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Created January 7, 2020 05:49
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import os
import json
import math
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine, euclidean
from sklearn import preprocessing
from fastdtw import fastdtw
from scipy import interpolate
from operator import add
def extract_coords(frame):
x = np.array(frame[0::3])
y = np.array(frame[1::3])
return x, y
# Get euclidean distance between frame a, b
def frame_euc_dis(a, b):
x1, y1 = extract_coords(a)
x2, y2 = extract_coords(b)
dist = np.sum((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2)
return dist
# Get cosine similarity between frame a, b
def frame_cos_dis(a, b):
x1, y1 = extract_coords(a)
x2, y2 = extract_coords(b)
a_vec = []
b_vec = []
for x, y in zip(x1, y1):
for x, y in zip(x2, y2):
X = np.asarray([a_vec,
b_vec], dtype=np.float)
X_normalized = preprocessing.normalize(X, norm='l2')
dist = cosine(X_normalized[0,:],X_normalized[1,:])
#dist =, b_vec)
return dist
lines = {
0: [1],
1: [2,5,8,15,16,17,18],
2: [3],
3: [4],
5: [6],
6: [7],
8: [9,12],
9: [10],
10: [11],
11: [22,23,24],
12: [13],
13: [14],
14: [19,20,21]
def frame_vec(fr):
form = []
for i in range(25):
return form
def frame_cost(a,b):
a_fr = frame_vec(a)
b_fr = frame_vec(b)
total_cost = 0.0
total_conf = 0.0
for st in lines:
for end in lines[st]:
a_vec = np.array([ a_fr[st]['x']-a_fr[end]['x'], a_fr[st]['y']-a_fr[end]['y'] ])
b_vec = np.array([ b_fr[st]['x']-b_fr[end]['x'], b_fr[st]['y']-b_fr[end]['y'] ])
if np.any(a_vec) and np.any(b_vec):
conf = 1 - math.fabs((a_fr[st]['conf']-b_fr[st]['conf'])*(a_fr[end]['conf']-b_fr[end]['conf']))
cost = cosine(a_vec,b_vec)*conf
total_conf += conf
total_cost += cost
return total_cost/total_conf
def normalize(frames):
return preprocessing.normalize(frames, norm='l2')
# Interpolates frames to have num_desired frames
# Needed for DTW to compare differently sized videos
def interpolate_frames(frames, num_desired):
old_indices = np.arange(0, len(frames))
# Interpolate the new set of indices depending on num_desired
new_indices = np.linspace(0, len(frames)-1, num_desired)
new_frames = []
# Break up the frames
for coord in frames.T:
# Each coordinate is interpolated independently
f = interpolate.interp1d(old_indices, coord)
new_coord = f(new_indices)
return np.array(new_frames).T
def remove_confidences(frames):
return [[coord for i, coord in enumerate(frame) if (i+1)%3 != 0] for frame in frames]
def get_confidences(frames):
return [[coord for i, coord in enumerate(frame) if (i+1)%3 == 0] for frame in frames]
def get_centroid(frames, coord):
if coord == 'x':
coords = np.array([[coord for i, coord in enumerate(frame) if i%3 == 0] for frame in frames])
coords = np.array([[coord for i, coord in enumerate(frame) if i%3 == 1] for frame in frames])
# Return the mean coord
return np.sum(np.sum(coords, axis=0))/len(coords)
def get_first_hip(frames, coord):
if coord == 'x':
return frames[0][24]
return frames[0][25]
def translate_video(frames, x_offset, y_offset):
return [[(coord-x_offset) if i%3==0 else (coord-y_offset)
if i%3==1 else coord for i, coord in enumerate(frame)] for frame in frames]
def compare_videos(X, Y):
# Interpolate the shorter video to length of longer video
if len(X) > len(Y):
Y = interpolate_frames(Y, len(X))
elif len(Y) > len(X):
X = interpolate_frames(X, len(Y))
X = normalize(np.array(X))
Y = normalize(np.array(Y))
dist, path = fastdtw(X, Y, radius=2, dist=frame_cost)
return dist
def json_to_np(directory):
# Each entry contains a json array of pose coordinates
videos = []
video_dirs = os.listdir(directory)
for video_dir in video_dirs:
video = []
for json_file in os.listdir('{}/{}'.format(directory, video_dir)):
with open('{}/{}/{}'.format(directory, video_dir, json_file)) as f:
frame = json.loads(
except IndexError:
x_offset = get_centroid(video, 'x')
y_offset = get_centroid(video, 'y')
translated = translate_video(video, x_offset, y_offset)
return videos
def dir_to_np(directory):
video = []
for json_file in os.listdir(directory):
with open('{}/{}'.format(directory, json_file)) as f:
frame = json.loads(
except IndexError:
return np.array(video)
def compare_dir(a, b):
video_a = dir_to_np(a)
video_b = dir_to_np(b)
return compare_videos(video_a, video_b)
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