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Created September 19, 2018 17:46
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import csv
import calendar
CSV to CLF log file formatter
Ben Shepherd
Go Fish Digital
August 2018
with open('client-logs-formatted.log','w') as log_out:
with open('client-logs.csv') as log_csv:
reader = csv.DictReader(log_csv)
for row in reader:
#Initialize log line object
log_file_object = {}
#Grab request IP
log_file_object['request_ip'] = row['requestip']
#User identifier not relevant for this project, no authentication used
log_file_object['user_identifier'] = '-'
#Same as above
log_file_object['user_id'] = '-'
Date and time are separated and incorrectly formatted in source data,
combine and reformat them here
date_split = row['date'].split('-')
year = date_split[0]
month = calendar.month_abbr[int(date_split[1])]
day = date_split[2]
#Bring it all together into a CLF-style timestamp string
log_file_object['request_timestamp'] = '[{}/{}/{}:{} {}]'.format(day,month,year,row['time'],'-0000')
#Check if query string is relevant, if it is we need to reformat for CLF
if row['querystring'] != '-':
http_request = '{} {}?{}'.format(row['method'],row['uri'],row['querystring'])
elif row['querystring'] == '-':
http_request = '{} {}'.format(row['method'],row['uri'])
#HTTP Request String
log_file_object['http_request'] = http_request
#HTTP Status
log_file_object['http_status_code'] = row['status']
#Response size in bytes
log_file_object['response_size'] = '-'
#Referrer -- this is specific to Combined LF, not spec'd in Common LF
log_file_object['referrer'] = row['referrer']
#UserAgent -- this is specific to Combined LF, not spec'd in Common LF
#There is a data anomoly re: quotations, remove them
log_file_object['user_agent'] = row['useragent'].replace('%2520',' ')
#We've got everything we need! Smash it all together into one line each for the resulting log file output
combined_log_line_format = '{request_ip} {user_identifier} {user_id} {request_timestamp} "{http_request}" {http_status_code} "{referrer}" "{user_agent}"\n'.format(**log_file_object)
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