var/log/myapp/*.log {
size 10k
rotate 8
<h3>Continue writing to the same log file after rotation</h3>
<p>Usually when a log file is rotated the log file is moved to a new location. Some applications may throw an error, and others may continue to write to the relocated file. The <strong>copytruncate</strong> keyword copies all the log in the file to a new file and then truncates the original file. This keeps the original log file in place and also allows rotation to continue.</p>
<pre>/var/log/myapp/*.log {
size 10k
rotate 8
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