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Last active June 22, 2021 20:10
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medicare "nursing home compare" data


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  • Improve the process of finding and choosing a nursing home.
  • Open up the data in a programmatic way (API).
  • Provide and access additional feedback on nursing homes (yelp).

Dataset Notes





quality_ratings / quality_measures



Metadata: Deficiencies

Variable Name (column headers on ACCESS tables and CSV Downloadable files) Label (column headers on CSV Display files) Description Format / Values On CSV Display File On CSV Download File On Access Table
PROVNUM Federal Provider Number Provider Number 6 alphanumeric characters Yes Yes Yes
PROVNAME Provider Name Provider Name text Yes Yes Yes
address Provider Address Provider Address text Yes Yes Yes
city Provider City Provider City text Yes Yes Yes
state Provider State Provider State 2-character postal abbreviation Yes Yes Yes
zip Provider Zip Code Provider Zip Code 5-digit zip code Yes Yes Yes
survey_date_output Survey Date Survey Date YYYY-MM-DD Yes Yes Yes
SurveyType Survey Type Type of survey: Health or Fire Safety text Yes Yes Yes
DEFPREF Deficiency Prefix The alphabetic character that is assigned to a series of data tags that apply to a provider text Yes Yes Yes
TAG Deficiency Tag Number Deficiency Tag Number 4-digit tag code Yes Yes Yes
TAG_DESC Deficiency Description Text definition of deficiency text Yes Yes Yes
SCOPE Scope Severity Code Indicates the level of harm to the resident(s) involved and the scope of the problem within the nursing home. text Yes Yes Yes
DEFSTAT Deficiency Corrected Indicates whether the deficiency has been corrected, a plan of correction has been devised, or the deficiency has yet to be corrected text Yes Yes Yes
statdate Correction Date Date the deficiency was corrected YYYY-MM-DD Yes Yes Yes
cycle Inspection Cycle The inspection cycle of deficiency, where 1 is the most recent cycle. Standard inspection cycles are counted sequentially into the past, complaint inspection cycles are counted annually into the past. If a defiency is found on a co-occurring standard and complaint inspection, it is assigned to the standard cycle. Please refer to the 5-star Technical Users Guide for further information. integer Yes Yes Yes
standard Standard Deficiency Indicates that the deficiency was found on a standard inspection Y/N Yes Yes Yes
complaint Complaint Deficiency Indicates that the deficiency was found on a complaint inspection Y/N Yes Yes Yes
location Location Latitude and Longitude of Facility Location text Yes No No
filedate Processing Date Date the data were retrieved YYYY-MM-DD Yes Yes Yes

Metadata: Ownerships

Variable Name (column headers on ACCESS tables and CSV Downloadable files) Label (column headers on CSV Display files) Description Format / Values On CSV Display File On CSV Download File On Access Table

PROVNUM | Federal Provider Number | Federal Provider Number | 6 alphanumeric characters | Yes | Yes | Yes PROVNAME | Provider Name | Provider Name | text | Yes | Yes | Yes address | Provider Address | Provider Address | text | Yes | Yes | Yes CITY | Provider City | Provider City | text | Yes | Yes | Yes STATE | Provider State | Provider State | 2-character postal abbreviation | Yes | Yes | Yes ZIP | Provider Zip Code | Provider Zip Code | 5-digit zip code | Yes | Yes | Yes ROLE_DESC | Role played by Owner or Manager in Facility | Role Description | "text; values are: 5% OR GREATER DIRECT OWNERSHIP INTEREST; 5% OR GREATER INDIRECT OWNERSHIP INTEREST; 5% OR GREATER MORTGAGE INTEREST; 5% OR GREATER SECURITY INTEREST; DIRECTOR; MANAGING EMPLOYEE; OFFICER; OPERATIONAL/MANAGERIAL CONTROL; PARTNERSHIP INTEREST; if there is no ownership data available for this PROVNUM, Role Description = ""Ownership Data Not Available"" and other ownership fields will be blank (null)" | Yes | Yes | Yes OWNER_TYPE | Owner Type | Indicates if owner is an individual or organization | "Individual" or "Organization" | Yes | Yes | Yes OWNER_NAME | Owner Name | Name of Owner | text: name of organization, or, if an individual, formatted as "LastName, FirstName" | Yes | Yes | Yes OWNER_PERCENTAGE | Ownership Percentage | Last Name | text: NN% or "No Percentage Provided"; value provided only for owners with ROLE_DESC of "5% OR GREATER DIRECT OWNERSHIP INTEREST" or "5% OR GREATER INDIRECT OWNERSHIP INTEREST"; for other ROLE_DESC values, "Not Applicable" | Yes | Yes | Yes ASSOCIATION_DATE | Association Date | Date when given owner/manager became associated with provider in this role | text: "since MM/DD/YYYY" or "No Date Provided" | Yes | Yes | Yes location | Location | Latitude and Longitude of Facility Location | text | Yes | No | No filedate | Processing Date | Date the data were retrieved | YYYY-MM-DD | Yes | Yes | Yes

Metadata: Penalties

Variable Name (column headers on ACCESS tables and CSV Downloadable files) Label (column headers on CSV Display files) Description Format / Values On CSV Display File On CSV Download File On Access Table
PROVNUM Federal Provider Number Federal Provider Number 6 alphanumeric characters Yes Yes Yes
PROVNAME Provider Name Provider Name text Yes Yes Yes
address Provider Address Provider Address text Yes Yes Yes
city Provider City Provider City text Yes Yes Yes
state Provider State Provider State 2-character postal abbreviation Yes Yes Yes
zip Provider Zip Code Provider Zip Code 5-digit zip code Yes Yes Yes
pnlty_date Penalty Date Date of inspection that triggered the penalty YYYY-MM-DD Yes Yes Yes
pnlty_type Penalty Type Penalty type: Fine or Payment Denial text Yes Yes Yes
fine_amt Fine Amount Fine amount in whole dollars integer Yes Yes Yes
payden_strt_dt Payment Denial Start Date Date on which Medicare/Medicaid payment for new admissions was suspended YYYY-MM-DD Yes Yes Yes
payden_days Payment Denial Length in Days Number of days for which Medicare/Medicaid payment was suspended integer Yes Yes Yes
location Location Latitude and Longitude of Facility Location text Yes No No
filedate Processing Date Date the data were retrieved YYYY-MM-DD Yes Yes Yes

Metadata: Providers

Variable Name (column headers on ACCESS tables and CSV Downloadable files) Label (column headers on CSV Display files) Description Format / Values On CSV Display File On CSV Download File On Access Table
PROVNUM Federal Provider Number Federal Provider Number 6 alphanumeric characters Yes Yes Yes
PROVNAME Provider Name Provider Name text Yes Yes Yes
ADDRESS Provider Address Provider Address text Yes Yes Yes
CITY Provider City Provider City text Yes Yes Yes
STATE Provider State Provider State 2-character postal abbreviation Yes Yes Yes
ZIP Provider Zip Code Provider Zip Code 5-digit zip code Yes Yes Yes
PHONE Provider Phone Number Provider Phone Number 10 numeric characters Yes Yes Yes
COUNTY_SSA Provider SSA County SSA county code 3-digit SSA code Yes Yes Yes
COUNTY_NAME Provider County Name Provider County Name text Yes Yes Yes
OWNERSHIP Ownership Type Nature of organization that operates a provider of services text Yes Yes Yes
BEDCERT Number of Certified Beds Number of Federally Certified Beds integer Yes Yes Yes
RESTOT Number of Residents in Certified Beds Number of Residents in Federally Certified Beds integer Yes Yes Yes
CERTIFICATION Provider Type Category which is most indicative of provider text Yes Yes Yes
INHOSP Provider Resides in Hospital Facility Resides in Hospital Inidcator Y/N Yes Yes Yes
LBN Legal Business Name Legal Business Name text Yes Yes Yes
PARTICIPATION_DATE Date First Approved to Provide Medicare and Medicaid services Date First Approved to Provide Medicare/Medicaid Services YYYY-MM-DD Yes Yes Yes
CCRC_FACIL Continuing Care Retirement Community Continuing Care Retirement Community Indicator Y/N Yes Yes Yes
SFF Special Focus Facility Special Focus Facility Indicator Y/N Yes Yes Yes
CHOW_LAST_12MOS Provider Changed Ownership in Last 12 Months Facility Changed Ownership in Last 12 Months Indicator Y/N Yes Yes Yes
resfamcouncil With a Resident and Family Council With a Resident and Family Council Resident, Family, Both, None Yes Yes Yes
sprinkler_status Automatic Sprinkler Systems in All Required Areas Automatic Sprinkler Systems in All Required Areas Yes, Partial, No, Data Not Available Yes Yes Yes
overall_rating Overall Rating Overall Rating one-digit, values 1-5 Yes Yes Yes
overall_rating_fn Overall Rating Footnote Overall Rating Footnote text Yes Yes Yes
survey_rating Health Inspection Rating Health Inspection Rating one-digit, values 1-5 Yes Yes Yes
survey_rating_fn Health Inspection Rating Footnote Health Inspection Rating Footnote text Yes Yes Yes
quality_rating QM Rating QM Rating one-digit, values 1-5 Yes Yes Yes
quality_rating_fn QM Rating Footnote QM Rating Footnote text Yes Yes Yes
staffing_rating Staffing Rating Staffing Rating one-digit, values 1-5 Yes Yes Yes
staffing_rating_fn Staffing Rating Footnote Staffing Rating Footnote text Yes Yes Yes
RN_staffing_rating RN Staffing Rating RN Staffing Rating one-digit, values 1-5 Yes Yes Yes
rn_staffing_rating_fn RN Staffing Rating Footnote RN Staffing Rating Footnote text Yes Yes Yes
STAFFING_FLAG Reported Staffing Footnote Reported Staffing Footnote text Yes Yes Yes
PT_STAFFING_FLAG Physical Therapist Staffing Footnote Physical Therapy Staffing Footnote text Yes Yes Yes
AIDHRD Reported CNA Staffing Hours per Resident per Day Reported CNA Staffing - Hours per Resident per Day real number, up to 5 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
VOCHRD Reported LPN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day Reported LPN Staffing - Hours per Resident per Day real number, up to 5 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
RNHRD Reported RN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day Reported RN Staffing - Hours per Resident per Day real number, up to 5 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
TOTLICHRD Reported Licensed Staffing Hours per Resident per Day Reported Licensed Staffing - Hours per Resident per Day (RN + LPN) real number, up to 5 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
TOTHRD Reported Total Nurse Staffing Hours per Resident per Day Reported Total Nurse Staffing - Hours per Resident per Day (CNA+LPN+RN) real number, up to 5 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
PTHRD Reported Physical Therapist Staffing Hours per Resident Per Day Reported Physical Therapy Staffing - Hours per Resident Per Day real number, up to 5 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
exp_aide Expected CNA Staffing Hours per Resident per Day Expected CNA Staffing - Hours per Resident per Day real number, up to 5 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
exp_lpn Expected LPN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day Expected LPN Staffing - Hours per Resident per Day real number, up to 5 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
exp_rn Expected RN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day Expected RN Staffing - Hours per Resident per Day real number, up to 5 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
exp_total Expected Total Nurse Staffing Hours per Resident per Day Expected Total Nurse Staffing - Hours per Resident per Day (CNA+LPN+RN) real number, up to 5 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
adj_aide Adjusted CNA Staffing Hours per Resident per Day Adjusted CNA Staffing - Hours per Resident per Day real number, up to 5 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
adj_lpn Adjusted LPN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day Adjusted LPN Staffing - Hours per Resident per Day real number, up to 5 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
adj_rn Adjusted RN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day Adjusted RN Staffing - Hours per Resident per Day real number, up to 5 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
adj_total Adjusted Total Nurse Staffing Hours per Resident per Day Adjusted Total Nurse Staffing - Hours per Resident per Day (CNA+LPN+RN) real number, up to 5 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
cycle_1_defs Cycle 1 Total Number of Health Deficiencies Total Number of Health Deficiencies in Cycle 1 - See CMS 5-Star Techinical Users' Guide for description of Cycles integer Yes Yes Yes
cycle_1_nfromdefs Cycle 1 Number of Standard Health Deficiencies Number of Health Deficiencies from the Standard Survey During Cycle 1 integer Yes Yes Yes
cycle_1_nfromcomp Cycle 1 Number of Complaint Health Deficiencies Number of Health Deficiencies from Complaint Surveys during Cycle 1 integer Yes Yes Yes
cycle_1_defs_score Cycle 1 Health Deficiency Score Cycle 1 - Health Deficiency Score integer Yes Yes Yes
CYCLE_1_SURVEY_DATE Cycle 1 Standard Survey Health Date Date of Cycle 1 Standard Health Survey Date YYYY-MM-DD Yes Yes Yes
CYCLE_1_NUMREVIS Cycle 1 Number of Health Revisits Number of Health Survey Repeat-Revisits for Cycle 1 integer Yes Yes Yes
CYCLE_1_REVISIT_SCORE Cycle 1 Health Revisit Score Points Associated with Health Survey Repeat Revisits for Cycle 1 integer Yes Yes Yes
CYCLE_1_TOTAL_SCORE Cycle 1 Total Health Score Cycle 1 - Total Health Inspection Score integer Yes Yes Yes
cycle_2_defs Cycle 2 Total Number of Health Deficiencies Total Number of Health Deficiencies in Cycle 2 - See CMS 5-Star Techinical Users' Guide for description of Cycles integer Yes Yes Yes
cycle_2_nfromdefs Cycle 2 Number of Standard Health Deficiencies Number of Health Deficiencies from the Standard Survey during Cycle 2 integer Yes Yes Yes
cycle_2_nfromcomp Cycle 2 Number of Complaint Health Deficiencies Number of Health Deficiencies from Complaint Surveys during Cycle 2 integer Yes Yes Yes
cycle_2_defs_score Cycle 2 Health Deficiency Score Cycle 2 - Health Deficiency Score integer Yes Yes Yes
CYCLE_2_SURVEY_DATE Cycle 2 Standard Health Survey Date Date of Cycle 2 Standard Health Survey Date YYYY-MM-DD Yes Yes Yes
CYCLE_2_NUMREVIS Cycle 2 Number of Health Revisits Number of Health Survey Repeat-Revisits for Cycle 2 integer Yes Yes Yes
CYCLE_2_REVISIT_SCORE Cycle 2 Health Revisit Score Points Associated with Health Survey Repeat Revisits for Cycle 2 integer Yes Yes Yes
CYCLE_2_TOTAL_SCORE Cycle 2 Total Health Score Cycle 2 - Total Health Inspection Score integer Yes Yes Yes
cycle_3_defs Cycle 3 Total Number of Health Deficiencies Total Number of Health Deficiencies in Cycle 3 - See CMS 5-Star Techinical Users' Guide for description of Cycles integer Yes Yes Yes
cycle_3_nfromdefs Cycle 3 Number of Standard Health Deficiencies Number of Health Deficiencies from the Standard Survey during Cycle 3 integer Yes Yes Yes
cycle_3_nfromcomp Cycle 3 Number of Complaint Health Deficiencies Number of Health Deficiencies from Complaint Surveys during Cycle 3 integer Yes Yes Yes
cycle_3_defs_score Cycle 3 Health Deficiency Score Cycle 3 - Health Deficiency Score integer Yes Yes Yes
CYCLE_3_SURVEY_DATE Cycle 3 Standard Health Survey Date Date of Cycle 3 Standard Health Survey Date YYYY-MM-DD Yes Yes Yes
CYCLE_3_NUMREVIS Cycle 3 Number of Health Revisits Number of Health Survey Repeat-Revisits for Cycle 3 integer Yes Yes Yes
CYCLE_3_REVISIT_SCORE Cycle 3 Health Revisit Score Points Associated with Health Survey Repeat Revisits for Cycle 3 integer Yes Yes Yes
CYCLE_3_TOTAL_SCORE Cycle 3 Total Health Score Cycle 3 - Total Health Inspection Score integer Yes Yes Yes
WEIGHTED_ALL_CYCLES_SCORE Total Weighted Health Survey Score Total Weighted Health Survey Score for all 3 cycles - See CMS 5-Star Techical Users' Guide for explanation of Weighting real number, up to 3 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
incident_cnt Number of Facility Reported Incidents Number of Facility-Reported Incidents integer Yes Yes Yes
cmplnt_cnt Number of Substantiated Complaints Number of Substantiated Complaints integer Yes Yes Yes
FINE_CNT Number of Fines Number of Fines integer Yes Yes Yes
FINE_TOT Total Amount of Fines in Dollars Total Amount of Fines in Dollars integer Yes Yes Yes
PAYDEN_CNT Number of Payment Denials Number of Payment Denials integer Yes Yes Yes
TOT_PENLTY_CNT Total Number of Penalties Total Number of Penalties integer Yes Yes Yes
LOCATION Location Latitude and Longitude of Facility Location text Yes No No
FILEDATE Processing Date Date the data were retrieved YYYY-MM-DD Yes Yes Yes

Metadata: MSR (Quality Ratings)

Variable Name (column headers on ACCESS tables and CSV Downloadable files) Label (column headers on CSV Display files) Description Format / Values On CSV Display File On CSV Download File On Access Table
PROVNUM Federal Provider Number Federal Provider Number 6 alphanumeric characters Yes Yes Yes
PROVNAME Provider Name Provider Name text Yes Yes Yes
address Provider Address Provider Address text Yes Yes Yes
city Provider City Provider City text Yes Yes Yes
state Provider State Provider State 2-character postal abbreviation Yes Yes Yes
zip Provider Zip Code Provider Zip Code 5-digit zip code Yes Yes Yes
msr_cd Measure Code Numeric code assigned to each quality measure integer Yes Yes Yes
msr_descr Measure Description Measure Description text Yes Yes Yes
stay_type Resident type Identifies the measure as pertaining to either short-stay or long-stay stay residents text Yes Yes Yes
q1_measure_score Q1 Measure Score The value for the quality measure for quarter one real number, six decimal places Yes Yes Yes
q1_measure_fn Footnote for Q1 Measure Score Footnote for the quality measure for quarter one text Yes Yes Yes
q2_measure_score Q2 Measure Score The value for the quality measure for quarter two real number, six decimal places Yes Yes Yes
q2_measure_fn Footnote for Q2 Measure Score Footnote for the quality measure for quarter two text Yes Yes Yes
q3_measure_score Q3 Measure Score The value for the quality measure for quarter three real number, six decimal places Yes Yes Yes
q3_measure_fn Footnote for Q3 Measure Score Footnote for the quality measure for quarter three text Yes Yes Yes
measure_score_3qtr_avg Three Quarter Average The value for the three quarter average real number, six decimal places Yes Yes Yes
score3qtr_fn Footnote for Three Quarter Average Footnote for Three Quarter Average text Yes Yes Yes
five_star_msr Used in Quality Measure Five Star Rating Identifies whether the quality measure is used in the calculation of the quality measure rating in the Five-Star Quality Rating System Y/N Yes Yes Yes
q1_quarter Q1 quarter Identifies the calendar quarter associated with quarter 1 text Yes Yes Yes
q2_quarter Q2 quarter Identifies the calendar quarter associated with quarter 2 text Yes Yes Yes
q3_quarter Q3 quarter Identifies the calendar quarter associated with quarter 3 text Yes Yes Yes
location Location Latitude and Longitude of Facility Location text Yes No No
filedate Processing Date Date the data were retrieved YYYY-MM-DD Yes Yes Yes

Metadata: State Averages

Variable Name (column headers on ACCESS tables and CSV Downloadable files) Label (column headers on CSV Display files) Description Format / Values On CSV Display File On CSV Download File On Access Table
STATE State or Nation State or Nation Text Yes Yes Yes
C1_HLTH_DEFS_CNT Cycle 1 Total Number of Health Deficiencies Cycle 1 Number of Health Deficiencies real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
C1_FS_DEFS_CNT Cycle 1 Total Number of Fire Safety Deficiencies Cycle 1 Number of Fire Safety Deficiencies real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
C2_HLTH_DEFS_CNT Cycle 2 Total Number of Health Deficiencies Cycle 2 Number of Health Deficiencies real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
C2_FS_DEFS_CNT Cycle 2 Total Number of Fire Safety Deficiencies Cycle 2 Number of Fire Safety Deficiencies real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
C3_HLTH_DEFS_CNT Cycle 3 Total Number of Health Deficiencies Cycle 3 Number of Health Deficiencies real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
C3_FS_DEFS_CNT Cycle 3 Total Number of Fire Safety Deficiencies Cycle 3 Number of Fire Safety Deficiencies real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
AIDHRD Reported CNA Staffing Hours per Resident per Day Reported CNA Staffing - Hours per Resident per Day real number with 2 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
VOCHRD Reported LPN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day Reported LPN Staffing - Hours per Resident per Day real number with 2 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
RNHRD Reported RN Staffing Hours per Resident per Day Reported RN Staffing - Hours per Resident per Day real number with 2 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
TOTLICHRD Reported Licensed Staffing Hours per Resident per Day Reported Licensed Staffing - Hours per Resident per Day real number with 2 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
TOTHRD Reported Total Nurse Staffing Hours per Resident per Day Reported Total Nurse Staffing - Hours per Resident per Day real number with 2 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
PTHRD Reported Physical Therapist Staffing Hours per Resident Per Day Reported Physical Therapy Staffing - Hours per Resident Per Day real number with 2 decimal places Yes Yes Yes
FINE_CNT Number of Fines Number of Fines; state and US averages include 0s for providers with no fines real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
FINE_TOT Fine Amount in Dollars Fine Amount in Dollars;state and US averages include 0s for providers with no fines integer Yes Yes Yes
QM401 Percent of Long Stay Residents Whose Need for Help with ADLs has Increased Percent of Long Stay Residents Whose Need for Help with ADLs has Increased real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
QM402 Percent of Long Stay Residents Who Self Report Moderate to Severe Pain Percent of Long StayResidents Who Self Report Moderate to Severe Pain real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
QM403 Percent of High Risk Long Stay Residents With Pressure Ulcers Percent of High Risk Long Stay Residents With Pressure Ulcers real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
QM404 Percent of Long Stay Residents Who Lose Too Much Weight Percent of Long Stay Residents Who Lose Too Much Weight real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
QM405 Percent of Low Risk Long Stay Residents Who Lose Control of Their Bowel or Bladder Percent of Low Risk Long Stay Residents Who Lose Control of Their Bowel or Bladder real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
QM406 Percent of Long Stay Residents with a Catheter Inserted and Left in Their Bladder Percent of Long Stay Residents with a Catheter Inserted and Left in Their Bladder real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
QM407 Percent of Long Stay Residents With a Urinary Tract Infection Percent of Long Stay Residents With a Urinary Tract Infection real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
QM408 Percent of Long Stay Residents Who Have Depressive Symptoms Percent of Long Stay Residents Who Have Depressive Symptoms real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
QM409 Percent of Long Stay Residents Who Were Physically Restrained Percent of Long Stay Residents Who Were Physically Restrained real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
QM410 Percent of Long Stay Residents Experiencing One or More Falls with Major Injury Percent of Long Stay Residents Experiencing One or More Falls with Major Injury real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
QM411 Percent of Long Stay Residents Assessed and Appropriately Given the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Percent of Long Stay Residents Assessed and Appropriately Given the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
QM415 Percent of Long Stay Residents Assessed and Appropriately Given the Pneumococcal Vaccine Percent of Long Stay Residents Assessed and Appropriately Given the Pneumococcal Vaccine real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
QM419 Percent of Long Stay Residents Who Received an Antipsychotic Medication Percent of Long Stay Residents Who Received an Antipsychotic Medication real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
QM424 Percent of Short Stay Residents Who Self Report Moderate to Severe Pain Percent of Short Stay Residents Who Self Report Moderate to Severe Pain real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
QM425 Percent of Short Stay Residents With Pressure Ulcers That Are New or Worsened Percent of Short Stay Residents With Pressure Ulcers That Are New or Worsened real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
QM426 Percent of Short Stay Residents Who Were Assessed and Appropriately Given the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Percent of Short Stay Residents Who Were Assessed and Appropriately Given the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
QM430 Percent of Short Stay Residents Assessed and Appropriately Given the Pneumococcal Vaccine Percent of Short Stay Residents Assessed and Appropriately Given the Pneumococcal Vaccine real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
QM434 Percent of Short Stay Residents Who Newly Received an Antipsychotic Medication Percent of Short Stay Residents Who Newly Received an Antipsychotic Medication real number with 1 decimal place Yes Yes Yes
FILEDATE Processing Date Date the data were retrieved YYYY-MM-DD Yes Yes Yes

Metadata: Survey Summaries

Variable Name (column headers on ACCESS tables and CSV Downloadable files) Label (column headers on CSV Display files) Description Format / Values On CSV Display File On CSV Download File On Access Table
PROVNUM Federal Provider Number Provider Number 6 alphanumeric characters Yes Yes Yes
PROVNAME Provider Name Provider Name text Yes Yes Yes
address Provider Address Provider Address text Yes Yes Yes
city Provider City Provider City text Yes Yes Yes
state Provider State Provider State 2-character postal abbreviation Yes Yes Yes
zip Provider Zip Code Provider Zip Code 5-digit zip code Yes Yes Yes
cycle Inspection Cycle The inspection cycle of deficiency, where 1 is the most recent cycle. Standard inspection cycles are counted sequentially into the past. integer (1, 2 or 3) Yes Yes Yes
H_SURVEY_DATE Health Survey Date Health Survey Date YYYY-MM-DD Yes Yes Yes
F_SURVEY_DATE Fire Safety Survey Data Fire Safety Survey Date
H_TOT_DFCNCY Total Number of Health Deficiencies Total Number of Health Deficiencies integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_TOT_DFCNCY Total Number of Fire Safety Deficiencies Total Number of Fire Safety Deficiencies integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
H_SS_MAX Scope and Severity of most Severe Health Deficiency Scope and Severity Code of most Severe Health Deficiency Letter (B-L) Yes Yes Yes
F_SS_MAX Scope and Severity of most Severe Fire Safety Deficiency Scope and Severity Code of most Severe Health Deficiency Letter (B-L) Yes Yes Yes
H_IJ_N Count of Immediate Jeopardy Deficiencies on Health Survey Count of Immediate Jeopardy Deficiencies on Health Survey; IJ deficiencies are those with Scope/Severity code of J,K or L integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_IJ_N Count of Immediate Jeopardy Deficiencies on Fire Safety Survey Count of Immediate Jeopardy Deficiencies on Fire Safety Survey; IJ deficiencies are those with Scope/Severity code of J,K or L integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
H_SEVERE_N Count of Severe Deficiencies on Health Survey Count of Severe Deficiencies on Health Survey; Severe deficiencies are those with Scope/Severity Code of G or higher integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_SEVERE_N Count of Severe Deficiencies on Fire Safety Survey Count of Severe Deficiencies on Fire Safety Survey; Severe deficiencies are those with Scope/Severity Code of G or higher integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
H_SUBSTNDRD_QOC_N Count of Substandard QOC Deficiencies on Health Survey Count of Health Deficiencies indicating Substandard Quality of Care; See technical users guide for more information integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
H_ADMINISTRATION_N Count of Administration Deficiencies (Health) Count of Administration Deficiencies (Health) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
H_ENVIRONMENTAL_N Count of Environmental Deficiencies (Health) Count of Environmental Deficiencies (Health) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
H_MISTREAT_N Count of Mistreatment Deficiencies (Health) Count of Mistreatment Deficiencies (Health) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
H_NUTRITION_N Count of Nutrition and Dietary Deficiencies (Health) Count of Nutrition and Dietary Deficiencies (Health) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
H_PHARMACY_N Count of Pharmacy Service Deficiencies (Health) Count of Pharmacy Service Deficiencies (Health) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
H_QUALITY_CARE_N Count of Quality of Care Deficiencies (Health) Count of Quality of Care Deficiencies (Health) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
H_RES_ASMNT_N Count of Resident Assessment Deficiencies (Health) Count of Resident Assessment Deficiencies (Health) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
H_RES_RIGHTS_N Count of Resident Rights Deficiencies (Health) Count of Resident Rights Deficiencies (Health) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_CONSTRUCTION_N Count of Building Construction Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Building Construction Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_CORRIDOR_DOORS_N Count of Corridor Walls and Doors Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Corridor Walls and Doors Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_ELECTRICAL_N Count of Electrical Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Electrical Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_EMERGENCY_PLAN_N Count of Emergency Plans and Fire Drills Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Emergency Plans and Fire Drills Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_EXIT_EGRESS_N Count of Exits and Egress Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Exits and Egress Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_EXIT_ACCESS_N Count of Exit and Exit Access Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Exit and Exit Access Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_FIRE_ALARM_N Count of Fire Alarm Systems Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Fire Alarm Systems Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_FURNISHINGS_N Count of Furnishings and Decorations Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Furnishings and Decorations Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_HAZARD_AREA_N Count of Hazardous Area Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Hazardous Area Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_ILLUMINATION_N Count of Illumination and Emergency Power Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Illumination and Emergency Power Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_INTERIOR_N Count of Interior Finish Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Interior Finish Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_LABORATORIES_N Count of Laboratories Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Laboratories Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_MEDICAL_GAS_N Count of Medical Gases and Anesthetizing Areas Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Medical Gases and Anesthetizing Areas Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_MISCELLANEOUS_N Count of Miscellaneous Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Miscellaneous Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_SERVICE_EQUIPMENT_N Count of Building Service Equipment Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Building Service Equipment Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_SMOKE_CONTROL_N Count of Smoke Compartmentation and Control Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Smoke Compartmentation and Control Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_SMOKING_REG_N Count of Smoking Regulations Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Smoking Regulations Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_SPRINKLER_N Count of Automatic Sprinkler Systems Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Automatic Sprinkler Systems Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
F_VERT_OPENINGS_N Count of Vertical Openings Deficiencies (Fire Safety) Count of Vertical Openings Deficiencies (Fire Safety) integer (0-nn) Yes Yes Yes
location Location Latitude and Longitude of Facility Location text Yes No No
filedate Processing Date Date the data were retrieved YYYY-MM-DD Yes Yes Yes
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