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Last active August 28, 2021 19:03
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Chern numbers of K3^[n] in Sage
NTHREADS = 8 # use this to specify the number of threads
class TnVariety:
A variety with a torus action for computing with Bott's formula
def __init__(self, n, points, weight):
self.n = n
self.points = points
self.weight = weight
def compute(self, points):
ans = {p: 0 for p in self.pp}
for pt in points:
w = self.weight(pt)
cherns = [1] + [chern(k, w) for k in range(1, len(w)+1)]
ctop = cherns[-1]
for p in ans.keys():
ans[p] += prod(cherns[k] for k in p) * QQ((1, ctop))
return ans
def chern_numbers(self):
self.pp = Partitions(self.n)
# no parallel
# return self.compute(tuple(self.points))
each = max(len(self.points) // NTHREADS, 10)
num = len(self.points) // each
c = self.compute([self.points[i*each:(i+1)*each] for i in range(num)] + [self.points[num*each:]])
ans = {p: 0 for p in self.pp}
for (_, ci) in c:
for p in ans.keys():
ans[p] += ci[p]
return ans
def __mul__(self, other):
n = self.n + other.n
points = cartesian_product([self.points, other.points])
weight = lambda p: self.weight(p[0]) + other.weight(p[1])
return TnVariety(n, points, weight)
def chern(k, w):
def dfs(k, n):
if k < 1:
ans[0] += pp[0]
for m in range(k, n+1):
pp[k-1] = pp[k] * w[m-1]
dfs(k-1, m-1)
ans, pp = [0], [0]*k + [1]
dfs(k, len(w))
return ans[0]
def Pn(n):
Projective space of dimension n, with a torus action
return TnVariety(n, range(n+1), lambda k: [x-k for x in range(0, k)] + [x-k for x in range(k+1, n+1)])
def _hilb(n, parts, wt):
points = [x for pp in parts for x in cartesian_product([Partitions(x) for x in pp])]
def weight(pt):
w = []
for k,l,m in wt:
if len(pt[k]) > 0:
b = pt[k].conjugate()
for s in range(len(pt[k])):
j = pt[k][s]
for i in range(j):
w.append(l*(i-j) + m*(b[i]-s-1))
w.append(l*(j-i-1) + m*(s-b[i]))
return w
return TnVariety(2*n, points, weight)
def hilb_P2(n):
Hilbert scheme of n points on the projective plane, with a torus action
return _hilb(n, [[a, b-a-1, n+1-b] for a,b in Combinations(n+2, 2)], [[0,1,n+1], [1,n,-1], [2,-n-1,-n]])
def hilb_P1xP1(n):
Hilbert scheme of n points on the product of two projective lines, with a
torus action
return _hilb(n, [[a, b-a-1, c-b-1, n+2-c] for a,b,c in Combinations(n+3, 3)], [[0,-n,-1], [1,n,-1], [2,-n,1], [3,n,1]])
def _product(m, n):
R = PolynomialRing(QQ, ["c"+str(i) for i in range(m)] + ["d"+str(i) for i in range(n)], order=TermOrder("wdeglex", list(range(1,m+1)) + list(range(1,n+1))))
TX = 1+sum(R.gens()[0:m])
TY = 1+sum(R.gens()[m:m+n])
cTXY = TX * TY
c = by_degree(cTXY, m+n)
pp = Partitions(m+n)
ans = {p: {} for p in pp}
for p in pp:
cp = prod(c[i] for i in p)
monoms, coeffs = cp.monomials(), cp.coefficients()
for i in range(len(monoms)):
d = monoms[i].exponents()[0]
if sum(d[i] * (i+1) for i in range(m)) == m:
p1 = Partition([i+1 for i in range(m-1,-1,-1) for j in range(d[i])])
p2 = Partition([i+1 for i in range(n-1,-1,-1) for j in range(d[i+m])])
ans[p][(p1,p2)] = coeffs[i]
return ans
def chern_nb_product(X, Y):
m, n = X[0], Y[0]
if m > n:
return chern_nb_product(Y, X)
d = _product(m, n)
pp = Partitions(m+n)
ans = {p: 0 for p in pp}
for p in pp:
for p1p2 in d[p].keys():
p1, p2 = p1p2
a = X[1][p1] if p1 in X[1].keys() else 0
b = Y[1][p2] if p2 in Y[1].keys() else 0
ans[p] += d[p][p1p2] * a * b
return m+n, ans
def by_degree(x, n):
c = [0] * (n+1)
if x.parent().ngens() == 1:
g = x.parent().gen()
l = x.list()
for i in range(max(n, len(l))):
c[i] = l[i] * g^i
monoms, coeffs = x.monomials(), x.coefficients()
for i in range(len(monoms)):
d = monoms[i].degree()
if d <= n:
if type(coeffs) == dict:
c[d] += coeffs[monoms[i]] * monoms[i]
c[d] += coeffs[i] * monoms[i]
return c
def capped_log(x, n):
e = by_degree(x, n)
p = [e[1]] + [0] * (n-1)
for i in range(n-1):
p[i+1] = (i+2) * e[i+2] - sum(e[j+1] * p[i-j] for j in range(i+1))
return sum(QQ((1, i+1))*p[i] for i in range(n))
def capped_exp(x, n):
comps = by_degree(x, n)
p = [i * comps[i] for i in range(n+1)]
e = [1] + [0] * (n)
for i in range(n):
e[i+1] = QQ((1, i+1)) * sum(p[j+1] * e[i-j] for j in range(i+1))
return sum(e)
def hilb_K3(n):
Compute the non-trivial Chern numbers of the Hilbert scheme of n points on
a K3 surface
S = PowerSeriesRing(QQ, ["a"+str(i+1) for i in range(n)]+["b"+str(i+1) for i in range(n)], order=TermOrder("wdeglex", tuple([i for i in range(1,n+1)]+[i for i in range(1,n+1)])), default_prec=n+1)
A, B = gens(S)[:n], gens(S)[n:]
HS = capped_exp(-16*capped_log(1+sum(A), n)+18*capped_log(1+sum(B), n), n)
monoms, coeffs = HS.monomials(), HS.coefficients()
pp = [p for p in Partitions(2*n) if all(map(is_even, p))]
ans = {p: 0 for p in pp}
P2n = [hilb_P2(k+1).chern_numbers() for k in range(n)]
P1xP1n = [hilb_P1xP1(k+1).chern_numbers() for k in range(n)]
for i in range(len(monoms)):
if monoms[i].degree() == n:
d = monoms[i].exponents()[0]
lP2n = [(2*k+2, P2n[k]) for k in range(n) for i in range(d[k])]
lP1xP1n = [(2*k+2, P1xP1n[k]) for k in range(n) for i in range(d[k+n])]
c = reduce(chern_nb_product, lP2n + lP1xP1n)[1]
for p in pp:
ans[p] += coeffs[monoms[i]] * c[p]
return ans
# examples
print((Pn(1)*Pn(3)).chern_numbers()) # Chern numbers of a product
print(hilb_P2(2).chern_numbers()) # Chern numbers of P2^[2]
print(hilb_K3(3)) # Chern numbers of K3^[3]
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8d1h commented Jul 23, 2021

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