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Created July 13, 2016 11:48
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'METEX M-6000Mというテスターの読み取り文字列から、値を返すクラス。
Public Class METEX
#Region "table"
'移植元は「0x3b => :voltage,」のようにbyte型から変換していたので、
Dim function_table As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String) From { _
{&H3B, "voltage"}, _
{&H3D, "microAmpere"}, _
{&H3F, "milliAmpere"}, _
{&H30, "autoAmpere"}, _
{&H39, "manualAmpere"}, _
{&H33, "resistance"}, _
{&H35, "continuity"}, _
{&H31, "diode"}, _
{&H32, "frequency"}, _
{&H36, "capacity"}, _
{&H34, "temperature"}, _
{&H3E, "adp0"}, _
{&H3C, "adp1"}, _
{&H38, "adp2"}, _
{&H3A, "adp3"} _
Dim range_voltage_table As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String) From { _
{&H30, "E-3"}, _
{&H31, "E-2"}, _
{&H32, "E-1"}, _
{&H33, "E-0"}, _
{&H34, "E-4"} _
Dim range_micro_ampere_table As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String) From { _
{&H30, "E-7"}, _
{&H31, "E-6"} _
Dim range_milli_ampere_table As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String) From { _
{&H30, "E-5"}, _
{&H31, "E-4"} _
Dim range_auto_ampere_table As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String) From { _
{&H30, "E-3"}, _
{&H31, "E-2"} _
Dim range_manual_ampere_table As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String) From { _
{&H30, "E-2"} _
Dim range_resistance_table As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String) From { _
{&H30, "E-1"}, _
{&H31, "E-0"}, _
{&H32, "E+1"}, _
{&H33, "E+2"}, _
{&H34, "E+3"}, _
{&H35, "E+4"} _
Dim range_freq_table As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String) From { _
{&H30, "E+0"}, _
{&H31, "E+1"}, _
{&H32, "E+2"}, _
{&H33, "E+3"}, _
{&H34, "E+4"} _
Dim range_capacity_table As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String) From { _
{&H30, "E-12"}, _
{&H31, "E-11"}, _
{&H32, "E-10"}, _
{&H33, "E-9"}, _
{&H34, "E-8"}, _
{&H35, "E-7"}, _
{&H36, "E-6"} _
#End Region
Function MetexConvert(ByVal strReadData As String) As String
Dim powerNumber As String = ""
Dim measUnit As String = ""
Dim polSign As String = "+"
Dim optionStr As String = ""
Dim rangeDictionaryInt As Integer = Asc(strReadData.Substring(0))
Dim statusBit As Integer = Asc(strReadData.Substring(6))
Select Case function_table(Asc(strReadData.Substring(5)))
Case "voltage"
powerNumber = range_voltage_table(rangeDictionaryInt)
measUnit = "V"
Case "microAmpere"
powerNumber = range_micro_ampere_table(rangeDictionaryInt)
measUnit = "A"
Case "milliAmpere"
powerNumber = range_milli_ampere_table(rangeDictionaryInt)
measUnit = "A"
Case "autoAmpere"
powerNumber = range_auto_ampere_table(rangeDictionaryInt)
measUnit = "A"
Case "manualAmpere"
powerNumber = range_manual_ampere_table(rangeDictionaryInt)
measUnit = "A"
Case "resistance"
powerNumber = range_resistance_table(rangeDictionaryInt)
measUnit = "Ω"
Case "continuity" '導通チェック
measUnit = "Ω"
powerNumber = "E-1"
Case "diode"
measUnit = "V"
powerNumber = "E-3"
Case "frequency"
powerNumber = range_freq_table(rangeDictionaryInt)
measUnit = "Hz"
Case "capacity"
powerNumber = range_capacity_table(rangeDictionaryInt)
measUnit = "F"
Case "temperature"
If statusBit And &H8 Then 'Judgle
measUnit = "℃"
measUnit = "F"
End If
Case "adp0"
measUnit = "Lux" '照度センサ
Case "adp1"
measUnit = "dB" '騒音計
powerNumber = "E-1"
Case Else
measUnit = "unknown"
End Select
If statusBit And &H4 Then 'sign
polSign = "-"
polSign = "+"
End If
If statusBit And &H1 Then 'OL
polSign = "#"
End If
Dim optionBit As Integer = Asc(strReadData.Substring(7))
If optionBit And &H8 Then 'HOLD
optionStr = optionStr & ",HOLD"
End If
If optionBit And &H4 Then 'MAX
optionStr = optionStr & ",MAX"
End If
If optionBit And &H2 Then 'MIN
optionStr = optionStr & ",MIN"
End If
Dim option2Bit As Integer = Asc(strReadData.Substring(8))
If option2Bit And &H8 Then 'DC
optionStr = optionStr & ",DC"
End If
If option2Bit And &H4 Then 'AC
optionStr = optionStr & ",AC"
End If
If option2Bit And &H2 Then 'AUTO
optionStr = optionStr & ",AUTO"
optionStr = optionStr & ",MANUAL"
End If
Catch ex As Exception
measUnit = "Exception"
End Try
Return polSign & strReadData.Substring(1, 4) & powerNumber & "," & measUnit & optionStr
End Function
End Class
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