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Last active March 21, 2024 02:56
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The file contains pseudocode illustrating a method for finding the address of an exported function within a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) using the Export Directory Table's data structures, such as the Export Name Pointer Table and the Export Address Table.
# This pseudocode assumes the existence of data structures for the export directory table
# and functions to read from these structures based on Relative Virtual Addresses (RVA).
# Structure definitions (simplified)
struct ExportDirectoryTable {
NamePointerTable namePointerTable;
OrdinalTable ordinalTable;
ExportAddressTable exportAddressTable;
struct NamePointerTable {
list<RVA> pointersToNames;
struct OrdinalTable {
list<int> ordinals;
struct ExportAddressTable {
list<RVA> functionAddresses;
# Function to find the address of an exported function by name
function getExportFunctionAddress(dllHandle, functionName):
exportDirectory = getExportDirectoryTable(dllHandle)
# Step 1: Look up the function name in the Export Name Pointer Table to find its RVA
for i in range(exportDirectory.namePointerTable.pointersToNames.length):
nameRVA = exportDirectory.namePointerTable.pointersToNames[i]
exportedName = readStringAtRVA(dllHandle, nameRVA)
# If the exported name matches the function we want, proceed
if exportedName == functionName:
# Step 2: Find the ordinal associated with the function name
functionOrdinal = exportDirectory.ordinalTable.ordinals[i]
# Step 3: Use the ordinal as an index to get the function's address from the Export Address Table
functionAddressRVA = exportDirectory.exportAddressTable.functionAddresses[functionOrdinal]
# Convert the function's RVA to an actual address in the DLL's memory space
functionAddress = convertRVAToActualAddress(dllHandle, functionAddressRVA)
return functionAddress
# Function name not found
return null
# Let's say we want to call a function named "LoadLibraryAddress" from a loaded DLL
dllBase = loadDLL("kernel32.dll")
LoadLibraryAddress = getExportFunctionAddress(dllBase, "LoadLibrary")
GetProcAddress = getExportFunctionAddress(dllBase, "GetProcAddress")
if LoadLibraryAddress is not null:
do something
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