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Last active March 27, 2023 09:32
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Save 8bitDesigner/9696507 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
groups = YAML.load_file('./groups.json')
groups.each do |item|
group = Group.create({
name: item['name'].slice(0, 25),
description: item['description'].slice(0, 128),
banner: item['banner'],
members_count: item['members_count'],
privacy: 'public'
User.all.sample(g['members_count']).each do |u|
UserGroup.create(user_id:, group_id:, membership_type: 'member')
"name": "RTP Angular.js",
"description": "Google's Angular.js Framework is an up and coming technology which brings the MVC architecture to the client.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 76,
"url": ""
"name": "Nova Angular",
"description": "Our focus will be on Angular and JavaScript but we love the web, Python, and lots of other stuff. People of all skill levels are welcome. We want to help people make cool stuff.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": null,
"url": ""
"name": "SF Angular.js Meetup",
"description": "Free Angular.JS workshop, open bar, door prizes w/ @Domo engineers David Geddes and Aaron Frost! Clift Hotel, SF, May 30 5:30pm Register here:",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 287,
"url": ""
"name": "Phoenix Angular.js",
"description": "Angular.js is on FIRE. Whether you are already working with angularJS or you are a front end developer working with javascript, ember, jquery, etc, we are bringing people together to grow and strengthen the community of people who use AngularJS.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 73,
"url": ""
"name": "Atlanta MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node) Developers",
"description": "A group for software development professionals, who are interested to exchange ideas and share their experience on application development using MEAN Stack (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node).",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 84,
"url": ""
"name": "The Infamous Angular Meetup (Jersey City)",
"description": "If you have an interest in working alongside others then this is your type of group. We are by no means angular experts but we love the opportunities the framework brings into our own application projects. This group is a place to talk and socialize with others interested in front-end development, ui/ux design, and angularJS. Bring your current work and share your learnings over pizza, soda, red bull, and chips.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 39,
"url": ""
"name": "AngularJS Working Group/Hack Night",
"description": "Interested in helping out with Angular core? Need some help with an app you're working on? This is a meetup geared toward productive contributions to the Angular community, as well as personal improvement (not to mention the opportunity to hang out with some cool people). We'll plan on triaging existing pull requests and issues, discussing changes and improvements to Angular, submitting new pull requests, writing tests, and ultimately improving the framework as a whole. As someone who has been given a lot of opportunities thanks to Angular, this is an attempt to give back to the community.\nNew to Angular? Help us out with docs. It's a great way to learn about the framework. Found a bug? Let's get to the bottom of it and work out a solution. The possibilities are endless! Head to to get started.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 166,
"url": ""
"name": "AngularMN",
"description": "AngularMN strives to give Angular.JS developers here in the Twin Cities a place to learn more about Angular, share success stories with one another, show the best practices we've had success with, and hang out together to talk about this budding Javascript framework. We're a brand new group, so we'll be exploring different types of monthly meetings, like: \n- traditional \"Presentations\" on particular topics \n- lightning talks - fishbowl discussion sessions \n- project demos \n- or hack nights \n\n\n\nWe meet the first Wednesday of every month at the Virtuwell offices: \n179 E 9th St St Paul, MN 55101\nBeer and Pizza will be also provided!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 199,
"url": ""
"name": "AngularJS Ottawa",
"description": "This group is for anyone in the Ottawa/Gatineau area who uses, or is interested in using the AngularJS framework. The purpose of this group is to simply connect local developers who use AngularJS. Members are encouraged to share links, news, and tutorials related to AngularJS, including presentations at other meetup groups.\nWho is using AngularJS?\nIn the last 14 months usage has grown exponentially in parallel to other tools in the \"mean stack\" (node.js and NoSQL databases).  Angular currently has more tagged questions on Stack Overflow than any other client-side MVC framework, and it is starting to appear in fortune 500 enterprise applications.\n\nThe list of big sites using AngularJS is growing quickly. Here are some brands you may recognize:\n\\\\\\\nHuffington Post\nGoogle Trends\ - Elastic Beastalk\\n\n \nJust kicking the tires on AngularJS? Here are some resources to help get you started:\n\n\n\n Tools\n\nAngularJS/Bootstrap Boilerplate\nAngularJS fiddles\nAngularJs Pocket Reference for Android\n\n \nPresentations\n\nMidgard Project - August 2013 meetup\n\n \nBooks\n\nAngularJS by Brad Green and Shyam Seshadri (paperback)\nAngularJS by Brad Green and Shyam Seshadri (free e-book edition)\nMastering Web Application Development with AngularJS\nAngularJS Instant Starter\n\n \nTutorials\n\nA better way to learn AngularJS\nA Primer on Rapid Prototyping with AngularJS\nNetTuts - Building a Web App From Scratch in AngularJS\ - Write an app in AngularJS\neggHead - AngularJS Tutorials (YouTube)\nIntroduction to AngularJS (YouTube)\nDan Whalin - AngularJS Fundamentals in 60-ish Minutes\nAnother Good Cheat Sheet\n\n \nAngularJS News\n15 August - Huffington Post switched to MongoDB, Scala and Angular JS -\n18 August - Setting up AngularJS with Java Spring -\n24 August - New book -Mastering Web Application Development with AngularJS -\n13 September - Google Trends has been rebuilt with Angular.\n19 September - AngularJS #9 most popular project on gitHub -\n01 October - New HTML 5 UI framework for mobile web apps built on AngularJS and Topcoat  -\n\n\n02 October - Resources to Get You Up to Speed in AngularJS -",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 136,
"url": ""
"name": "AngularJS Vancouver",
"description": "This is a group for anyone interested in sharing and learning about Angular, a Google supported JavaScript framework for building web and mobile applications.\nWe meet monthly and are all about building and growing the Angular and JavaScript community in Vancouver",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 302,
"url": ""
"name": "AngularJS Ventura",
"description": "Come meet with local AngularJS developers who want to learn from each other's experiences, pass on best (and worst) practices, show off apps, and get deep into real-world and advanced usage of our new favorite framework.\nWe meet at the V2TC in Ventura, CA. Meetups will be ran by the group, but we'll always try to bring in one specific element of focus (eg. code organization, dev environment/tools, performance, testing, mastering directives, etc).\nAll levels of experience with Angular are welcome. If you're new, come jump into the fire, it's the best way to learn. Or, if you've been using Angular for years, we'd love anything you can contribute to the group.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 55,
"url": ""
"name": "AngularJS NYC",
"description": "Meetups are held the third Tuesday of every month, with the goal of sharing AngularJS knowledge and best-practices and providing a space where people can meet up and chat with others working with Angular.\n \nPresenting\nWe are always looking for speakers & presenters for future meet-ups, so if you are using or teaching AngularJS, please Contact Us if you have an interest in sharing your work with the group.\nWatch these and other AngularJS meetup talks at\n \nLightning Talks\nSignup!\nWe're looking for community members to do \"Lightning Demos\". These talks will be 5 minutes or less. The idea is NOT to give a big flashy demo of a finished application, but rather to briefly introduce yourself and show something you ran into using AngularJS.\nLightning talks are not recorded or posted to YouTube.\n \nResources on AngularJS\n\nPerfect place for everyone to start:\\\nangular@ mailing list",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"name": "AngularJS Boston",
"description": "The time has come to finally start this up. Angular's popularity is growing daily and the more general groups are already over-whelmed. Our first meetup was a success and we're already hard at work on our next one! We are open to ideas for talks and, of course, presenters for full talks or even just a 5-minute lightning talk on anything AngularJS related. Done something cool with Angular? Show us!\nHELPFUL LINKS:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 604,
"url": ""
"name": "AngularJS Silicon Valley",
"description": "Love working with Angular? Already working on a few cool tools using Angular? Come and meet likeminded developers. We'll be hosting hack events (or hackathons, but with healthy food options!), workshops, and small gatherings.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 98,
"url": ""
"name": "São Paulo AngularJS Real apps Meetup",
"description": "Esse é um grupo para aqueles que já tem alguma experiência com Angular.js. Nossas palestras serão sobre usos reais do framework em produção. Também haverá palestras sobre a interação de Node.js com Angular.js.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 34,
"url": ""
"name": "AngularJS Toronto",
"description": "Welcome to the Toronto AngularJS meet up. We generally try to meet the 3rd Wednesday of every month.\nAngularJS is the future of web development. It's so much better than everything else you'll shed tears of joy as you finally shed the trauma of out-of-control unobtrusive JavaScript (how on earth do you figure out what a page does?), jQuery (amazing but it doesn't scale), overloaded CSS (update at your own risk!) and the resulting expensive and unmaintainable web applications. AngularJS is to jQuery what jQuery is to non-library JavaScript. It's that good.\nThe 5 D's of AngularJS:\n1. DRY. Don't repeat yourself, which means no boilerplate.\n2. Declarative. HTML is the template and markup with AngularJS directives is the templating language. This works perfectly thanks to the next two D's.\n3. Dependency injection. Now I'm crying. You can actually test AngularJS apps, but more importantly you have scoping kung-fu where everything is modular, decoupled, and has a clearly logical place to go. It's pretty, implicit, magical, and it fixes 90% of what's wrong with every other JavaScript framework.\n4. Data-binding. Now I'm openly weeping with joy. Data-binding in a dependency managed, magically scoped, declarative, and DRY language is beautiful, amazingly succinct and powerful. Data-binding isn't the start with Angular- it's result. And this is the essence of Angular- the magic is in how everything works together. Dry + Declarative + Dependency Injection + Data-binding ALL work together. Remove one of them and AngularJS isn't AngularJS.\n5. Designer-Friendly. Your CSS will no longer look like you wrote it while on crack, and you can see within the HTML the general outline of what those developers are doing. And with that, you are free to go to town on the markup so long as you don't delete the ng- magic tags. Yes, dear designer, you can change the markup and style the application without destroying the business logic. How cool is that.\nSo there you have it.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 749,
"url": ""
"name": "ngPittsburgh",
"description": "Angular is a superheroic JavaScript 'Model View Whatever' framework. If you're looking for an alternative to writing unmaintainable and buggy jQuery spaghetti code come on down and give Angular.js a try!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 66,
"url": ""
"name": "Javascript xTreme",
"description": "When I was teaching Rails in Manhattan - I had created an \"after school\" program for adventurous students called Rails xTreme. Students loved it because it was more open, they could explore the material more without having to worry about assignments or homework. It was a safe and fun place to push Rails to the limit.\nI have decided to do that again. With Javascript.\nI don't actually have a meeting place right now - so it's going to be at me and my gf's house in Arrington (east of franklin). It will be once a week on Saturday for a few hours. I'm thinking 1pm and 4pm. If any of you have alternate suggestions I'm open to that. The first one will be this Saturday, January 25th.\nNow the important part. What will happen at these meetups? Well something that rarely occurs at other meetups - we will be creating real, live, actual running websites using the latest technologies in Javascript, Node, Angular, and much more. You will be on the cutting edge of web development creating mind-blowing sites in a fraction of the time it would take using less advanced techniques.\nHere is a PARTIAL list of things that you will be learning. \nBasic Javascript review, jQuery review, Ajax review, Node, Express, Databases (Postgres, CouchDB, MongoDB, Redis, MariaDB, Cassandra), Map Reduce (Hadoop), Web Deployment (Amazon EC2), Angular, Test Driven Development with Mocha, Jasmine, Qunit, Protractor and Karma, HTML 5 Technologies, Encryption, Socket IO, Audio/Video Streaming, Web Sockets, Game Development, Web RTC, Web Workers, Offline Storage, WebGL, Canvas, SVG, Camera API, Mobile Application Development, Touch Events, Geolocation, Device Orientation, CSS 3, Scaling your site to handling thousands of simultaneous connections, Advanced Linux, Pair Programming.\n Plus will get into loading a node server onto a $25 Rasperry Pi linux box and remotely controlling your home or creating autonomous robots that can guard your home while away. All this and more - much more!\nThis is the type of environment where startups are incubated. Maybe you could be develop the next facebook at the meetup along with your future co-founders.\nDon't just be a coder. Be an eXtreme coder!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 81,
"url": ""
"name": "Bleeding Edge Web",
"description": "This group began life as a Sencha/Ext JS focused group, but we decided that there's simply too much interesting stuff going on in web app development today to limit ourselves to a single technology.  We'll still discuss Ext (and especially Sencha Touch) when relevant, but our newly-expanded focus is on keeping up with the latest trends in the overall web application space.  Regardless of your specific background or current technical stack, anyone who wants to be a well-rounded developer and keep a finger on the pulse of modern development will love this group.\nOur format will have several areas of focus, which go beyond the typical meetup:\nCurrent Events and Trends\nThings are changing and new things are emerging in web tech at such a rapid pace that it's almost impossible to keep up. We'll begin each meetup with a recap of the most interesting news each month related to JavaScript tools and frameworks, browsers, HTML5, mobile, web architecture and anything else that modern web developers would want to know about. You won't want to miss this!\nTechnical Deep Dive\nWe want each meetup to focus on one or two specific areas of web technology and dive into them deeply enough to be really informative.  There are so many tools, libraries and frameworks out there that no one has time to evaluate everything. Just a few examples of things we might dive into, in no particular order: RequireJS, Bower, Jasmine, Backbone, CoffeeScript, HAML, SASS/LESS, jQuery, Angular, etc.  Basically, you don't have time to attend every topic-specific meetup in the world, so we'll bring the most interesting topics to our meetup!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 584,
"url": ""
"name": "Falkenberg JSers",
"description": "For anyone interested in JavaScript and associated frameworks. Let's meet up and share our ideas and interests.I am adrift here in Sweden having moved here from Seattle, USA. I'm willing to present what I know about JavaScript, Angular.js, D3.js, Backbone.js, Third-party JavaScript and whatever else is interesting to anyone in the group. If there is any interest I can find a venue for us in Falkenberg, and if you're willing to come to Ugglarp, free beer and snacks!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 3,
"url": ""
"name": "HackerNest São Paulo Tech Socials",
"description": "O maior Meetup de tecnologia do Canadá no momento.\n...e crescendo internacionalmente, yeah!\nFaça RSVP para ter acesso aos Meetups e outras atividades :)\n******** Facebook | Twitter | Google+********\n\nHackerNest is an international nonprofit community movement focused on building supportive Silicon Valley like tech communities in every city - strengthening local tech ecosystems globally through unpretentious social events and hackathons. We’re nurturing cohesive communities today to empower them with more relevant and accessible peer-based tech education tomorrow.\nO HackerNest é um movimento comunitário sem fins lucrativos focado na construção de comunidades tech apoiadoras, como as do Silicon Valley, em todas as cidades - reforçando globalmente os ecossistemas locais de tecnologia, através de eventos sociais despretensiosos e hackathons. Estamos fomentando comunidades coesas(precisa desse adjetivo? Achei que a frase ficou meio estranha) hoje, para capacitá-las no futuro com educação tecnológica mais relevante e acessível, baseada em pares.\n\nConectar pessoas é incrível!\n...e a benfeitoria comunitária gera um carma(energia) fabuloso(a).\n\nComo? Fazemos isso amontoando muitas pessoas inteligentes e talentosas em um espaço com cerveja grátis. Nossos descontraídos Tech Socials são no momento um do maiores Meetups de tecnologia do Canadá (estamos em diversas cidades).\n\n\n\nNossos membros - diversificados e altamente técnicos. Desenvolvedores, designers, engenheiros, profissionais de mídias/negócios sociais, empreendedores, investidores, etc reúnem-se regularmente para se socializar, falar de tecnologia, em alguns casos ouvir apresentação ou assistir demonstrações, e conhecer futuros co-fundadores, colaboradores, patrocinadores e amigos. Temos uma política rigorosa de babacas-não.\n\nQueremos uma rede internacional de \"células dissidentes\" HackerNest surgindo em todos os lugares - de cidades \"desconectadas\" à centros de inovação em plena expansão - para resgatar Nerds e Geeks de porões isolados, escritórios tediosos e da visão em túnel centrada no código (quando tudo na vida do indivíduo gira em torno de códigos de programação).\n\n\n\nNós amamos nerdcore.\n...pessoas tech, eventos tech, amor tech.\n\n\n\nPor trás das cortinas.\nSomos apenas pessoas regulares, trabalhadoras e com o pé-no-chão. Você não nos notaria na rua. (não chamamos a atenção) O rico passado / presente da nossa equipe inclui associações com Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Y-Combinator, ING Direct, DDB, o PNUD, UBS, ESRI, TEDx, etc, etc\n\n\n\nNós gostamos de esgrima, tatuagens Irezumi, futebol, escalada, história em quadrinhos, hackear hardware x86, kung fu, meditação, fazer daisy-chaining de kits arduino, \"Wikipidear\", \"Googlar\" e todos os tipos de coisas funky.\n\n\n\nA maioria de nós trabalha em período integral (às vezes em 2 turnos!) e possui projetos em andamento, mas estamos orgulhosos em contribuir com o nosso tempo e energia para algo que é fundamentalmente bom para o mundo.\n\n\n\natmosfera relaxante + bebidas na faixa + pessoas brilhantes\n=\nfogos de artifício\n\n\n\nTornamo-nos um dos maiores Meetups de tecnologia do Canadá, em um ano, antes mesmo de iniciarmos atividades em outras cidades. Hoje temos \"células dissidentes\" em várias cidades pelo mundo.\n\n\n\nNossa intenção é complementar e fortalecer ecossistemas de Nerd / Geeks existentes - nós viemos em paz. Este não é um negócio, ninguém é dono do HackerNest. Conceitualmente, é o ideal de uma comunidade forte e apoiadora da tecnologia - qualquer pessoa que não seja um babaca pode fazer parte dela.\n\n\n\nInteressado em formar um HackerNest na sua cidade? Dê uma olhada no FAQ em nosso website recém-implantado e em constante alteração, e entre em contato. Nós vamos fazer coisas incríveis acontecerem.\n\n\n\nWhoa, a descrição mais longa de todos os tempos. :)\n \n********\nFacebook | Twitter | Google+\n \nVeja com o que alguns de nossos Tech Socials e hackathons se parecem:\n\n********\n \nQuando: Depois do nosso Tech Social inaugural, regularmente. Volte para verificar!\nFormato: Descontraído. Juntar o pessoal, conversas sobre tecnologias, ocasionalmente uma apresentação, conspirações para dominar o mundo, etc. Veja aqui outras respostas.\nOnde: Geralmente no escritório de empresas high-tech (possui um local?)\n\n\n\nEm qualquer Meetup HackerNest, você pode encontrar:\n● Desenvolvedores de aplicações disruptivas, provavelmente implementadas em Python ou Ruby.\n● Designers hardcore impetuosos.\n● Viciados em PHP / Perl / .NET / Python / Django.\n● Desenvolvedores Fron-end hardcore, ninjas em NodeJS, Yeoman, Angular, Polymer, CSS3, etc....\n● Pessoas à procura de um desenvolvedor, empreendedor, investidor, nova manchetes de negócio para cobrir.\n● Especialistas em Objective-C e iPhone / iPad / Apple Product Pundits.\n● Engenheiros, gerentes e CTOs procurando por co-fundadores para participar da sua startup suportada por Investidor Anjo/ VC.\n● Jornalista assuntos para artigos / notícias sobre desenvolvedores/empreendedores interessantes e brilhantes.\n● Curioso totalmente alheio e que apenas apareceu porque soube que havia bebida na faixa(?).\n● Profissionais lutando para encontrar um parceiro para trabalhar com um contrato bem remunerado que está um pouquinho a cima do que pode ser realizado sem ajuda, dentro do prazo previsto.\n● Pessoas incrivelmente talentosas, inteligentes, empreendedoras e atiradas que são absolutamente perigosa para o status quo.\n● Gente muito interessante, porque na real, se estão saindo para um Tech Social na segunda-feira (ou terça, ou quarta) à noite ... essas pessoas têm que ser!\n\n\n\nAs chances são de você se encaixar bem, se você é um(a):\n● hacker/h4ck3r de software ou hardware (ou talvez de apenas um hack)\n● coder/ desenvolvedor(a) / programador(a) / 'camarador(a)'\n● Designer, UX-oriented, ou gosta de fazer as coisas terem boa aparência.\n● Biotech / Elétrica / Computação ou basicamente qualquer tipo de engenheiro(a)\n● Adminstrador(a) de rede / servidor / sistema\n● Especialista Front / Back-end\n● Investidor(a) Anjo\n● Capitalista de risco\n● Entusiasta de tecnologias\n● Jornalista / Blogueiro(a) / Troll\n● Recrutador sanguinário furtivamente procurando por desenvolvedores e designers\n● Magnata da Internet\n● Nerd / Geek / Freak / Tweak\n● Empreendedor\n● Profissional de SEO / SEM\n● Project Manager / Analista de Negócios\n● etc, etc\n... e não é um Robert. <3",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 115,
"url": ""
"name": "Thames Valley Web Developers",
"description": "This is a group for anyone interested in, or involved with, any aspect of frontend web development. All skills and levels are welcome! Meetups will involve informal talks and discussions on all aspects of frontend web development; Javascript frameworks (Angular, Backbone, Ember etc), jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Single-Page-Application architecture, and even NodeJS.\nFollow us on Twitter @tvwebdevs!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 113,
"url": ""
"name": "AngularJS Munich Meetup",
"description": "This is a group where anyone, who's interested and/or working in AngularJS is warmly welcome. All skills levels are welcome. I started this group because to meet other Angular enthusiasts outdoor. Looking forward to explore AngularJS in the physically offline way.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 106,
"url": ""
"name": "AngularJS DC",
"description": "Our objective is to create a great resource for AngularJS learning, and a fun, worthwhile meetup community. We have some exciting things planned—more casual, more interactive, less presentation. We're looking for participation and a comfortable environment for learning. Feel free to bring laptops, projects, and questions. Monthly meetings may include:\n\nUses of Angular: 5-30 min presentations on your projects - potentially \"lightening round\" style or long form, all in on session or broken across sessions\nWorking sessions: pre-organized working breakout groups that make real stuff; some ideas - tutorials, small apps/\"practice what you learn\" sessions, presentations for other meetups\nGuest experts: We're actively recruiting a number of experts\nHow-to: Many of us are looking to learn AngularJS. Let's share the love.\nLatest and greatest: Does your company have best practices to share? Are you obsessed with code and file structure? Have you heard any good AngularJS rumors lately?\nYour idea here: Bring 'em on.\n\nng-Helpers Let me know if you're an experienced AngularJS developer willing to answer questions or lead discussions. For each meeting, I'll give some willing experts AngularJS name tags for easy identification by those with questions. Name tags will indicate willingness to help, not AngularJS omniscience. If you have an idea for a meetup, please don't hesitate to contact me.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 675,
"url": ""
"name": "SE Michigan JavaScript",
"description": "JavaScript is quickly becoming required knowledge for all levels of web design and development, whether you're creating static web pages or highly interactive web applications. Join us to learn more about JavaScript.\nOur focus is on emerging technology including leading libraries such as Node.JS, Angular.JS and Backbone.JS. We plan to highlight techniques and tools but we're also interested in supporting beginners by teaching debugging techniques and skill building.\nWe plan to have something for everyone, all levels welcome -- beginner, intermediate, advanced, super-guru-ninja.\n \nFacebook:\nTwitter:",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 509,
"url": ""
"name": "AngularJS-IL",
"description": "Discuss and Learn more about Angular.JS - The amazing frontend development framework from Google",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 896,
"url": ""
"name": "Cultivate",
"description": "Cultivate is for people who love building software - not for software's sake, but for it's ability to create dramatic change in the world. We are designers and developers using our talents to create positive change that benefits our communities, our children and those who come after us.\nIn-person events cover a range of topics and formats. Learn the latest on building web applications with Angular and Node.js. Hack on tools to improve a farmer's productivity. Find a collaborator to work on your next big idea. Regardless of the topic or the format, we guarantee the food will always be great.\nGood Eggs is the sponsor of Cultivate and is a new kind of grocery store where you buy online directly from farmers and foodmakers producing high quality food with integrity. If you believe in our mission to grow and sustain local food systems and think Good Eggs might be the right place for you, let us know.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 275,
"url": ""
"name": "Frontend Awesome (Gainesville Front End Meetup)",
"description": "Hey Gainesville front end developers, let's get together and learn from one another! We'll be talkin' CSS3, HTML5, Sass, Compass, Javascript frameworks (angular, backbone, etc) and Jquery. All skill levels are welcome! Afterwards, we'll head over to a bar/restaurant for some socializing and some beer :)",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 58,
"url": ""
"name": "DRUG - Downtown Ruby Users Group - URUG",
"description": "This group is for anyone interested in learning more about web development, particularly related to Ruby/Rails & other applicable languages/frameworks. I've been organizing the downtown chapter of URUG ( for over a year now and decided to start a meetup page here to attract others as well.\nWe hold meetups the first Wednesday of every month @7pm. Usually there is a presentation or two, and good conversations/activities related to things happening in the Ruby and RoR world. We also tackle cover good software development practices, and many of the emerging technologies, front-end frameworks like Backbone.js, Ember.js, Angular.js, and responsive design.\nIf you want to follow more closely, join the google group as well!!categorie...",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 87,
"url": ""
"name": "Code Hearted - DC",
"description": "CODE Hearted is a group of developers focused on learning standards-based technologies. Code Hearted was started in Las Vegas, and has become a network of developers inspiring each other with the latest and coolest technology tools. By creating a development group focused on learning from each other about the most modern development techniques, we hope to push each other to building what we've always wanted to build. Our goals include: \n\nGroup Projects\nModern Code\nSexy Design\nCollaboration\nLearning Machine\nHave Fun\n\nSome of the main technologies we focus on are PHP (Laravel), JavaScript (Node and Angular), HTML5/CSS3, Java, C/C++, and databases, but we're open to anything that you're interested in. Check out our site for more info: CODE Hearted. I love scotch, scothy scotch scotch: Facebook Group: Github:",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 55,
"url": ""
"name": "South Florida JavaScript Meetup Group",
"description": "JavaScript makes it incredibly easy to make a web applications come alive. In this meetup we discuss various JavaScript frameworks including jQuery, jQuery mobile, backbone.js, ember.js, angular.js, knockout.js and other emerging frameworks.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 105,
"url": ""
"name": "SingaporeJS",
"description": "Developers interested in sharing knowledge and growing their skills around JavaScript and modern web technology: e.g. ES6, AltJS, NodeJS, Angular, Ember, Browserify, Web Components, HTML5 APIs, LevelDB, etc.\n\n\n Goals\n\nA monthly meetup\nPost-meetup meals/drinks for socialising.\nPrefer many short talks vs. few long talks.\nFocus on cutting-edge technologies and development techniques.\nFocus on open source over commercial products.\nFocus on clean code.\n\n\n\n If you want to help out, sponsor, or have any suggestions or feedback, just get in touch!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 607,
"url": ""
"name": "Angular-Philly",
"description": "Come learn about AngularJS with fellow Philadelphians!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 98,
"url": ""
"name": "AngularJS Utah",
"description": "Meetup hosted by AtTask focused on learning Angular.js.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 248,
"url": ""
"name": "HK Web Developers",
"description": "Kindly supported by Imagination HK - The Hong Kong Web Developer group is a meet-up dedicated to learning and sharing the latest in Web Standard Development.\nEach month, we get together over some pizza and drinks and talk about up-and coming trends and technologies. Some topics of interest are:\nScripting Trends:\n\nAngular.js\nCoffeescript\nDart\njQuery\n\nStyling and Graphics:\n\nCSS3 Animations and Filters / Shaders\nSASS\nWebGL including Three.js\n\nTools and Approaches\n\nWorking with Yeoman (Yo, Grunt and Bower)\nBDD with Jasmine\nTDD with Mocha\nGetting the most of Require.js\n\nNOSQL Technologies including:\n\nMongo\nRedis\nCouchDB\n\nThe Freshest HTML5\n\nPlaying with Polymer\nWeb Sockets\nWeb Workers\n\nPushing boundaries of the web:\n\nChrome NACL\nChrome Packaged Apps\nChromium and Native Web Extensions\n\n\n\n\nWe're always on the lookout for fellow geeks who are passionate about new tech and who'd love to share their knowledge with fellow developers.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 320,
"url": ""
"name": "JavaScript Ho Chi Minh City",
"description": "You like Javascript, Ember.js, Angular.js, Node.js, Vert.x, etc.?\nYou like cutting-edge web technologies?\nYou want to learn, share and become a master in Javascript and front-end development?\nWhy don't you join us - JavaScript Meetup Community to share your great ideas, learn from the others, and widen your network?\n------------------------------------------------------\nFacebook:\nG+:\n------------------------------------------------------\nFee: To cover the venue cost, the organizer would like to call for 50,000 VND/a person when attending each meetup.\nPlease register to Nicolas and do payment on the onsite day.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 204,
"url": ""
"name": "Liverpool Javascript user group (client/server side JS)",
"description": "Sponsored by Conex Europe and hosted by\nLiverpool Javascript usergroup we cover JS frameworks like Backbone, Angular etc, libraries like jQuery, extJS and server side options like Node.js and Rhino all washed down with some beer and Pizza.\nWe welcome all developers of all skill levels, we're a friendly bunch ranging from newbies to experts.\nfollow us on twitter @liverpooljsug\njoin us on linked in",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 82,
"url": ""
"name": "CODE Hearted",
"description": "CODE Hearted is a group of developers focused on learning standards-based technologies.  We all come from different coding backgrounds and levels of experience, so our goal is to get our of our caves for a while so we can meet our fellow coders, learn from each other, and build some cool stuff.\nSome of the main technologies we focus on are PHP (Laravel), JavaScript (Node and Angular), HTML5/CSS3, Java, C/C++, and databases, but we're open to anything that you're interested in.\nCheck out our site for more info: CODE Hearted.\nFacebook Group:\nGithub:",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 111,
"url": ""
"name": "NijmegenJS",
"description": "Developers interested in sharing knowledge and growing their skills around JavaScript and modern web technology: e.g. ES6, NodeJS, Angular, Ember, Web Components, HTML5 APIs, etc.\nGoals:\n• A monthly meetup with one or more (short) talks\n• A post meal/drinks for socialising.\n• Focus on cutting-edge technologies and development techniques. \nIf you want to help out, have any suggestions or feedback, just get in touch!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 36,
"url": ""
"name": "TriAngular.js",
"description": "A group for enthusiasts of the JavaScript framework, Angular.js. This framework is blowing up right now, so we want to start a group here in the Triangle for all of the professional developers, hobbyists, hackers and anyone else who is interested in meeting up to discuss or learn about this great Framework.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 145,
"url": ""
"name": "Santa Barbara JavaScript Meetup",
"description": "SB has Rails. SB has Python. SB has UX! But where is the JavaScript love? Want to escape your jQuery hammer? Want to learn the in's and out's of JavaScript the language? Want to know how to figure out what 'this' really points too? Interested in using sweet new frameworks like Angular, Durandal/Knockout, Ember, Flight, Backbone/Spine. Or maybe Node is your thing? Want to know different styles of programming like imperative, object-oriented, functional, or even functional reactive? Maybe learn how to test and organize your code better? Want to hack on cool projects? This could be for you! Come and join us.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 88,
"url": ""
"name": "San Salvador Angular.js Development",
"description": "AngularJS is the future of web development. It's so much better than everything else you'll shed tears of joy as you finally shed the trauma of out-of-control unobtrusive JavaScript (how on earth do you figure out what a page does?), jQuery (amazing but it doesn't scale), overloaded CSS (update at your own risk!) and the resulting expensive and unmaintainable web applications. AngularJS is to jQuery what jQuery is to non-library JavaScript. It's that good.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 11,
"url": ""
"name": "AngularJS - Edinburgh",
"description": "AngularJS meets are the third Thursday of every month at Silicon Walk in Edinburgh - 25 Greenside Place, Edinburgh. Come along and talk all things Angular. Talk about what your building and chat with likeminded developers over a beer or two.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 53,
"url": ""
"name": "ST Web",
"description": "Grupa za sve zainteresirane za razvoj mobilnih ili desktop web aplikacija. HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Backbone, Angular, Sencha Touch, Ext JS, PhoneGap, itd.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 5,
"url": ""
"name": "Arch Rails",
"description": "Arch Rails is a meetup for people interested in learning about application development using Ruby on Rails. Anyone is welcome - software developers obviously, but also front-end devs, designers and business people who are interested in seeing what Rails can do and how to work with Rails developers.\nOur goals:\n1) Focus on Ruby on Rails only, with discussion/learning about Ruby only provided in the context of Rails.\n2) Provide technical presentations for developers currently using Rails, or interested in it.\n3) Provide technical presentations for front-end web developers to understand the ins and outs of erb, haml, etc.\n4) Provide non-technical presentations for business people who've heard of Rails and want to understand how it can be used on their products/businesses.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 107,
"url": ""
"name": "New York Ruby on Rails",
"description": "Events will focus on Ruby on Rails engineering best practices and principles along with emerging Rails technologies.\nWe will focus events on mixing Rails with new and emerging technologies as much as possible.  Examples of this will range from using Rails with Big Data and high frequency trading to using rails to develop apps for robots, and new medical devices.\nWe will only allow the best RoR speakers to present, ensuring the quality of the content. Content will range from beginner to advanced and incorporate code and demonstrations.\nThe style of event can range from a community TED style event to a career fair, panel, party, or conference. Expect great Rails content, food, refreshments, and unbeatable networking.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 729,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby on Rails Los Angeles",
"description": "Interested in using your development skills to change the world?! Ruby on Rails Los Angeles is a bi-monthly gathering of Rails enthusiasts to collaborate and network with each other on creating products in Rails. The group is a meeting place for Rails guru's, and newbies with a business background, who are looking to build products in Rails alongside those with deep knowledge on the product side. We are a lean startup group focused on creating minimum viable commercial products specifically in Rails.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 31,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby on Rails Arizona",
"description": "Interested in using your development skills to change the world?! Ruby on Rails Arizona is a bi-monthly gathering of Rails enthusiasts to collaborate and network with each other on creating products in Rails. The group is a meeting place for Rails guru's, and newbies with a business background, who are looking to build products in Rails alongside those with deep knowledge on the product side. We are a lean startup group focused on creating minimum viable commercial products specifically in Rails.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 67,
"url": ""
"name": "Bangalore Ruby on Rails Enthusiasts!",
"description": "Main focus is on Ruby on Rails emerging and best practices. And to organize a community of Rails enthusiasts in Bangalore for sharing knowledge and getting to know about Rails activity around us. You are welcome to volunteer and contribute to the Rails community.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 68,
"url": ""
"name": "KC on Rails",
"description": "KC on Rails is an open-minded community of developers and students interested in learning how to develop applications in Rails, Ruby, and more. People with all levels of experience and backgrounds are welcome (seriously). From people who don't know what the command line or Git are, to experienced professionals, you'll find a home in this learning- & education-focused group.\nAlso, if you're working on an open-source Rails application that you'd like help with or would simply like to share it & gather feedback, this is the place for you.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 53,
"url": ""
"name": "Luxembourg Ruby On Rails Meetup",
"description": "This is a group for anyone interested in Ruby and Rails near Luxembourg and Greater-Region",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 4,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby on Rails SLC",
"description": "Interested in using your development skills to change the world?! Ruby on Rails SLC is a bi-monthly gathering of Rails enthusiasts to collaborate and network with each other on creating products in Rails. The group is a meeting place for Rails guru's, and newbies with a business background, who are looking to build products in Rails alongside those with deep knowledge on the product side. We are a lean startup group focused on creating minimum viable commercial products specifically in Rails.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 102,
"url": ""
"name": "San Francisco Ruby on Rails Group",
"description": "Ruby on Rails San Francisco!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 3,
"url": ""
"name": "TOKYO Rails Meetup",
"description": "The TOKYO Rails Meetup Group is aimed at web engineers who are using, or are interested in learning more about the Ruby on Rails framework.\nWe want to encourage all Rubyists and Railers to join us every month for good food, drinks and conversation at the COOKPAD offices in Shirokanedai, Tokyo. The events are open to all, and we particularly want to encourage both Japanese and English speakers to come and join in.\nThe meetups will feature presentations and coding/hacking events as frequently as possible\nAlso, take a look at our project site: and Fork it on Github\n--------------------\nTOKYO Rails Meetup は Ruby on Rails に興味を持っているエンジニアのためのコミュニティです。\n毎月、白金台にあるクックパッドのオフィスで Ruby や Ruby on Rails に興味のあるエンジニアと共に、クックパッドのキッチンで調理したおいしい食事とビール(ソフトドリンク)で盛り上がりましょう。\nイベントは事前にお申込みいただければ参加無料です。日本で働く外国籍のエンジニアも多く参加していますので、海外で働いてみたいエンジニアの方、英語を勉強をしているエンジニアの方も気軽に参加ください。また、日本語・英語を問わず、LT をしていただける方も募集しています。\n\n\n\n それでは、みなさまのご参加をお待ちしております!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 548,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby on Rails Study Group",
"description": "This is a group for anyone learning Ruby on Rails to get together and help one another. Perfect for those who work a 9-5 job and don't have time/money for an intensive 10k+ 3-month-long bootcamp. Each project night, we will pick a simple fictitious app to try and build. We will work collaboratively through git/ and deploy it to heroku when we're done. We can then invite professionals to review our code and give us feedback. We will also document our steps, so new students joining our group can get up to speed. I have videos, books and other resources to help us along the way. Feel free to bring your own materials and/or topics you want to learn. The cost is only $10 and that helps cover the rent for the space, utilities, cleaning and meet-up administrative costs. Advanced sign up is required. You will need your own laptop. We will be focusing on Ruby 2.0.0-p247, Rails All skill levels are welcome. If you're an instructor or professional Rails dev and would like to contribute somehow, please contact me. Disclaimer: This is not a instructor-led class. I'm not a professional Ruby/RoR instructor. I have only been studying it for a few months. I can help others to be best of my abilities and I am hoping to learn from others. Now let's learn some Rails!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 61,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby on Rails Oceania Sydney",
"description": "Ruby on Rails developers are passionate about developing some of the best, industry leading web applications out there.  We are also passionate about our community and welcoming new members into our fun expanding group.\nWe hold monthly meetups in Sydney, where we give talks and discuss topics about Ruby on Rails, software development and just a friendly chat with mates.\nOur usual meetup spot is on the top floor of the Trinity bar in Surry Hills, feel free to RSVP and come along.\nWe usually have a packed house and welcome anyone along.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 612,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby on Rails Schweiz",
"description": "Die Ruby on Rails Switzerland User Group verfolgt folgende Ziele:\n\n* Rails in der Schweiz bekannter machen\n\n* Rails-Entwickler der Schweiz auflisten\n\n* Austausch zwischen Rails-Entwicklern fördern\n\n* Liste mit Unternehmen die Rails einsetzen/anbieten\n\n* Case Studies aus der Schweiz",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 227,
"url": ""
"name": "NYC on Rails",
"description": "Discuss all Ruby and Ruby on Rails related topics, meet other developers and other interesting folks. Presentations, workshops, hack-fests and more. Meet other developers, find out about interesting projects and opportunities for work and potential employment. Join the group and you'll get a weekly NYC on Rails newsletter with lots of great beginner material. \nIf you are looking for a ruby developer or a technical co-founder, I highly recommend you post your job at RubyNow. It's one of the most cost-effective ways to find a talented ruby developer. You can also opt-in to sponsor our weekly NYC on Rails newsletter and your job listing will arrive in over 1300 rails developer's inboxes. Post today -",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 3,
"url": ""
"name": "Boston Ruby on Rails Meetup Group",
"description": "The Boston Ruby on Rails group is for Ruby on Rails users of all experience levels to discuss, demonstrate, and share information, projects, and best practices regarding the Rails framework and the Ruby programming language.\nWelcome to all new members!  We're in the process of planning our first meetup.  Feel free to add your own ideas.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"name": "Chicago Ruby on Rails Outreach Workshop for Women",
"description": "This group is for organizing and conducting the Chicago Ruby On Rails Women's Outreach workshops. The goal is to increase gender diversity in the Ruby community by helping women learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails.\nThe workshops are geared to help, primarily, women learn Ruby On Rails. It is a free workshop and any level of experience is accepted. Anything from \"I have never coded before in my life\" to \"I have been doing this for years and just want to see what is up with this Ruby on Rails thing\" will be fine. Men are welcome to come as a guest of a woman who is registered for the event.\nIf you are interested in attending, supporting, volunteering or just want to know what is going on with the group please feel free to join.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 235,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby and Rails Melbourne",
"description": "Ruby on Rails developers are passionate about developing some of the best, industry leading web applications out there.  We are also passionate about our community and welcoming new members into our fun expanding group.\nWe hold monthly meetups in Melbourne, usually at the awesome Inspire9 space, where we give talks and discuss topics about Ruby on Rails, software development and just a friendly chat with mates.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 414,
"url": ""
"name": "Santa Barbara on Rails",
"description": "Meet up with us monthly to discuss all things Ruby and Rails!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 137,
"url": ""
"name": "LA Eastside Ruby & Rails Study Group",
"description": "Calling all people studying Ruby and Ruby on Rails or Web Development. We meet up with our laptops and work on our own projects and have the support of each others knowledge. We'll discuss any problems you are having and go over them together. This is a self study group with some goals. Programmers of all varieties are welcome from brandy new to pros. Opportunities for pair programming and mentoring are always welcome. We meet every Thursday night 6:00-9:00 pm. with occasional changes to Tuesday night to accommodate the LARuby Meetup. Everyone is welcome but women are especially encouraged to attend. Right now we meet at the Glendale Panera on Brand Blvd. • Don't feel intimidated if you are brandy new to Ruby or Ruby on Rails; we will help you get up to speed if you are willing to put in the time. And others are there to help you with your questions. • If you are more advanced; you can having a dedicated study night and hopefully help others with your expertise. • Maybe you have a demonstration you are willing to share with the group.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 83,
"url": ""
"name": "Nashville Ruby on Rails beginners",
"description": "We meet to learn Ruby on Rails from a beginner level. This meetup is good for: people who want to build their own web apps, developers new to Ruby on Rails, graphic designers who want to learn Ruby on Rails, people who want to get a job in web development",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 225,
"url": ""
"name": "The Seattle Ruby on Rails Developers Meetup Group",
"description": "If you're a rails dev, you already know, there aren't a whole lot of resources out there for us, not like there are for php, that's for sure.\nI thought it would be helpful for all of us railers to interact, learn, share, network, and hang out.\nAs far as I know, our RoR group is the biggest and one of the most active in Seattle. We have laid back hang-out style meetups weekly, and every 4-6 weeks or so we try to hold an educational/networking meetup where we can all get together, network, and learn.\nAt our educational/netoworking meetups, we often have businesses from the area who use Ruby on Rails come talk with us about how they're utilizing it in their respective technologies.\nCome join us and and help us turn this .net town into one with a vibrant Rails community.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"name": "The Hudson Valley Rail Trail Riders",
"description": "This group is dedicated to riding bicycles for fun , fitness , and recreation. Keeping that in mind , the majority of the riding will be done off road , away from the busy , possibly distracted cell phone and texting automobile drivers . We will explore the various rail trails in Dutchess , Orange , Ulster , and Columbia counties.\n\n Most of there trails are paved , except for the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail in New Paltz , the Hurley trail in Kingston, and the Stewart Buffer Lands in Rock Tavern , which are a mix of crushed stone and hard packed dirt. While any bike could be used on the paved paths , a dedicated road bike would not be very comfortable on a gravel and dirt trail. A hybrid , comfort , or mountain bike would be more comfortable in this environment. The choice of ride , though , for the various trails , is entirely up to you.\n\n So , for anyone that used to ride and wants to get back into it ( clean the dust and/or clothing off of it and take it out of the basement/shed...) , or anyone who presently rides that would like some company , check out the nice rail trails that are springing up all over the Hudson Valley.\n\n Some of the trails are relatively short ( 2.5 miles one way) , while others are a pretty decent length (5-11 miles one way).\n\n During the ride or afterwards , if there is any interest to grab a bite to eat , or something to drink , or just an ice cream cone or shake (depending on our location) , we can play that by ear.\n***********************************************************\nPLEASE BE SURE TO CLICK ON THE \"Pages\" SECTION OF THIS GROUP TO READ ABOUT THE MEETUP \"DISCLAIMER\" AND \"TERMS OF SERVICE\"\n \n \n*************************************************************\n \nLightsey Cycles is  on board as a sponsor for our group. While he doesn't cover any group fees , Kirk is offering our members a 10% discount on purchases , as well as a discount on any rentals that are available.\nWelcome to the Hudson Valley! Lightsey Cycles is a full service bicycle shop located in the Gardiner, NY. Our intention is to serve all members, at all levels, within the cycling community. Young, Old and everyone in between, we envision a place that will create an interest for the new riders and inspire the passionate ones. We at Lightsey Cycles want to be your place to find new and innovative inventions, products, parts, gadgets and accessories as well as your hot spot to find the perfect bicycle for you and your family in the Gunks.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 469,
"url": ""
"name": "AORTA - Association of Oregon Rail and Transit Advocates",
"description": "Join AORTA!\nThe Association of Oregon Rail and Transit Advocates is a 501(c)(3) non-profit citizen advocacy group working to educate the public about the need for safe, fiscally responsible, environmentally sound transportation since 1976. It is also known as the Oregon Association of Railway Passengers (OreARP).  AORTA works cooperatively with the National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) while maintaining its autonomy.\nAORTA works to improve intercity passenger trains, commuter rail, light rail, streetcars and buses. We promote communities with a bicycle and pedestrian friendly environment. We work to ensure both people and freight are able to move safely and efficiently, while minimizing adverse impacts on the environment. We work for communities in which both people and businesses will thrive.\nThe AORTA Office is located in Portland's Union Station, 800 NW 6th Avenue, Suite 253, Portland, Oregon 97209.\n\n\nCheck out our web page at",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 8,
"url": ""
"name": "Silicon Valley Ruby on Rails",
"description": "\"The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world,\nare the ones who do\" ~ Steve Jobs\n \n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nWelcome!  Thank you for joining!  If you are new to Ruby on Rails or an intermediate, advanced Ruby on Rails Engineer - you will love this group! \nI plan on offering the following:\n\n\n 1.  Variety of Ruby on Rails classes.  These classes will be offered for beginning RoR developers or intermediate/advanced level.\n\n\n\n 2.  Presentations given by guest speakers(RoR developers) from great startups.\n\n\n\n 3.  Networking events to connect with RoR developers to share experiences and information.\n\n\n\n 4.  Helping RoR developers enhance their resumes and find the right RoR job (also salary/bonus negotation tips).\n\n\n\n 5.  Discounts/promotions and contests for upcoming conferences, RoR textbooks..etc -\n\n\n\n 6.  Tips & Tutorials - follow us on twitter: @rubymeetup, facebook:\n \nIf you have any questions, need advice or are looking for work, feel free to contact me.  Would love to help!\nFor the Love of Ruby & the Ruby Community,\nJeanine Swatton\",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 2,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby on Rails -Pilsen",
"description": "This is a group for anyone interested in learning how to program using Ruby and Ruby on Rails. All skill levels are welcome. However, we will focus more towards beginners who are interested in learning how to code for fun or professional development.\nOur group meet ups will be held at BLUE|1647 Innovation Center located at 1647 South Blue Island (Chicago, IL).",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 125,
"url": ""
"name": "Monster on Rails - Web Development Meetup Münster",
"description": "Monster on Rails was originally founded as Ruby on Rails Usergroup Münster. Since there are many corresponding technologies around in Ruby sphere we are dealing many topics like Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Software Architecture, Frontend Performance, Javascript in general, backbone.js, node.js, NoSQL, so on. Usually we meet monthly.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 62,
"url": ""
"name": "Sydney on Rails for passionate beginners",
"description": "This is the first Sydney based meet-up dedicated to learning Ruby on Rails. Whether you are a developer, a startup founder, or someone who just wants to learn how to code, this is the meet-up you can't miss!\nWe'll discuss all Ruby on Rails related topics, let you know about workshops, hack-fests and share lots of great beginner material as well!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 195,
"url": ""
"name": "SCV Ruby/Rails Meetup",
"description": "Welcome to the SCV Ruby/Ruby on Rails meetup page! We'll discuss all things Ruby, Ruby on Rails, and anything that piques our members’ interest. We pride ourselves on an open, inviting group that listens to member needs and feedback. We make it easy to start your own \"sub-group\" to address your passion, or join up with others. We love to discuss front-end, design, back-end, book clubs, or anything in between. Join today!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 26,
"url": ""
"name": "Dallas Ruby on Rails",
"description": "Are you an old pro at Rails? Or maybe a complete Rails newbie? Great! Join us to discuss all things Rails -- as well as other forward-looking technologies.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 106,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby on Rails Burlington",
"description": "Join us for presentations, workshops, and to discuss all Ruby and Ruby on Rails topics. Meet developers and other interesting people. Hear about our interesting projects and opportunities for work and potential employment.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 114,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby e Rails Lisboa",
"description": "A comunidade de desenvolvedores em Ruby e Ruby on Rails da região de Lisboa já tem um ponto de encontro. É aqui! Inscreve-te e participa! Vê como estamos organizados na página About/Acerca.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 150,
"url": ""
"name": "The Vienna Ruby and Ruby on Rails Meetup Group",
"description": "The Vienna Ruby and Ruby on Rails Meetup Group is for all programmers that are interested in Ruby or Ruby on Rails. Discuss all Ruby and Ruby on Rails related topics, meet developers and other interesting folks. Presentations, workshops, hack-fests and more. Find out about interesting projects, opportunities for work and potential employment. After our meetups, some of us have drinks or a bite somewhere nearby.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 70,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby on Rails Gold Coast",
"description": "A place for Ruby on Rails developers from all over the Gold Coast and Southern Queensland/Far North Coast NSW to meet and talk shop on everything to do with Ruby and the Ruby on Rails framework.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 19,
"url": ""
"name": "The Los Angeles Ruby/Rails Meetup Group",
"description": "Welcome to the Los Angeles Ruby/Rails Meetup Group.  Members generally refer to this group as \"LA Ruby\". We also have postings where we are referred to as \"laruby\" and even \"la-ruby\".  By the way, we have a twitter account which is @laruby and the hashtag is #laruby.  A related group is la.rb which is the group that has the Los Angeles Ruby Brigade Weekly Hack Night.\nThe Los Angeles Ruby/Rails Meetup Group is for anyone interested in learning or sharing experiences with \"Ruby\" or \"Ruby on Rails\".\n\n\n\n We meet the second Thursday of each month. The location of the Meetup depends on who is sponsoring. We attempt to rotate between West-side and Northeast side.\n\n\n\n This is a thriving developers community through the efforts of everyone involved. Special thanks goes out to Alf Mikula for going beyond the call of duty to make our Meetups extremely interesting and successful.  His devotion to this group has been awesome.\n\n\n\n Speaker Proposals: If you have a pertinent subject matter that you'd like to present to the group at an upcoming meetup - please contact myself (JR Fent) or Alf Mikula - with a short bio and description of your presentation.\nMembership: This is a PRIVATE organization.  We have the right to deny anyone membership.  If you wish to join, you must fill out the questionnaire truthfully and completely. Please tell us both your FIRST AND LAST NAME. If you do not supply your full name - you will be asked to supply a link to your LinkedIn profile. \n\n\n\n IF IT IS YOUR INTENTION TO JOIN JUST TO RECRUIT DEVELOPERS: Don't bother.  We will not allow you access.\n\n\n\n Best Regards,\n\n JR Fent\n\n LA Ruby Meetup Organizer",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"name": "RailsMN -- Rails for Beginners",
"description": "A group in built to help those learning Ruby on Rails build new businesses, cool prototypes, side projects and more in the Minneapolis and St. Paul area.\n \nEvents include:\n\nintroductory classes on Rails\n'hack' sessions where you can partner 1:1 to get over sticking points\nlightning talks to help you learn 'the other stuff' (CoffeeScript, SASS, HTML5, Git, etc)\n\n \nWe encourage people of all skill levels in Rails to participate!\n \nOur Google Group is located here:!forum/railsmn",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 284,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby Rebels: San Antonio Ruby/Rails Meetup at Geekdom",
"description": "Calling all Rubyists (and anyone who wants to learn Ruby/Rails) -- we're started a Ruby group here at Geekdom!! This group needs to be here because more people need to get exposed to Ruby and we're here to share the love with talks, food/drinks (once we get a sponsor), and code challenges/hack sessions. There will be pizza and maybe beer.... if we get a sponsor (otherwise expect to make a beer/pizza run)",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 35,
"url": ""
"name": "North Bay Ruby on Rails",
"description": "Welcome!\nSan Francisco, Silicon Valley and the East Bay have meetups for Ruby on Rails but until now there has been nothing north of the Golden Gate. Whether you are new to Ruby on Rails or a long-time practitioner, we hope you will find something useful in this group.\nWe will host events in Marin, Sonoma and Napa counties.\nOur plan is to follow the offerings of the Silicon Valley Meetup:\n1. Variety of Ruby on Rails classes. These classes will be offered for beginning RoR developers or intermediate/advanced level.\n2. Presentations given by guest speakers(RoR developers) from great startups.\n3. Networking events to connect with RoR developers to share experiences and information.\n4. Helping RoR developers enhance their resumes and find the right RoR job (also salary/bonus negotation tips).\n5. Discounts/promotions and contests for upcoming conferences, RoR textbooks..etc.\n6. Tips & Tutorials - follow us on twitter: @northbayruby\nThanks!\nChip Roberson",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 125,
"url": ""
"name": "One Month Rails: NY",
"description": "Welcome!\nJoin us for the One Month Rails study group! With opportunities to meet your coding buddy, guest speakers, networking, and some killer high-fives after you launch your first app.\nNever heard of One Month Rails? OMR is for total beginners. Get started here:\nSee you there, \n\n Mattan",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 142,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby on Rails Latvia",
"description": "Ruby And Rails community in Latvia and city as Riga, Ventspils, Liepaja, Valmiera, Jelgava and etc.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 153,
"url": ""
"name": "LA Westside Ruby & Rails Study Group",
"description": "We are dedicated to increase gender diversity in the Ruby community by helping women learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails. Each week we meet on the Westside of the Los Angeles area, primarily meeting in Santa Monica. Our aim is to build a rock-solid community of women programmers, specializing on Rails that support each other with a community spirit. You may have absolutely no coding experience to advanced skills. All are welcome, even the boys! Come join us!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 126,
"url": ""
"name": "One Month Rails: San Francisco",
"description": "Welcome!\nJoin us for the One Month Rails study group! With opportunities to meet your coding buddy, guest speakers, networking, and some killer high-fives after you launch your first app.\nNever heard of One Month Rails? OMR is for total beginners. Get started here:\nSee you there, \n\n Mattan",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 153,
"url": ""
"name": "Calgary Ruby on Rails Group",
"description": "Ruby on Rails - Calgary",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 122,
"url": ""
"name": "Talleres de Ruby on Rails por Crowd Interactive",
"description": "Alguna vez has tratado de aprender Ruby on Rails? Está difícil? Muy complicado? Ni sabes para qué sirve? Si te identificas con alguna de estas preguntas y te interesa encontrar una respuesta, esto es para ti. El objetivo es dar a conocer Ruby on Rails desde un enfoque práctico, apoyado por un grupo de desarrolladores con experiencia en los temas a revisar",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 76,
"url": ""
"name": "Long Island Rails Road",
"description": "Welcome to the Long Island Rails Road Meetup Group!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 67,
"url": ""
"name": "Ghana Ruby and Rails User Group",
"description": "Home of the Ruby and Rails community in Ghana. Meet like-minded people, share knowledge and learn new things.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 8,
"url": ""
"name": "Los Angeles Women's Ruby on Rails Group",
"description": "This group is dedicated to increase gender diversity in the Ruby community by helping women learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails via an ongoing series of outreach workshops in the Los Angeles area. The workshops are geared to help, primarily, women learn Ruby On Rails. The workshops will be free and any level of experience is accepted;   from having never coded to years of experience - all are welcome! Men are welcome, provided that they are a guest of a woman registered for the event. If you are interested in attending, supporting, volunteering or just want to know what is going on with the group please feel free to join.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 321,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby on Rails & iOS - DevPoint Labs",
"description": "Calling all aspiring web & mobile developers! DevPoint Labs is a coding bootcamp teaching Ruby on Rails & Objective C / iOS development in 11 weeks. We're an immersive, in-person coding education center opening in Salt Lake City.  We host a variety of meetups including open houses, instructional coding demos, and socials. Learn more about ruby on rails, Objective C / iOS development, ask questions, or just show up for the free food! Check us out, we're providing the opportunity to pivot your career into web or mobile development. If you have struggled to learn to code by yourself, or want to become a technical founder we're here to help.\",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 106,
"url": ""
"name": "SD Ruby (Ruby on Rails Enthusiasts)",
"description": "We are San Diego's Ruby community. If you're interested in Ruby or Ruby on Rails, this is the group for you.\n \nMONTHLY MEETINGS\nWe kick off our monthly meetings with two talks given by SD Ruby members.\nTopics can include Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Javascript -- basically anything related to web development or computer science. This is a great place to show off your latest project, gems and plugins, or something you recently learned. Open to all skill levels... just show up and join the fun!\nWhen: 1st Thursday of each month\nLocation: Computer Science & Engineering Building at UCSD in La Jolla, San Diego\n \nHACKFESTS\nHang out with other Ruby developers and hack on projects together. Pizza is provided and you're encouraged to bring your favorite beer.\nWhen: 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month\nLocation: Monk Development in Old Town, San Diego\n \nCLASSES\nWe also provide short four to five week-long introductory classes taught by experienced Ruby developers in the SD Ruby group. Signup is required and there's a nominal fee for each class (which is used to purchase food and drink for students).\nWhen: TBD\nLocation: Monk Development in Old Town, San Diego\n \nFor more information about SD Ruby, check out our website.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 483,
"url": ""
"name": "OC-LA Ruby on Rails",
"description": "This group intends to offer support to new-intermediate Ruby and Ruby on Rails aspirants interested in learning and sharing what they learn with others. The group is also seeking to create a support network for teachers (and non-teachers) that want to draw connections of programming concepts to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 168,
"url": ""
"name": "Meta Rails Philly",
"description": "A group dedicated to the rails stack along with related technologies and discussion. This is meant to cover a variety of topics at varying depths, and while the focus is the ruby on rails stack, it is not limited to it. The goal is for everyone to share with the rest of the group while also organizing social gatherings where we can meet and mingle with one another, or group activities.\nMeetups are encouraged to be decentralized, and organic for anything from a group of 3 to 300. Feel free to suggest a meetup you'd be interested in, or create one.\nNot sure where to go in philly Google hangouts are a great alternative. Some form of dues may come down the line to support meetings in venues.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 27,
"url": ""
"name": "New York High Speed Rail Meetup",
"description": "This group is for all those interested in the development of a state-of-the-art HIGH SPEED RAIL NETWORK throughout the United States of America. As a central hub, or \"mega-region\", New York City is an integral part of this national conversation. This meet-up group is dedicated to educating, promoting and influencing this development, particularly with regards to the Northeast Corridor (NEC). Welcoming all rail enthusiasts and professions alike; particularly those interested in Transit Oriented Development (TOD), urban-planning, transportation infrastructure, private-public partnerships, and MUCH MUCH MORE.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": null,
"url": ""
"name": "Timisoara Ruby on Rails Community",
"description": "This group is trying to gather all the Ruby on Rails enthusiasts and passioned web developers in Timisoara.\nOur goal is to present this innovative framework and work together to create new and cool things.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 58,
"url": ""
"name": "BKK Rails & Javascript Developers",
"description": "This is a meetup group for people with a passon for Ruby on Rails, Javascript and related technologies. This group was started with the intention of building a community of Rails and Javascript developers in Bangkok.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 213,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby on Rails Oceania",
"description": "Home of the Ruby and Rails community in Perth. Meet like-minded people, share knowledge and learn new things.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 175,
"url": ""
"name": "Saint Louis Ruby On Rails",
"description": "We are a group of Ruby/Ruby On Rails fanantics",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 47,
"url": ""
"name": "Rails Girls Atlanta",
"description": "A meetup for women* of all skill levels in the Atlanta area wanting to improve their software development knowledge using Ruby on Rails. Beginner and seasoned pro friendly.\n*We also welcome men to our group when accompanied by an interested lady; otherwise, may we direct your attention to",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 187,
"url": ""
"name": "Learn to code web apps with Ruby on Rails - BaseRails OC",
"description": "Do you have a startup you've always wanted to build but you didn't know how to code? Have you always wanted to learn new skills like Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap, CSS, APIs, and databases, but you never found the best way to learn it? Join us and start building. \nWe'll dive right into learning how to build a online marketplace with functionalities common to any web app including:\n•  Upload product listings complete with prices, descriptions, and images \n• Create user accounts and login to see personalized dashboards \n• Implement powerful design features with CSS \n• Accept credit card payments and initiate transfers to third-party bank accounts  \n• Secure your sensitive account data \n• Deploy your website live\nThis meetup group is the offline component of our online BaseRails course. At our in-person meetups, students will have help with troubleshooting, share their progress, and get tips on customizing their apps.\nYou can enroll in our online course at BaseRails and get a 50% discount after joining this meetup group. Join us and see what you can learn!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 96,
"url": ""
"name": "DevPoint Labs Vegas - Ruby on Rails & iOS Development",
"description": "Calling all aspiring web & mobile developers! Let's learn and talk about ruby on rails and Objective C / iOS development. We may also set up a demo app.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 44,
"url": ""
"name": "East Bay Rails",
"description": "Rails-focused monthly hackathon in downtown Oakland. Convenient to Bart. Less talk more code.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 194,
"url": ""
"name": "Learn to code web apps with Ruby on Rails- BR Santa Monica",
"description": "Do you have a startup you've always wanted to build but you didn't know how to code? Have you always wanted to learn new skills like Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap, CSS, APIs, and databases, but you never found the best way to learn it? Join us and start building. \nWe'll dive right into learning how to build a online marketplace with functionalities common to any web app including:\n• Upload product listings complete with prices, descriptions, and images \n• Create user accounts and login to see personalized dashboards \n• Implement powerful design features with CSS \n• Accept credit card payments and initiate transfers to third-party bank accounts \n• Secure your sensitive account data \n• Deploy your website live\nThis meetup group is the offline component of our online BaseRails course. At our in-person meetups, students will have help with troubleshooting, share their progress, and get tips on customizing their apps.\nYou can enroll in our online course at BaseRails and get a 50% discount after joining this meetup group. Join us and see what you can learn!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 54,
"url": ""
"name": "Rails For Startups",
"description": "A SOMA Meetup for start-ups, entrepreneurs, engineers with great ideas, VCs, Angels and anyone else who wants to build systems, platforms, products or services using elite level Ruby on Rails development.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 189,
"url": ""
"name": "Rails Girls Pgh",
"description": "Want to continue building things in Ruby on Rails? Catch up with attendees and interested coaches to continue your learning and coding practice!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 22,
"url": ""
"name": "The NJ Ruby on Rails Group",
"description": "Ruby on Rails in New Jersey",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 26,
"url": ""
"name": "Australian High Speed Rail",
"description": "I decided to start this group because High Speed Rail because after over 150 years of trains, Australian Passenger Trains only run at an average speed of 80km. That's the same as steam trains of the nineteenth century.\nThe purpose of the group is to promote community involvement and discussion in bringing about HSR in Australia that benefits the community.\nAnybody interested in technology or trains should join.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 10,
"url": ""
"name": "Taipei Rails Meetup",
"description": "Hi, we are Ruby Taiwan Group. We host Ruby / Rails events every Tuesday night.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 407,
"url": ""
"name": "The Brisbane Ruby and Rails",
"description": "Developing with the Ruby on Rails framework and programming in the Ruby language.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 475,
"url": ""
"name": "Learning Ruby on Rails together - Sussex",
"description": "A group for those starting out in the world of Ruby on Rails, or those who are learning and wanting to bounce problems around without feeling intimidated. We'll meet once a month to share ideas, problems, and what we have learned, and perhaps find people to code with and learn together. I started this group to find people like myself who have started learning in isolation but learn more quickly by sharing problems, and enjoy working together with others.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 33,
"url": ""
"name": "The Madrid Ruby and Rails Meetup Group",
"description": "Learning, sharing and meeting with Ruby and Ruby-on-Rails developers and enthusiasts! The official languages of the group are English and Castellano",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 294,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby Ireland",
"description": "Ruby Ireland is a developer group for anyone interested in Ruby or Rails in Ireland of all levels. We'll look to organise some fun meetups for 2013 around this awesome language and community!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 456,
"url": ""
"name": "Urban Ruby",
"description": "We are friendly professional Ruby developers who have a passion for helping others master their craft in Ruby, Rails, and similar languages and frameworks.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 42,
"url": ""
"name": "South West Ruby User Group",
"description": "All things Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Open Source and geeky. This is a technical meet up group for the growing interest in Ruby and RoR in the South West. Newcomers more than welcome. We all have lots to learn and lots to share so please come and join us.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 20,
"url": ""
"name": "San Diego RailsBridge",
"description": "This group is for organizing and conducting the San Diego RailsBridge Ruby On Rails workshops. The goal is to increase gender diversity in the Ruby community by helping women learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails. The workshops are geared to help primarily women learn Ruby on Rails. It is a free workshop and any level of experience is accepted. Anything from \"I have never coded before in my life\" to \"I have been doing this for years and just want to see what is up with this Ruby on Rails thing\" will be fine. Men are welcome to come as a guest of a woman who is registered for the event. If you are interested in attending, supporting, volunteering or just want to know what is going on with the group please feel free to join.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 95,
"url": ""
"name": "South Shore Developers Meetup",
"description": "We're a group of software developers based on the South Shore of Massachusetts who are interested in learning, growing and sharing software development ideas, tools and techniques. The South Shore isn't the technology hub of Boston, but there are a lot of great developers who either live or work here. We'll have monthly meetings dedicated to sharing what we're working on, learning about new frameworks and best practices, and perhaps hoisting a few beers & slices of pizza while we're at it.\nCurrent members are working with everything from Ruby, Rails & Node to C# & Java.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 31,
"url": ""
"name": "Orange County Ruby Group",
"description": "The Orange County Ruby Group is the place to learn and share information about Ruby, the Rails framework and related technologies in Orange County. We meet up monthly in Newport Beach, CA!\nWe cover several different languages and tend to focus on web applications and ruby.\nReasons people join:\nYou're a Ruby developer looking to network with other Ruby developers in Orange County.\nYou're not a Ruby developer, but want to learn a new language.\nYou're an entrepreneur who wants to learn how to code your ideas.\nYou're a person who wants to lean more about computer programing in general.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 22,
"url": ""
"name": "Learn Ruby in DC!",
"description": "This is a group for anyone interested in learning to program. I'm trying to teach myself Ruby/Ruby on Rails/Git/general programming and I feel like it would be more fun in a group. I would love to meet regularly and work through a beginner book or building a program. Please let me know if you're interested in joining me!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 205,
"url": ""
"name": "DaVinci Coders",
"description": "The Zero to Programmer MeetUp\nAre you ready to become a part of the Ruby On Rails Revolution?\nThis meetup is designed to encourage people with a mild to medium awareness of the Ruby on Rails programming platform to be able to meet and interact with like-minded individuals who see the opportunity that knowledge of Ruby On Rails and related computer programming knowledge offers.\nWhy Ruby on Rails? Simply put, programming tasks that took 10 hours to code in older languages can now be accomplished in 1 hour or less using Ruby. Ruby can be used to write desktop applications, web applications, automation scripts, credit card processing, etc., and is already being used by large companies like Groupon, Hulu, Yellow Pages and Twitter. Rails is the web application framework written to support the Ruby programming language.\nIf attendees are interested in pursuing this topic further, they are encouraged to learn more about the DaVinci Coders ( 11 week program that is being taught at DaVinci Institute, located in Louisville, CO. DaVinci Coders is designed as a full immersion beginner-level skills-training program with for a maximum of 16 students per session.\nAdvantages to learning Web Development include\n1.) Ability to Start Your Own Company\n2.) Starting A New Career\n3.) Develop New Social connections\n4.) Make More Money\n5.) Ability to create your own programs and apps",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 204,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby and Open Source Meetup, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA",
"description": "Learning and meeting with Open Source enthusiasts, with a special emphasis on Ruby and Ruby-on-Rails. Discuss Open Source topics, meet other developers and interesting folks. Presentations, workshops, hack-fests and more. Find out about interesting projects and opportunities to use your skills.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 64,
"url": ""
"name": "DC Web Design, Development, Tech, and Media Authority",
"description": "If you are interested in learning or sharing anything about designing, developing and supporting a great web site, service, app or online social network community, this group will not just explore, but we will discuss and possibly build, together.  This includes Javascript, HTML5, Ruby on Rails, MongoDB, mobile web support, CakePHP, WordPress and other content management systems.  But it does not stop there. \nThis group will identify and explore the use of technologies, content, media and social elements that goes into supporting a Web 2.0/3.0 environment.  We won't just talk about these elements, we will use them to help each other build something.  In-depth exploration, discussion, experimentation and implementation of HTML5, Javascript, CSS, PHP, Ruby on Rails, any and all elements that support today's web environment and services will be executed.  \n \nMeet our new organizers for DC Web Design Development Tech and Media Authority \n\n \nThere's more to a web site than just the front end and various types of engines that do the work, you have to have somewhere to store the data itself right?  We will explore and discuss the different database models such as MySQL, MongoDB, CouchDB and many others that can be used, depending on the requirements of the web project.  While we we are at it, let's explore Cassandra.\nSo we will cover the web tech, content, media and the social elements of a website/service, but there is still more to it.  So web hosting services, types and features will be identified.  Everything from the use of shared hosting plans all the way up to Amazon Web Service (AWS) will be explored.  Members will be able to make better more informed decisions on hosting service selections based on what we experience together.\nThere is a lot involved in developing a website, a service platform, social network or other online environment.  You have the content, media, front and back ends of the solution that may leverage many pieces of technology fused together to make everything look great and function well.  Some of us don't have the skills, time and/or resources to design, develop and maintain a website. For those members we will identify the best content management system (CMS that meets their needs such s WordPress and other popular CMS solutions.  We will also explore emerging CMS solutions based on Ruby on Rails such as Locomotive, Radiant and Browser CMS to determine if they are worth the attention and time to implement.\nBig ambitions right, well this is going to be a big group.\nUsing methods pioneered by JumpstartLab and Hungry Academy, we want to grow our own developers, including Ruby on Rails.\nFolks, presentations are great, but this group is about more than that.  We are actually going to build developers, build web sites and new types of online services.\nHow will we accomplish all of this?\n\nPresentations from Ruby on Rails Pros, Javascript, HTML5, WordPress, CakePHP and other evangelists.\nWorkshops (Hands On) introductions to new development tools, coding techniques, plugins, advance features and more\nStudy Groups weekly smaller sessions at different locations to continue using web development toolkits on real world projects or just for fun\nPlugin development to extend the capabilities  of WordPress and other CMS solutions\nHackathons  small and large, including conference size events hosted by our partners.\n\nTalking about web design and development tech and not doing anything useful with it is not what this group is about.  We expect more and want to turn this into a real community of developers of all levels to learn,share and possibly collaborate on real world projects.\nIf this sound like something interesting that you want to be a part of, join us.  If you want to contribute to meetups, become an organizer or even be a moderator at our study halls, just let us know.\n \nDC Web Design Development Tech and Media Authority is a part of Just Dev It (One) Network",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 523,
"url": ""
"name": "Kharkov Ruby Users Group",
"description": "This is a group for everyone interested in ruby/rails development or learning. All skill levels are welcome. We are looking forward to build an awesome local community of rubists in Kharkov\n \nEvent host: Ainstainer Software Development Teams",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 49,
"url": ""
"name": "Beijing Rubyist",
"description": "Hi 北京Rubyists, 帮助北京的Ruby新手成长 帮助北京的Ruby公司招聘 帮助创业公司找到合作伙伴 在这里我们可以一起贡献开源项目 研究个人项目和互相切磋 我们欢迎任何水平的rubyist参与我们的活动. 关注 @北京Rubyist Why? The Ruby and Rails worlds are known for their collaboration, and 北京Rubyist takes an active role. We focus on fun and collaborate to solve problems. We provide each other support as we take on new challenges in Ruby. How? We also host larger, formal events on a semi-regular basis. We encourage everyone, from Ruby novice to expert, to join us to learn and contribute. We're excited to grow and support the Ruby and Rails communities! Where? Join our mailing list, follow us on 微博, and peruse or submit to our Beijing jobs board.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 239,
"url": ""
"name": "Barranquilla Ruby Users Group",
"description": "Local community of Ruby/Rails and enthusiasts located in Barranquilla. / Comunidad local de entusiastas de Ruby/Rails ubicados en Barranquilla.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 58,
"url": ""
"name": "Casablanca.rb",
"description": "A group for web developers from Casablanca and around. With a special focus on Ruby (Rails / Sinatra) and similair frameworks.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 56,
"url": ""
"name": "Opal.rb London",
"description": "This is a group for anyone interested in learning about, using or hacking the ruby opal project. Opal is a ruby to javascript compiler. Opal includes a compiler (which can be run in any browser), a corelib and runtime implementation.There are already several useful libraries that make use of Opal e.g. opal-jquery, opal-rails which means we ruby fanatics can switch to writing ruby instead of javascript or coffeescript. We will have coding sessions, presentations, debates and food and drink :)",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 5,
"url": ""
"name": "Silicon Valley Ruby Entrepreneur on Rails/Bigdata/NOSQL db",
"description": "With the challenges of launching an internet startup, Ruby frameworks such as Rails and Merb have become a game changer. Web apps are easier than ever to launch. Small teams are developing slick web apps in rapid iterations. Let's meet and discuss Ruby, Frameworks, Rails, Merb, and Entrepreneurship. If you're a ruby startup, we would love to hear about your journeys from idea to launch and beyond. If your a venture capitalist or investor, we would love to hear about trends the ruby community should look for. If you are looking for partners, or have a great idea, this is the place to network. Our goal is to be a catalyst for innovation with networking, presentations, and discussions. This meetup will discuss hot topics on ruby, rails, merb, internet entrepreneurship, coding techniques, framework internals, scaling, financing options, new ruby/rails/merb startups, and hot trends in the industry. Join us if you want to be on the bleeding edge! The Ruby Logo is Copyright (c) 2006, Yukihiro Matsumoto. It is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 agreement:",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 345,
"url": ""
"name": "Rail Trail Moms & Kiddos",
"description": "We love walking the Windham Rail Trail, and thought it would be nice to get a group of mom's and their kids together to walk along and explore the trail with us while making new friends! The Windham Rail-Trail occupies a scenic stretch of abandoned rail ( Manchester and Lawrence) between Range Road (at Rockingham Rd.) in Salem and Windham Road, about 4 miles to the northwest. The Windham Rail-Trail passes by farm pastures, orchards, ponds and marshes through a corridor of trees. Two notable railroad bridges are also found along the trail; one is a keystone archway built from New Hampshire granite in 1849. The trail also has stone-cut ledges—offering relief from the summer heat and sporting multi-colored ice flows during winter. Wildlife is abundant along the trail. Watch for deer, moose, owls, turtles, herrons and beavers, as well as many species of duck and geese. In addition to the old stone walls along the trail, you'll find a cellar hole from an 19th-century sawmill. And the Windham Depot buildings and surrounding property have been designated a historic district by the town of Windham. Sound like fun? Come and join us!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": null,
"url": ""
"name": "Seattle RailsBridge Group",
"description": "This group is for organizing and conducting the Seattle RailsBridge Ruby On Rails workshops. The goal is to increase gender diversity in the Ruby community by helping women learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails.\nThe workshops are geared to help primarily women learn Ruby on Rails. It is a free workshop and any level of experience is accepted. Anything from \"I have never coded before in my life\" to \"I have been doing this for years and just want to see what is up with this Ruby on Rails thing\" will be fine. Men are welcome to come as a guest of a woman who is registered for the event.\nIf you are interested in attending, supporting, volunteering or just want to know what is going on with the group please feel free to join.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 366,
"url": ""
"name": "Delhi NCR Ruby Meetup Group",
"description": "The basic idea about starting this group is not just collective thinking, networking or communication; it goes beyond that and is even more focused on something which we would call collective actions. \"Learning and meeting with Open Source enthusiasts, with a special emphasis on Ruby and Ruby-on-Rails. Discuss all Ruby and Ruby on Rails related topics, Open Source topics, meet other developers and interesting folks. Presentations, workshops, hack-fests and more. Find out about interesting projects and opportunities to use your skills\"",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 70,
"url": ""
"name": "RoRing Women",
"description": "Are you a Ruby on Rails newbie looking for similar ladies in the same carriage? Do you prefer to learn by doing?\nRoRing Women aims to create a community to foster your interest, curiosity and/or talent in Rails through online challenges and small projects. Whether it’s just a casual hobby, or you’re the female version of David H Hansson, the focus is to pair to speed up the learning process.\nWhat if I don’t code? Not a problem. In fact, great! One of the reasons for starting this community is to group all of us who want to learn RoR and prefer to learn in a group environment. \nI’ve been developing for years and I was hoping to find people with whom I can have in-depth discussions. That’s fine! Join us, get in touch and tell us what you’re looking for. The goal is to create a RoR ecosystem that fosters all ability levels. Maybe our newbies can learn from you! \nI’m not a lady. Is that a problem? Send me a message telling us why you’d like to join, and we’ll let you know if the group would be a good fit.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 9,
"url": ""
"name": "The Kiev Ruby Meetup Group",
"description": "Welcome to The Kiev Ruby Meetup Group! Here we're happy to see everyone who's interested in learning or sharing experiences with \"Ruby\" and \"Ruby on Rails\". Our aim is to give a community for local Ruby developers to club and brainstorm some new ideas. We meet every first Thursday of each month. The location of the Meetup depends on who is sponsoring. Speaker Proposals: If you have a pertinent subject matter that you'd like to present to the group at an upcoming meetup - please contact our coordinator Julia Tokareva - with a short description of your presentation.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 168,
"url": ""
"name": "B'more on Rails",
"description": "B'more on Rails is a community of Baltimore folks who use the Ruby programming language and the Ruby on Rails application framework.\nWe meet monthly and welcome newcomers of all experience levels, whether you've never touched Ruby or have been using it for years.\n /\nB'more on Rails is dedicated to a harassment-free meetup experience for everyone. Our anti-harassment policy can be found at:",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 773,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby Zagreb",
"description": "A group for anyone interested in Ruby. If you're classy like Sinatra or hyped like Rails, we speak your language.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 41,
"url": ""
"name": "RailsGirls NL",
"description": "RailsGirls aims to introduce more women to the wonderful world of programming in Ruby on Rails.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 94,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby Lovers of Helsinki",
"description": "Inspired by Ruby?\nBut living in the freezing north?\nCome and join us to thaw (defrost), meet, talk, share and mostly spend time with other people who are interested and inspired by Ruby.\nTopics will include anything related to Ruby, which off course includes a lot of Rails, but also, in no specific order, language features, virtual machines, testing frameworks, development methodologies, application servers, deployment, any interesting gems and anything else you want to talk about.\nSo just come along for a beer and talk.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 18,
"url": ""
"name": "NIRD Seattle",
"description": "NIRD is a Rails consultancy in Seattle. We don't wanna brag, but like 90% of all NIRDs are ladies. That makes us some sort of tech company unicorn. This group is for our public social and educational events. We care about increasing diversity in technology, sharing our knowledge with others, building amazing Rails apps, and always having a cute dog in the office.\nIf you're interested in getting started with Rails or in the tech industry generally, you'll like our events. If you're a woman who codes (or wants to code), you should totally hang out with us. If you've got a cute dog, you should definitely bring it with you to hang out with us!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 120,
"url": ""
"name": "Timișoara Ruby Development Community",
"description": "This meetup aims to be a meeting place for the local community of people interested in the Ruby programming language, Ruby on Rails and related technologies, in and around Timișoara.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 106,
"url": ""
"name": "Boulder Ruby Group",
"description": "We’re a software users group interested in the programming language, Ruby. Our talks range from specific aspects of Ruby on Rails to metaprogamming to anything else in the Ruby world. Occasionally we may talk about software topics not directly tied to Ruby.\nTo keep up to date on the latest in our community join our Google Group.!forum/bou...",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 281,
"url": ""
"name": "Rail Travel Meetup Group",
"description": "Meet others to share stories of rail travel, including local and nationwide travel on Amtrak, excursion trains, tourist railways, Canada VIA rail and foreign rail travel.Share recommendations or even find a new friend to travel with.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 467,
"url": ""
"name": "RailsBridge Cape Town",
"description": "Free Ruby on Rails workshops for women and their friends.\nThe RailsBridge Workshop is a free one-and-a-bit day course run by a volunteer team of experienced and enthusiastic developers. It aims to promote diversity in the software industry by providing an accessible starting point to women interested in coding. The course covers an introduction to programming concepts, the available tools, and Ruby and Rails development techniques. It teaches practical skills useful to those investigating new career paths, looking to compliment their current skill set, or simply interested in gaining a better understanding of software.\nAttendees should identify as a woman, and can bring a guest of any gender. You should be comfortable using a computer, but no programming experience or hardware expertise is required. You should have your own laptop to bring along. Mac, Windows, and Linux machines are welcome.\nRead more at",
"banner": "",
"members_count": null,
"url": ""
"name": "LocalMotion",
"description": "Whether you're new to Ruby, or new to programming altogether, come join Boise's Ruby developers to discuss our love for the world's most fun language to write.\nDiscussion topics center around Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Jekyll, general scripting, and beer.\nWe host monthly #brewby events at 10 Barrel in Boise, as well as workshops for budding developers of all skill levels.\nCheck out our blog at",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 50,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby Nuby™",
"description": "We are a Community of Contributors™ learning Ruby on Rails programming, related technologies and entrepreneurial skills in a collaborative, cooperative manner.  We only assume that one knows how to press an On Button. Our members pledge to help Ruby Nuby, in some way in the future, with our socio-economic mission of teaching the sames skills to disadvantaged and at-risk youths. We believe in passing the gift of what others have generously taught and shared with us to those who may not have the same access and want to bootstrap themselves. There is no free lunch at Ruby Nuby. Everyone contributes with effort and/or financially. \nPlease read the \"About\" page to read our Mission Statement and find out more about our socio-economic mission.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"description": "This is a group for anyone who has the desire to explore the many \"rails to trails\" bike paths and/or other more leisurely bike routes (weekdays, weeknights and weekends) with a nice group of friends within a reasonable driving distance of the Southern Chester County/Wilmington/Philadelphia  base area! Bike Pace might vary according to terrain, but basically a nice leisurely safe pace where we can get some great photos or just picnic for a while. Some of my favorites include the Schuylkill River Trail (Philadelphia) , Perkiomen Trail,(Reading ), New Hope Trail,(New Hope) Heritage Rail Trail (York), Struble Trail (Downington, Pa), Lancaster Country Roads. We could also plan group trips to western, central Pa which have some incrdible rails to trails ride as well. Other short leisurely (safe) biking will also be considered by the group. We can meet once a month to select our upcoming venues and (if we so desire, other adventures as well). Looking forward to meeting other people who are also outdoor biking enthusiasts.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 92,
"url": ""
"description": "הקבוצה מאפשרת למפתחי רובי חדשים או מתחילים לפגוש מפתחים אחרים וללמוד מנסיונם. תשובות לשאלות ספציפיות אפשר למצוא בגוגל, אבל בשביל להיות מפתח ריילס אמיתי צריך ללמוד מאחרים המפגשים יהיו מעשיים, בליווי תכניתן מקצועי מחברת 500 טק. תביאו לפטופים ובירה. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a group for new and beginning Ruby on Rails developers to meet other developers and learn from their experience. You can google your way out of specific problems, but learning best practices is only by sharing. The events are all hands-on, and mentored by the programmers of 500Tech Ltd. Bring your laptops, and a bottle of beer Contact: tel: 0527475633 - Adam tel: 0546649862 - Boris emailto:#{user}",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 284,
"url": ""
"description": "ChicagoRuby is a group of Ruby on Rails enthusiasts with events in downtown Chicago and in the suburbs. WindyCityRails is our annual conference. Watch the 2013 conference videos.\n\n\n\n Did you miss a monthly meeting? The group's Ruby on Rails videos may prove helpful.\n\n\n\n The ChicagoRuby motto: When smart people challenge each other to grow, great things happen!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 2,
"url": ""
"name": "Dev Study Group",
"description": "This is a free weekly study group on Sundays at 6pm. We will be working through The Odin Project curriculum from beginning to end.\nThe Odin Project is a free online curriculum for learning web development with Ruby on Rails. It stitches together the best existing content into an opinionated and straightforward path for going from total novice to hireable as a junior developer.\nDuring the week, we will be working through the curriculum independently, and completed projects are due on Sunday at our meeting. During our study group meetings, we can show our completed projects, discuss questions, and keep each other motivated.\nParts of the curriculum will appear to be review for some people. Parts of the curriculum will appear to be insurmountable for some people. We will steadily progress, nonetheless.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 100,
"url": ""
"description": "This group is for improving your language level and ability, and helping each other.\n \nIt is FREE to members of the group.\nWe focus on Conversation, and giving people the confidence to talk, loud and clear using real situations.\nWe  have regular meetings set up for\n\nSwedish\nEnglish\nSpanish\nGerman\nFrench\nItalian\nPortuguese\nRussian, Chinese, Arabic  and Greek conversation to come as we grow bigger.\n\n \nlanguage exchange svenska spanska franska italienska tyska ryska grekiska engelska portugisiska arabiska japanska inglés francés alemán italiano ruso sueco spotify ruby on rails person nummer java japonés árabe spotify ruby on rails java lund malmö person nummer job jobb griego suédois anglais espagnol français italien allemand russe chinois japonais grec arabe Schwedisch Englisch Spanisch Französisch Italienisch Deutsch Russisch Chinesisch Japanisch Griechisch Arabisch Шведский Английский Испанский Французский Итальянский Немецкий Русский Китайский Японский греческого арабский Σουηδικά Αγγλικά Ισπανικά Γαλλικά Ιταλικά Γερμανικά Ρωσικά Ιαπωνικά Κινέζικα Ελληνικά Αραβικά 瑞典 英語西班牙語 法語意大利語 德語俄語 中國 日本 希臘語 阿拉伯語 スウェーデン語 英語スペイン語フランス語 イタリア語ドイツ語 ロシア語中国語 日本語 アラビア語、ギリシャ語",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 534,
"url": ""
"description": "Heb je ooit wel eens van Ruby gehoord of werk je dagelijks met Rails? Kom dan een keertje naar Groningen! Er is elke vierde dinsdag van de maand een Groningen.rb in het Launch Café.\nOnder het genot van het een paar ijskoude pilsjes, zul je te weten komen hoe groot de Noordelijke Ruby wereld is en wat er daarbinnen zoal gebeurt.\nOh, en vergeet niet voor onze nieuwsbrief in te schrijven!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 87,
"url": ""
"description": "Our  group is  for anyone interested in the preservation of our local deserts & OHV FAMILY FUN! Dirt-Bikes, Jeeps, RZR,  4X4's, Quads, Sand Rails, Dune Buggies etc.  We take frequent trips to Ocotillo Wells, Glamis, Superstition & local tracks. The San Diego Off-Road Vehicle Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of off-roading as a safe, healthy, family activity. The Mission of the San Diego Off-Road Vehicle Association is to further off-roading as a safe family experience while promoting and preserving the natural environment. Many of us ride dirt bikes,Jeeps, Razors, Joyner's, Sand Rails, Quads & Buggies. If you can ride it in the desert then we are totally down for it! Many of us are born & raised natives of San Diego & bring to the table a wealth of knowledge & experience. We are all well versed in the deserts, dunes & tracks. We also offer clinics twice a year for all Newbies. If your not sure what type of gear you need to head out to Ocotillo Wells we have answers for you & are more than stoked to help you get into the sport we love. If you're having mechanical problems with your bike, quad or any other OHV let one of us know. Many of our members are seasoned mechanics that have worked at various Off-Road Dirt Bike Shops & are happy to help you wrench on your bike! If your new to San Diego & new to riding we welcome all levels of riders. In our group NO ONE gets left behind. We look out for one another & safety is always 1st. & foremost.  Beginners are more than welcomed & in fact we encourage beginners to join. We offer a safe & family oriented atmosphere on all our trips. If you're a single Mom or Dad looking to introduce your kids to good clean family fun you've found the perfect group to join. We have many single parents who are members & have watched their children totally grow through out the years in a fun family atmosphere that promotes safety 1st & Off-Roading good times. We are also involved in the protection of our environment & the continuous legal battles that face us every year. As many of you know there are a few certain groups who are trying to shut down Ocotillo Wells & other Family Recreational Parks to Off-Roading. We have a group of well versed attorneys who attend all meetings & represent our Association in a positive nature. You will find that we do much more than just ride our toys in the desert. Our group is totally committed to abiding to all State Laws & Fighting for our rights to ride & enjoy California's State Parks. We leave an extremely small foot print behind when we leave the desert. In fact we always make sure to leave our camp area cleaner than what we found when we arrived. So if we sound like what your looking for for yourself or family come on & join us! All levels of riding ability are welcomed!  Not to brag but we also have some of the most experienced BBQ Masters around. Theres nothing better than staging camp on Friday in Ocotillo Wells or Glamis & then preparing for evening BBQ's & Bon Fires! Many of our members also take great pride in their BBQ Smokers! Yep, some of the best smoked Tri-Tip & Baby Back Ribs you've ever tasted. So bring your Weber Grills, Traeger Smokers & Big Green Eggs & join us in some awesome Pot-Lucks! A lot of our female riders cook up some awesome beer can chicken so what are you waiting for??!! Can't you just  smell the BBQ Smoke in the air? The beautiful smell of your exhaust as you warm it up for the 1st morning ride?  Guys, girls, kids & family dogs make up our incredible Association of like minded people who enjoy Off-Roading, camping & giving back to our beautiful State Parks.  Don't miss out on an Epic season with us! VISIT US ON OUR WEBSITE AT:\nA little taste of Thanksgiving 2011 in Ocotillo. Enjoy!! ▶ Thanksgiving 2011 Featuring Rihanna song Cheers, Burning Turkey, Leigha, Heidi and friends - YouTube",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 93,
"url": ""
"description": "Meet other local Ruby/Ruby On Rails programmers as well as discuss and learn about both Ruby and Ruby On Rails.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 448,
"url": ""
"name": "Learn Web Development",
"description": "We're a group of passionate techies from all different levels of experience and we're dedicated to both learning and teaching web development.   You should join if you'd like to learn or teach web development, whether that's with Ruby on Rails, Django, Javascript or if you have no idea what those things are.  \nWe believe strongly in project-driven learning, group coding, and open-source software development.\nOur meetups will cover a wide range of activities, including:\n• In-person study halls\n• Special events from around the developer ecosystem\n• Group pairing sessions online around existing open-source projects\n\n\n• Organizational meetings to coordinate pairing activities among members\n\n\n• Online office hours\n\n\nOur meetups are emphatically member-driven so feel free to host and post your events on our page!  If you find something really helpful from another group, post the link here (but don't allow RSVPS!) and tell people where to find the original event so they can sign up.\nWe aren't strongly particular about the languages represented, but we'll probably be most involved with HTML, CSS, Ruby, Ruby on Rails and Javascript.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 239,
"url": ""
"description": "Starting to learn Ruby and Rails? This group is for Ruby, Rails, and programming beginners looking to get together and learn from each other. At this meetup, there won't be an expert walking around, helping you overcome roadblocks by giving you the solution. Instead, this group aims to be a gathering of the 'blind', those of us starting on the journey towards becoming developers, working together to share insights and knowledge. Bring a project you've been working on. Bring a Hacker News article you want to share. Bring a list of reference guides or railscasts that may help your fellow 'blind.' Most importantly, bring a desire to work with your fellow travelers on the path to a programming future. Let's code!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 379,
"url": ""
"name": "Model Rail Radio Meetup",
"description": "This is a group to build a local community from the international phenomenon that is Model Rail Radio. If you are interested in model railroading but have never been inspired by a local community, try the international community that is Model Rail Radio.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 5,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby Seagulls",
"description": "This is a group for anyone interested in Ruby on Rails, only Ruby, also in stealing rubies and diamonds, meeting interesting geeks and wasting a time in dreaming of one-billion-euro StartUp.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 3,
"url": ""
"description": "Willkommen zum Salzburg Web Dev Meetup!\nWir sind begeistert von HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Rails, PHP, MySQL, Mongo and weiteren top-aktuellen Web Technologien. Wir treffen uns einmal im Monat (meist am dritten Mittwoch) zu Vorträgen über die neusten Konzepte, Features, APIs sowohl im Frontend als auch im Backend.  Manchmal gibts auch Präsentationen von lokalen StartUps, oder Vorträge aus dem Web Design.\nZweimal im Jahr gibt's dann das große Barcamp \"The Next Web\".\nDazu genießen wir gratis Essen und Getränke die unsere großzugigen Sponor-Firmen zur Verfügung stellen. Vor und nach den Präsentationen gibts Gelegenheit zum informellen Austausch, um Firmen und Menschen besser kennen zu lernen. Nach den Vorträgen gibt es auch jedesmal die Gelegenheit eines kurzen \"lightning talk\", wo ihr (kurz) eure aktuellen Projekte vorstellen könnt.\nFolge uns auf Twitter (@salzburgwebdev) oder lies useren Blog um von den nächsten Events zu erfahren.\nWir sprechen sowohl Deutsch als auch Englisch. Die Vorträge werden auf Englisch gehalten wenn jemand im Publikum ist der/die Deutsch nicht verstehen würde.\nWenn Deine Firma als Sponsor auftreten will: wir brauchen immer Verantaltungsorte!\n----\nWelcome to the Salzburg Web Dev Meetup!\nWe are enthusiasts of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Rails, PHP, MySQL, Mongo and related cutting-edge web technologies. We meet monthly (usually on the third wednsday) for talks about the latest concepts, features, APIs in both frontend and backend development. Sometimes we also have presentations by local StartUps or talks about more design-related themes.\nTwice a year there is a big barcamp called \"The Next Web\".\nWe enjoy FREE food and drinks from our generous sponsors and encourage members to meet before and after the presentation to mingle and meet other developers. We also include a brief \"lightning talk\" session at the end of each event, where members can (succinctly) share their current web projects.\nFollow us on Twitter (@salzburgwebdev) or read our Blog to learn about upcoming events.\nWe speak both german and english, all talks will be held in english if anybody in the audience does not speak german.\nIf your company wants to be a sponor: we are always looking for venues!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 173,
"url": ""
"description": "We are the Toronto Ruby Brigade, a group of Toronto based Ruby and Ruby on Rails developers, students and enthusiasts. Our goal is to create the best community experience for Rubyists, regardless of their skill level.\n\n\n First and foremost, we will provide an avenue for developers to present their ideas and experiences through presentations and lightning talks.\n\n\n Second, we can only become better Ruby developers through practice. That is why we will have hack nights and work as a team to develop great software.\n\n\n Those new to the Ruby programming language or the Ruby on Rails web framework will be able to experience our \"Newbie\" workshops. The workshops will include lessons, Q&A, and guidance from some of Toronto's most experienced Rubyists.\n\n\n Finally, we not only want to learn together, but also make strong connections with one another. This is why we will have social events, such as drinkups and board game nights.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"description": "This group is for anyone, ANY WHERE with a quad, sidexside or sand Rail or OHV. Not just Centeral California, we want members everywhere, gives us more and better options to get out and be free.\nWe cater to Sport, Utility, Side by Sides, dirt bikes, Sand Rails and any thing you want to have fun on or in and would like some company doing so, ridden once and think you like it or haven't ridden but would like to try it let Herm know, he may be able to help you out.\nThis is a family friendly group, kids love to ride too and not just on a track, that gets boring fast. I like to keep it as interesting possible and still stay safe. Get out see some beautiful places and maybe a critter or two.\n. Everyone that wants to ride anywhere is welcome, we'll find a place and someone to ride with when ever possible.\nNew Membership is $12 per year, as long as you participate, that's in discussions, or rides or what ever you decide to do to be a member.\nDon't participate for 3 Months and you will be removed, thank you for the donation. You want to rejoin it's $12. This covers payment for the site due every 6 months. You want to send me the money, cool. You want to give it to one of the co-organizers on a ride, cool.\nAny excess money will be used for a camping trip, a party, or something that the whole group will be able to participate in.\n\n\nJust about everywhere I ride is a minimum of a 2 hour drive, I'll go farther when time permits, farther still when I can camp out. I have a motor home but I'm just as comfortable in the back of my pickup or a tent.\nThis group is for everyone, regardless of age, what you ride, where you ride or how you ride or drive for that matter,\nI want everyone to feel at home here and post any ride they want with out ridicule,\n\n\nAfter three months of hearing nothing from you I will remove you as a member, you can rejoin anytime if you think you can be a active member, I'm not one that looks at how many members we have, I look at how many active members are participating. None participants will be removed after 3 months, did I say that enough? I am a participation Nazi.\n\n\nIf you can't go but heard of someplace or someone's going, post it! someone else may want to go, or maybe you've been there and can clue us in on what it's like. That's participating\n\n\nI know of quite a few areas, a couple historical sites and always looking for more.\nThis is for the fun-loving folks who couldn't care what the rest of the world thinks, the kind of folks that make getting away from your everyday grind memorable fun.\nI ride to get away from my business wows, on my quad it's ride and don't get hurt, you may have to work the next day, being sore the next day just makes it easier to remember how much fun you had.\nJust because I live in Sacramento doesn't mean that only Sacramentans can join, I don't care where you are, just get out and ride once in a while and take some one with ya or go with someone, when your riding there's only one thing on your mind, the rest don't even come into play. So Enjoy A Day, a Weekend or a Week, you want to ride let us know.\nSeems I never know when I can ride, but when I can I would like to have options and the only way for that to happen is see who's doing what where and if I can I will, count on it. Haven't got wheels? talk to me, (I aint sellin anything so that part I can't help you with). But if your wanting to ride and your serious but don't have a machine yet, let me know, I'll try to put some wheels under ya.\nYour welcome to give me a call, 916-391-6944 and I'll get back to you as soon as possible, you can call my cell 916-202-4376 also.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 66,
"url": ""
"description": "We are group of programmers, students, and technology enthusiasts who are excited about the Ruby programming language and the Ruby on Rails web framework. We meet on the fourth Tuesday of every month to contribute to open source, work on personal projects, and present topics related to Ruby. All skill levels are welcome!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 68,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby on Rails",
"description": "Engineers talking ROR lingo and stuff",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 103,
"url": ""
"description": "This is a monthly group that explores the use of Ruby, MERB, Ruby On Rails and other awesome ruby gems. If you are interested in either of these topics, come along to our meetings! We generally have 3 hours per event, occasionally a round table discussion about issues pertaining to Ruby/Rails/Merb/Web/Databases/Graphics development.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 199,
"url": ""
"description": "Have you ever wanted to build exciting, cutting-edge web applications? Maybe a social network or an online store? Are you a total beginner who has always been interested in web-development but didn't know where to start? Then this may be the class for you!\nI'm starting this meetup group to teach total beginners the basics of web development. At the end of this course you'll be able to build and deploy powerful web applications using Ruby on Rails. I'll explain Object Oriented Programming, MVC architecture, some Ruby syntax, and other fundamentals in simple terms with real world examples.\nWe'll talk about things like deploying your application for free, styling websites using twitter-bootstrap (, authentication methods, and many other cool topics.\nWe're going to be following the book 'Agile Web Development with Rails' (message me for information on how to get it) so you can always catch up on your own if you miss a class.\nI'm waiting for some feedback before I schedule classes but my goal is to teach a class once a week and assign reading material between classes. Please RSVP if you are interested!\nAlso, I have to change 5€ per class to cover Meetup and venue costs.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 105,
"url": ""
"description": "If you love programming Ruby and use the Ruby on Rails (RoR) framework, or would like to learn, then this group is for you. If you don't care for Ruby or Rails but love programming and web development in general, are involved in a startup and have an entrepreneurial spirit, then this group may be for you too. :) Oh yeah, and you must live in the world's most livable city to join. If you don't know which city that is, then you probably don't. :)",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 227,
"url": ""
"description": "Ruby + Paris => ♥\nGroupe pour les passionnés de ruby, de rails ainsi que de nouvelles technologies en général.\nNous échangeons autour des nouvelles technos (rails, web, gems, frameworks \"concurrents\"...), des meilleurs pratiques (méthodes agiles, tests...), et de l'aspect business (emploi notamment).\nHashtag twitter : #parisrb\nChaîne Vimeo :",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"description": "\"Jersey Shore Tech\" was founded to nurture tech culture in Monmouth & Ocean counties & other surrounding areas.\n \nOur focus is:\nWeb development\nWeb Design\nMobile Application Development\nEmerging Technologies\nUser Interface/User Experience\nStart-up Culture\nTech News, Info, Culture\nGrowing your NJ startup\nFundraising/angel/VC topics\nNetworking and building our businesses and brands\n \nTechnologies we like:\nRuby, Rails, Django, iOS, Android, Node.js, Jquery, Python, HTML, CSS, SEO, SEM, Mobile, & much much more.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 771,
"url": ""
"description": "Welcome!\nThe Spin Off Cyclists Bicycle Club offers rides on the Towpath Trail and area rail trails for people of all physical abilities. The Spin-offs, founded by weight loss surgery patients, cycle for exercise, pleasure and making friends with other cyclists. We welcome people of all ages, abilities and speeds who want to cycle with a casual, slower paced group. We encourage our members to bring their families and friends on the ride.\nOur weekly rides include shorter, slower rides for the casual cyclist and longer, faster rides for the recreational cyclist. We offer a varierty of rides on the weekend, often to rail trails in Northeast Ohio and beyond. These rides are excellent opportunities to explore Ohio and neighboring states from a different point of view.\nCycling is easier than most people imagine. It is an excellent form of exercise that yields some great benefits to your health and wellbeing. Why spend the evening or weekend in front of the TV when you can experience fresh air and nature with a fun group of people? We hope to see you on an upcoming ride!\nOur Mission\nEncourage a healthy and active lifestyle; and open the world of cycling to riders of all physical abilities in Northeast Ohio. We accomplish this through bicycle trail rides that encourage self confidence and develop the riding skills of our members while providing opportunities for fitness, fun and friendship.\nContact Us\",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 497,
"url": ""
"description": "This group is for anyone interested in learning more about web development, particularly related to Ruby/Rails & other applicable languages/frameworks. I've been organizing the downtown chapter of URUG ( for over a year now and decided to start a meetup page here to attract others as well.\nWe hold meetups the first Wednesday of every month @7pm. Usually there is a presentation or two, and good conversations/activities related to things happening in the Ruby and RoR world. We also tackle cover good software development practices, and many of the emerging technologies, front-end frameworks like Backbone.js, Ember.js, Angular.js, and responsive design.\nIf you want to follow more closely, join the google group as well!!categorie...",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 87,
"url": ""
"description": "Welcome to the first Pretoria Ruby Club!\nThe Pretoria Ruby Club is a community of Rubyist, Ruby on Rails developers, newbies and any web developer who is interested to learn Ruby. If you are a developer, designer or entrepreneur who enjoy building cool stuff with code then you should join us!\nAt Pretoria Ruby Club you can expect Ruby and Ruby on Rails related topics, meeting other developers and finding out about interesting projects and opportunities for work and potential employment. Presentations, workshops, hack-fests and more. Lets share knowledge and build cool stuff together!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 40,
"url": ""
"description": "These are not your typical software engineering events.\nOur events cover topics related to software engineering along with business but aim to change the perspective of those who attend.  Our focus is on emerging technologies such as Big Data, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Nanotechnology, 3D printing, Machine Learning, MapReduce, Semantic Web technologies, alongside more traditional topics like Ruby on Rails, HTML5, PHP, node.js, and Python.\nWe reach out to the entire New York metropolitan area for experts from all languages and walks of life as possible speakers in panels and even debates between different languages, IDE's, marketing strategies and more.  Our events will either consist of speakers, panels, debates, or trainings.\nOur networking mixers will combine premier engineers with venture capitalists in an attempt to facilitate the creation of new companies in an around the New York region.\nJob Fairs we hold incorporate the best tech companies in New York with the best engineers.\nThere is a deep Silicon Valley connection with this group because of our sister group Bay Area Software Engineers in the San Francisco Bay Area so occasionally speakers from the very heart of Silicon Valley will fly out to New York to speak at our events.\nWe are embracing the future and hope you will join us.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 3,
"url": ""
"description": "Do you develop with Ruby? Make web applications with Rails? Setup servers with Ruby? Well if you are then this is the meetup for you.\nIf you would like to talk about something Ruby then get in touch with us.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"description": "We’re a software users group interested in the programming language, Ruby. Our talks range from specific aspects of Ruby on Rails to metaprogamming to anything else in the Ruby world. Occasionally we may talk about software topics not directly tied to Ruby. - I stole that from BoulderRuby cause they said it so well. :)",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 297,
"url": ""
"description": "This is a meetup group for the members of BRUG (!aboutgroup/bangalorerug) and anyone who loves Ruby and Ruby on Rails. We'll use this to organize meetups.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 236,
"url": ""
"description": "A group of programmers and engineers with a love for Ruby and or Rails. Building & shipping is how we roll.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 578,
"url": ""
"description": "Our monthly events are not your typical software engineering events and will cover a wide range of software programming related topics, techniques, frameworks, and technologies from local companies and educational institutions.  Events will either consist of speakers, panels, or training sessions.  The focus is placed on emerging technologies alongside current technologies and techniques.\nWe will provide information on application development, software engineering, HTML5, Hadoop, Python, Eclipse, JavaScript, JAVA, Machine Learning, HBASE, MapReduce, MongoDB, NoSQL, PHP, Agile, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Frameworks, IDEs, robotics, OO, cloud, mobile, enterprise, business intelligence, UI/UX, social media, Web marketing strategies, and turning applications into businesses.\nThe social networking will be second to none and there will be prospective engineering employment opportunities available.  There is a large Silicon Valley connection with this group and we will be bringing in opportunities and speakers directly from the Bay Area.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"description": "@LVRUG is the place to learn and share information about Ruby, the  Rails framework and related technologies in Las  Vegas.\nWe cover several different languages and tend to focus on web applications and ruby.\nReasons people join:\n* You're a Ruby developer looking to network with other Ruby developers in Las Vegas.\n* You're not a Ruby developer, but want to learn a new language.\n* You're an entrepreneur who wants to learn how to code your ideas.\n* You're a person who wants to lean more about computer programing in general.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 355,
"url": ""
"description": "Welcome Women Coders & Developers!\nHeard of the language \"Ruby\" but never knew how to start working with it? Or have you been using Ruby and Ruby on Rails for years but have yet to find a welcoming group of individuals to network with?\nWe know how hard it is to get started in a new programming language or find like-minded people to solve problems with. Our goal is to give women and those who self-identify as women a safe and welcoming environment to share ideas, improve coding and speaking skills, and make new friends.\nWe welcome women Rubyists of all experience levels. If this sounds like something for you, come join us!\nTo provide a comfortable environment for our members, we expressly forbid recruiters.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 473,
"url": ""
"description": "We're a community for anyone interested in developing and deploying web applications with HTML, CSS, PHP, Ruby on Rails, MySQL, OOP, MVC, jQuery, AJAX, Cloud Server, and Agile.\nWe meet once or twice a month for discussion, collaboration, and networking with other like-minded people.  We have a terrific group of people from varying technical backgrounds.  All are welcome!\nFor more information about us, and what we do, visit us at",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 390,
"url": ""
"description": "Denver based Ruby on Rails users group. We've been around a long time and have a great group of folks willing to explore new avenues and help people out in the ruby community. We love exploring leading edge happenings and new concepts in a cool and relax environment. Come see what we are all about...",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 390,
"url": ""
"description": "Welcome to the Houston Ruby Brigade! We're for anyone looking to share or learn more about Ruby, Ruby on Rails, and Sinatra! We meet on the second Tuesday of every month in Houston (downtown area). A hyper-local Ruby meetup in the Sugar Land area meets on the 4th Tuesday. Come join us!\nIt does not matter whether you are just starting or whether you are a seasoned pro - all are welcome.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 269,
"url": ""
"name": "Mad-Railers",
"description": "Have fun getting together and discussing all things Ruby and Rails. Discussion is usually on the Google Group.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 365,
"url": ""
"name": "Wyncode | The Art of Code | Dev Bootcamp | Wynwood, Miami",
"description": "Wyncode is a development bootcamp teaching Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML and CSS in the Wynwood Art's District of Miami. The first code school in South Florida, our mission is to immerse ambitious individuals in a demanding and inspiring learning environment engineered to develop successful coders with business acumen. The Miami tech scene is on the verge of great things, are you? Come #LearnToCode",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 47,
"url": ""
"name": "Coimbra.rb",
"description": "Sharing skill and experiences around the Ruby &amp; Ruby on Rails ecosystem.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 55,
"url": ""
"name": "Pune Ruby Users Group",
"description": "The purpose of this group is to spread awareness of Ruby Pune.\nWe wish to engage with students interested in learning Ruby and Ruby related frameworks like Rails, Sinatra, Rhodes, RubyMotion and any others!\nWe are a group of Professionals working in Ruby, sharing experiences, solving problems, giving demos and presentations.\nStudents and people new to Ruby are more than welcome!\nFreebies and promotional activities are encouraged.\nOur web presence:\nWebsite:\nFacebook:\nTwitter:\nGoogle Group:\nJob Offers on the mailing to be tagged with [JOBS]",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 670,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby Underground Israel",
"description": "We are a community of Israeli Ruby developers. We meet monthly, on the last Monday of each month. Meetings usually have two 45 minute talks about anything Ruby, Rails or web related. Entrance is absolutely free, you can even grab a bite courtesy of our generous sponsors. Never say no to a free sandwich.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 851,
"url": ""
"name": "Learn Web Development and Paired Programming",
"description": "Learning web development is by no means an easy journey, especially as a beginner when you typically stumble alone aimlessly, not knowing what path to take. You're essentially trying to climb a mountain without a map or a guide.\nThis group will be your map and guide to becoming a web developer. We'll get you started on the path for learning a professional Ruby on Rails workflow by using project-based paired-learning.  We do not provide formal instruction as you'd find in a classroom -- rather we introduce you to other beginners who are on the same path and give you the chance to work together with them on the projects laid out in our curriculum.\nLearning is not a one size fits all journey -- some students may take three months to reach their goals, others six, and others even longer... and that's okay.  We're here to help however we can.\nCheck out the curriculum at\nIf you want to help us build the open source project, check out our document on getting involved.\nIf you'd like to get involved with the development of other open-source projects, check out the Agile Ventures project, which is about putting willing (and new) developers in touch with non-profit OSS projects.\nCheck out the forum and mailing list on Google Groups",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 445,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby Women",
"description": "Come and meet other women working with Ruby-on-Rails, in a friendly, relaxed environment. You can be a beginner looking for a mentor to help you grow as a rubyist, or a professional woman looking for networking or to swap interesting new tools with other experienced RoR developers. All skill levels are welcome and encouraged. So, whether you've been working in the field for years, or just gone through your first RailsGirls event - come along - we'd be happy to meet you.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPS obligatory thanks to shutterstock for current stock photo - we'll take a better one of us when we have our first meetup. :)",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 22,
"url": ""
"name": "Jakarta Ruby Brigade",
"description": "ABOUT US\n\n\n\n Jakarta Ruby Brigade is a community of ruby users based in Jakarta, Indonesia. We're a friendly group that freely shares knowledge about the Ruby programming language, its libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group meets at least once a month for talks, demos, hacks and discussions. Meetings are free and open to the public. Developers with any level of Ruby experience or any programming languages background are welcomed to participate.\nHOSTING A MEETUP\n\n\n\n Hosting a Meetup involve making a space available for Meetup attendees (with projector, screen & WiFi), and optionally, providing food & drinks.\n\n\n\n Space\n\n Figure out exactly how many people you can hold. Typical limiting factors are seats, ventilation, bathrooms, and fire code. Then I add 33% to that number to account for no-shows. For example, if your space can hold 45 people, then I set the attendance limit to 60.\n\n\n\n Projector & WiFi\n\n The monthly Meetups consist of 2-4 presentations and we need a projector & screen for the presenters to connect their laptops. WiFi for the attendees is highly desired. You may have to check with your system administrator to make sure you're not opening up your internal network to outsiders.\n\n\n\n Food & Drinks\n\n This is totally optional. If you desire to sponsor food & drink, it typically costs around IDR 40k/RSVP, divided evenly between food & drink. Over the years, we've found pizza to be the best event food - no utensils required, easy to clean up, and suitable as leftover for your staff the next day. Drinks are typically non-alcoholic beverages.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 101,
"url": ""
"name": "Montreal.Ruby",
"description": "Montreal.rb is a community group of Montreal-based Ruby and Ruby on Rails developers. It’s aim is to help support local developers by creating a thriving forum for learning and discussion, and also just spread the RoR good word. We’ve drank the RoR Kool-Aid, and quite like it thank-you-very-much.\nWe meet every 3rd Tuesday of each month at 18h30 at the Notman House.\nEven though this website is written in English, most of us speak French. Presentations are usually bilingual. Bienvenue à vous chers amis francophones!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 69,
"url": ""
"name": "Manila Ruby on Rails Meetup",
"description": "Calling all Manila Rubyists! Let's get together to meet other Rubyists, share ideas, collaborate and network. All skill levels welcome. Our goal is to throw great parties and networking events - expand your knowledge and your social skills.  Join us and meet other Ruby enthusiasts.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 99,
"url": ""
"name": "Code Fellows Meetup",
"description": "Code Fellows offers programming bootcamps including Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, iOS, Python, UX Engineering, and more. We also facilitate a number of workshops on the latest technologies. We strongly believe in the power of community and want to contribute in any way we can. Whether you're just starting out, or have been a coding for years, come join us!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 105,
"url": ""
"name": "West Midlands Ruby User Group (WMRUG)",
"description": "...a new social/learning group for people in/around the West Midlands who are interested in everything Ruby and/or Rails!\nPeople of all abilities welcome, no fees, rules or requirements, just get in touch and join the next meeting! More the merrier.\nWe're keen to pool together and connect the existing Ruby users of the area, and provide help/advice to inquisitive programmers from other languages/frameworks/backgrounds.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 142,
"url": ""
"name": "KW Ruby Developers",
"description": "KW Ruby Developers is a Meetup group dedicated to learning about and exchanging information on Ruby and Ruby based projects such as Ruby on Rails. Everyone of all skill levels and interest are welcome. The idea is to meet once per month and give a workshop, training session, etc.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 85,
"url": ""
"name": "Minho.rb",
"description": "Encontro informal de aficionados de Ruby para partilhar experiências sobre Ruby, Rails e outras tecnologias relacionadas.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 55,
"url": ""
"name": "Western Pa, Rails to Trails Bicyclers",
"description": "A place to share info and make new bicycle friends to exercise with and enjoy the quietness, beauty and serenity of nature on non-motorized bicycle trails in Western Pa. Tandem bicyclers are welcome also. Our bike rides will be roughly in the 20-40 mile roundtrip distance & a few stay overnight two day bike rides a year.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 355,
"url": ""
"name": "Lehigh Valley Ruby Group",
"description": "Hi there! We meet to discuss Ruby, Rails, iOS and Android development in Quakertown, PA. Come meet with us to discuss tips and tricks, to share what you're working on and chat about the latest in web and mobile development.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 90,
"url": ""
"name": "Delaware Rail Splitters Society",
"description": "A place where conservative and moderate minded people can get together, have fun, share ideas, and start a grass roots movement to keep the Republican Party alive. Mission Statement: \n\nTo provide an independent and creative meeting place for Republicans, (and could be Republicans) in a call to action to build the Republican Party and further the common good of our country.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 109,
"url": ""
"name": "Los Angeles Software Engineers",
"description": "These are not your typical software engineering events.\nOur events cover topics related to software engineering along with business but aim to change the perspective of those who attend.\nOur focus is on emerging technologies such as Big Data, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Nanotechnology, 3D printing, Machine Learning, MapReduce, Semantic Web technologies, alongside more traditional topics like Ruby on Rails, HTML5, PHP, node.js, and Python.\nWe reach out to the entire Los Angeles metropolitan area for experts from all languages and walks of life as possible speakers in panels and even debates between different languages, IDE's, marketing strategies and more. Our events will either consist of speakers, panels, debates, or trainings.\nOur networking mixers will combine premier engineers with venture capitalists in an attempt to facilitate the creation of new companies in an around the LA region. Job Fairs we hold incorporate the best tech companies in LA with the best engineers.\nThere is a deep Silicon Valley connection with this group because of our sister group Bay Area Software Engineers in the San Francisco Bay Area so occasionally speakers from the very heart of Silicon Valley will fly out to Los Angeles to speak at our events.\nWe are embracing the future and hope you will join us.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 210,
"url": ""
"name": "State College Ruby Group",
"description": "Have you heard of the Ruby programming language, or Ruby on Rails, the web development framework? Whether you create software or websites for a living, are a graphic designer, student, or are just looking to learn more about computer programming, these tools are well worth taking a look at.\nWe're an informal Ruby users' group in State College, PA (next to Penn State University). We usually have a presentation of some sort, as well as some time to be able to just hang out, talk, and learn more about what everyone has been doing with Ruby.\nRuby is truly an enjoyable programming language, and the tools, environment, and community are hard to beat. It's always cool to find other people in the area who have an interest in it too, no matter what level of familiarity you have with Ruby or even programming in general.\nBe sure to join our google group:\n\n",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 95,
"url": ""
"name": "Silicon Valley Ruby Meetup",
"description": "Bring together people who are passionate about Ruby and Rails in an environment that fosters learning and helping each other while building lasting friendships.\n\"And as you get older, you may find that “Enabling the Dreams of Others” thing is even more fun.\" From the Last Lecture by Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch (Oct. 23, 1960 - July 25, 2008)\nGet 35% off from O’Reilly books and ebooks when you purchase directly from Just use discount code DSUG when ordering online or by phone (800-998-9938).",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 2,
"url": ""
"name": "Seattle Bootstrappers",
"description": "How's your business or side project coming along?\nCome join us for a healthy discussion of a dimension of startups that the Startup Tabloids rarely cover: Building a web product business without VC interference.\nMaybe you are consultant or freelancer like us, sick of looking for client work and taking client calls. You'd rather be your own client, and build a product you own, that can bring real freedom to your worklife. We call it FREERlancing: You are free to decide how to build out your idea, and product income can mean you are free from hourly billing.\nThis is a group dedicated to exploring and learning, cross-polinating development, business, and marketing concepts. Ideas are cheap; we value great execution.\nWhether you are a Ruby on Rails coder, a python/Django hacker, or prefer Java or .NET, come and pick up some tips on the business side to move your project forward.\nOr maybe you have business in the works already, and are in need of learning some programming tricks to get it going? Come and see what magic others are bringing to life on the web.\nOr perhaps you are just someone savvy enough to see all the money being made with web applications and info products, and are interested in starting a journey to financial independence. Welcome, kindred nerd! Share this journey with us.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 416,
"url": ""
"name": "Malmö Ruby User Group",
"description": "Låt oss träffas och diskutera ruby rails, sinatra och allt annat som hör därtill. Kanske vi till och med snubblar in på något annat språk också som inspiration. Alla som är det minsta intresserade av ruby i Malmö med omnejd är välkomna. Då SHRUG i Stockholm har funnits ett bra tag utan någon liknande grupp i Malmö så tyckte jag att det var dags.\n",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 86,
"url": ""
"name": "Santa Cruz Ruby on Rails Meetup Group",
"description": "Meet, learn and share with local Ruby on Rails developers.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 111,
"url": ""
"name": "Code Social",
"description": "\"Code Social\", presented by AnythingSocial, FoodCalc and sponsored by HP/Vertica is a series of very in-depth technical and user engagement presentations by some of the top developers in the industry. Topics will range from Ruby on Rails and developing mobile apps to Facebook applications and CoffeeScript.  We will always be providing food and drinks so please come and join us.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 224,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby On Trails",
"description": "Welcome to Ruby on Trails, the Bay Area tech hiking group.\n\n\n\nDon't let the name fool you.  This group is definitely not limited to engineers working with Ruby on Rails and is open to anybody interested in technology, startups, hacking, designing, hiking, or just need a break from the office.\n\n\n\nWe welcome everybody and their pets, and we can't wait to meet the community on a fun and challenging hike.  Activity stimulates creativity so join us in sharing ideas, talking shop, and having fun!\n\n\n\nAfter each hike, we may also explore great, local places to grab a tasty an affordable bite, and we welcome everybody who wants to continue the conversation at a great grubbery.\n\n\n\nSound exciting? Join us now and follow @rubyontrails!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 215,
"url": ""
"name": "DTC Ruby User Group",
"description": "DTCRUBY is a place to learn and share information about Ruby, the Rails framework and related technologies in the Denver Tech Center. We cover several different languages and tend to focus on web applications and ruby. Reasons people join: \n* You're a Ruby developer looking to network with other Ruby developers in the tech center. \n* You're not a Ruby developer, but want to learn a new language. \n* You're an entrepreneur who wants to learn how to code your ideas. \n* You're a person who wants to lean more about computer programing in general.\n\n\n\nWe have two types of meetups.\nPresentation night where we have a couple of  presentations given by members of the group. One of the presentations is always beginner oriented and preferably given by a beginner. The best way to learn is to teach someone else.\nHack night is a casual get together where people bring their laptops and work on something or get hands on help from other members of the group.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 27,
"url": ""
"name": "Fraser Valley Ruby Brigade",
"description": "We're a friendly group of Ruby programmers who meet weekly to hack on code. Bring a project to work on, or drop by and we'll help you find one. We encourage building real projects because learning in the abstract is too difficult. Hacking on something you care about makes a huge difference.  We talk a lot about Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Datamapper, GitHub, Macs and related stuff.\nYou're welcome to hang out with us on IRC, which is active mostly during the work week. Join us at #fv.rb (",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 76,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby Workplace",
"description": "A shared workplace in my home for other like-minded technology people. I work in and around the world of web applications, including (but not exclusively) Ruby on Rails, Unix (including Macs), and all related web technologies. If you know what Open Source Software is, you'll probably like working along side us. If you think Microsoft is the greatest technology in the universe, we'll probably have some spirited debates.\nI also run the Fraser Valley Ruby Brigade ( and have our library of books stored here for reference (see If you like coffee/tea, working independently, building software, talking tech, high speed internet, and usually work alone at home but would like to get out occasionally to work alongside others, RSVP and come join us.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 4,
"url": ""
"name": "NoVA Web Develoment User Group",
"description": "This is a place to discuss and learn trending topics related to the development of highly customizable, user-centric web sites. This will serve as a platform for users to share and discover new frameworks and technologies that we can incorporate into our own development efforts. Such topics will include, not are not limited to JavaScript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails, Java, PHP, Python, HTML5, CSS3, Responsive Web Design, and anything else being used to make really cool web sites.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 361,
"url": ""
"name": "New York Techie",
"description": "Hello New York Techies, meetup to collaborate, code and cowork together! We welcome you to come and Network, Socialize and Learn New Technology.  Our Goal to provide our tech community (Techies, Investors, Startups, Entrepreneurs and hackers) A place to show their stuff and create networking opportunities for anyone interested in new technology.\nWe meet on Fridays at 6PM at SoTechie Spaces. Techs can demonstrate their new apps, followed by discussion regarding different techs and startups.\nOn Thursdays we will have meetups to discuss what's new with Ruby on Rails and iOS coding.\nWe have monthly happy hours and chat over a open forum on what's new. Great time to meet people!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 124,
"url": ""
"name": "Code Crew London",
"description": "Hackers + Designers + Entrepreneurs = Code Crew!\nPassionate about learning how to code, creating beautiful designs or building the prototype for your business idea and tired of doing it alone? Then this is the group for you!\nThis is the perfect group for people serious about learning how to code through self-study using resources on the web like Code School, Codecademy, Treehouse, P2PU, Coursera, edX, Udacity, programming books, screencasts or whatever else is out there on the internet. We also share a helpful suggested reading on our blog and issue occasional code challenges. If you're just starting out and want to get a head start then check out some cool resources here.\nWe are a group of software engineers, designers and entrepreneurs that enjoy building cool stuff with code at our collaborative coding/pair programming sessions. We currently have members building with HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Python, Django, PHP, Objective C and more. So come join us and meet some cool and interesting people while picking up a new skill!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 142,
"url": ""
"name": "Society Golf Stockholm",
"description": "Stockholm this summer is going to be a festival of Golf, this group is to enable golfers of all levels the chance to be part of a traditional golf Society.\nEvents such as playing days (2 balls, 4 balls, Competitions), social events and away days.\nGolf in Stockholm here we come\n \n\n\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nlanguage exchange svenska spanska franska italienska tyska ryska grekiska engelska portugisiska arabiska japanska inglés francés alemán italiano ruso sueco japonés árabe griego suédois anglais espagnol français spotify ruby on rails java golf brohof bro hof italien allemand russe chinois personal nummer japonais grec arabe Schwedisch party beer wine alcohol fun park sun beach girls boys disco nightclub bar music grill bbq vodka Englisch Spanisch Französisch Italienisch Deutsch Russisch Chinesisch Japanisch Griechisch Arabisch Шведский Английский Испанский Французский Итальянский Немецкий Русский Китайский Японский греческого арабский Σουηδικά Αγγλικά Ισπανικά Γαλλικά Ιταλικά Γερμανικά Ρωσικά Ιαπωνικά Κινέζικα Ελληνικά Αραβικά 瑞典 英語西班牙語 法語意大利語 德語俄語 中國 日本 希臘語 阿拉伯語 スウェーデン語 英語スペイン語フランス語 イタリア語ドイツ語 ロシア語中国語 日本語 アラビア語、ギリシャ語",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 67,
"url": ""
"name": "Web Design & Development",
"description": "A community passionate about collaborative web development. Come learn about current technologies or just get some help with whatever you're building. Focusing on User Experience Design, Web Standards, XHTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Browser Support and anything else that's just as awesome.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 103,
"url": ""
"name": "Hamilton Web Developers Meetup Group",
"description": "A meetup created for web developers in Hamilton (and nearby areas) to discuss any topic related to web development.\n\nLearn new technologies and best practices.\nShare your knowledge.\nShow off that weekend project you've been hacking.\nAn opportunity to meet your peers & network with like-minded people.\n\nFeel free to suggest topics using any technology .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Python, Mobile, CMS, MVC Frameworks, etc.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 7,
"url": ""
"name": "Taganrog Ruby on Rails Community",
"description": "Every two weeks we are going to have closed(by invitations) meetups related to Highload, Large Scale, Failover Systems which include Software Development around Distributed server-side real time computing low latency networking fast caching technology search engines SQL & noSQL databases Clouds, Clasters, Nodes, Servers, Modules and Clients Back-End & Front-End Web applications for Mobile Devices",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 13,
"url": ""
"name": "RailsBridge Johannesburg",
"description": "Free Ruby on Rails workshops open to everyone!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 55,
"url": ""
"name": "Bay Area Software Engineers (BASE)",
"description": "These are not your typical software engineering events.  BASE is focused on emerging technologies and creating events around topics that have never been attempted.  Events may be around such topics as Big Data, Machine Learning, Robotics, Nanotechnology, 3D Printing, Synthetic Biology, Artificial Intelligence, Computer History, Computer Vision, Augmented Reality (AR), and using software to create art.\nBASE creates events only possible in San Francisco and the Bay area with experts from all walks of life as possible speakers in panels and even debates between different languages, IDE's, technologies, techniques, marketing strategies and more.  We always try and have a speaker that speaks from a startup perspective.\nEvents may also touch on application development, software engineering, OO, cloud, mobile, enterprise, business intelligence, HTML5, Hadoop, Python, Eclipse, JavaScript, JAVA, HBASE, MapReduce, Erlang, jQuery, MongoDB, NoSQL, PHP, Agile, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Frameworks, IDEs, animation, design, node.js, twisted, Android, iPhone, iOS, UI/UX, social media, SEO/SEM/PPC, and how to turn applications and ideas into real business solutions and revenue.\nBASE offers unbelievable social networking opportunities with people from all backgrounds and philosophies.  We encourage everyone to join who has a love for new technologies, software engineering, and the opportunity to network with working professionals.  We are embracing the future and welcome you to join us.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 4,
"url": ""
"name": "NYC.rb",
"description": "Founded in 2004, NYC.rb is the place for experienced Ruby and Rails programmers in New York City.\nMEETUPS\nWe meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. Second Tuesdays are for one or more talks, and fourth Tuesdays are just hackfests, where people bring their laptops and hang out.\nJOB POSTINGS\nJob postings are allowed on the mailing list if they meet the following requirements:\n* You must identify the company by name.\n\n * You must put [JOB] in the subject to help others filter out these messages.\n\n * The job must be Ruby-related, and in the NYC metro area.\nYou cannot directly contact other list members about jobs unless they've contacted you first--violators of this rule may be banned and/or publicly shamed.\nIf you have any questions or concerns about these rules, please feel free to contact the Meetup organizers.\nIRC\nChat with us at nyc.rb on",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 3,
"url": ""
"name": "Code Crew - Let's Learn to Code Together!",
"description": "Hackers + Designers + Entrepreneurs = Code Crew!\nPassionate about learning how to code, creating beautiful designs or building the prototype for your business idea and tired of doing it alone? Then this is the group for you!\nThis is the perfect group for people serious about learning how to code through self-study using resources on the web like Code School, Codecademy, Treehouse, P2PU, Coursera, edX, Udacity, programming books, screencasts or whatever else is out there on the internet. We also share a helpful suggested reading on our blog and issue occasional code challenges. If you're just starting out and want to get a head start then check out some cool resources here.\nWe are a group of software engineers, designers and entrepreneurs that enjoy building cool stuff with code at our collaborative coding/pair programming sessions. We currently have members building with HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Python, Django, PHP, Objective C and more. So come join us and meet some cool and interesting people while picking up a new skill!\nA few projects we're working on are below:\n\nEspace - connecting meetup organizers with venue owners\nEverSlide - create beautiful presentations with Evernote\nGame of Thrones - an awesome way to become a real life guitar hero!\nSmashCut - a cool app for screenwriters\nMusicbox - a new way to share and discover music",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 4,
"url": ""
"name": "MakerSquare",
"description": "MakerSquare is a web development bootcamp in Austin, Texas.  We are educating aspiring web developers in Git, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript and more.  We want you to join our community as well, we host monthly workshops at our headquarters in downtown Austin.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 282,
"url": ""
"name": "DC Ruby Users Group",
"description": "Stay up-to-date with the latest Ruby and Ruby on Rails happenings. Network with other Ruby developers.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"name": "Boulder-Denver-Ft Collins Railsbridge",
"description": "Free Ruby on Rails workshops for women and their friends.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 297,
"url": ""
"name": "Nash.rb",
"description": "Our group exists to bring together everyone interested in and using Ruby on Rails for software development in the Nashville Area.\nWe are open and welcoming of anyone who shows up no matter how little experience.  We give everyone a chance to introduce themselves and share or ask question.  We include an educational presentation by a member at almost all meetings.\nYou are welcome to get in touch with an organizer (Josh, Travis) if you have questions or concerns.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 578,
"url": ""
"name": "Saigon.rb",
"description": "A group of people with a love for Ruby on/or Rails. All skill levels are welcome. I started this group to meet likeminded engineers. Looking forward to interesting conversations.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 66,
"url": ""
"name": "Golden Ruby Users Group",
"description": "Come join us in Golden!\nThis is a group for Ruby and Rails enthusiasts and professionals to socialize, share best practices, and keep up with new technology.\nWe are now located at the Colorado School of Mines!\nWe meet once a month on the first Wednesday night of each month.\nView the group's Pages to see the Tentative 2014 Schedule",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 143,
"url": ""
"name": "Les Rubyists du Nord",
"description": "Groupe francophone d'utilisateurs de Ruby et Ruby on Rails au Nord de Paris.\n\n\n\n Nous nous rencontrons lors d'apéros/workshops pour partager nos connaissances sur les dernières tendances Ruby. A l'occasion de Ruby Burgers, nous nous retrouvons également autour d'une bière et un burger : une simple excuse pour se connaître et partager un bon moment.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 106,
"url": ""
"name": "Wellrailed",
"description": "WellRailed is a meet up for those interested in all things Ruby on Rails. From front end, to backend and testing, we love it all!\nFYI: this meetup group used to be a placeholder/reminder. In the past all discussions + meeting details being organised and primarily announced on the google group here (it is still active):\n!forum/wellrailed",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 139,
"url": ""
"name": "Orange County Ruby Users Group (OCRuby)",
"description": "OCRuby is for anyone interested in learning or sharing experiences with \"Ruby\" or \"Ruby on Rails\" or tangential technologies (NoSQL, etc.)\nIn existance since 2006 (but new to Meetup), we usually meet the last Thursday of each month (moving on holidays or other exceptions) at in Irvine, CA.\nRegards,\nForrest Chang\n\n OCRuby organizer",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 404,
"url": ""
"name": "indy.rb - The Indianapolis Ruby Brigade",
"description": "Meet other local Ruby programmers. Anyone interested in Ruby or the Rails framework is invited!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 463,
"url": ""
"name": "vienna.rb",
"description": "User group for Viennese Ruby developers and Rails aficionados.\n",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 218,
"url": ""
"name": "Code Crew San Francisco",
"description": "Hackers + Designers + Entrepreneurs = Code Crew!\nPassionate about learning how to code, creating beautiful designs or building the prototype for your business idea and tired of doing it alone? Then this is the group for you!\nThis is the perfect group for people serious about learning how to code through self-study using resources on the web like Code School, Codecademy, Treehouse, P2PU, Coursera, edX, Udacity, programming books, screencasts or whatever else is out there on the internet. We also share a helpful suggested reading on our blog and issue occasional code challenges. If you're just starting out and want to get a head start then check out some cool resources here.\nWe are a group of software engineers, designers and entrepreneurs that enjoy building cool stuff with code at our collaborative coding/pair programming sessions. We currently have members building with HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Python, Django, PHP, Objective C and more. So come join us and meet some cool and interesting people while picking up a new skill!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 220,
"url": ""
"name": "RubyJax",
"description": "The premiere Ruby & Ruby on Rails development meetup in Jacksonville, FL. Sponsored (and usually hosted) by Hashrocket.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 240,
"url": ""
"name": "Norfolk Ruby Users Group (757.rb)",
"description": "Welcome to the Hampton Roads Ruby Users Group (757.rb). An advocacy group for promoting the awareness/use of the Ruby programming language and the Rails framework. Serving Hampton Roads (Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Hampton, Newport News, Yorktown and Williamsburg). * Homepage: * Google Group: * Google Group Email:",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 168,
"url": ""
"name": "Worcester Web Technology (WWT)",
"description": "We love scalable architectures, performance optimizations, sound architectures, defensive-performance minded coding, quality documentation.\nThis group is for people working in or interested in web ( including mobile web) technologies like HTML5, Rails, Django, Java/JEE, JavaScript, jQuery/Ext JS/Dojo, PHP, ASP, Flex, Actionscript etc.\nWe advocate Agile Processes and Scrum.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 292,
"url": ""
"name": "Winnipeg.rb - Ruby User Group",
"description": "We are a group of developers in Winnipeg, Manitoba with a common interest in all things Ruby, Rails and related technologies with skill levels ranging from beginner to expert. All you need to get involved is genuine interest.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 154,
"url": ""
"name": "RubyMKE",
"description": "RubyMKE is a group of Ruby and Ruby on Rails enthusiasts from Milwaukee, WI and the surrounding area. Every RubyMKE meeting features something for everyone, from novice through expert. Our meetings are a place where we share our knowledge and excitement about the language and the framework, and give us a chance to meet face-to-face with others in the community.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 163,
"url": ""
"name": "Geneva.rb (Geneva Ruby Brigade)",
"description": "We're a bunch of Ruby programmers based in Geneva, Switzerland. We get together every second Wednesday of each month for presentations, demos and discussions. Presentations usually occurs in the language of the speaker (either french or english). Topics of discussion cover the Ruby programming language as well as its ecosystem (frameworks and tools). Since most of us are Ruby On Rails developpers, we also talk often of this framework. You don't have to be an expert to join us! Meetings are free and open to the public.\nWe also have a web page ( where you'll find a series of past meetups…\nAnd we're looking for sponsors!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 81,
"url": ""
"name": "SLO Hackers and Coders",
"description": "This is a group for San Luis Obispo area hackers, coders and developers to get together and trade tricks, skills and tips. It is open to those who want to learn as well as those who want to teach, so no matter what your experience level come on down. We'll have an emphasis on web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Rails, C# and ASP.NET, but all coders are welcome.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 17,
"url": ""
"name": "Austin Pair Programming Circle",
"description": "Studies have found that pair programming produces cleaner code, facilitates learning and improves productivity. Pairs often find that seemingly \"impossible\" problems become easy or even quick, or at least possible to solve when they work together. Let's get together for pair programming in Ruby and Rails. Whether you've never written a line of code or you're the most experienced Rubyist out there, you have something to teach and something to learn. No egos, no intimidation. Come out and experience how pair programming can advance your skills, projects and communication skills!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 158,
"url": ""
"name": "Riviera Ruby",
"description": "The Riviera Ruby Group organizes monthly drink-ups at Sophia-Antipolis (usually the first Tuesday, at the Green King pub).\n\n\nWe are a bunch of open-minded technophiles that gather around a beer to discuss technology related matters. We discuss Ruby and Ruby on Rails topics, as well as other languages, frameworks, technologies and any interesting idea!\nOur meetups often feature 2 lightning talks at the beginning, followed by open discussions.\nJoin us at the Green King and enjoy two mini-talks on various subjects while having a drink with the Ruby community of the French Riviera!\nYou can follow us at @rivierarb and",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 21,
"url": ""
"name": "South Bay Ruby Developers",
"description": "Tired of driving up to Santa Monica to get your Ruby Meetup fix? Me too! Lets create our own group in this beautiful corner of Los Angeles. This is a group for anyone interested in Ruby, Rails, programming, open source, meeting others with like interests, etc.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 36,
"url": ""
"name": "Bangalore Ruby Java .Net Python PHP JavaScript CSS Meetup",
"description": "if you are an experienced developer with skills in Java or .Net or Python or Php or Ruby on Rails along with strong Java Script, CSS, Bootstrap, HTML5 and related web application / development technologies, I have some fabulous projects for you to work on right away. Join this Meet Up and communicate with me. Thanks!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": null,
"url": ""
"name": "Python On Rails - Pythonistas getting to Pycon on April 10!",
"description": "A Via Rail train car filled with everyone from Pythonistas to PyCon first timers, enjoying food, drinks, and maybe a few talks to get us ready for PyCon. Whether you are flying to Canada or taking the train from the US or Ontario, plan to join us in Toronto for the trip from Union Station to Montreal. When we arrive we will be a mere 5 minute walk from Palais des congrès de Montréal.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": null,
"url": ""
"name": "winterwyman technology",
"description": "This group is designed to create a common meeting place for talented developers within New York City and New Jersey. Members have the opportunity to meet and network with people who share similar interests and passions. In addition to knowledge sharing, this group will also offer presentations and discussions from some of the top developers/architects on technologies like iPhone/iPad, Ruby on Rails, Android, Javascript/frameworks, Cucumber, Scala, Java, .Net and many others. Did we mention our events would also offer free beer! Who doesn't love free beer?",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 125,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby Meetup of Ventura County & Conejo Valley",
"description": "Let's talk and learn more about Ruby, Ruby on Rails, and other frameworks, and share practical experiences of using Ruby in the workplace. Meet local Rubyists and collaborate on new ideas. Meetup format will consist of at least one presentation and general discussion with special events like Ruby quiz nights and hackfests to be held on a periodic basis. Current location is in Simi Valley.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 52,
"url": ""
"name": "Boulder Ruby on Beer",
"description": "Eating, drinking and Ruby. Meet colleagues in Boulder to talk about and solve problems using Ruby and Rails.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 316,
"url": ""
"name": "Costa Rica Ruby Group",
"description": "Ruby / Ruby on Rails enthusiasts in Costa Rica.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 32,
"url": ""
"name": "Victoria Ruby Meetup Group",
"description": "If you live in or near Victoria, BC, and you develop with Ruby and/or make Rails apps, then join this group. Initially, this is a call-out to see what kind of interest can be garnered. Even if the group is small (even tiny!) we should still meet up and see where this can take us. Intent: to network and to learn from each other.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 20,
"url": ""
"name": "Calgary Ruby Developers",
"description": "Learning and meeting with Ruby and Ruby on Rails developers.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 109,
"url": ""
"name": "Gainesville Ruby Users Group",
"description": "Join other Gainesville Ruby and Rails developers to learn, teach, network, and have fun hacking!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 30,
"url": ""
"name": "Have Recumbent, Will Travel!",
"description": "This group was started because, in 2009, two people got interested in cycling as a recreational activity and decided to make recumbent bicycles their ride of choice.\n\n\n\n At first, we found the closest Rail Trail, but then realized the fact that there are great biking opportunities all over the place!\n\n\n\n We soon became aware that they were a little \"different\". One DF cyclist chided us with the remark \"that looks like a birthing chair.\" We realized we had the last laugh - at a \"rest stop\"  we walked past the chider while he hobbled to the bathroom, looking like HE had just had a baby :-)\n\n\n\n Yes, we have been bitten, we love the speed of the open road as well as the tranquility of the trail. The only thing that makes either ride more fun, is sharing it with friends.\n\n\n\n Thus, we begin our quest - to see how much fun we can have, how many miles we can go, how many different things we can see, with our best feet forward!\n\n\n\n We will plan events that are great for new riders, families with younger riders, and social rides, as well as rides that are a bit more aggressive with the opportunity to work on endurance, technique and speed. Each event will include some time to relax and have fun with members of the group.\n\n\n\n Many events will be in the Washington DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia area, but we will also plan events that are weekend (maybe longer) adventures that will include some hotel stays and/or camping.\n\n\n\n Come on - play with us!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 62,
"url": ""
"name": "Rhode Island Ruby Group",
"description": "Get together with local experts, peers and friends to discuss programming in Ruby. Present on a topic that interests you, vent about your frustrations, or show off that new project you're creating. Discuss that latest Rails change or show off your beer-fetching robot that is controlled by mruby. We welcome people of any skill level! We try to meet on the third Wednesday of each month, and the location varies -- although the location is often in/around downtown Providence. Please sign up for the Google Group ( or subscribe to this schedule to stay informed about our next meetings.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 80,
"url": ""
"name": "Bogotá Ruby",
"description": "Dada de la importancia que ha tomado Ruby en las startups a nivel mundial, vemos como lamentablemente en Colombia no existe mucho conocimiento acerca del lenguaje\nEste grupo proporciona un medio a través del cual podremos aprender y compartir experiencias acerca de Ruby y sus frameworks (Rails, Sinatra, Puma, etc) y de las buenas prácticas en desarrollo de software.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 314,
"url": ""
"name": "Tokyo On Rails",
"description": "This group has moved to\n\n\n\nPlease join the new group at if you want to participate and be notified of new events.\n \nWe'll be holding a meetup event on the first Thursday of every month, so we hope to see you all there",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 41,
"url": ""
"name": "Karlsruhe RB",
"description": "Serious Web Development with Ruby on Rails and other fancy stuff that powers the eco system. (Sinatra, EmberJS, Backbone.js and RubyMotion)",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 8,
"url": ""
"name": "Lviv Ruby User Group",
"description": "Welcome to The Lviv Ruby Meetup Group! Here we're happy to see everyone who's interested in learning or sharing experiences with \"Ruby\" and \"Ruby on Rails\". Our aim is to give a community for local Ruby developers to club and brainstorm some new ideas. The location of the Meetup depends on who is sponsoring. Speaker Proposals: If you have a pertinent subject matter that you'd like to present to the group at an upcoming meetup - please contact our coordinator Vitaly Pushkar - with a short description of your presentation.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 20,
"url": ""
"name": "The Dnipropetrovsk Ruby Meetup Group",
"description": "Welcome to The Dnipropetrovsk Ruby Meetup Group! Here we're happy to see everyone who's interested in learning or sharing experiences with \"Ruby\" and \"Ruby on Rails\".\nOur aim is to give a community for local Ruby developers to club and brainstorm some new ideas.\nWe meet every second Thursday of each month. The location of the Meetup depends on who is sponsoring.\nSpeaker Proposals: If you have a pertinent subject matter that you'd like to present to the group at an upcoming meetup - please contact our coordinator Julia Tokareva - with a short description of your presentation.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 94,
"url": ""
"name": "Creative-Fusion",
"description": "Creative-Fusion (CF) - a unique place where talent is discovers and potentials maximize to produce innovative IT solutions. If you have a flare for programming with \"Ruby on Rails\", then join us. Ideas REINVENTS the World!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 2,
"url": ""
"name": "Entrepreneur Academy",
"description": "There you are!\nThis group is for all super creative, cool and enthusiastic Entrepreneurs in Dubai. Setup and created by the Founder of and Director of Startup Grind Dubai, Simon Hudson.\n\n\nSimon recently closed a large seed funding and is now helping other fellow Entrepreneurs by setting up an Entrepreneur Academy within his new company. This Academy will help offer advice and teach everything he learnt throughout his startup journey.\nIn addition the Academy will host a variety of HomeBrew Clubs which will consist of Hackathons, Ruby off the Rails events and Mobile Marathons. These clubs will be for people who want to meet, eat Pizza and discuss any coding interest or hobby they have. Occasionally Simon will be on the look out for A Players to potentially join his newly found tech startup.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 156,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby Hyderabad",
"description": "A local meetup to meet and exchange ideas about applications built using Ruby on Rails. This is a meeting for both novice and seasoned professionals. Come share your ideas, learn from others over some snacks and drinks.\nPlease fill this form :",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 203,
"url": ""
"name": "Southeast Walking Club",
"description": "Welcome\nWe are a London and South East England based hiking club.\nWe organise day walks an hour or 2 by train from London.\nThe walks come from the Saturday Walkers Club website. They all have online walk directions, OS maps and GPS data. Some of them feature in the 2 Time Out Country Walks books.\nOur walks are \"self-led\" - i.e. they do not have a leader. Everyone is responsible for leading them self,  so everyone is expected to have a copy of the route.\nThe organisers only posts the meetup - they do not attend the walk (If they did, they would be effectively be walk leaders, and would require third party liability insurance, meaning the walks couldn't be free)\nMeetup with everyone else\n\nin the front carriage of the suggest train (look for people dressed for hiking),\nor on the station platform at the start of the walk (by the station exit)\nLook out for people who came by car at the station exit.\n\nIntroduce yourself to each other, and have a great time.\nThis may sound a little haphazard, but trust us, it actually works very well.\nOur Plans\nWe aim to build up to organising :\n\nwalks 7 days a week, with several walks at the weekend.\nearly and late starting walks\nshort/easy and longer/harder walks\nwalks with themes, e.g. gay, with children, 20's, 30's, visiting National Trust properties, swimming walks in the summer, etc.\n\nWe were inspired to start this group when we found out that some other groups were charging you to do our walks, and passing them off as their own work.\nOther Meetup groups are welcome to use Saturday Walker's Club walks provided (1) they link to them (\"attribution required\") and (2) if they are  commercial (i.e. that charge to attend the walk) they must contact the SWC first to license use of the walks.\nOur walks are free. Eventually we aim to charge £2 per walk - £1 to cover costs and £1 as a royalty to the walk's author (for the TOCW walks, the money will go to a charity).\nRSVP Policy\nPlease feel free to change your mind at the last minute, especially if its raining, the dog ate your homework, or you overslept. Also feel free to go on a walk you didn't RSVP for. Sorry, no refunds, but then the walks are free anyway :)\nOur Walks\n\nThese walks are open to all, everybody welcome.\nMeet in the front carriage of the train, or on the platform at the start of the walk.\nPlease note that the club just organises the Meetup posts, not the walks themselves. It has no legal existence or insurance. The rota enables people independently walking the route to walk together. As such, you should bring the appropriate Time Out book or a printout of the walk directions.\nThe group is self-organising: do not expect to be led, and feel free to take your own pace, or form into smaller groups.\nThe cognoscenti check the return train times.\nYou can also catch a train from your local station, or connect with the walk at an outer London station, eg. Clapham Junction, East Croydon.\nYou can of course drive to a walk, but check that the start and finish stations are on the same line!\n\nTrain Tickets Advice\nSummary for travel on Weekends and Public Holidays\n\nFor 1 or 2 people, buy a Network Rail Card (£28, 1/3 off fares for up to 4 people).\nFor 3 or 4 people, ask for a Groupsave ticket (4 people travel for the price of 2).\nIf you already have a London Zone season ticket, buy a train ticket from (say) \"Boundary Zone 3\" to your destination.\nIf you don't, and live near a train station, buy a ticket from your local train station direct to your destination (which includes discounted cross London travel by tube if necessary).\nIf you don't, and live near a tube station, buy a 1-Day Travelcard with a Network card discount (£5.60, available from the ticket office only, which open later on weekends...). It covers your tube fare into Central London, and by trains out to Zone 6. At a train station buy a second ticket from \"Boundary Zone 6\" to your destination.\nSome train station ticket machines (eg. Southern) sell \"Boundary Zone x\" tickets. If there's a \"Buy a ticket from another station\" button, select it and type in a station name of BOU to bring up the \"Boundary Zone x\" options.\n\nCurrent News / Special Offers\n\nCheck your local train company: South East Train Company websites, and see below for Railcards (especially the Network Railcard) and Long Term Special Offers.\n\nRailcards\n\nDon't pay full fare! Check the terms and conditions on the Railcard website and buy whichever card will get you discounted train fares (generally 1/3 off)\nNetwork Railcard : All the book walks, and most of the SWC walks are in the area covered by the Network Railcard, so buy this if you are not eligible for any of the other cards; it normally costs £25 for a year and the discount applies to up to four people travelling together, but…\nAnnual season ticket holders : A Gold Card gets equivalent discounts with fewer restrictions without needing to buy a separate Railcard; they can also buy a Network Railcard for a partner or friend for £1\nOther railcards are: Senior (60+), Young Persons (under 26 and students), Family (travel with 1+ children)\n\nTicket Types\n\nBuy Off-peak day return tickets wherever possible - this is what you'll usually be offered. See separate advice below for Weekday Walks. If the walk returns from a different station, check the advice in the walk document and/or ask at your local station\nSuper Off Peak day return tickets: Some rail companies offer special fares, e.g. at the time of writing there is a 'FCC trains only' fare for travel to stations between Three Bridges and Brighton. The best way to find out about these is to search for the journey (starting from London - all stations) on the Network Rail timetable website, and then click fares\nAdvance tickets: Be wary, as they are inflexible - you have to specify both the outward and return trains when you book, and you may not be permitted to break your journey at an intermediate station\n\nLong term special offers\n\nGroupsave tickets: (4 travel for the price of 2) are worth considering if you are travelling with friends and particularly if none of you has a Railcard, but you have to travel together for both the outward and return journeys\nSouthern Train's 1 day off-peak passes : Day Save (£10 for 1 person, or £20 for 4 person - buy a week in advance) and Downlander (£12, includes some buses, buy the day before)\n\nSeason Ticket Holders\n\nIf you have a season ticket covering (say) Zones 1-3, buy a ticket from \"Boundary Zone 3\" to the destination; these aren't available from a machine but you can buy them from any National Rail station to avoid queueing at a busy London terminus\nIf your season ticket is loaded on an Oyster card and the destination is within the Oyster area, buy an Oyster Extension Permit before you start your journey\n\nIf you don't have a Season Ticket...\n\nIf your route involves a journey across London, consider buying a Zones 1-6 Travelcard plus a ticket from \"Boundary Zone 6\" to the destination; this is more flexible than a return ticket and can be cheaper\nIf you live near a train station, consider starting your journey from there. It is usually much cheaper to buy a ticket from there (which includes tube travel between London train terminus if necessary) with the railcard discount, rather than than tube tickets to/from the London terminus and the train ticket from there as well.\n\nWeekday Travel (Monday to Friday excluding Public Holidays)\n\nCheaper \"off peak day return\" tickets (usually half price compared to rush hour prices) are not vaild before 9:30\nRailcard discounts vary with each type of card, eg. Network Railcards have a minimum discounted fare of £13, and can't be used before 10:00\nIf you need to buy a ticket from your local station to central London or a connecting station (e.g. East Croydon) and need to set off before 10am, consider these options: \n\nBuy an off-peak day return (valid after 9.30am) from your local National Rail station to the destination\nBuy an off-peak Zones 1-6 Travelcard (from 9.30am) and then a discounted return ticket from Zone 6 to the destination\nUse an Oyster card for your initial journey and then a discounted return ticket to the destination\n\n\n\nTourists and Visitors to London\n\nIf there are 3 or 4 of you, it's easy - use Groupsave\nTrain tickets for these walks cost around £10 to £20, and a Network Card (which gives 1/3 off) for up to 4 people cost £25. It pays for itself after 4 trips or so.\n\nGeneral Advice\n\nFor destinations in the Amersham/Chesham area, a Zones 1-9 Travelcard is usually best; you can buy these at Underground stations (with the Network Railcard discount) and other TfL outlets but not at National Rail stations\nNote the restrictions which apply to premium services like the Gatwick Express and Southeastern's High Speed Train; the fares are higher and \"Boundary Zone x\" tickets are not valid",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 144,
"url": ""
"name": "Chennai.rb Ruby User Group",
"description": "A place to organize Ruby meetups and other events as part of the Chennai.rb Community to enable Rubyists in Chennai to meet, socialize and grow together and share their love for Ruby.\nAnyone interested in Ruby and excited about connecting with folks with similar passions can join us. No Restrictions!\nFollow our official mailing list for all the latest updates of whats going on in the community as well as interesting and constructive discussions and debates!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 44,
"url": ""
"name": "lyon.rb",
"description": "We are Ruby developers based in Lyon, France. We are the folks behind the Ruby Conference Rulu 2012. We meet up every second Wednesday of the month at La Cordée, Charpennes from 7pm till late.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 69,
"url": ""
"name": "Cloud Developer Camp",
"description": "The Cloud Developer Camp ist one of four Camps which are compiled for developers, software architects, consultants and UI designers. We'd like to to help establishing and expanding the Ruby cloud community. So these Camps will be all about professional web development in the cloud.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 48,
"url": ""
"description": "Celebrate Belen is about community events in Belen, New Mexico and our surrounding communities. Belen (Spanish for Bethlehem) was founded by Spaniards in 1740 along the Rio Grande and is on the historic Camino Real. Our New Mexico roots are deep and our traditions alive and vibrant. The railroad arrived in 1880 and remains a vital presence in our community. Belen is a major railroad hub for the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad -- the reason for our nickname Hub City. Belen is easily accessible from Interstate 25 and is the southern terminus for the Rail Runner Express commuter trains. Our Alexander Municipal Airport serves those who travel here by plane.\nThere's LOTS going on in our community including Rodeos, Art & Music Festivals, Farmers Markets, Wine & Brews Festivals, Balloon Fiestas, Traditional New Mexico events such as our famous Matanza (pig roast) and Cinco de Mayo celebration, Food Festivals, Sports, Car & Bike Rallies, Free Movies and Live Theater at the Library, the Valencia County Fair, and more! Christmas is a special time in Bethlehem with both traditional Spanish and contemporary events.\nRailroad fans can ride the Rail Runner to the Belen station where it's a short walk to our historic Harvey House Museum and it's fascinating exhibits. Take a walking tour of the nearby Becker Street historic area with its Arts district, restaurants, pubs, and -- SOON - the restored Central Hotel featuring New Mexico wines. Becker Street hosts our exciting Street Festivals. Other events are held at Anna Becker Park, Eagle Park, and a host of other venues.\nArea attractions near Belen include the Abo National Monument, Vista del Sol Golf Course, ancient Spanish churches and villages, Isleta Pueblo with its casino and golf course, Nature Preserves and bird watching, and outdoor adventures in the Monzano Mountains. We have fine hotels and good restaurants - including some of the tastiest New Mexican food to be found anywhere. And, from Belen you can hop the Rail Runner and head north to Albuquerque, Santa Fe, or points beyond!\nBelen is a friendly and welcoming place. Many people have strong roots in the area and they embrace everyone, especially folks who love the area and make it their home. The old-fashioned values in the greater Belen area bring citizens together to support each other and their community. The traditional courtesy and good natured wit of our residents is charming and refreshing in today's hectic culture. Come to Belen and join the fun!\nCelebrate Belen is a nonprofit corporation founded in 2013 to coordinate and organize events, teaming with partner organizations including the City of Belen, Greater Belen Chamber of Commerce, Belen Main Street Partnership, and area businesses, churches, community groups, and individuals. Our mission is to promote economic development and offer cultural opportunities for Belen and our surrounding communities. Celebrate Belen's directors, members, and volunteers are not compensated. Our Federal 501(c)3 tax exempt status is pending IRS approval. Join us and have some fun!\nCheck out our website:\nHOW TO GET HERE\nBY ROAD\nComing south from Albuquerque, take Interstate 25 to Exit 195. Travel time is approximately 25 minutes.\nComing north from Socorro, take Interstate 25 to Exit 190. Travel time is approximately 40 minutes.\nComing west from Mountainair, head west on Route 60 and then north on Highway 47. Turn west at River Road. Travel time is approximately 25 minutes.\nBY TRAIN\nTake the New Mexico Rail Runner Express south to Belen. Once at the Belen Station, walk west over the Reinken Avenue overpass into downtown. During major events, Belen will provide shuttle services between the Belen Station and the event site.\nBY PLANE\nLand at Belen Alexander Municipal Airport, approximately three miles from downtown Belen.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 14,
"url": ""
"name": "Philippine Ruby Users Group",
"description": "The Meetup group of the Philippine Ruby Users Group (PhRUG). If you're interested in the Ruby ecosystem, you're welcome here!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 35,
"url": ""
"name": "Mysore Ruby User Group",
"description": "This is a group for ruby enthusiasts. The MRUG group already exists and are active. I created it here in to spread the word and meet more people thereby taking the MRUG to next level.\n\n\n\nGoogle Group -!forum/mys...\nFacebook Group -",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 40,
"url": ""
"name": "Software Design in Ruby Study Group",
"description": "What I have to know Ruby to join this group?\nIf you are interested in designing better software, you are welcome to join us. But you are expected to learn the basics of Ruby on your own.  \n\n\n\nWhat is this group about? \nThis group is for Ruby developers in San Francisco to come together, improve their skills and discuss software designs and collaborate in open source projects. We believe in the value of hands-on and topical real-life group learning and sharing. We welcome new and experienced software engineers alike. We rely on our members to come up with examples for review, questions for discussions and tech talks.\n\n\n\n::How is this group different from San Francisco Ruby Meetup Group?\nThis group meets in smaller group and actually help attendants code better by talking about examples of good code and bad code. We discuss design patterns and when to use what techniques, things that call for years of experience and things you cannot learn by googling easily. \nThis group is not about professional networking, listen to tech talks passively or free food. This group is about asking good questions and sharing good design thoughts.\n\n\n\n::What activities should you expect?\n• Ruby clinic/group code review on code samples of peers. \n\n\n• Discussion on design patterns. \n• Deep dive/case study of open source Ruby projects. \n• Work on open source libraries together.\n• Discussion of Meta-programming Techniques and when to use them. \n• Sharing session from well-known Rubyists in San Francisco. \n• Tips on learning iOS, RubyMotion, Javascript frameworks, Node.js from a Ruby background.\n\n\n\n*To meetup staff: please change my email to Thank you.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 131,
"url": ""
"name": "ruby_burgers_austin.rb",
"description": "Rubyburgers is an informal meetup for rubyists. It started as a joke to help people discover great burger joints in Brussels. But the first meetup was a success with about 20 or more rubyists. Since then, it becames a monthly meeting. It's now coming to Texas!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 44,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby Savannah",
"description": "This is the group for all the RailsBridge Savannah events. We'll be posting new events over at RailsBrige is all about bringing people together to learn how to code in a non-judgmental and relaxed environment.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 14,
"url": ""
"name": "Javascript xTreme",
"description": "When I was teaching Rails in Manhattan - I had created an \"after school\" program for adventurous students called Rails xTreme. Students loved it because it was more open, they could explore the material more without having to worry about assignments or homework. It was a safe and fun place to push Rails to the limit.\nI have decided to do that again. With Javascript.\nI don't actually have a meeting place right now - so it's going to be at me and my gf's house in Arrington (east of franklin). It will be once a week on Saturday for a few hours. I'm thinking 1pm and 4pm. If any of you have alternate suggestions I'm open to that. The first one will be this Saturday, January 25th.\nNow the important part. What will happen at these meetups? Well something that rarely occurs at other meetups - we will be creating real, live, actual running websites using the latest technologies in Javascript, Node, Angular, and much more. You will be on the cutting edge of web development creating mind-blowing sites in a fraction of the time it would take using less advanced techniques.\nHere is a PARTIAL list of things that you will be learning. \nBasic Javascript review, jQuery review, Ajax review, Node, Express, Databases (Postgres, CouchDB, MongoDB, Redis, MariaDB, Cassandra), Map Reduce (Hadoop), Web Deployment (Amazon EC2), Angular, Test Driven Development with Mocha, Jasmine, Qunit, Protractor and Karma, HTML 5 Technologies, Encryption, Socket IO, Audio/Video Streaming, Web Sockets, Game Development, Web RTC, Web Workers, Offline Storage, WebGL, Canvas, SVG, Camera API, Mobile Application Development, Touch Events, Geolocation, Device Orientation, CSS 3, Scaling your site to handling thousands of simultaneous connections, Advanced Linux, Pair Programming.\n Plus will get into loading a node server onto a $25 Rasperry Pi linux box and remotely controlling your home or creating autonomous robots that can guard your home while away. All this and more - much more!\nThis is the type of environment where startups are incubated. Maybe you could be develop the next facebook at the meetup along with your future co-founders.\nDon't just be a coder. Be an eXtreme coder!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 81,
"url": ""
"name": "Slovenia Ruby User Group",
"description": "User group for Ruby developers from Slovenia.\nYou should join if you like/are interested in Ruby and you're nearby :)",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 33,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby::AZ",
"description": "The Phoenix Ruby User group is a monthly meeting for Ruby enthusiasts in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Each month we try to have one or more presentations on current Ruby development. We're always looking for people to give a talk; it needn't be fancy or formal. If you're working on something cool, or learned something new, come show it off. The Phoenix Ruby User Group aims to grow and support a unified valley-wide community of Rubyists with community education, technological innovation, and outreach. The group meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at CO+HOOTS located at 1027 E. Washington St. Suite 107, Phoenix, Arizona 85034.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 58,
"url": ""
"name": "Rogue.rb",
"description": "",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 29,
"url": ""
"name": "Thread City Cyclers",
"description": "If you are interested joining Thread City Cyclers, please register via and we'll let you into our meetup group. \nThe membership cost for this group is $30 for an individual or $50 for a family per year. \nThanks!\n\n\n\nWho We Are\nThese days everybody has to have an official mission statement and goals, so here they are:\nThe mission of the Thread City Cyclers (TCC) is to provide opportunities for cyclists of various skill levels to physically challenge themselves and to train for races and other cycling events in a manner that builds individual performance, teamwork, and goodwill among club members.\n\n\n\n The goals of the club are to:\n\n - Promote performance-based cycling in Connecticut and other locations where TCC activities may take us.\n\n - Develop riding and racing skills.\n\n - Compete in USCF-sanctioned events, particularly at the development level.\n\n - Provide a framework for like-minded individuals to train and socialize.\n\n - Sponsor and support local cycling events including races, group rides, skill clinics, and overnight trips.\n\n - TCC is a sanctioned club of United States of America Cycling (USAC).\nOK, if you need more of that legal yadda, yadda, yadda, please see the links on this site to our by-laws and membership application.\nWho are we really? We are an eclectic group of cyclists based in the greater Windham-Mansfield area of northeast Connecticut. Northeast Connecticut is called the \"Quiet Corner\" and offers miles of rural riding on scenic country roads and rail trails. The club membership is about 130 strong. We have some folks who road race. We have folks who like to do triathalons. We have folks that like to ride the rail trails. We have people who thrive on doing Century Rides, and we have folks who enjoy cyclocross. We have mountain bikers, time trialers, long distance riders, old folks trying to sustain their youth, young bucks and buck'ettes looking to make a name for themselves, folks who ride very fast and some folks who like to ride and smell the flowers. We have veteran riders who make cycling a centerpiece of their lives and beginners who are just starting on the road to more serious riding and are looking for support, equipment tips and advice about how to get better. What unites and sustains us is that we love to ride.\n\n\n\nWhat We Do\nWe ride. Like most cycling clubs the centerpiece of our club activity is our weekly Saturday rides. There is a more detailed explanation of rides and how they work under the TCC Rides link on this web site. Guests are welcome to check out the group rides, but if you end up riding with us more than a couple of times we ask that you become a member so we are covered under our insurance. The club is an organization that functions on email to keep members up to date on changing details of weekly rides and rides that are formed on the spur of the moment. One benefit of membership is that you are on the email list and are kept up to date with all club happenings. There is a link to the Membership section of the site that explains how to join the club and other membership benefits.\n\n\n\n While the weekly rides are our main activity, the club is proud of the varied cycling opportunities and activities that have developed as traditional club fare over the years. In a typical cycling season, we offer opportunities for indoor winter training at Super Future Fitness in North Windham. It is not uncommon to have members out on the roads as weather allows through the winter. A highlight of the winter season are Wednesday night rides on the local rail trails, complete with headlights and warm tights as long as there is not too much ice. The club usually organizes a group purchase of cycling clothing each spring so we are all stylin' in a TCC kit by summer. Extra pieces are made avaialble through our main sponsor Scott's Cyclery in Willimantic.\n\n\n\n Weekly Saturday rides usually start in March with the time shifting earlier each month as the weather warms during the spring. There is usually a Monday night recovery ride out of UCONN or Lebanon, and typically a mid-week Wednesday night ride out of Scott's in Willimantic. As the weather warms through the spring typically groups of members will venture off for century and charity rides across New England. The club usually offers an overnight weekend to some destination in New England. It varies each year. We have been to the Adirondack's, the Colorado Rockies, Cooperstown, Quabbin Reservior, Lincoln NH and Waitsfield VT. Other summer highlights are the Eddy Merckx Ride (the Wednesday evening closest to the summer solstice, Scott Cyclery to Mass State Line and back - 52 miles) and the Willimantic Steeplechase, a late August charity ride to benefit Perception Programs of Windham.\n\n\n\n In October the club sponsors the Mansfield Hollow 'Cross Race, the best Cyclocross race in New England (if we do say so ourselves). The event attracts cyclocross racers from all over the northeast to the premier venue of Mansfield Hollow State Park. The park offers a tough but fair race course and is resplendent in the glory of New England fall foliage.\n\n\n\n There is a social aspect to club activities as well. There is a kick-off meeting to get things rolling in the spring and in December we have a annual pizza bash, with awards of \"distinction\" to celebrate member's follies and foibles of the riding season. Our spontaneous rides organized by email often morph into post ride potluck suppers and it is not uncommon for a ride to end up at a location where cold libations can be purchased. Heck, we even had a trip to a UCONN football game for a tailgating party and there was not a bike to be seen!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 13,
"url": ""
"name": "The Stamford Bicycling Meetup",
"description": "Welcome…\nto the Stamford Bicycling Meetup Group (SBMG).  This is a great place to meet other local cyclists in a social setting were you can make friends, find riding buddies, participate in rigorous training sessions, or rip-up the trails...what ever you want. And, if you just want to relax, kick back & do leisure rides SBMG is also a good place for you.  This group is geared to beginner, intermediate & advanced bikers interested in cycling whether for fitness, competition, or recreation.\nThe SBMG is a motley crew of riders that meet up in and around the Stamford area to do various types of bicycling. We have mountain/off-road bikers that ride at Mianus Park after work during the week, and street riders that meet for casual rides as well a fast paced endurance rides around Stamford.\nThis Meetup is actually a social networking forum more than a group.  The forum is a means for people in the biking community to find each other and get together for rides.  As such SBMG welcomes and support community originated event. You can think of the SBMG website as a community message board dedicated toward bicycling in Stamford, Norwalk, Greenwich, Rowayton, and beyond. When you are thinking about doing a bike ride, please use the SBMG to find others that are also interested.\nWho We Are\nThe Stamford Bicycling Meetup Group (SBMG) is a group of bicycle enthusiasts looking to meet up with others to go cycling. This group is for people of all skill levels and of all biking types (recreational, endurance, leisure, mountain, road, etc.). We meet regularly for in Stamford, Greenwich, and Rowayton, Norwalk, but also plan meetups in other areas, for rail trail, road, and off-road rides.\nIf you are a beginner, this is the place to start. You will meet others who can give you advice before you buy any gear. If you are an experienced cyclist, this group is an ideal way to meet other bikers to talk about gear, local routes, and to plan trips. Cyclist of all levels are welcome!\nSBMG is a social network forum, not a club, training facility, or outfitter. All events are common adventures, are non-autocratic in nature, and not for profit (unless hosted specifically by a business, institution, or outfitter following a different liability model). SBMG, its organizers, and its members assume no legal and or civil responsibility for or to any individual or event.\nWe Encourage Safe Cycling\nWe suggest for safety reasons that everyone ride with a helmet, in a legal manor, and in a cycle-pods of three to five. The forum makes it possible for novice, intermediate, and advanced bikers to find each other and form safe ride pods. Road cyclists should follow rules of the road.  Off road bikers should follow rules of the park.  The social nature of the group allows members to share safety tips and skills in a non-structured friendly format.  Safety is your responsibility!\nHow We Set Up Events\nThe Stamford Bicycling Meetup Group (SBMG)  is not a leader-dictated Meetup group, but a member-driven forum. Bicycle enthusiasts are welcome to join the forum and suggest locations for common-adventure rides.  All members can suggest a place, date, and time for a bike-ride event.  In fact, SBMG relies heavily on individual members to put events on the calendar.\nWhen two other members decide to attend the suggestion moves to the calendar and is announced to the group as an event.  (Some events are moved to the calendar by one oftheSBMG moderatorswith less than three people on the RSVP list.) Once it is on the calendar it is no longer a suggestion, but an event and it gets announced to the group by e-mail.  Whenever you visit the SBMG page,you should check the SUGGESTED events page to see if there is a suggested event that you might want to attend.\nMany people worry that if they suggest a ride too many bikers will show up and they would be responsible for a large group.  Most of the SBMG events attract about 1% of the members, which is about 2 to 4 bikers. That is just the right size for a group ride. Members just need to be specific on the day, time, and place (as well as bike-ride type, skill level, pace, etc.) when making a suggestion.  The events are common adventures, so you are not responsible for others, just yourself, but there is always safety in numbers.  However, you should be very specific about the bike-ride type, skill level, and pace of your suggested ride.  It is not a good idea for bikers of a single podto havea mixed expectation of the ride... it just leads to disappointment and a ride pod break down.  In short, be clear in your suggestion description and others with like-mindedthinking will join you (i.e. clearly state road ride, mountain bike ride, novice, intermediate, advance, short, long, fast pace, leisure pace, free-ride, trail-ride, etc.)\nSBMG wants all its members to feel free to make ride event suggestions. Such suggestions can be novice leisure rides in a park or rail-trail (with picnic and frequent stops), intermediate-level day road rides, or advanced-skill mountain bike rides. Anyone can take the initiative to add bike-ride events to the calendar. And, this is the best way to get events that work for your personal schedule and skill level so you never have to ride alone.\nIdeas for Meetups\nWe are interested in finding racers and triathlon riders that want to do a more rigorous training ride.  If you are interested in training with others then please suggest a date, time, and place for likeminded cyclists to meet up with you for a ride.  In your suggestion make it clear that the nature of the ride is fast-paced and rigorous.\nWe are have many members that want to meet up for local leisure exercise in local streets and parks.  Cycling is an ideal way to relieve the stress of the day and to get the 30 to 60 minutes of cardio recommended for a healthy life-style.  The SBMG forum is the ideal way to get the benefits of cycling while also forming a network of like-minded people to socialize with before, during and after the ride. If you are interested in daily exercise bike rides that are not rigorous training ride but more leisure in nature, maybe along the route to Calf Pasture Beach in Norwalk, or between Cummings Beach and Shippan Point in Stamford, or along Shore road in Old Greenwich, or where ever, then please suggest a date, time, and place for likeminded cyclists to meet up with you for a ride.  In your suggestion make it clear that the nature of the ride is leisure-paced and exercise oriented.\nWe are always looking for people to lead recreational rides throughout Connecticut and the neighboring states.  If you are interested in exploring the many bike routes and rail/trails in the area or doing multi-night bike touring others then please suggest a date, time, and place for likeminded cyclists to meet up with you for a ride.  In your suggestion make it clear that the nature of the ride is leisure-paced and recreational in nature.\nOur most active group members are mountain bikers.  We have novice to advanced mountain bikers that post off-road rides, mostly in Mianus River Park on the Stamford, but if you are looking to meet up with people to ride other locations then we encourage you to post suggestions.   In your suggestion make it clear that the nature of the ride is off-road.  State the paced and style of your ride.  Use descriptors such as cross-country, trail, free-ride, and dirt jumping as these are well known terms.  Also, state if your ride suggestion is novice, intermediate, or advanced in nature.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 479,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby Splat",
"description": "This is a group for learners, by learners. Our aim is to teach and learn from each other, to explore together, but above all to do together. Let's hack, code, and learn. I am new to Ruby and I believe the best way to learn is by doing, so if you are like me and are interested in testing, coding, exploring and hacking, let's get together and just do it. All levels of experience are welcome, lets pair and learn.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 3,
"url": ""
"name": "Compiègne.rb",
"description": "Communauté Ruby sur Compiègne, Oise. N'hésitez pas à nous rejoindre, que vous soyez débutants ou initiés ! Chaque mois, une nouvelle édition se déroule dans un lieu basé sur Compiègne.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 23,
"url": ""
"name": "Philly.rb",
"description": "Philly.rb is the one and only user group in the Philadelphia area dedicated to helping Ruby enthusiasts learn, network, and socialize.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 475,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby User Group Bamberg",
"description": "Wir treffen uns einmal im Monat in lockerer Atmosphäre und tauschen uns zur Progammiersprache Ruby und damit verbundenen Themen aus. Das passiert vor allem in Form von Vorträgen, Workshops und Gesprächen. Auch völlige Programmierneulinge können gerne bei uns rein schnuppern!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 13,
"url": ""
"name": "Extra Credit: General Assembly Technology/Business/Design",
"description": "Members of the technology, business, and design communities. Welcome!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 842,
"url": ""
"name": "Stockholm Ruby",
"description": "Welcome to the Ruby community in Stockholm. This group is open to any and all who have an interest in the Ruby programming language, and want be part of the Stockholm community around our favourite language.\nWe have a long tradition of flat hierarchies, and have been organizing meetups for years without any sort of leadership. Pretty cool, actually, and we intend to keep that spirit alive.\nPlease know that the organizers listed here at are not leaders but rather administrators. You are very welcome to join, and suggestions to add more people to the organizers list are much appreciated!\nThe user group belongs to you, dear Stockholm Rubyist. Participate and organize events. We're here to help.\nTwitter hashtag: #sthlmrb",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 550,
"url": ""
"name": "LiTE - Lightning Talks for Engineers",
"description": "The best part about graduating college was leaving behind the hour-long lectures. And the Coors Lite. But continuing our education is fulfilling and rewarding, so we decided to scrap the formalized lectures and do things a little differently.\nEnter LiTE: Lightning Talks for Engineers. Join us on the last Thursday of every month to hear four bright developers speak on topics that are relevant (and actually interesting). Each speaker will have 10 minutes to educate the group - just enough time to hold your attention!\nWe will feast and sip craft beers from 5:30 to 6pm, and talks will start promptly at 6. Interested in presenting a topic? Let us know!\n",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 305,
"url": ""
"name": "Riverside Ruby User Group",
"description": "The Riverside Ruby Group is the place in the place to learn and share all things related to Ruby and software development in the Riverside Area. Come learn, share and make new friends.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 20,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby Wednesdays - Open Coding at Constant Contact",
"description": "Come Hack in TriBeCa; Code in a Different, Kick Ass Environment – Meet other Ruby Devs – Learn Something New; Food and Refreshments provided; First Wednesday of Every Month - 6 - 9 PM",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 133,
"url": ""
"name": "Munich Rubyshift, Ruby User Group",
"description": "We are the Munich Ruby user group and we gladly invite you to our next meetup. Meet regularily once a month (every second Wednesday of the month) to learn new and interesting stuff about Ruby, to foster our community and to have fun together.\nPlease follow us on twitter @muc_rubyshift\nFor longer discussions and long-term announcements, check our google group",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 137,
"url": ""
"name": "Burbank Poker Posse",
"description": "We meet the Third Thursday of every month at the Moose Lodge in Burbank for a No Limit Hold 'Em Poker Tournament.  Friendly buy-in (40) and even friendlier rebuys (20).  Start with $6K (including $1K bonus) in tournament chips.  High Hand award.  Player of the Year points.  Other prizes and surprises.  Start at 7:00 p.m., usually over by midnight.  Lodge located at 1901 W. Burbank Blvd., Burbank, CA 91506.  Exit Burbank Blvd. off 5 Fwy.  U can RSVP for the next Third Thursday Poker Tournament* by posting here or calling the Burbank Moose Lodge.\n \nRESULTS of TTPT held Thursday, December 20, 2012\nRON RAISES THE ROOF!\nIt was close to midnight with four players remaining at the final Third Thursday Poker Tournament of 2012. Raisin' Ron Saxe and Steven \"Snake\" Spezzano were all in before the flop, almost even-chipped.  Ron flipped up 6-7 and Snake had called with A-10.  The flop came A-10-8, giving Snake top two and RR a gutshot draw.\nWhoever wins this pot would be the clear chip leader.  A rag fell on the turn.  \"He's dead to a nine,\" observed one player.  A pensive pause permeated the air around the table.  \"Don't do it,\" pleaded Snake.  And then the river fell, bringing a nefarious nine and a  deafening roar from the onlookers!\nSaxe the Axe hit his straight and Snake hit rail.  The field of 36 was now down to the Top Three--Double R and the two co-hosts, Moose and Hubeedoo. Hubee battled hard before succumbing to an impressive third-place finish. Then, almost even-stacked, with blinds at 40K - 80K, Raisn' Ron and Loose Moose faced off to determine the final TTPT Champ of 2012.\nRon shoved on the button with 6-3 suited and Moose called holding A-7 off.  A six came on the flop; and with no help for Moose, Ron posted his second TTPT victory in the event's two-year history.\nRounding out the Top Ten were veteran Moose Members Bunny, Spike, Lucky Lenny, Cobra, Triple A (Aaron the Asian Assassin) and sophomore Silent Mike.\nPamela's quad eights held up for High Hand.\nThe Toy Drive was a solid success and players competed for bonus Christmas presents provided by Santa Claus.\n(More to Come)\n \nRESULTS of TTPT held Thursday, September 27, 2012\nRISSO RISES!  PRETTY BOY SMILES & SHADOW APPEARS!\nBy midnight, the 45 player mob was narrowed to the Testosterone Trio:  Silverlake Rounder star Johnny World Risso and newbies Michael Pretty Boy Weston & Tony the Shadow Machado.\nAll three were pretty even-stacked, still anybody's title to take.  With Co-Host Hubeedo dealing and blinds at 20-40K, Shadow appeared to be casting a foreboding presence when momentum took a sudden turn.  Shadow and Johnny World got 'em all in before the flop, Tony with Ac Jc and Johnny holding Qs Jd.  The flop came Ks Js 5s, giving Machado matching hooks with top kicker. The turn was 7h, no help; and the river 10s, served Risso a real dizzo--a spade flush!\nRisso doubled through Tony, grabbing the $570,000 pot plus a big mound of Mo!  Shadow shoved the rest of his stash with K-10 off, and JR chased with 3-6.  A king flopped, giving Tony top pair; but the river made Ratso a straight to the seven!\nNow it was heads up, Johnny in the lead; but PB Weston, impressive all night with his tight but aggressive timing, was still very much alive.  Indeed at one point at the Final Table, it appeared the title of this report would be \"How Weston Won.\"\nBut JR, current Moose Lodge \"All-in or Fold Champion,\" kept up the pressure, whittling Weston's woodpile to a splinter.  The final hand, blinds at 30K-40K, came at 12:30; Risso showing A-8 and Michael, with a chair and a prayer, testing his fate with J-2.  JR's ace held up, handing Risso his first TTPT win; and Weston had to settle for Runner-up at his virgin Third Thursday outing.\nDarin' Karen finished 4th, increasing her POY lead.*  Poison Ivy scratched out 5th; and Falisha Porter carried a strong 6th.  Newcomer Slippery Susan Kaufman surprised in 7th; followed by Cowboy Bob Kotecki, Bud the Wizard of Draws Wisinski and Chris the Crusher Cioffi to round out the Top Ten.\nKatie the Lady's quad Queens held up for High Hand.\nNext Third Thursday Poker Tournament is scheduled for October 18.\nNOVEMBER: Annual Moose Lodge Poker Championship/Third Thursday Poker Tournament Combo planned for Saturday, Novemer 17, 2012--Noon to Midnight.  Double POY Points.  Rounds starting at 30 minutes.\n*To view current POY standings, click on More above, then Files, then TTPT Standings.\n \n \nRESULTS of TTPT held Thursday, August 16, 2012\nCHIP & A HAIR--FAST FREDDIE FIGHTS BACK!\nSporting his longest and luckiest pony tail to date, Fast Freddie Nelson engineered perhaps the most impressive comeback in Third Thursday Poker Tournament history!\nSeven-handed and down to just a few chips, Freddie zigged and zagged, switching gears and masking fears, outlasting a field of forty-one and emerging as this month's Champion on Thursday, August 16, 2012.\nVicious Vito, Devious Debbie, Gentleman Jeff, Glenn \"Crazy Man\" Cozen, Dodge Dave, Steve the Master, Moose, Spike and Jeff \"Take the Pot\" Scott rounded out the Top Ten.\nSpike Smith earned High Hand award with four aces.\n \nRESULTS of TTPT held Thursday, July 19, 2012\nWIZ WINZ!  JEN JAMZ!  READ STILL IN LEAD!\nFormer Moose Lodge Champion and current APA TOC Champion Bud the Wizard Wisinski scractched another notch in his poker resume on July 19, 2012, taking first place in the monthly Third Thursday Poker Tournament held at Burbank Moose Lodge 652.\nWith the 38-player field narrowed to the Top Ten final table, sophomore Jammin' Jennifer Irizarry, aka the Jackal, pounced on the opposition, ripping stacks apart and eliminating contenders, landing heads-up at midnight with the Wizard of Drawz.\nIn the final hand, Wiz took pocket fours (the bonus hand earlier in the night) against two overs (Q-6) and emerged unscathed.\n2011 Player of the Year Vicious Vito Paoletta climbed back into this year's point race with an impressive 3rd place score; while current POY leader Darin' Karen Read finished 4th to increase her lead.  (To view current POY standings, click on More above, then Files, then TTPT POY Standings.)\nBernie Bromberg, aka Flyer, piloted his stack to a personal best 5th place honors; followed by former TTPT winner Randy Reed (Chasers' Doom) and sophomore Sneaky Mike Chambers in 6th & 7th.\nCowboy Bob Kotecki managed another final table appearance at 8th, with Co-Host Richard \"Hubeedoo\" Huber 9th and Steve the Master Mastopietro 10th.\nJohnny World Risso brought down the house with his 8-high straight flush (spades), good for High Hand and a future free buy-in.\n \nRESULTS of  TTPT held Thursday, June 21, 2012\nCOURT OVERRULES SKEPTICS\nSophomore Courtney \"Cougar\" Williams established himself as a name to be reckoned with in Third Thursday Poker competition as he took command of a final table stacked with feared veterans the likes of D Hat, Bagpipe Billy, Shovin' Cheryl, Spike, Bunny, Darin' Karen, Wiz and Trappin' Travis.\nDavid Hatfield, April Runner-up, found himself in the same position with Courtney.  Just as in April, D Hat's heads-up shootout lasted one hand.  David peeked K-J, made a small raise, hoping the aggressive Cougar would move in, and Court obliged...with A-J!  Cougar's Ace held up and once again Hat had to settle for second best.  Sophomore Derek Dale, aka DNX, finished tenth to round out the final table.\nThirty-four players, including back-in-action Len the Cat Kalcheim, battled in the June, 2012 version of Third Thursday Poker Tournaments at Burbank Moose Lodge 652.  Mid-point Player of the Year standings show the field tightening, with Karen expanding her lead to 215, 35 points ahead of Moose in 2nd with 180; followed by Spike (159), Cowboy Bob (143), Bunny (122), Allinda (113), D Hat (112), Gentleman Jeff (108), and Bagpipe Billy (102).\nFor a complete list of POY standings, click on More, then Files, then TTPT POY STANDINGS.\nSo far it's been a kinder, gentler year for 2011 Player of the Year Vicious Vito (89) who blames his slippage on the cards--not the hands, but the paper Bicycle cards.  Thinks he'd play better with plastic cards; which, of course, is why we continue to play TTPT with Bicycle cards manufactured in Moose's home town of Cincinnati, Ohio.\nCowboy Bob Kotecki's Cowboys-full-of-eights full house was good for High Hand, earning Bronco Bob a free future TTPT buy-in.\n(To view photos, click on Photos above.)\n \n \nRESULTS of TTPT held Thursday, May 17, 2012\nIT'S ALLINDA GAME!\nNewcomer Poison Ivy Vasquez scratched her way to a heads-up battle at the Third Thursday Poker Tournament held May 17, 2012, at the Moose Lodge in Burbank; but veteran Linda \"Allinda\" Meyers found the antidote, churning pocket eights into a full house to beat Ivy's two pair on the final hand.\nDarin' Karen Read nailed an impressive 3rd place finish to move ahead in the POY points race. Alas, it was not to be for Hamlet Salizar, who lead the 50-player field when the final table merged, but had to settle for 4th place, ahead of Bagpipe Billy, Host Moose, Steve the Master Mastopietro, Cowboy Bob Kotecki, Action Alex and Avenging Angel to round out the Top Ten, all of whom were rewarded.\nStan \"Spike\" Smith hit a Royal Flush in clubs to score High Hand award, good for a future TTPT buy-in.\nTop Five Player of the Year point leaders are: Karen (182), Moose (178), Cowboy Bob (141), Spike (122) and Allinda (111).  For a complete list of POY standings, click on MORE above, then click on FILES, then TTPT POY STANDINGS.\n \n\n\n\nRESULTS of TTPT held Thursday, April 19, 2012\nDODGER DAVE SCORES!  HAT MISSES BY A HAIR!  MOOSE TAKES 4th & POY LEAD!\nFive tables, forty-six tough players!  Heads up, it was a tale of two Daves.  Dodger Dave Richard with 750K and David Hatfield with 330K.\nWith blinds at 20K-40K, the Dance of the Daves lasted one hand!  Both shoved pre-flop, Dave R with Q-7 (his favorite internet hand) and D Hat with A-6, all diamonds.  Two diamonds fell on the flop, severely narrowing the outs for the guy who's been to every Dodger game this year.  If NLH were a six-card game, the Silverlake Rounders Host would be the latest Third Thursday Champ!  But a river 7 gave the dude with two first names the glory and the grand!\nGentleman Jeff Gorsuch, last month's runner-up, finished 3rd; and Jay Moriarty snagged 4th, boosting Host Moose into POY lead with 127 points.  Rounding out the Top Ten final table posse were longtime co-host Michigan Matt Troyer and buddy Philly Jo Wilcox, newbie Jack Beckwith, Cowboy Bob Kotecki, Action Alex Rivera and Bunny \"The Babe\" Bashaar.\nAngel Acosta's quad sailboats stayed afloat for High Hand and a future free buy-in.\n \n \nRESULTS of TTPT held Thursday, March 15, 2012\nREAD GETS IT RIGHT\nLike a surgeon--but not for the very first time--Darin' Karen Read meticulously removed anything standing between her and the title of Winner at the recent Third Thursday Poker Tournament.\nKaren's big pairs held up and she made all the right moves, surviving a bumpy heads-up hour-plus back-and-forth battle with fellow Burbank resident Gentleman Jeff Gorsuch.  Rounding out the Top Ten, all of whom were rewarded, were new POY point leader Stan \"Spike\" Smith, Joker Jim Davis, Travis \"Tiger\" Burns, Hubeedoo Huber, Host Moose, Fast Freddie Nelson, Al \"Bernie's Pal\" Strauss and Dodger Dave Richard.\nHubee's quad queens quieted Vicious Vito's aces-full boat, holding up for High Hand of the night and earning a free future buy-in.\nFor a complete list of current Player of the Year standings, click on MORE above, then click on FILES and then click on TTPT POY STANDINGS.\nClick on PHOTOS (above) to see photos from this event and others.\n \nRESULTS of TTPT held Thursday, February 23, 2012\nPURE GOULD; BOO SCARY!\nJim \"Solid\" Gould proved he was the real thing, scoring his first victory and second final table appearance in two tries.  Veteran Kiambu \"Boo\" Fisher haunted the final table with a daunting chip stack, but had to settle for a strong runner-up performance.\nWhen the field of 49 merged to form the final table (Top Ten), Boo and Uschi were driving the train with 200K each, followed by Spike (180K), Vicious Vito (170K), Larry \"Eyes\" Izenberg (145K), Gould (95K), Bunny, Moose, rookie Cunning Carlos Sanchez (90K each), and Ranger Raul Madrid in the caboose (55K).\nAfter Raul jumped the track, narrowing the hopefuls to nine, Uschi raised before the flop, Moose moved in and Jimmy G (Gould) shoved from behind.  Uschi showed A-10 while Moose and Jimmy each turned up pocket kings, helping themselves to a chunk of Uschi's stack when the board blanked.\nOn the very next hand, Moose again shoved and Eyes called with pocket rockets.  Both players had the exact same amount (145K), but Moose held A-Q.  Eyes doubled up and Moose was relegated to hosting duty.\nJimmy Solid and Uber Uschi then marched their troops to the middle when Uschi held pocket sixes and Jimmy flipped up A-K.  An ace on the river sent Uschi to the showers and provided an omen of things to come for the Goulden Guy.\nBlinds now at 20-40K, Bunny hit the trail when Jimmy's pocket nine balls busted her A-8 suited. With six players remaining, Carlos liked his pocket threes; but Eyes peeked pocket queens, using Siegfried and Roy to tame his opponent's crabs.\nSpike risked it all with J-Q of spades and Boo called with two spades of his own, A-8.  A top on the flop (ace) popped Spike's dream, leaving Feb's Final Four.  Boo and Eyes had the chip advantage, but, as veterans know, 2011 Player of the Year Vito can never be counted out.\nFighting for scraps, Vito shoved with A-3 off and Solid called with 2-4 off.  A four on the turn shaved Vito's stack to the felt, leaving this month's Third Thursday Trio.  With blinds at 30K-60K, a chip count showed Boo with over 500K, Larry Eyes with 310K and Jimmy the Kid with 290K.\nIt was turtle time for Boo, withdrawing into his shell, allowing young 'uns Larry and Jimmy to battle for the blinds.\nWhen the blinds jumped to 40-80K, Boo attempted to tarnish Gould for good, calling Jim's all-in bet with 9-4 suited.  Jim's 10-4 suited wasn't much better.  But if a guy from Texas can win two world titles with 10-2, why can't a well-coiffed dude from LA knock off a Third Thursday Tournament at the Moose Lodge with 10-4?\nA four fell on the flop and Jimmy's ten kicked, doubling him thru Boo.   Chess Master Gould then used A-9 to all but destroy Larry's A-3 when a 9 came on the turn, leaving Eyes with pinkeye (one pink 20K chip).\nBut Larry wasn't through yet.  He had put on a stellar display of disciplined poker throughout the night, and Eyes wasn't about to just fade from view.  Larry caught pocket fives twice and used them to double through Gould first, then Boo, acquiring a total of 6 pink chips (120K).  Eyes peeked A-4 then shoved, but blinked when he saw Solid's pocket nines.  A third nine fell on the flop, destroying Eyes' vision of sugar plums to come.  Jimmy had put Eyes out.\nNow heads up, Jimmy had a 2-1 lead over Boo (880 to 440K). It appeared over when Boo's 5-6 matched Solid's A-9.  The flop came 8-10-6 with a 7 on the turn, giving Jimmy a straight.  But a 9 on the river put a straight on board and the opponents tied!\nJim picked up another ace, this time with a 3 kicker; and Boo once again put his faith and his future in 5-6 off.  This time the board came 10-J-7-9-9 and Solid's ace was good for all the gold!\nImpressive back-to-back showings by Uschi, Spike and Boo, all of whom finished at the final table in the previous month's (January, 2012) TTPT.\nFast Freddie Nelson's quad deuces held up for High Hand and a free future buy-in.\nPOY point standings show Boo out front with 93, followed by Spike (79), Solid Gould (75), Uschi (71), Hubeedoo (60), Eyes (58), Vito (57), Cunning Carlos (50) to form the current Elite Eight.\nFor a COMPLETE LIST of current PLAYER OF THE YEAR standings, click on MORE above (TOP, UNDER BURBANK POKER POSSE), click on FILES, then click on TTPT POY STANDINGS.\n \nRESULTS of the Moose Appreciation Tournament held Saturday, January 28, 2012\nANTLERS AWEIGH!\nIt was the Moose Appreciation Poker Tournament and no one appreciated it more than Moose, who gets his name engraved on the Lodge trophy for the first time since donating it four years ago!\nA select group of 24 players competed in the event, which culminated in a tough shootout between Jay \"Moose \" Moriarty and Phillip \"Jackman\" Brown.  Following a spaghetti luncheon, cards were in the air at 1:30 p.m.\nWith both re-buys and add-ons permitted, when the field was narrowed to the Final Nine at 8:15, there was close to one million in tournament chips on the table.\nDwindling stacks and rising blinds soon cut the remaining field in half, while Moose began moving chips and collecting ammo, emerging as chip leader by 9:00 p.m.\nAngela Whang had to settle for 9th place and Last Woman Standing; soon joined on the rail by Adam \"The Cobra\" Hirsh, who dropped his markers but picked up a new nickname.  Nothing new about Dodger Dave, Boo, Joker Jim or John Romano's impressive finishes in the next four spots.\nThree-handed, as blinds continued to climb, the lead switched back and forth among Moose, Jackman and Stan \"Spike\" Smith.\nWith 20K-40K blinds, Spike peeked 10-J and decided to muscle some blinds or chance a double up.  Moose called with A-10, and a ten on the flop sent Mr. Smith to Washington (Blvd.).\nHeads up chip count showed Moose with a narrow lead--530K to Jackman's 450K.  On the very first heads-up hand, the renowned Mr. Brown slow-played pocket kings, and Mr. Moose realized he was about to enter a mine field.\nAt 40K-80K blinds, Moose moved in on the button (small blind) and Pensive Phil went into the tank.  Jay had dropped but regained a slight chip advantage, 550K to 420K.  Holding K-10 off, Moose wasn't sure if he wanted Jackman to call.  Jackman studied his hand and his opponent's face for what seemed like an hour and a half, then slid his chips to the center and turned up J-Q.  No help came on the board, and Moose's king was crowned!\nNext Third Thursday Tournament is actually scheduled for the fourth Thursday, February 23, 2012.\n \nRESULTS of TTPT held Thursday, January 19, 2012\nHUBEE DOO IT!  COWBOY RIDES IN SECOND!\nRichard \"Hubeedoo\" Huber's poker skills were on display at the first Third Thursday Poker Tournament of 2012, outlasting a field of 33 players, still standing when the smoke cleared after a shootout with runner-up Robert \"Cowboy\" Kotecki.\nHeads up, Cowboy was in front, having ambushed his way through a final table of ten tough opponents, all of whom were rewarded for their efforts.  (Wounded with six players left, Cowboy found pocket Jacks and managed to double through Randy Reed (A-3), leaving Randy with just one green (5K) chip, and allowing Cowboy to reload his revolver.)\nWhen the final hand came, Hubeedoo held a slight lead over Robert--270K to 250K.  Cowboy held A-9 suited and Hubee peeked J-K off.  All ammo went to the middle pre-flop, which came J-8-3 rainbow, giving Richard top pair.  The board completed with 10-8, knocking Kotecki from the saddle and serving Hubee with his first Third Thursday win!\nShovin' Cheryl Harmon earned 3rd, followed by Chicago Dan Kaemon, last month's winner; and Randy \"Chasers' Doom\" Reed, former TTPT winner, still rushing from his recent cash in Vegas at the The 3rd Annual Moose International event.\nKaren Read turned the page, scoring a personal best 6th place; followed by poker legend Linda \"Allinda\" Meyers, the very first Third Thursday winner (January 2011).  Kiambu \"Boo\" Campbell secured 8th spot with always tough Stan \"Spike\" Smith in 9th and newlywed Uschi McCoy 10th.\nBoo walked off with High Hand of the night, Aces full of sixes, lowest High Hand since TTPT began.\nEight players applied for Moose Membership last night, making them official members of Poker Club 652 at the Burbank Moose Lodge.  A record number of 9 out of 10 players at the final table were Moose Members.\nHubeedo leads 2012 Player of the Year standings with 59 points, followed by Cowboy Bob with 48, Shovin' Cheryl - 42, Chicago Dan - 39, Chasers's Doom - 36, Karen - 34, Allinda - 32, Boo - 30, Spike - 28 and Uschi - 26.  (All players receive 2 points for playing.  Top Ten (final table) receive additional points.)\nTop two POY point leaders of 2012 will receive entries (Hotel plus Buy-ins) to the 2013 Moose International No Limit Hold 'em Tournament in Las Vegas at the Golden Nugget next January.\nNext Third Thursday tournament is actually scheduled for the Fourth Thursday of next month, February 23, 2012.\nMoose Appreciation Poker Tournament, for Moose Members and 2011 TTPT players with 30 or more points, is scheduled for next Saturday, Janurary 28, 2012.  See \"Featured Event\" details on this site.\n \nRESULTS of TTPT held Thursday, December 15, 2011\nCHICAGO DAN TRIPS UP STILETTO\nTOP TEN: Chicago Dan Kaemon, Lenny \"Stiletto\" Benedetto, Dave Richard, Debbie Feinberg, Randy Reed, PhillyJo Wilcox, Richard Huber, Spike Smith, David Gallegos and TTPT Co-host Michigan Matt Troyer.\nDave Richard knocked off High Hand award with quad sixes.\n34 players competed in this ChristMoose-themed event.\nToy Drive big success!\nVito Paoletta seals 2011 Player of the Year Award!\n \nRESULTS of TTPT/MLPC held November 19, 2011\nSTACEE...STAYS JUST A LITTLE BIT LONGER; JOANNE BURNS BRIGHT\nHeads up at the Moose Lodge Poker Championship, it was two feisty but friendly femmes slugging it out for the 2011 MLPC title and trophy.\nSix-handed, Big Hand Joanne Burns went on a tear, using huggable holdings like A-10, A-K, A-J to cull the competition to four.  With a prayer and a chair, first-timer Stacee Evans shoved with 7-8 and was called by Joanne's pocket aces.  The poker gods were listening and Stacee was rewarded with a straight, doubling her stack and switching the Mo.\nDrawn but pumped when the final card fell, both warriors had big smiles; but only one (Stacee) had a big stack and the right to call herself Champ!\nRounding out the final table in the 44-player field were Silverlake Rounder Rivals Phillip \"Jackman\" Brown & Adam \"Flea\" Hirsh; first-timers Brad Vuong & Chess Master Jim Gould; Scary Boo Fisher, Pamela Rich, Host Moose and Stu \"On Fire\" Maguire, all of whom were rewarded.\nSlick Rick Socorzano put together a royal flush in spades to capture High Hand and a free buy-in to a future tourney.\nBounties were collected on former MLPC Champs Bud \"The Wizard of Drawz\" Wisinski and Dr. Zip.  Play began at 3:00 p.m. and lasted till 2:00 a.m.  Gobblefest Turkey Dinner provided fuel for all participants.\nDouble POY points were awarded.  Next (and final) chance for 2011 POY points will be Thursday, December 15, at 7:00 p.m.  Check home page for details.\nPOY Leaders:  Vito-327  Moose-248  Just John-156  Raisin' Ron- 156  Stu-150  Stacee-140\n \nRESULTS of Third Thursday Tourney held October 20, 2011\nVITO VICTORIOUS, NEW MOOSE MEMBER!\nAfter nine tries and numerous final table finishes, Vicious Vito Paoletta managed to snag his first TTPT win, completing a long-stated goal of winning his Moose Membership.  Veteran Stan \"Spike\" Smith gave Vito a solid scare before settling for second.  (Click on Photos above)\nBeneath a rasta cap complete with hanging dreadlocks and behind a nametag reading \"Rasta Pasta,\" Vito weaved through a formidable field of 46 at the Third Thursday Halloween event, arriving at the final table with his usual seamless consistency, almost enough to make you think poker is a game of skill.\nNew to TTPT but obviously not to poker, Steve \"The Master\" Mastopietro finished third; followed by Moose Member, former TTPT winner and Silverlake Rounder co-host David Buik in fourth.  Sophomore Fearless Francis Ten was fifth.  First-timer Darin' Aaron Cappocchi, veteran Leslie \"Bunny\" Bashaar, Moose Member and SLR host David Hatfield, former MLPC Champ Bud \"The Wizard of Drawz\" Wisinski and newbie Arthur \"No Tears\" Tiersky rounded out the Top Ten, all of whom were rewarded.\nSnake Spezzano's 5-high straight flush held up for High Hand Award.\nNext Tournament:  Saturday (this month only), November 19, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. Check home page for details.\nTTPT Player of the Year Standings (Updated October 20, 2011)\nTop Ten (POY Leaders)\nVito - 323  Moose - 170  Raisin' Ron - 152  Just John - 152  Allinda - 125  Spike - 121  D Buik - 121 Anh Phan - 117  Wiz - 108  Stradi - 107\n \n \nRESULTS of Third Thursday Tourney held September 15, 2011\nHO GETS LAST LAUGH; VITO LENGTHENS POY LEAD\nWhen the dust cleared, two first-timers were left huddled with all the chips.  Aaron Ho, known to his poker-playing college buddies as \"Triple A\" (Aaron the Asian Assassin), had a better than 4-1 lead on Steven \"The Snake\" Spezzano.\nAt quarter past midnight, blinds at 20,000-40,000, all ammo went to the middle with Aaron showing A-10 while Snake turned up 2-4 suited.  A sailboat on the river kept Steven alive; and it appeared Snake could be coiled for a comeback at the Third Thursday Poker Tournament, held September 15, 2011, at the Burbank Moose Lodge.\nBut alas Triple A and his chip lead proved too great to overcome.  At 12:22, ahead 640,000 to 350,000, the Assassin employed 9h-10h to destroy Snake's K-8 when a 9 hit the board, besting a field of 52 tough players in this NLH competition.\nFinishing third was veteran Vito Paoletta, becoming first to pass the 200 point mark in the TTPT Player of the Year race.  The Godfather of Gaming avoided elimination by taking K-4-off against Host Jay \"M\"oose Moriarty's K-7-off when two fours popped on the flop, giving Vito a flotilla of fours and forcing Moose to settle for 5th place.\nAllinda Meyers, winner of the very first TTPT, notched another strong performance, snagging 4th place honors.  Allinda's demise came when she took A-5 vs. Aaron's pocket fours and once again the sailboats stayed afloat.\nRounding out the Top Ten were Slippery Scott MacConnell, Punk Provost, Ahn (pronounced Awn) Phan, Bud \"The Wizard of Draws\" Wisinski and Just John (pronounced Jawn) Clark.\nDavid \"The Turtle\" Gallegos' straight flush to the 8 was good for High Hand award.  Vito scored a pair of poker sunglasses by becoming the first player to win (in the ninth month) a hand with pocket nines.  The 6-5-2 hand went unclaimed for the night.  WSOP dealer Susan Edwards once again dealt the Final Table.\n \nNext Monthly Tournament:  *Thursday, October 20, 2011  at 7:00 p.m.\nHalloween Event - Wear a Mask, receive 500 Bonus Chip / Prizes for Best Mask/Costume\nBIG FIELD, BIG PAYOUT, small buy-in.\nSide Game action for players who go out of tournament.\n \nTTPT Player of the Year Standings (updated September 16, 2011)\nFabulous Fourteen (POY Leaders)\nVito - 251  Moose - 168  Just John - 150  Raisin' Ron - 150  Allinda - 123  Anh - 115  Stradi - 105 Randy - 104  Angela - 98  Puma - 88  Joker Jim - 82  Triple A - 78  Bagpipe Billy - 77  Stu - 76  Lenny B. - 75\n \n \nRESULTS of Third Thursday Tourney held August 18, 2011\nRAISIN' RON REIGNS OVER RECORD FIELD\nWith three players left, Raisin' Ron Saxe, true to his handle, shoved all in before the flop with 7-8 and sophomore Sneaky Stephanie Kelleher made a bold call with J-10 for all her chips .  The flop came 4-5-6 and the record 59-player field was narrowed to two.\nWith blinds at 20k-40k, Ron (K-J) and first-timer Stu \"On Fire\" Macguire (A-6) marched their troops to the center.  A jack on the flop and another on the turn gave RR all the ammo he needed to take down his first TTPT title plus a Moose Memberhship.  It was Raisin' Ron's second Final Table finish in his last two outings, finishing a strong third last month.\nRon vaults into 2nd place in the POY standings (150 points), with Vito \"The Godfather\" Paoletta still in front at 190.\nLucky Lenny, aka Stiletto Benedetto, turned in an impressive 4th place finish, followed by former Big Guns Champ Crafty Karl Risinger, Moose Member Big Wave Dave Richard, Susan \"Dealer Girl\" Edwards, Kevin \"Destroyer\" Deitch, John Romano a mano, and Richard \"Hubeedoo\" Huber to round out the Final Table.\nKiambu Fisher's quad cuties held up for High Hand, earning Boo a free buy-in at an upcoming TTPT event. It was the second month in a row that four queens ruled as top hand.\nFirst eight players out received souvenir Sahara shot glasses provided by Moose Member and former TTPT winner Randy \"Chaser's Doom\" Reed.\n \nNext Monthly Tournament event:  * Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 7:00p.m.\nBIG FIELD, BIG PAYOUT, small buy-in.\nSide Game action for players who go out of tournament.\n \nTTPT Player of the Year Standings (updated August 27, 2011)\nElite Eleven\nVito - 190   Raisn' Ron - 150   Moose - 113   Just John - 105   Stradi - 103   Chaser's Doom - 102   Angela - 98   Puma - 86   Joker Jim - 82   Destroyer Deitch - 75   Bagpipe Billy - 75",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 237,
"url": ""
"name": "DC-Metro Area Investor's Business Daily® Group",
"description": "Why Did I Decide to Start this Group?\nThis meetup is for all the people residing in the DC-Metro Area-Arlington-Alexandria etc. The meetings will focus on areas near the DC Metro Rail. Commute in DC-MD-VA area is time consuming especially during rush hour. As I commute via the DC Metro Rail, having meetings nearby would be awesome. I hope to save time and energy for people residing in these areas.\nWhat is the Purpose of this Group?\nThe purpose of this group is to have fun, learn and share ideas related to CANSLIM methodology, portfolio management, risk assessment, 8-7% loss rule, pyramiding, etc.\nAnd where would we be without our favorite new tool? - MarketSmith. Best practices for using this tool will be discussed.\nLastly, the Group's core focus will always be to help one another to become a better investor.\nWho Should Join?\nAnyone who wants to learn to be a better investor/speculator. Special Value-Added Bonus - As part of joining this group, we all will make new friends :)",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 286,
"url": ""
"name": "Orlando Ruby Dojo",
"description": "This is a group where you can come to learn from other Ruby programmers. We are centered around solving problems together so we can all learn from each other. We strive to incorporate programming concepts like Test Driven Development and Pair Programming. Our goal is to make every participant a better Ruby programmer while still having fun!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 40,
"url": ""
"name": "aloha.rb",
"description": "Aloha.rb is Hawaii's Ruby Community. We have monthly meetings, hackfests, presentations, contests and frequent pub nights",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 129,
"url": ""
"name": "Springs.rb",
"description": "Ruby experts, enthusiast, and wanna-be's. We are here to build and connect the Ruby programmer community in Colorado Springs.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 13,
"url": ""
"name": "Alaska Ruby User Group",
"description": "For Ruby developers, hackers, and newbies in The Last Frontier: Teach, learn, discuss, and code in all things Ruby. We are just getting started so please, express your interest and we will get a meeting together soon. We are looking into options for tele/video conferencing and streaming for anyone not able to attend events in the Anchorage/Mat-Su area.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 18,
"url": ""
"name": "Ember.js Ottawa",
"description": "An Ember.js focused meetup for anyone using Ember.js to chat and drink with fellow Ember users.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 50,
"url": ""
"name": "Demo Days NYC",
"description": "This is a group for people interested in new apps. Every month 10 companies will demo their web and mobile apps. Each demo takes 10 minutes.\nIf you are interested in presenting at one of our meeting please fill out the form below.\n",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 94,
"url": ""
"name": "Central Mass Cycling & Outdoor Group",
"description": "Hello! This is a bicycle and outdoor group for those interested in biking for health, the beauty of nature and the company of friendly people.\nSee a little piece of New England on a bicycle! Our activities emphasize a casual, slower but steady pace of cycling. Occasionally, we do other types of biking, such as offroad bicycling and larger, organized cycling events. We also try to schedule other types of events, such as kayaking and social gatherings, and hopefully during the winter, schedule outdoor (or indoor) things as well.\nSo if you enjoy a slower, laid back pace of riding and want to enjoy wonderful scenery and a great group of people, we are the meetup group for you! We try to emphasize cycling on rail trails. Rail trails are usually flat, with no motorized traffic. We do not limit our cycling events to central Massachusetts, largely because bike trails with distances greater than a couple of miles and that are also off busy streets, is somewhat hard to find. Thus, we do try to provide bike riding opportunities in various parts of the state.\nEveryone is welcome here, advanced or not! Younger, smaller family members are welcome to join us, provided they are able to keep up with us or can ride in tow behind.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 229,
"url": ""
"name": "The Cali Ruby Meetup Group",
"description": "Este grupo hace parte de la comunidad de Ruby de Colombia y es un espacio para la difusión de actividades tal y como lo hace el grupo de Ruby Bogotá, pero en Cali :p.\nRuby Bogotá -",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 69,
"url": ""
"name": "RailsBridge Vienna",
"description": "The Viennese chapter of RailsBridge. RailsBridge is an organization that works to increase diversity in tech by putting on a variety of awesome free events.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 16,
"url": ""
"name": "Ankara Coders",
"description": "Merhaba, Eger bir sekilde yazilim gelistirme isinin icinde bulunuyorsaniz ve isinizi seviyorsaniz, birlikte birseyler yapalim, paylasalim, ogrenelim, anlatalim istiyorsaniz bu grubu katilin. Cok yakinda basliyoruz Saygilarimla Turgay",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 17,
"url": ""
"name": "Metro Manila Cloud Web Developer Group",
"description": "This group is focused towards Ruby/PHP Web Developers Interested in Cloud technologies (Amazon AWS and others). Also, System Admins interested in sharing their stories running services in the cloud.\nCouldn't find any groups on meetup about anything related so decided to get one going.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 279,
"url": ""
"name": "Anatomy of a Ruby Gem",
"description": "This meet-up hosts a single presenter, author or maintainer of a popular Ruby gem. We'll spill the gem's guts and dissect its implementation. We'll discuss architecture and areas of improvement.\nEmail dblock[at]dblock[dot]org to nominate a gem author to speak!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 259,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby LoCo",
"description": "Rubyists of Loudoun County, VA. We meet the last Friday of every month for lunch. We also meet the second Monday of every month for a hack night. Please join us.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 126,
"url": ""
"name": "Hackademy",
"description": "Learning advanced Web and Mobile development frameworks and tools",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 219,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby Nights: The Auckland Ruby Group",
"description": "This is a monthly group that explores the use of Ruby and Ruby On Rails. If you are interested in either of these topics, come along to our meetings! We generally have 2-3 speakers per event, occasionally a round table discussion about issues pertaining to Rails/Ruby/Web development.\nPlease join us on!forum/rubyonrails_meetup_auckland",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 301,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby Meetups - Tucumán",
"description": "El objetivo de estos meetups es difundir en nuestro etorno algunos conocimientos, técnicas, herramientas, mejores prácticas, proyectos y cualquier otra cosa relacionada con el lenguaje de programación Ruby. Lo hacemos porque creemos que es una buena forma de aprender y mantenernos al actualizados. Pero principalmente, para vernos las caras al menos una vez al mes y pasar un buen rato. ¡Todos están invitados! Tanto si sos un completo novato con Ruby, como si tienes varios años de experiencia, ¡te esperamos!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 57,
"url": ""
"name": "Telegraph Avenue Bikeways Campaign Meetup",
"description": "Neighbors interested in helping build support for a continuous, safe and comfortable bikeway on Telegraph Avenue in Oakland and Berkeley. There is much hard work to do to build support with local businesses, neighborhood groups and key stakeholders to create a better, safer Telegraph Ave for bicycling and walking.",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 3,
"url": ""
"name": "Columbia Ruby Users Group",
"description": "ColaRuG is merging with Open Hack Columbia for a few months.  Come join us at\n \nWe get together to support, develop, and grow the Ruby community, and have a little fun!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 40,
"url": ""
"name": "Washington Redskins Fans Meetup",
"description": "Hello, Everybody!\n \nWelcome to the Washington Redskins Fans Meetup Group! This group was started in September 2011 by Raj Pal. Unfortunately, Raj had to step down in September 2012 because of professional obligations outside of the United States. We certainly wish him well, and he deeply regretted having to leave us at a time when this team is beginning to show signs of improving--at least that’s what we all hope. Raj has \"passed the torch\" to me. I’ve never led a Meetup Group before. I have no managerial experience (at least not professionally) but I still have confidence that I can help make this group an excellent one. I'm happy to report that in the one year I've been Organizer of this group, the membership has more than doubled.\n\n\n I would like to see us continue to grow in number and to become more active in planning events. As we begin a new football season, tailgating at FedEx Field and meetings at various sports bars in the DC area will be our two primary activities. I was also considering another possibility.  The party decks at FedEx Field can accommodate as many as 20 people per section.  If enough members are interested, then I wanted to suggest possibly having at least some of our meetings at home games. This would allow us to gather as a group at a specific location in the stadium and be able to enjoy the excitement that just watching on TV doesn’t exactly provide.\n\n\n Regarding actually getting to FedEx Field, let me offer some advice. If there is any way that you can use the Metro Rail, then I would recommend it. Otherwise, you will be dealing with a lot of traffic snarls on your way to the stadium. Depending on where you live in the D.C. area, or even if you’re visiting from outside the area, you will probably end up paying more to park at the stadium than you will to use the Metro Rail. Many of the Metro Stations have parking lots, so you can “Park and Ride.” The closest Metro Stations to FedEx Field are Morgan Boulevard and Largo Town Center, which are the two easternmost stops on the Blue/Orange Line. The only problem with using the Metro is that both stations are about a mile from FedEx Field, so wear some good walking shoes.\nI’ve posted information about public transportation, related Redskins fans websites, my suggestion for possible meetups at home games, and information about the locations where we currently meet under the Pages tab of this website. \n\n\n\n Let me tell you a little bit about me. I grew up just 2 hours south of here in Richmond, VA, so the Redskins were the only team that I followed. I remember first watching Redskins games in 1977. That was George Allen's final season as their head coach. Jack Pardee would coach the Redskins for the next three seasons, and he would post a 24-24 record before being replaced by Joe Gibbs in 1981. For me personally, I've seen the peaks and the valleys of being a fan of this team. From the glory days of The Hogs, The Smurfs, John Riggins, Joe Theismann, Art Monk, Gary Clarke, Ricky Sanders (The Posse), and Mark Rypien to the disappointments of the last 13 seasons where we, as fans, questioned many of the decisions over what was best for this team.\n\n\n\n I truly believe that the Redskins have some of the most loyal and passionate fans in the NFL. To me, a true fan sticks by his/her team in good times and in bad. I'm 46 years old, so I've experienced both, but my love for this team has never wavered, and it never will. I look forward to hopefully meeting each and every one of you as we begin planning new meetings and activities.  My best to all of you. HAIL TO THE REDSKINS!!!!!!!!!\n\n\n\n\n Scott Kennedy",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 184,
"url": ""
"name": "TDDDC Test Driven Development in DC",
"description": "Meet other developers who enjoy the agility and quality in writing automated tests. Come and hear experts demonstrate new tools and techniques. Participate in discussions on how to solve particular challenges. We target developers and expect to span both introductory and advanced subjects, including:\n\nExperience exchange\nQ&A Testing\nBehaviour Driven Development\nGeneral tips for TDD\n\nThis group is not restricted to particular programming languages, tools or platforms.\nSign up for this meetup to be notified of upcoming events.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 31,
"url": ""
"name": "Broward Ruby Brigade",
"description": "We love the Ruby programming language and we live in or near Broward County. We like to meet up to talk about Ruby and related topics. Beginners of all kinds are very welcome. We want this to be a safe place for everyone, which is really easy considering how nice the Ruby community is!",
"banner": "",
"members_count": 44,
"url": ""
"name": "Lean, Agile, and Mean",
"description": "Lean, Agile, and Mean is a meetup for software developers who want to work on their starups using Lean and Agile methodologies. We will test drive all code and work in pairs. Everyone should be able to crate an MVP of their hypothesis within a couple of weeks.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 24,
"url": ""
"name": "Ruby Serbia",
"description": "Group for any Rubyst, people who want to become one or any other people who just like to be part of building web apps. Opened community for all good people.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 13,
"url": ""
"name": "DC Tech Meetup",
"description": "The DC Tech Meetup convenes technologists, entrepreneurs, investors and the broader innovation community regularly to learn and share. Each month, 800+ innovators gather to see demos, launch products and meet their future co-founders, partners and funders.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 8,
"url": ""
"name": "Fullstack Developers Israel",
"description": "This is a community for fullstack developers who would like to share and learn new technologies, practices and tools. We meet monthly, on the last Tuesday of each month. Meetings usually have two 45 minute talks about everything in all levels of the software layers.\n\n We focus on a \"Fullstack\" developers, as for today every developer is expected to do a bit of everything: front-end, back-end, database/store, infrastructure and server operation, sure we all have a preference and specialization, but in order to keep up in the current technology pace we should learn and practice with more languages, technologies, libraries and platforms, not to mention to be able to plan, architect, develop, deploy and maintain an entire application and the stack it runs on by yourself.\nJoin the online conversation at the Fullstack Developers Facebook group page.\nקבוצה זו מתמקדת באתגר החדש של כל מפתח, לשלוט בכל שכבות האפליקציה והפיתוח:\n\n front-end, back-end, database/store, infrastructure and server operation.\n\n\nלמרות שלכולנו יש העדפה והתמחות ספציפית, על מנת לעמוד בקצב הטכנולוגיה הנוכחי אנחנו צריכים ללמוד ולתרגל שפות תכנות נוספות, טכנולוגיות, ספריות ופלטפורמות.\nאנו נפגשים ביום שלישי האחרון של כל חודש, כדי יחד לחלוק, ללמוד ולהתאמן בטכנולוגיות, שפות, שיטות עבודה וכלים חדשים.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"name": "The San Francisco Ruby Meetup Group",
"description": "Learning and meeting with Ruby and Ruby-on-Rails enthusiasts.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 6,
"url": ""
"name": "Fit and Fun and Active Singles",
"description": "Active, fun and in shape 20s, 30s and 40s Singles.\nAdventure Travel, Singles Trips, Happy hours, Dating Events, Weekend Getaways, Beaches, Hiking, Surfing, Snowboarding, Horseback Riding, Film Festivals, Europe, Caribbean / Bahama trips and more.\nIs this group for you? For more information about our group, our events, and membership, please read our About Us pages, here:\n\n\nWe hope you'll decide to join us!\n-----------------\n\n When are you going to sign up for your next Adventure with Fit and Fun?\nHow about right now! �Click the link for Calendar of events.\\nNYC Singles Beer Dating Social Networking Events Movies Hoboken Jersey City NJ NY Bronx Brooklyn Queens Manhattan Bars Nightclubs Photography African Asian English British Sexy Italian Greece Greek Group Meetup Party Music Jazz Greenwich Village SoHo Superbowl Subway Nature Bear Mountain Cycling Hiking Snowboard Hike Ski Skiing Snow Surf Surfing Museum Art Culture Running Gym Fitness Central Park Fit Fun Active Rail Trails Prospect Van Cortlandt Central Park Football Rubin Free Cheap Inexpensive Happy Hour Drinking Cocktails Pizza",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 4,
"url": ""
"name": "Geekfest",
"description": "Geekfest is a gathering of software development geeks every Tuesday at noon. It originally started at Obtiva back in 2007, and now it's at Groupon.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"name": "Events Group Stockholm",
"description": "A group for people of all ages to highlight, invite and share the big events going on in Stockholm and meet up as groups.\n \nThese could be comedy shows, festivals, concerts, cinema premiers, opening night events, dancing and cultural events, all within our great city of Stockholm.\n \nIf you like to have fun, meet new people and make friends, you belong right here.\n \nThe groups motto is to enjoy Stockholm and every great thing about it, sharing that joy with other friends, old and new.\n \nReady to have fun? What are you waiting for Join !\n \nAlso see our sister groups,\nLanguage Exchange Stockholm practise up to 10 different languages\nStockholm Sporty People - Rock climbing, Tennis, Badminton, Squash, etc.\nGolfers, check out to find other golfers in the Stockholm area.\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nlanguage exchange svenska spanska franska italienska tyska ryska grekiska engelska portugisiska arabiska japanska inglés francés alemán italiano ruso sueco japonés árabe griego suédois anglais espagnol français languages spotify språk ruby rails django java php italien allemand russe chinois japonais grec arabe Schwedisch party beer wine alcohol fun park sun beach girls boys disco spotify nightclub bar music grill bbq vodka Englisch Spanisch Französisch Italienisch Deutsch Russisch Chinesisch Japanisch Griechisch Arabisch Шведский Английский Испанский Французский Итальянский Немецкий Русский Китайский Японский греческого арабский Σουηδικά Αγγλικά Ισπανικά Γαλλικά Ιταλικά Γερμανικά Ρωσικά Ιαπωνικά Κινέζικα Ελληνικά Αραβικά 瑞典 英語西班牙語 法語意大利語 德語俄語 中國 日本 希臘語 阿拉伯語 スウェーデン語 英語スペイン語フランス語 イタリア語ドイツ語 ロシア語中国語 日本語 アラビア語、ギリシャ語",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"name": "Full-Stack Engineering Meetup",
"description": "This Meetup group will feature speakers from across the stack: topics will include DevOps, Programming (front-end & back-end), Data Modeling, Collaboration, and Scaling. And of course, we'll ask each speaker \"what's in your stack?\"\nWhy this group?\nBecause great software engineers aren't \"Java guys\" or \"HTML5 ninjas,\" we're problem solvers. We take an idea and build it end to end: from just above the bare-metal, through the OS, db, server, network, and browser, and all the way up to the user. We collaborate, code, configure, and deploy. Full-stack engineers are a new breed of developer. We're more versatile than specialized, and we deserve a community that understands that.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 826,
"url": ""
"name": "DBCx NYC",
"description": "Hosted at Dev Bootcamp's NYC office, these talks will cover a range of topics of strong interest to the NYC tech and startup communities.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 194,
"url": ""
"name": "California Weekends",
"description": "Welcome to California Weekends...a truly unique camping group!\nCalifornia is among the best places in the world for camping and adventures!  The state is home to millions of people of different backgrounds, molding California into a truly unique place rich with incredible must-see attractions and interesting activities for those who want to discover the state's cultural diversity.\nCaliWeekends brings together those who love their weekends, camping and adventures!  We are a unique blend of people with a passion for enjoying life to the fullest! When you join one of our trips, you will definitely find fun and interesting people to hang out with and to share the joy of unforgettable weekend fun!\nCamping:  Our trips are typically 2-night camping trips on the weekend to locations throughout California.  Most of the trips are for Adults... although some Family Camping Trips are planned -- there is something for everyone! We have small (8 - 20 or people), medium (21 to 50 people), large (51 - 99 people) and mega (100+ persons) trips. Some of our trips are Pet Friendly as well. Our goal is to make it to ALL of the top campsites throughout California and Hawaii -- Check out our Bucket List! - Sunset Magazine's Best Campgrounds.\n \nAdventures:  CW Adventures occur at non-campsite locations, typically during the season when outdoor camping is not as comfortable.  Think... Lake Tahoe Lodge, Hostels, Winter BBQ, Ski Trips, etc.  And, yes we offer Snow Camping (an adventure by definition!) for those of you who bought that pricey 0 degree sleeping bag and are ready to test it out!\n \nCW International: Imagine taking CW to Mexico, Belize, Jamaica, Brasil or Dubai (we just threw Dubai in there because it sounds so Fancy!). These trips will be 3 - 7 days - and we will get to the campsites or adventure locations by road, rail, air or sea!\n \nCW SoCal:  We have a Southern California chapter for CaliWeekends - California Weekends SoCal. We hope to get a mix of SoCal and NorCal folks on all or our trips. You will also see more Southern California camping options on the roster in 2014!  If you have friends  in Southern California -- encourage them to sign up at\n \nHow Do I Sign up?:  We typically open up the waiting list for trips four months in advance.  We pull from the waiting list to maintain a good balance of new vs. regular members; SoCal vs. NorCal members; men vs. women; couples vs. singles.   The sooner you sign up after the waiting list opens, the more likely it is you will  be added from the waiting list.  However, trips fill up fast... so make sure you take note of the day and time that the waiting list opens up and sign up as soon as you can!\nWe also schedule Pop-Up Camping trips for those of you who are \"always\" ready to camp at a moments notice.  The waiting list for these trips are typically posted less than one month in advance.\n \nWe look forward to seeing you all soon -- at the campfire or in the middle of another great adventure!\nDon't forget to join our Facebook Group to stay on top of the conversation about our trips and adventures:\n \nCALIWEEKENDS\n\n\n\n~The California Weekend's Crew~",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 2,
"url": ""
"name": "Hacker Hours",
"description": "Free office hours for programming help - any programming language, all skill levels. The format is super simple: you come with your laptop, sit and hang out and code, and flag down one of the organizers if you have a question.  That's it! If we can't answer your question, we'll find you someone who can, or at least point you in the right direction.\n \nNote that this is a meetup for people learning to code. Experienced developers are more than welcome, though - we appreciate the help! For those hiring or simply interested in supporting free learning in NYC, we are open to sponsorships, so just reach out! No recruiting without permission from the organizer(s).\n \nAlso, feel free to use the mailing list:, but check out our policies.\n \nCheck out the homepage for information about Resources, Tutors, etc.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"name": "HackerNest Vancouver Tech Socials",
"description": "ABOUT US\nNow Canada's largest tech meetups, and growing internationally, eh.\nRSVP to get a nametag. This is important, because people without nametags aren't even really people. There, we said it. :) Check us out >>> Facebook | Twitter\n\nHackerNest is an international nonprofit community movement focused on building supportive Silicon Valley like tech communities in every city - strengthening local tech ecosystems globally through unpretentious social events and hackathons. We’re nurturing cohesive communities today to empower them with more relevant and accessible peer-based tech education tomorrow.\n\nConnecting people is awesome. And community good breeds fab karma.\nWe cram smart, accomplished people into a room with free beer. Our relaxed, down-to-earth Tech Socials are now Canada’s largest tech meetups.\n\nOur membership - diverse and highly technical. Developers, designers, engineers, social media/business folk, entrepreneurs, investors, etc. regularly gather to socialize, talk tech, maybe hear speakers or watch demos, and meet future co-founders, employees, funders, and friends. Strict no-douchebag policy.\nGlobal. We want an international network of HackerNest “splinter cells” to pop up everywhere – from underserved cities to high-growth innovation centers – to rescue nerds from isolated basements, offices, and code tunnel vision.\nWe love hardcore nerdcore. Tech folks, tech events, tech love. Our formula: laid back atmosphere + free drinks + brilliant people = fireworks\n\nWe're not scienticians, but the formula seems to work: we became Canada's largest tech meetups in a year, before even leaving Toronto. Today we have \"splinter cells\" in multiple cities internationally.\nOur goal is to complement and strengthen existing nerd ecosystems – we come in peace. This isn't a business; nobody owns HackerNest. Conceptually, it is the ideal of a strong and supportive tech community - pretty much anyone that isn't a jerk can be a part of it.\nInterested in running HackerNest in your city? Take a look at the FAQ.\n---->---\nWhoa, longest descriptions evaaar. Need more? Here's some answers. Don't forget to check us out >>> Facebook | Twitter\n---->---\nHere's more pictures of our Tech Socials and hackathons:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n********\nWhen: Pretty darned regularly. Check back!\nFormat: Relaxed. Hang, talk tech, occasionally a speaker, plot to take over the world, etc.\nWhere: Usually in the large private office of a tech company (have a venue?)\n \nAt any given HackerNest meetup, you may find people who are:\ndeveloping incredibly snazzy Ruby (most likely on Rails) applications - heady hardcore designer typesPHP/Perl/.NET/Python/django addicts - ...Fortran devs?! - looking for a tech/entrepreneur/new business story to cover - Objective-C experts and iPhone/iPad/Apple product pundits - engineers and managers and CTOs looking for co-founders to join their angel/VC-backed tech startup - looking to write articles/stories about the obscure/interesting/hilarious hacks you've pulled off - totally oblivious and just wandered in because they heard there was booze (!?) - building a top-secret app out of their basement that's going to change the way the world does X; like \"Facebook for Squirrels\" - scrambling to find a partner to work with on a well-paying contract that's just a wee bit too much workload for the anticipated deadline - heroes, because they're part of the burgeoning community that will reverse all this insane brain-drain - incredibly talented, smart, entrepreneurial go-getters who are absolutely dangerous to the status quo - pretty bloody interesting, because seriously, if they're coming out for drinks ON A MONDAY (or Tuesday, or Wednesday) NIGHT... they've gotta be\n \nChances are, you'll fit right in if you're a(n):\nsoftware or hardware hacker/h4ck3r (or maybe just a hack)\ncoder/developer/programmer/brogrammerdesigner, UX-oriented, or just like making things pretty\nbiotech/electrical/computer or basically any kind of engineer\nnetwork/network/system/IT administrator\nfront/back-end specialist\nangel investor\ndemon investor\nventure capitalist\nventure communist\ntech enthusiast\ntech/entrepreneur-oriented media/journalist\nOCD blogger/Tweeter\nbloodthirsty recruiter looking to poach developers\ninternet mogul\nnerd/geek/freak/tweak\nentrepreneur\nSEO/SEM pro\nwriter/project manager/business analyst\n1337 individual\netc., etc.\n...and aren't a douchebag. <3",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"name": "DUMBO Tech Breakfast",
"description": "There's a growing tech community in DUMBO and we want to foster that. Come by for some breakfast and meet your tech neighbors!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 2,
"url": ""
"name": "Women Who Code (Boulder/Denver)",
"description": "We are women who code:\n\nin any framework\nwith any level of experience\nfrom any size of company\nfor any reason (even just for fun)!\n\n\n\nWe support all women in their coding aspirations - whether you're a full-time programmer looking to expand your network and skills, or you have always wanted given coding a try, you are welcome!\nWe are based off of Women Who Code (SF), and we're looking forward to growing the female developer community in our awesome state of Colorado.\nWomen Who Code is a global organization dedicated to inspiring women to pursue and excel in technology careers. The organization tripled in 2013 and now has 6000+ members in 21 cities in 10 countries. We are known for our free weekly technical study groups and larger monthly events including tech talks, hack nights, and career trainings. More than 100 top tech companies including Square, Google, KPCB, Github, Heroku, Yelp, and many more have sponsored events for the popular and growing organization.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 669,
"url": ""
"name": "HackerNest Kitchener-Waterloo Tech Socials",
"description": "ABOUT US\nNow Canada's largest tech meetups, and growing internationally, eh.\nRSVP to get a nametag. This is important, because people without nametags aren't even really people. There, we said it. :) Check us out >>> Facebook | Twitter\n\nHackerNest is an international nonprofit community movement focused on building supportive Silicon Valley like tech communities in every city - strengthening local tech ecosystems globally through unpretentious social events and hackathons. We’re nurturing cohesive communities today to empower them with more relevant and accessible peer-based tech education tomorrow.\n\nConnecting people is awesome. And community good breeds fab karma.\nWe cram smart, accomplished people into a room with free beer. Our relaxed, down-to-earth Tech Socials are now Canada’s largest tech meetups.\n\nOur membership - diverse and highly technical. Developers, designers, engineers, social media/business folk, entrepreneurs, investors, etc. regularly gather to socialize, talk tech, maybe hear speakers or watch demos, and meet future co-founders, employees, funders, and friends. Strict no-douchebag policy.\nGlobal. We want an international network of HackerNest “splinter cells” to pop up everywhere – from underserved cities to high-growth innovation centers – to rescue nerds from isolated basements, offices, and code tunnel vision.\nWe love hardcore nerdcore. Tech folks, tech events, tech love. Our formula: laid back atmosphere + free drinks + brilliant people = fireworks\n\nWe're not scienticians, but the formula seems to work: we became Canada's largest tech meetups in a year, before even leaving Toronto. Today we have \"splinter cells\" in multiple cities internationally.\nOur goal is to complement and strengthen existing nerd ecosystems – we come in peace. This isn't a business; nobody owns HackerNest. Conceptually, it is the ideal of a strong and supportive tech community - pretty much anyone that isn't a jerk can be a part of it.\nInterested in running HackerNest in your city? Take a look at the FAQ.\n---->---\nWhoa, longest descriptions evaaar. Need more? Here's some answers. Don't forget to check us out >>> Facebook | Twitter\n---->---\nHere's more pictures of our Tech Socials and hackathons:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n********\nWhen: Pretty darned regularly. Check back!\nFormat: Relaxed. Hang, talk tech, occasionally a speaker, plot to take over the world, etc.\nWhere: Usually in the large private office of a tech company (have a venue?)\n \nAt any given HackerNest meetup, you may find people who are:\ndeveloping incredibly snazzy Ruby (most likely on Rails) applications - heady hardcore designer typesPHP/Perl/.NET/Python/django addicts - ...Fortran devs?! - looking for a tech/entrepreneur/new business story to cover - Objective-C experts and iPhone/iPad/Apple product pundits - engineers and managers and CTOs looking for co-founders to join their angel/VC-backed tech startup - looking to write articles/stories about the obscure/interesting/hilarious hacks you've pulled off - totally oblivious and just wandered in because they heard there was booze (!?) - building a top-secret app out of their basement that's going to change the way the world does X; like \"Facebook for Squirrels\" - scrambling to find a partner to work with on a well-paying contract that's just a wee bit too much workload for the anticipated deadline - heroes, because they're part of the burgeoning community that will reverse all this insane brain-drain - incredibly talented, smart, entrepreneurial go-getters who are absolutely dangerous to the status quo - pretty bloody interesting, because seriously, if they're coming out for drinks ON A MONDAY (or Tuesday, or Wednesday) NIGHT... they've gotta be\n \nChances are, you'll fit right in if you're a(n):\nsoftware or hardware hacker/h4ck3r (or maybe just a hack)\ncoder/developer/programmer/brogrammerdesigner, UX-oriented, or just like making things pretty\nbiotech/electrical/computer or basically any kind of engineer\nnetwork/network/system/IT administrator\nfront/back-end specialist\nangel investor\ndemon investor\nventure capitalist\nventure communist\ntech enthusiast\ntech/entrepreneur-oriented media/journalist\nOCD blogger/Tweeter\nbloodthirsty recruiter looking to poach developers\ninternet mogul\nnerd/geek/freak/tweak\nentrepreneur\nSEO/SEM pro\nwriter/project manager/business analyst\n1337 individual\netc., etc.\n...and aren't a douchebag. <3",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 592,
"url": ""
"name": "Memphis Technology User Groups",
"description": "Memphis Technology User Groups is a community calendar for technology user groups in the Memphis area. The account hosts events from the following organizations:\n\nMemphis Java User Group\nMemphis PASS Chapter\nMemphis Python User Group\nMemphis Ruby User Group\nWordpress Memphis\n\nAll groups welcome visitors of all experience levels.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 444,
"url": ""
"name": "Chicago HTML5",
"description": "Chicago HTML5 shares emerging web technologies through presentations on real world implementations and live tutorials on game, websites, and application building. We also host roundtables and speaker presentations on various topics such as new web standards, frameworks, process and methodology.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"name": "DevOps Bangalore Group",
"description": "This group is about exploring DevOps and seeing how we can use the idea and practices around it to build a better IT infrastructure. Please join this group of professionals  coming together to learn / share information on Developers Operations engineer. We are about to cover the below devops tools and practices.\n* OpenSoure Technologies.\n\n * Data Center and Cloud  Management\n\n * Deployment  Automation: FAI, Kickstart\n\n * Configuration Management: Puppet, Chef, Cfengine\n\n * Build Automation: Jenkins, Maven, Ant, Hudson\n\n * Version Controlling: cvs, svn and Git.\n\n * Scripting: Bash, P{erl,ython}, Ruby and Rails.\n\n * Monitoring Tools: Nagios, Ganglia, Cacti, Statsd.\n\n * BigData: Hadoop, Hbase, Hive, Pig, MongoDB, Druid and Chronos.\n\n * Amazon Aws Services: ec2, vpc, route53, ELB, S3 and cloudwatch..etc",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 306,
"url": ""
"name": "Denver Go Language User Group",
"description": "This is a group for anyone that is interested in learning more about the Go programming language. We invite novice developers to experienced developers to attend. We will make sure we have appropriate topics and presentations for all groups. Our focus will be on how GO compares to other languages, paths for moving from Rails to Go, Go Concurrency Examples, and many many more real world examples and tech talks.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 167,
"url": ""
"name": "Code for Boston",
"description": "Code for Boston is a Code for America Brigade - a volunteer civic innovation organization created by Boston-area developers, designers, urban planners, and data geeks with an interest in solving civic and social problems through the use of creative technology.\nWe feel that Boston was the driving force in the creation of Government 1.0; we should be leading the way for Gov 2.0. We seek to leverage the revolutionary spirit of New England to help open, improve, and engage our local governments across the Greater Boston area, and to pursue projects that solve real problems in our communities.\nIn conjunction with our fellow Brigades across the country, we aim to provide a focal point for community-based civic innovation and technology projects in the Boston area. We meet weekly at the Cambridge Innovation Center in Kendall Square, from 7-9:30pm.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 676,
"url": ""
"name": "The Triangle Ruby Brigade (Triangle.rb)",
"description": "\nLike the Ruby programming language? We do too! Want to learn more about it? You're in good company. Come join us in our pursuit of humane programming.\nWe also have a mailing list:\nIf you wish to join the mailing list, please:\n\nKeep discussion civil\nDo not post jobs if you are a recruiting firm/staffing firm/head-hunter.\nIf you do not fall under the categories listed in rule 2 please following the job posting guidelines",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 839,
"url": ""
"name": "Bark & Co: Off Leash Hours",
"description": "Bark & Co. is a fast-growing business for people who love (*ruv) dogs and is dedicated to building products that foster the health and happiness of dogs everywhere.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 95,
"url": ""
"name": "DeveloperUG",
"description": "We meet monthly to learn about things related to software development. Meetings happen on the second Tuesday of every month from 16:30-17:30 at Microsoft Offices in Bryanston, Gauteng.\nWhile we currently meet at Microsoft - that doesn't mean we restrict ourselves to just one technology stack - we find all platforms and technologies interesting.\nTopics cover a wide range of software related fields from software development methodologies to patterns, best practices, various language paradigms and xkcd humour etc.\nAlso, it's great to meet local developers and see what they are doing! From beginner to expert, all are welcome.\nBTW. Come to the meetings hungry - Food and drinks sponsored by our hosts afterwards.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 558,
"url": ""
"name": "London Strollers - short led walks in London",
"description": "The London Strollers is the London Ramblers short walk group.\nWe organise accessible walks for all members of the community in London.\nOur Walks\nOur walking group is different from other groups as our walks:\n\nare mostly between two and seven miles\nare usually held in Greater London\nstart and finish at tube / rail stations\nare for all ages\n\nA selection of our walks are put on Meetup.\nWhy choose our group\nOur group is ideal therefore if:\n\nyou want to explore London\nyou want to walk short walks at a leisurely pace\nyou don't want to spend all day walking.\n\nJoining the Ramblers\nYou can walk with us up to three times for free. After that we ask you to become a Ramblers member. All our walks (and those of all other Ramblers groups) are free for Ramblers members. Joining the Ramblers costs just £32.00 per person per year and £43.00 for a couple.\nDiscounted membership of £19.50 for individuals or £25.50 for couples are available for the unemployed, full-time students, people on means tested benefits or the state pension. Monthly or Life memberships are also available. Currently a special promotion is running where you can save £10 if you join via direct debit. For more information and to join, click here.\nOn joining you will be sent our quarterly programme of walks (Meetup only shows the next couple of weeks) and you will be entitled to join in all the group's walks.\nAs a Ramblers member you will be entitled to a discretionary 15% off at Cotswold outdoor clothing and equipment stores. In addition to this, as an introduction to Cotswold all new Ramblers members are entitled to a one-off 20% discretionary discount when used with a discount voucher sent in their new member pack.\nYou will also receive a quarterly FREE walk magazine (rrp: £3.60) The UK's biggest walking magazine, packed with news, gear and book reviews, walking features and breathtaking photography.\nPlease note the following:\n\nThe number of attendees shown on Meetup is not reflective of how many will turn up. We advertise our walks in a number of places and you will find a good sized group of walkers on each walk.\nAt the meeting point we don't hold up a Meetup sign however you will recognise us as we really do look like Ramblers and any of the walkers there can confirm they are Ramblers.\nThe majority of our walk leaders are not members of Meetup as such. The organiser identified on Meetup is usually different from the actual walk leader. The walk leader is identified on the description of the walk and contact details are provided.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"name": "Arlington Ruby",
"description": "This group was created to share knowledge about Ruby and educate anyone interested.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 703,
"url": ""
"name": "DuPont Circle Gaming Group",
"description": "We are a Sunday afternoon Meetup group for board games, card games, trivia contests, and other challenges of luck, strategy and fun.  Events are held in the DC Metro area and are Metro Rail accessible.\nWe meet in the DC Metro Area.  Game events include:\nEurogames: Settlers of Catan, Carcassone, Bohnanza, Thurn und Taxis\n\n Party games: Trivial Pursuit, Cranium, Apples to Apples\n\n Strategy and Tactics Games:  Risk, Axis and Allies, Stratego, Battleship\n\n Card games:  Spades, Eucre, Canasta, Hearts\nWe'll have several games going at once, so if you play out of one game, chances are there'll be another game you can join.\nGot a game you'd like to play? Be sure to share your suggestions!\nJust a few FYIs/ground rules for these events...\n\nPlease be respectful of the facility and help clean up afterwards.\nAttendance is free.  However, if you can make a $1 or $2 donation to help cover the cost of the Meetup website, we appreciate it.\nMany locations that we meet at do not permit alcohol.\nFor coffee shop or restaurant locations, please purchase a cup of coffee or sandwich to support the venue.  For public locations or events at member's homes, feel free to bring snacks and beverages.\nFor MeetUps with a set number of people, we ask that you respect the limit and wait list. Certain locations have limited seating and space so to continue to utilize certain venues, we have to respect their space and regular business by not overcrowding it.\n\nThanks for joining the group!  We look forward to meeting you!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"name": "50+ singles travel and social group",
"description": "Come play with the \"adults\"!! Or as they also say \"run with the big dogs\"!! We are a singles travel and social group that are 50 and up. 2007 we went to Ireland (Oct), 2008 we went Italy (Oct.) and we took a trip to Alaska this past Sept. (09)...part van,part rail, part cruise.....and just recently (Oct. 31st) cruised out of Baltimore to Bermuda!!! When we're not traveling we also like to do social type activities .. like movie and dinner, brunches, theater, BSO, bowling,day trips and take suggestions as well..we also like card and game nights at someone's home..pot luck style and shopping trips to the outlets. Come have fun with us!",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 1,
"url": ""
"name": "Ottawa Ruby – we <3 programming",
"description": "Ottawa Ruby is a group of programming enthusiasts that get together once in a while to hack, present, and talk about the Ruby programming language. Join us on our website and mailing lists at",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 555,
"url": ""
"name": "Women Who Code - Austin",
"description": "We are Women Who Code: in any framework, any level of experience, any size of company or just coding for fun! We meet weekly for technical study groups and monthly for larger format events including tech talks, career trainings and hack nights. Current and aspiring coders are welcome. Bring your laptop and a friend!\n@WWCodeATX #wwcode FB:Women Who Code\nWomen Who Code is a global organization dedicated to inspiring women to pursue and excel in technology careers. The organization tripled in 2013 and now has 6000+ members in 21 cities in 10 countries. We are known for our free weekly technical study groups and larger monthly events including tech talks, hack nights, and career trainings. More than 100 top tech companies including Square, Google, KPCB, Github, Heroku, Yelp, and many more have sponsored events for the popular and growing organization.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 348,
"url": ""
"name": "Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park",
"description": "Look to find out what new, fun and free programs and projects are being hosted by the Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park. The park has an historian and naturalist on staff to offer weekend programs to the public and private programs to scout groups and school groups. The D&R Canal State Park has over 70 miles of trail through central New Jersey. The historic towpath and rail trail provide a flat trail perfect for biking, walking and running, while the Six Mile Run Reservoir Site in Franklin Township, Somerset offers trails trails for mountain biking, hiking and horseback riding. There are two private canoe concessions along the canal, but the water is open for anyone to put in their canoe or kayak and enjoy a paddle in the quiet water of the canal. Please feel free to visit our park website at for more information, maps and contact information.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 952,
"url": ""
"name": "",
"description": "New Haven IO is an aggregator for all hacker-related stuff going on in New Haven, CT. Lots of us use Ruby, and lots of us use JavaScript, but there's mobile too, and Python, and Processing.\nWe’re starting the next big phase for the New Haven tech scene, and could use your help. If you’re interested in programming, the intertubes, and whatnot, please get in touch. We started a Google Group and are on Twitter at @newhavenio.\nIf you want to help us build the website, please start contributing to our repo on GitHub.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 361,
"url": ""
"name": "Transportation Techies",
"description": "A meetup group for programmers interested in transit, biking & walking.\nAre you a programmer who loves open data, data visualizations, and mapping? Can you use your skills to help people find healthy, efficient, and sustainable transportation options?\n\n\nMobility Lab wants to encourage technologists to share discoveries and innovations. There are a lot of APIs and data sources already available, waiting for programmers to put them to use. We want to explore all sustainable transportation options, for the roadway and beyond, including rail, marine, and aviation.\n\n\nEach meetup, we'll focus on a new topic and share new tools and displays.\nMobility Lab also sponsors a MeetUp group focused on sustainable transportation policy and programs.  For more information, check out",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 287,
"url": ""
"name": "The San Antonio Web Development Group",
"description": "The San Antonio Web Development Group is a community driven meetup that is focused on web and mobile development.\nWe are a diverse group with many levels of experience who are eager to learn new skills and technology. Whether you are an experienced developer or just starting out, this will be a great meetup for those interested in this field.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 477,
"url": ""
"name": "San Francisco Telephony Group",
"description": "The mission of this group is to:\n\nHelp web developers to easily get into telephony development.\nHelp traditional telephony/voice developers to leverage the APIs offered by telephony in the cloud companies such as Twilio, and 2600hz.\nHelp the open-source communities such as FreeSwitch and Asterisk to further integrate into cloud computing.\nHelp entrepreneurs to integrate voice, SMS, IM and other telephony services into their business model.",
"banner": "none",
"members_count": 290,
"url": ""
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My clients in MA are looking for Sr. Python Developer and a Sr. Ruby on Rails Developer. Please let me know if you are interested in discussing further. my email:

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I am looking for a Business Analyst for a financial services company based in Edinburgh. If you are interested please get in touch

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I am looking for a Java Software Engineer in Austin, TX. It is a 6 month contract job pay is $61 per hour. I can send you details if you are interested. You can email me at, LinkedIn or find me on Twitter @OGRRecruiter

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Full time opening of Full Stack Developer (Java/.net), Angular.js/React.Js.Ember.Js in Atlanta GA. I can be reached at

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addypal commented Nov 24, 2017

Salesforce Architecture Lead
Looking for Salesforce Architecture Lead : send resume

10+ years of IT experience with at least 5+ years on with a strong Service Oriented Architecture and integration backgroundMinimum of 3 years Architect experience, excellent organizational skills and ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. Should have sound knowledge of

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We are filling a position for a JAVA Developer in the DC area.. If you will like to explore this opportunity, you can send your resume to my email for possible consideration.

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Hello, We are filling a position for a JAVA Developer in London, UK. If you will like to explore this opportunity, you can send your resume to my email for possible consideration.

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Hello, We are filling a position for a Senior Frontend Developer in London, UK. If you will like to explore this opportunity, you can send your resume to my email for possible consideration.

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Hello, We are filling a position for a SAP BPC Lead Consultant in London, UK. If you will like to explore this opportunity, you can send your resume to my email for possible consideration.

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bhanu40 commented Jan 29, 2019


We are filling a position for a Salesforce Developer(4 yrs) in the Hyderabad area.. If you will like to explore this opportunity, you can send your resume to my email for possible consideration.
Mail Your resumes at

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bhanu40 commented Jan 29, 2019

Hello,We are filling a position for a Python Developer(4 yrs),Data Scientists(4 yrs),Full stack Java Developers(4 yrs) and Angular Developers(4 yrs) in the Hyderabad area.. If you will like to explore this opportunity, you can send your resume to my email for possible consideration.Mail Your resumes at

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We have an immediate need for a skilled Full Stack Java developer for a consulting project in New York City with our client - a major financial services company.
It is a long term duration project.
Please let me know and you can reach me at 8452671362 ||

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Urgent opening for Fullstack Developer/Lead (C# With React JS/Angular(Above 2 Version) for Hyderabad location.
Looking 4+ Years of Total Experience , should have Strong problem solving Skills, good to have Algorithms and Data Structures.
Let me know if any one interested, you can reach me at

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Urgent opening for Front End Developer/Lead (Java With React JS/Angular(Above 2 Version) for Hyderabad location.
Looking 4+ Years of Total Experience , should have Strong problem solving Skills, good to have Algorithms and Data Structures.
Let me know if any one interested, you can reach me at

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Hello, Sedulous Technologies is hiring Angular developers. If you are looking for a job change then you can mail me at

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Hope you are doing great!
We have a Fulltime job opportunity for APIGEE Developer role for Remote location.

If Interested, Please share your resume so that we can proceed further.

Contact No:: 408 5406928

Thank you!

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Hope you are doing great!
We have a Fulltime job opportunity for Python Developer role for New York location.

If Interested, Please share your resume so that we can proceed further.

Contact No:: 408-540-6928
Thank you!

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Hope you are doing great!
We have a Fulltime job opportunity for Oracle PL/SQL Developer role for Houston, TX Or Remote location.

If Interested, Please share your resume so that we can proceed further.

Contact No:: 408-540-6928

Thank you!

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Hope you are doing great!
We have a Fulltime job opportunity for Salesforce Lightning Developer role for New York location.

If Interested, Please share your resume so that we can proceed further.

Contact No:: 408-540-6928

Thank you!

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