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Last active November 21, 2018 11:37
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  • Save 958/9f4d93e8308920478159566008c56f8b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save 958/9f4d93e8308920478159566008c56f8b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hints.characters = 'asdfgwertzxcvb';
settings.hintAlign = 'left';
settings.nextLinkRegex = /((?!first)(next|older|more|>|›|»|forward|→|次(のページ|へ))+)/i;
settings.prevLinkRegex = /((?!last)(prev(ious)?|newer|back|«|less|<|‹|←|前(のページ|へ))+)/i;
settings.focusAfterClosed = 'right';
settings.scrollStepSize = 70;
settings.smoothScroll = true;
'cp', ';cp', ';ap', ';s', 'spa', 'spb', 'spd', 'sps', 'spc', 'sd',
'gr', 'gr', 'gf', 'af', 'sfr', 'C', 'yc', 'yq', 'B', 'F', 'Q',
'<Ctrl-6>', 'S', 'D', 'W', 'cc', 'ys', 'yj', 'yd', 'yf', 'yp', 'yl',
'gs', 'g?', 'gxt', 'gxT', 'gx0', 'gx$', 'ZZ', 'ZR',
'ox', 'ob', 'ow', ';t', 'sw', 'sb', 'ss',
'sm', '<Ctrl-i>', 'I', '<Ctrl-Alt-d>', 'su', ';m', ';j', ';pp', ';q', ';dh', ';db',
].forEach(k => unmap(k));
[ 'gr', '<Ctrl-d>', '<Ctrl-u>' ].forEach(k => vunmap(k));
map('<Ctrl-[>', '<Esc>');
cmap('<Ctrl-[>', '<Esc>');
imap('<Ctrl-[>', '<Esc>');
vmap('<Ctrl-[>', '<Esc>');
mapkey('T', 'Choose a tab with omnibar', () =>
Front.openOmnibar({type: "Tabs"})
mapkey('f', '#1Open a link', () => Hints.create('', Hints.dispatchMouseClick));
mapkey('F', '#1Open a link in non-active new tab', () =>
Hints.create('', Hints.dispatchMouseClick, {tabbed: true, active: false}));
mapkey('ya', '#7Copy a link URL to the clipboard', () => Hints.create('*[href]', e => Clipboard.write(e.href)));
mapkey('yma', '#7Copy multiple link URLs to the clipboard', () => {
var linksToYank = [];
Hints.create('*[href]', (e) =>
linksToYank.push(e.href) && Clipboard.write(linksToYank.join('\n')),
{multipleHits: true});
mapkey('i', '#1Go to edit box', () => {
Hints.create("input:visible, textarea:visible, *[contenteditable=true], select:visible", e =>
(e.tagName === 'SELECT') ? Front.showEditor(e) : Hints.dispatchMouseClick(e));
mapkey(';l', 'Add a link URL to pocket', () =>
Hints.create('*[href]', (e) =>
{'url': `${encodeURIComponent(e.href)}`},
res => Front.showBanner('Success')
mapkey('<Ctrl-l>', 'Add a current URL to pocket', () =>
{'url': `${encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)}`},
res => Front.showBanner('Success')
mapkey(';b', 'Open a link URL with Hatena Bookmark', () =>
Hints.create('*[href]', e => tabOpenLink(`${encodeURIComponent(e.href)}`)));
mapkey('<Ctrl-b>', 'Open a current URL with Hatena Bookmark', () =>
mapkey('^', '#4Go to last used tab', () => RUNTIME('goToLastTab'));
mapkey('H', '#4Go back in history', () => history.go(-1), {repeatIgnore: true});
mapkey('L', '#4Go forward in history', () => history.go(1), {repeatIgnore: true});
mapkey('gX', '#8Open recently closed URL', () => Front.openOmnibar({type: 'URLs', extra: 'getRecentlyClosed'}));
const setTranslateQuery = (lang) => {
const render = (res) => res[0].map(r => r[0]).join('');
url: `${lang}&dt=t&dt=bd&q=`,
parseResult: res => [ render(JSON.parse(res.text)) ],
mapkey('J', '#8Open omnibar for word translation (to Ja)', () => {
Front.openOmniquery({ query: Visual.getWordUnderCursor(), style: 'opacity: 0.8;' });
mapkey('K', '#8Open omnibar for word translation (to En)', () => {
Front.openOmniquery({ query: Visual.getWordUnderCursor(), style: 'opacity: 0.8;' });
mapkey("<Ctrl-'>", '#10Jump to vim-like mark', Normal.jumpVIMark);
mapkey("'", '#10Jump to vim-like mark in new tab.', (mark) => Normal.jumpVIMark(mark, true));
map('`', "'");
mapkey('yy', "#7Copy current page's URL", () => Clipboard.write(window.location.href));
mapkey('yt', "#7Copy current page's title", () => Clipboard.write(document.title));
mapkey(';e', 'Translate selected text with google', () =>
searchSelectedWith('', false, false, ''));
mapkey(';j', 'Translate selected text with google', () =>
searchSelectedWith('', false, false, ''));
addSearchAliasX('b', 'bing', '', 's', '',
(res) => JSON.parse(res.text)[1]);
addSearchAliasX('h', 'github', '');
if (/feedly\.com/.test(window.location.hostname)) {
['j', 'k', 'y', 'v', 's', 'g', 'a', 'l', '?'].forEach(k => unmap(k));
mapkey('a', 'Open a current entry in new tab', () => {
const e = document.querySelector('div.entryHeader a');
if (e) {
RUNTIME("openLink", {
tab: { tabbed: true, active: false },
url: e.href
mapkey('l', 'Add a current entry to pocket', () => {
const e = document.querySelector('div.entryHeader a');
if (e) {
{'url': `${encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)}`},
res => Front.showBanner('Success')
if (/(inbox|gmail)\ {
['j', 'k', 'e', '#', 'o', 'u', 'O', 'n', 'p', 't', 'i', 'r', 'f', 'z', '?'].forEach(k => unmap(k));
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