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Created July 22, 2022 22:23
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Failable Monad
public sealed interface Failable<A> extends CoProduct2<List<String>, A, Failable<A>>, Monad<A, Failable<?>> {
default <B> Failable<B> flatMap(Fn1<? super A, ? extends Monad<B, Failable<?>>> fn1) {
return match(Failed::new, fn1.fmap(Monad::coerce));
default <B> Failable<B> pure(B b) {
return new Success<>(b);
default <B> Failable<B> zip(Applicative<Fn1<? super A, ? extends B>, Failable<?>> appFn) {
Failable<Fn1<? super A, ? extends B>> coerce = appFn.coerce();
return match(failures -> coerce.match(otherFailures -> new Failed<>(addAll(ArrayList::new,
constantly(new Failed<>(failures))),
a -> coerce.match(Failed::new,
fn -> new Success<>(fn.apply(a))));
record Failed<A>(List<String> failures) implements Failable<A> {
public <R> R match(Fn1<? super List<String>, ? extends R> fn1, Fn1<? super A, ? extends R> fn11) {
return fn1.apply(failures);
record Success<A>(A value) implements Failable<A> {
public <R> R match(Fn1<? super List<String>, ? extends R> fn1, Fn1<? super A, ? extends R> fn11) {
return fn11.apply(value);
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