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jieun 821jieun

  • nyc
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day rate:!/join/895e3708-b480-4686-8899-42329291c072
twin peaks:!/join/db7fcbc1-ef30-4995-b5bc-55fa66a936d4
Address book:!/dour-dance?path=src/components/contact.js:8:87
-thought it was interesting
-the purpose for the app was easily understood and straightforward to use
-overall look
suggestions for improvement:
-landing page quote doesn't need to be visible once user is logged in;
-in 'saved' section of the app => it is confusing to see entries without books saved to them
-redirect automatically after filling out signup form to login form;
-address the fact that user saying he feels 'good' does not return any results (yikes);
short list of user stories for MVP:
as a user, I can sign up for an account.
as a user, I can login to my account.
as a user, I can write an entry and send to the book therapist.
as a user, I can receive recommendationsa bout books to read based on my sent entry.
short list of user stories for your MVP:
screen for logging in / signing up
screen for writing and submitting an entry.
821jieun / gist:8b34fc64cfc01ec77120ae8a6cc2a69d
Last active April 2, 2018 14:41
Book Therapist: high-level idea and user stories
High-level Idea:
an app that allows users to write an entry describing how they're feeling and get in return a book recommendation.
User Stories:
as a user, I can write an entry and send to the book therapist.
as a user, I can receive a recommendation(s) about a book(s) to read based on my sent entry.
as a user, I can save these recommendations I receive for future reference.
as a user, I can save the entries I submitted.
as a user, I can login to my account and see my saved entries and recommendations from the past.
as a user, I can update my saved entries to add a comment about reading the book and whether it was a helpful suggestion.
//get all
//limit and sort
//find by id
821jieun / request and response drills
Created March 22, 2018 20:39
server-side js fundamentals, unit1, lesson1.6!/honorable-modem?path=server.js:1:0!/mango-receipt?path=server.js:19:222

User feedback for cosmic-moments:

User One: Thinks the app is cool and interesting and he was able to use the app as I intended (to look up, by date, an astronomy picture from the NASA archives, and learn more about it by searching for any terms). The user understood how to use the app and found it easy to use. However, user noted that it would be better if the date could be looked up by either a drop-down calendar or by being able to type in the date in any number of ways (e.g. 7/18/2000, not just Jul 18 2000 or July 18, 2000)

User Two: Thinks it is a cool way to look at information simultaneously and be able to search within the page for something while you're already looking at another thing. It does behave the way she wants it to— Can see two things at the same time. Reallly likes the way you can scroll within that page without moving the screen (the iframes). She wishes the wikipedia page would fill up the empty strip of white on one side (she is viewing it on a desktop with a very large screen— noted:

821jieun / IMG_9230.JPG
Last active March 4, 2018 18:20
User Flows and Wireframes for Capstone: cosmic-moments
821jieun /
Last active March 4, 2018 18:26
Statement for Capstone App Idea

Enable users to search NASA's astronomy picture of the day archives by inputting a date (NASA API); Enable users to learn more about any aspect of the resulting picure and caption by searching Wikipedia with a search term (Wikipedia API).