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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Gravity Sim
#include <stdio.h>
//#pragma warning(disable: 4996)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define NUMPOINTS 3
#define STEPS 5000
//#define G 6.673E-11
#define G 5E-5 //bigger
#define CLOUDDIAMETER 1000
#define MINMASS 1000
#define MAXMASS 10000
#define PROGRESS 1000 // interval
#define FILENAME "COM exclusive.csv"
struct pointMass {
double mass;
double x; // position
double y;
double vx; // velocity
double vy;
struct point {
double x;
double y;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
FILE *fp;
struct pointMass point[NUMPOINTS];
fp = fopen(FILENAME, "w");
for (int np = 0; np < NUMPOINTS; np++) { // populate 100 point masses with data
struct pointMass *p;
p = &point[np];
(*p).mass = (MINMASS + rand()) % (MAXMASS - MINMASS);
(*p).x = rand() % CLOUDDIAMETER;
(*p).y = rand() % CLOUDDIAMETER;
(*p).vx = 0;
(*p).vy = 0;
fprintf(fp, "X%i,Y%i,", np, np);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
// end setup
for (int i = 0; i < STEPS; i++) { //foreaver ish
struct point scratchPoint[NUMPOINTS];
if (i % PROGRESS == 0) printf("%d ", i / PROGRESS); // progress bar
for (int np = 0; np < NUMPOINTS; np++) { // for each point
double forceX;
double forceY;
double massX = 0;
double massY = 0;
double dist;
double force;
double dir;
struct pointMass *p;
struct point *sp;
struct pointMass com;
com.mass = 0;
p = &point[np];
for (int nip = 0; nip < NUMPOINTS; nip++) { // check all influencing points
struct pointMass *ip;
ip = &point[nip]; // exerts force on p
if (nip == np) continue; // we don't influence ourselves (technicly the calcs would agree, so this is optional)
massX += (*ip).mass * (*ip).x; //
massY += (*ip).mass * (*ip).y;
com.mass += (*ip).mass;
com.x = massX / com.mass;
com.y = massY / com.mass;
dist = sqrt(
pow((*p).x - com.x, 2) +
pow((*p).y - com.y, 2)
force = G*(*p).mass*com.mass / pow(dist, 2);
dir = atan2(com.x - (*p).x, com.y - (*p).y);
forceX = force*cos(dir);
forceY = force*sin(dir);
//now we have forceX and forceY
sp = &scratchPoint[np];
// update velocity (we can to this live b.c velocity dosent affecy gravity)
(*p).vx += forceX / (*p).mass; // f=ma a=delta v
(*p).vy += forceY / (*p).mass;
// update position (cant do this live b.c. it would affect later points)
(*sp).x = (*p).x + (*p).vx;
(*sp).y = (*p).y + (*p).vy;
fprintf(fp, "%f,%f,", (*sp).x, (*sp).y);
for (int np = 0; np < NUMPOINTS; np++) { // move scratch points to points for next time
struct pointMass *p;
struct point *sp;
p = &point[np];
sp = &scratchPoint[np];
(*p).x = (*sp).x;
(*p).y = (*sp).y;
fprintf(fp, "\n");
puts("\n"); // it's just good form
#include <stdio.h>
//#pragma warning(disable: 4996)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define NUMPOINTS 3
#define STEPS 5000
//#define G 6.673E-11
#define G 5E-5 //bigger
#define CLOUDDIAMETER 1000
#define MINMASS 1000
#define MAXMASS 10000
#define PROGRESS 1000 // interval
#define FILENAME "COM inclusive.csv"
// future ideas
struct pointMass {
double mass;
double x; // position
double y;
double vx; // velocity
double vy;
struct point {
double x;
double y;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
FILE *fp;
struct pointMass point[NUMPOINTS];
fp = fopen(FILENAME, "w");
for (int np = 0; np < NUMPOINTS; np++) { // populate 100 point masses with data
struct pointMass *p;
p = &point[np];
(*p).mass = (MINMASS + rand()) % (MAXMASS - MINMASS);
(*p).x = rand() % CLOUDDIAMETER;
(*p).y = rand() % CLOUDDIAMETER;
(*p).vx = 0;
(*p).vy = 0;
fprintf(fp, "X%i,Y%i,", np, np);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
// end setup
for (int i = 0; i < STEPS; i++) { //foreaver ish
struct point scratchPoint[NUMPOINTS];
if (i % PROGRESS == 0) printf("%d ", i / PROGRESS); // progress bar
for (int np = 0; np < NUMPOINTS; np++) { // for each point
double forceX;
double forceY;
double massX = 0;
double massY = 0;
double dist;
double force;
double dir;
struct pointMass *p;
struct point *sp;
struct pointMass com;
com.mass = 0;
p = &point[np];
for (int nip = 0; nip < NUMPOINTS; nip++) { // check all influencing points
struct pointMass *ip;
ip = &point[nip]; // exerts force on p
//disabled as per
//if (nip == np) continue; // we don't influence ourselves (technicly the calcs would agree, so this is optional)
massX += (*ip).mass * (*ip).x; //
massY += (*ip).mass * (*ip).y;
com.mass += (*ip).mass;
com.x = massX / com.mass;
com.y = massY / com.mass;
dist = sqrt(
pow((*p).x - com.x, 2) +
pow((*p).y - com.y, 2)
force = G*(*p).mass*com.mass / pow(dist, 2);
dir = atan2(com.x - (*p).x, com.y - (*p).y);
forceX = force*cos(dir);
forceY = force*sin(dir);
//now we have forceX and forceY
sp = &scratchPoint[np];
// update velocity (we can to this live b.c velocity dosent affecy gravity)
(*p).vx += forceX / (*p).mass; // f=ma a=delta v
(*p).vy += forceY / (*p).mass;
// update position (cant do this live b.c. it would affect later points)
(*sp).x = (*p).x + (*p).vx;
(*sp).y = (*p).y + (*p).vy;
fprintf(fp, "%f,%f,", (*sp).x, (*sp).y);
for (int np = 0; np < NUMPOINTS; np++) { // move scratch points to points for next time
struct pointMass *p;
struct point *sp;
p = &point[np];
sp = &scratchPoint[np];
(*p).x = (*sp).x;
(*p).y = (*sp).y;
fprintf(fp, "\n");
puts("\n"); // it's just good form
#include <stdio.h>
//#pragma warning(disable: 4996)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define NUMPOINTS 3
#define STEPS 5000
//#define G 6.673E-11
#define G 5E-5 //bigger
#define CLOUDDIAMETER 1000
#define MINMASS 1000
#define MAXMASS 10000
#define PROGRESS 1000 // interval
#define FILENAME "simple.csv"
struct pointMass {
double mass;
double x; // position
double y;
double vx; // velocity
double vy;
struct point {
double x;
double y;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
FILE *fp;
struct pointMass point[NUMPOINTS];
fp = fopen(FILENAME, "w");
for (int np = 0; np < NUMPOINTS; np++) { // populate 100 point masses with data
struct pointMass *p;
p = &point[np];
(*p).mass = (MINMASS + rand()) % (MAXMASS - MINMASS);
(*p).x = rand() % CLOUDDIAMETER;
(*p).y = rand() % CLOUDDIAMETER;
(*p).vx = 0;
(*p).vy = 0;
fprintf(fp, "X%i,Y%i,", np, np);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
// end setup
for (int i = 0; i < STEPS; i++) { //foreaver ish
struct point scratchPoint[NUMPOINTS];
if (i % PROGRESS == 0) printf("%d ", i / PROGRESS); // progress bar
for (int np = 0; np < NUMPOINTS; np++) { // for each point
double forceX = 0;
double forceY = 0;
struct pointMass *p;
struct point *sp;
p = &point[np];
for (int nip = 0; nip < NUMPOINTS; nip++) { // check all influencing points
double dist;
double force;
double dir;
struct pointMass *ip;
ip = &point[nip]; // exerts force on p
if (nip == np) continue; // we don't influence ourselves (technicly the calcs would agree, so this is optional)
dist = sqrt(
pow((*p).x - (*ip).x, 2) +
pow((*p).y - (*ip).y, 2)
force = G*(*p).mass*(*ip).mass / pow(dist, 2);
dir = atan2((*ip).x - (*p).x, (*ip).y - (*p).y);
forceX += force*cos(dir);
forceY += force*sin(dir);
//now we have forceX and forceY
sp = &scratchPoint[np];
// update velocity (we can to this live b.c velocity dosent affecy gravity)
(*p).vx += forceX / (*p).mass; // f=ma a=delta v
(*p).vy += forceY / (*p).mass;
// update position (cant do this live b.c. it would affect later points)
(*sp).x = (*p).x + (*p).vx;
(*sp).y = (*p).y + (*p).vy;
fprintf(fp, "%f,%f,", (*sp).x, (*sp).y);
for (int np = 0; np < NUMPOINTS; np++) { // move scratch points to points for next time
struct pointMass *p;
struct point *sp;
p = &point[np];
sp = &scratchPoint[np];
(*p).x = (*sp).x;
(*p).y = (*sp).y;
fprintf(fp, "\n");
puts("\n"); // it's just good form
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