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Created March 28, 2011 10:28
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use strict;
use warnings;
package compare_reports;
use CPAN::Reporter::History; # _split_history
use File::Slurp qw'read_file write_file';
use List::Util 'min';
use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader 0.05;
use Data::Dumper::Concise;
package CPANDB::Schema;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader/;
__PACKAGE__->loader_options( naming => 'v5', use_moose => 0 );
# edit these #############################
my $old_file = 'reports-sent.db';
my $new_file = 'new_eumm_reports-sent.db';
my $old_link = "$old_file";
my $new_link = "$new_file";
my $platform = "Windows 7 (ActivePerl)";
my $tester_matrix_os = 'MSWin32';
my %eumms = ( old => { '5.10.1' => '6.55_02', '5.12.2' => '6.56' }, new => { '5.10.1' => '6.57_10', '5.12.2' => '6.57_10' } );
my @perls = ( '5.10.1', '5.12.2' );
# globals ################################
my $left_to_test = 0;
my $dists = prepare_cpandb();
my %dists_by_short_name = get_dists_by_short_name();
my %report_groups_by_dist;
my %report_groups_by_dist_wo_v;
sub run {
my @reports = ( parse_report_file( $old_file, 'old' ), parse_report_file( $new_file, 'new' ) );
my @report_groups = group_filter_and_sort_reports( \@reports );
%report_groups_by_dist = map { $_->{dist} => $_ } @report_groups;
push @{ $report_groups_by_dist_wo_v{ $_->{dist_wo_version} } }, $_ for @report_groups;
my $page = make_comparison_page( scalar( @reports ), @report_groups );
write_file 'comparison.html', $page;
sub parse_report_file {
my ( $file, $eumm ) = @_;
my @reports = grep !/^#/, read_file $file;
@reports = map CPAN::Reporter::History::_split_history( $_ ), @reports;
$_->{eumm} = $eumm for @reports;
$reports[$_]->{id} = $_ + 1 for 0 .. $#reports;
return @reports;
sub untested {
my ( $report_groups, $eumm ) = @_;
my @untested = grep { !$_->{$eumm} or !$_->{$eumm}{rep_by_perl}{"5.12.2"} or !$_->{$eumm}{rep_by_perl}{"5.10.1"} } @{$report_groups};
@untested = grep { !$_->{old}{fail} } @untested;
my @untested_12 = grep { !$_->{$eumm} or !$_->{$eumm}{rep_by_perl}{"5.12.2"} } @untested;
my @untested_10 = grep { !$_->{$eumm} or !$_->{$eumm}{rep_by_perl}{"5.10.1"} } @untested;
#$left_to_test += scalar @untested_12 + scalar @untested_10;
write_file "untested.12.$eumm", join "\n", map extend_untested( $_ ), @untested_12;
write_file "untested.10.$eumm", join "\n", reverse map extend_untested( $_ ), @untested_10;
sub failures_to_retest {
my ( $report_groups ) = @_;
my @retest = grep { $_->{old} and $_->{new} and !$_->{old}{fail} and $_->{new}{fail} } @{$report_groups};
@retest = sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @retest;
$left_to_test += scalar @retest;
write_file "retest", join "\n", map extend_untested( $_ ), @retest;
sub group_filter_and_sort_reports {
my ( $reports ) = @_;
my %reports_by_dist;
for ( @{$reports} ) {
push @{ $reports_by_dist{ $_->{dist} }{ $_->{eumm} }{reports} }, $_;
$reports_by_dist{ $_->{dist} }{ $_->{eumm} }{fail} = 1 if $_->{grade} ne 'PASS';
push @{ $reports_by_dist{ $_->{dist} }{ $_->{eumm} }{rep_by_perl}{ $_->{perl} } }, $_;
$reports_by_dist{ $_->{dist} }{dist} = $_->{dist};
$reports_by_dist{ $_->{dist} }{dist_wo_version} = $_->{dist};
$reports_by_dist{ $_->{dist} }{dist_wo_version} =~ s/-v*[\.\d_]+?$//i;
my @report_groups = values %reports_by_dist;
$_->{id} = id_for_report_group( $_ ) for @report_groups;
untested( \@report_groups, 'old' );
untested( \@report_groups, 'new' );
failures_to_retest( \@report_groups );
@report_groups = grep { $_->{new} } @report_groups;
$_->{both_fail} = ( $_->{new}{fail} and $_->{old}{fail} ) || 0 for @report_groups;
$_->{one_fails} = ( $_->{new}{fail} or $_->{old}{fail} ) || 0 for @report_groups;
@report_groups = grep { $_->{one_fails} } @report_groups;
@report_groups = sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @report_groups;
@report_groups = sort { ( keys %{ $b->{old} } and keys %{ $b->{new} } ) <=> ( keys %{ $a->{old} } and keys %{ $a->{new} } ) } @report_groups;
@report_groups = sort { $a->{both_fail} <=> $b->{both_fail} } @report_groups;
@report_groups = sort { $b->{one_fails} <=> $a->{one_fails} } @report_groups;
return @report_groups;
sub extend_untested {
my ( $untested ) = @_;
my $dists = $dists_by_short_name{ $untested->{dist_wo_version} };
for my $cand ( @{$dists} ) {
next if $cand->{dist_file} !~ /$untested->{dist}/;
my $file = $cand->{dist_file};
$file =~ s@^.*?/.*?/@@;
return $file;
sub id_for_report_group {
my ( $report_group ) = @_;
my @id_reports = grep { $_->{grade} ne 'PASS' } @{ $report_group->{new}{reports} };
return 0 if !@id_reports;
my @ids = map { $_->{id} } @id_reports;
my $id = min( @ids );
return $id || 0;
sub get_fail_deps {
my ( $rep ) = @_;
my @fail_deps;
my @disc_deps;
my @deps = deps( $report_groups_by_dist{ $rep->{dist} }->{dist_wo_version} );
for my $dep ( @deps ) {
my $dep_groups = $report_groups_by_dist_wo_v{$dep};
for my $dep_group ( @{$dep_groups} ) {
my $reports = $dep_group->{ $rep->{eumm} }{rep_by_perl}{ $rep->{perl} };
push @fail_deps, grep { $_->{grade} ne 'PASS' and $_->{grade} ne 'DISCARD' } @{$reports};
push @disc_deps, grep { $_->{grade} eq 'DISCARD' or $_->{grade} eq 'UNKNOWN' } @{$reports};
return ( \@fail_deps, \@disc_deps ) if !@disc_deps;
while ( @disc_deps ) {
my $disc_dep = shift @disc_deps;
my ( $fail_deps, $disc_deps ) = get_fail_deps( $disc_dep );
push @fail_deps, @{$fail_deps};
push @disc_deps, @{$disc_deps};
return ( \@fail_deps, \@disc_deps );
sub discard_reason {
my ( $rep ) = @_;
return '' if $rep->{grade} ne 'DISCARD' and $rep->{grade} ne 'UNKNOWN';
my ( $fail_deps ) = get_fail_deps( $rep );
$fail_deps = join " ", map { "<a href='#$_->{dist}' alt='$_->{dist}' title='$_->{dist}'>?</a>" } @{$fail_deps};
return '' if !$fail_deps;
return " $fail_deps";
sub make_report_line {
my ( $report_group, $index ) = @_;
my $class = '';
$class = 'alternate' if $index % 2;
my @cells;
for my $eumm ( qw( old new ) ) {
for my $perl ( 0 .. 1 ) {
my @fields;
for my $rep ( @{ $report_group->{$eumm}{rep_by_perl}{ $perls[$perl] } } ) {
my $field = "$rep->{phase}: <span class='$rep->{grade}'>$rep->{grade}</span>";
#$field .= discard_reason( $rep );
push @fields, $field;
my $field = join '<br>', @fields;
push @cells, "<td>$field</td>";
my $cells = join "\n", @cells;
my $regression_state = regression_state()->{ $report_group->{dist} };
$regression_state = { link => $regression_state } if !ref $regression_state and $regression_state and $regression_state =~ m@://@;
$regression_state = { verdict => $regression_state } if !ref $regression_state;
$regression_state->{verdict} ||= '';
$regression_state->{verdict} = '&#10006;' if ( $cells =~ /DISCARD/ and $cells !~ /(FAIL|UNKNOWN|NA)/ ) or !$report_group->{new}{fail};
if ( $regression_state->{link} ) {
$regression_state->{verdict} ||= 'yes';
$regression_state = "<a href='$regression_state->{link}'>$regression_state->{verdict}</a>";
else {
$regression_state = $regression_state->{verdict};
my $line = "
<tr class='$class'>
<a name='$report_group->{dist}'></a>
<a href='$report_group->{dist_wo_version}&mode=dist'>$report_group->{dist}</a>
<td style='white-space:nowrap;'>
<a href='$report_group->{dist}'>Matrix</a>
<a href='$report_group->{dist};reports=1;os=$tester_matrix_os'>Reports</a>
return $line;
sub regression_state {
my $meta_issue = '';
'Data-Properties-YAML-0.02' => '',
'Module-Install-1.00' => { verdict => 'not ours', link => '' },
'File-Find-Rule-Perl-1.10' => { verdict => 'not ours', link => '' },
'accessors-1.01' => 'no',
'MooseX-Storage-0.29' => { verdict => 'no', link => '' },
'GD-Barcode-Code93-1.4' => '',
'Test-WWW-Selenium-1.24' => '',
'Chemistry-Canonicalize-0.11' => '',
'Iterator-File-1.01' => 'no',
'Rcs-Agent-1.05' => '',
'Net-SMS-WAY2SMS-0.005' => '',
'Mail-Thread-2.55' => 'no',
'AcePerl-1.92' => 'no',
'Plucene-Plugin-FileDocument-1.01' => 'no',
'CGI-Application-Plugin-CaptureIO-0.01' => { verdict => 'no', link => '' },
'CGI-Mungo-1.3.0' => 'no',
'Net-SMS-TxtLocal-0.02' => 'no',
'DBIx-MySperqlOO-1.01' => '',
'FCGI-0.71' => '',
'List-Parseable-1.05' => { verdict => 'no', link => '' },
'Module-Install-ReadmePodFromPod-0.01' => { verdict => 'maybe', link => '' },
'GD-Text-Arc-0.02' => { verdict => 'no', link => '' },
'Devel-Comments-v1.1.3' => { verdict => 'no', link => '' },
'WebService-Google-Suggest-0.05' => { verdict => 'no', link => '' },
'MooseX-Compile-0.01' => { verdict => 'no', link => '' },
'Set-Toolkit-0.11' => { verdict => 'no', link => '' },
'Net-FTP-Recursive-2.04' => $meta_issue,
'Image-Imgur-0.01' => $meta_issue,
'TweetHook-API-0.01' => $meta_issue,
'FLAT-0.9.1' => $meta_issue,
'Array-Suffix-0.5' => $meta_issue,
'WWW-CMS-0.86' => $meta_issue,
'Attribute-Signature-1.10' => $meta_issue,
'SQL-Library-0.0.3' => $meta_issue,
'' => { verdict => '', link => '' },
'' => '',
sub make_comparison_page {
use Smart::Comments;
my ( $reports_total, @report_groups ) = @_;
#my @report_group_lines = map make_report_line( $report_groups[$_], $_ ), ;
my @report_group_lines;
for ( 0 .. $#report_groups ) { ### |===[%] |
push @report_group_lines, make_report_line( $report_groups[$_], $_ );
my $report_group_lines = join "\n", @report_group_lines;
my $generation_time = localtime time;
return "
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">
td, table, th {
border: 1px solid grey;
td {
padding: 0.05em 0.5em 0.05em 0.5em;
color: yellow;
color: Lime;
color: red;
color: orange;
body {
color: white;
background-color: black;
a {
color: white;
a:visited {
color: grey;
.alternate {
background-color: 202020;
<h1>$platform - $generation_time - ( $reports_total reports )</h1>
<h2>Left To Test: $left_to_test</h2>
<h3><a href='$old_link'>Old Reports DB</a> - <a href='$new_link'>New Reports DB</a></h3>
<div style='width=25em;'>
Reports link provided just in case.
They link to report list of dist on
configured OS, but reports may not
be processed by CPAN-Testers yet.<br><br>
The question marks after DISCARD grades show the failing dependencies of a module in tooltip and also link to it in the list. Some dists do not have those because they are <a href=''>missing in CPANDB</a>.
<div style='width=25em;'>
Source code is available here: <a href=''>Github Gist 890253</a>
<th rowspan='2' colspan='3'>dist</th>
<th>EUMM $eumms{old}{$perls[0]}</th>
<th>EUMM $eumms{old}{$perls[1]}</th>
<th>EUMM $eumms{new}{$perls[0]}</th>
<th>EUMM $eumms{new}{$perls[1]}</th>
<th rowspan='2'>Regr.</th>
sub prepare_cpandb {
my $s = CPANDB::Schema->connect( sub { CPANDB->dbh } );
my $distsrc = $s->class( 'Distribution' );
my $depsrc = $s->class( 'Dependency' );
$distsrc->has_many( 'req_links', $depsrc, { 'foreign.distribution' => 'self.' . ( $distsrc->primary_columns )[0] }, );
$depsrc->belongs_to( 'dep', $distsrc, { 'foreign.' . ( $distsrc->primary_columns )[0] => 'self.distribution' }, );
$distsrc->has_many( 'dep_links', $depsrc, { 'foreign.dependency' => 'self.' . ( $distsrc->primary_columns )[0] }, );
$depsrc->belongs_to( 'req', $distsrc, { 'foreign.' . ( $distsrc->primary_columns )[0] => 'self.dependency' }, );
for ( qw/Distribution Dependency/ ) {
my $class = $s->class( $_ );
$s->unregister_source( $_ );
$s->register_class( $_ => $class );
return $s->resultset( 'Distribution' );
sub deps {
my ( $dist ) = @_;
my $dist_obj = $dists->find( $_[0] );
return if !$dist_obj;
my $req_links = $dist_obj->search_related( 'req_links' );
my $reqs = $req_links->search_related( 'req' );
my %deps = map { $_ => 1 } $reqs->get_column( 'distribution' )->all;
return keys %deps;
sub get_dists_by_short_name {
my $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:SQLite:dbname=c:/Perl/cpanidx/cpanidx.db", "", "" );
my $long_dists = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "select * from dists", { Slice => {} } );
my %dists;
push @{ $dists{ $_->{dist_name} } }, $_ for @{$long_dists};
return %dists;
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