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Created April 20, 2011 14:10
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Type Safe Interpreter for Simple Functional Language in Haskell
This literate Haskell program implements a type safe interpreter for a
simple functional language. Such an interpreter is the "hello world"
example for dependently typed languages and this program mimics it in
Haskell. Generalized algebraic data types and type families are
> {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
> module TypeSafeInterpreter where
First, we need natural numbers on the type and value level.
> data Z = Z
> data S n = S n
We use them to index nested pairs on the type and value level. On the
type level we use a type function defined as associated type synonym
in a type class. On the value level we use overloading via this type
> class Index as n where
> type as :!: n
> (!) :: as -> n -> as :!: n
> instance Index (a,as) Z where
> type (a,as) :!: Z = a
> (a,_) ! Z = a
> instance Index as n => Index (a,as) (S n) where
> type (a,as) :!: S n = as :!: n
> (_,as) ! S n = as ! n
The expression type is indexed by an environment represented as nested
> data Expr :: * -> * -> * where
Variables are represented using de Bruijn indices. The type of the
variable is looked up in the types of environment variables.
> Var :: Index as n => n -> Expr as (as :!: n)
Primitive values can have any type and work in every environment.
> Val :: a -> Expr as a
Lambda abstractions extend the environment of the body.
> Lam :: Expr (a,as) b -> Expr as (a -> b)
Applications do not change the environment but are only type safe if
the argument type of the first expression matches the type of the
> (:@:) :: Expr as (a -> b) -> Expr as a -> Expr as b
We also support `if then else` expressions.
> If :: Expr as Bool -> Expr as a -> Expr as a -> Expr as a
For convenience, we can also lift binary operators to do some real
examples later.
> Op :: (a -> b -> c) -> Expr as a -> Expr as b -> Expr as c
The interpreter evaluates an expression of type `Expr as a` to a
Haskell value of type `a` in the environment of type `as`.
> eval :: Expr as a -> as -> a
The value of a variable is fetched from the environment.
> eval (Var n) as = as ! n
Values evaluate to themselves.
> eval (Val a) _ = a
A lambda abstraction evaluates to a function. The body is evaluated
with an extended environment.
> eval (Lam e) as = \a -> eval e (a,as)
To evaluate an application, the result of evaluating the left argument
(which is known to be a function) is applied to the result of
evaluating the right argument.
> eval (f :@: e) as = eval f as (eval e as)
`if then else` evaluate to the `then` or `else` branch depending on
the condition.
> eval (If b t e) as = if eval b as then eval t as else eval e as
Lifted binary operations are applied to the results of evaluating the
> eval (Op op l r) as = op (eval l as) (eval r as)
Now we can evaluate a variable of type `Int` in an environment that
contains an `Int`:
ghci> eval (Var Z) (42,())
An expression for addition of integers can be defined as follows:
> plus :: Expr as (Int -> Int -> Int)
> plus = Lam (Lam (Op (+) (Var (S Z)) (Var Z)))
Note that de Bruijn indices count the number of lambdas between the
use and introduction of a variable such that this expression
represents `\x.\y.x+y`.
Here is an example application:
ghci> eval ((plus :@: Val 1) :@: Val 2) ()
We can also define recursive functions like the factorial function.
> fact :: Expr as (Int -> Int)
> fact = Lam (If (Op (==) (Var Z) (Val 0))
> (Val 1)
> (Op (*) (Var Z) (fact :@: Op (-) (Var Z) (Val 1))))
Again, as there are no free variables, we call it with an empty
environment `()`.
ghci> eval (fact :@: Val 4) ()
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