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Created May 15, 2011 20:45
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Map generator, generates XPM files
-- Copyright (C) 2011 Ross Andrews
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program. If not, see <>.
Map = {methods={}}
-- Create a map, either filled with a single value
-- or random values 0..15
function, height, fill)
local map = Map.empty(width, height)
for n = 0, (width * height - 1) do
map[n] = fill or (math.random(16) - 1)
return map
-- Create an empty map
function Map.empty(width, height)
local map = {width=width, height=height}
return map
-- Returns a copy of the map, independent of the first one
function Map.copy(other)
return other:slice(0,0,other.width,other.height)
-- Copy a rectangular section out of a map into a new map
function Map.methods.slice(self,left,top,w,h)
local new = Map.empty(w,h)
for x, y, n in new:each() do
new[n] = self:at(x+left, y+top)
return new
-- Convert a 1..n value to x and y values
function Map.methods.n2p(self, n)
return n % self.width, math.floor(n / self.width)
-- Convert a 0-based x,y table to a 1-based index
function Map.methods.p2n(self, x, y)
return x + self.width * y
-- Takes either an n or an x, y and returns the value there.
function, x, y)
return self[self:p2n(x,y)]
-- Takes an x, y and a value and sets the value there
function Map.methods.set(self, x, y, v)
self[self:p2n(x,y)] = v
return self
-- Internal function used by each
function Map.iterator(state)
if state.n >= state.self.width * state.self.height then
return nil
local x, y = Map.methods.n2p(state.self, state.n)
local v = state.self[state.n]
state.n = state.n + 1
return x, y, state.n - 1, v
-- Stateful iterator, yields x, y, n, v
function Map.methods.each(self)
return Map.iterator, {self = self, n = 0}
-- Sum of the values of all neighbors (8 sides), and the count of
-- the neighbors. Takes edges into account.
function Map.methods.neighbor_sum(self, x, y)
local s, c = 0, 0
if x > 0 then s,c = s + self:at(x-1, y), c + 1 end
if y > 0 then s,c = s + self:at(x, y-1), c + 1 end
if x < self.width-1 then s,c = s + self:at(x+1, y), c + 1 end
if y < self.height-1 then s,c = s + self:at(x, y+1), c + 1 end
if x > 0 and y > 0 then s,c = s + self:at(x-1, y-1), c + 1 end
if x > 0 and y < self.height-1 then s,c = s + self:at(x-1, y+1), c + 1 end
if x < self.width-1 and y > 0 then s,c = s + self:at(x+1, y-1), c + 1 end
if x < self.width-1 and y < self.height-1 then s,c = s + self:at(x+1, y+1), c + 1 end
return s, c
-- Simple smoothing pass, average each value with its 8 neighbors
function Map.methods.smooth(self)
local new = Map.copy(self)
for x, y, n, v in self:each() do
local s, c = self:neighbor_sum(x, y)
local nv = (v + s) / (c + 1)
new[n] = math.round(nv)
return new
-- Scale the spaces in between the tiles. Each original pixel
-- becomes the top-left corner of a scale*scale tile, with its
-- other corners populated by that pixels right/btm/SE neighbors.
-- The last row / col in the scaled map doesn't have all its
-- corners set, so to get a 128x128 map to fractalize, you need
-- a 17x17 seed map (if you're scaling by 8).
function Map.methods.scale(self, scale)
scale = scale or 8
local new = * scale, self.height * scale, 0)
local d = scale - 1
-- Each element in the old map (except the right col / btm row)
-- becomes a scale * scale square in the new map, with the corner
-- values copied from the old map.
for x, y in self:each() do
if x < self.width - 1 and y < self.height - 1 then
new:set(x*scale, y*scale, self:at(x,y))
new:set(x*scale + d, y*scale, self:at(x+1, y))
new:set(x*scale, y*scale + d, self:at(x, y+1))
new:set(x*scale + d, y*scale + d, self:at(x+1, y+1))
return new
-- Fractalize a square region of a size, with the
-- upper-left point at x, y
function Map.methods.fractal(self, x, y, size)
if size < 4 then return self end
function pick(a, b)
if math.random(2) == 1 then return a else return b end
-- top
local top = pick(self:at(x,y), self:at(x+size-1,y))
self:set(x+size/2, y, top)
self:set(x+size/2 - 1, y, top)
-- bottom
local btm = pick(self:at(x,y+size-1), self:at(x+size-1,y+size-1))
self:set(x+size/2, y+size-1, btm)
self:set(x+size/2 - 1, y+size-1, btm)
-- left
local left = pick(self:at(x,y), self:at(x,y+size-1))
self:set(x, y+size/2, left)
self:set(x, y+size/2 - 1, left)
-- right
local right = pick(self:at(x+size-1,y), self:at(x+size-1,y+size-1))
self:set(x+size-1, y+size/2, right)
self:set(x+size-1, y+size/2 - 1, right)
-- middle
local middle = pick(pick(top,btm), pick(left,right))
self:set(x+size/2, y+size/2, right)
self:set(x+size/2, y+size/2 - 1, right)
self:set(x+size/2 - 1, y+size/2, right)
self:set(x+size/2 - 1, y+size/2 - 1, right)
return self
-- Once a map has been scaled to a grid of tiles, call this to
-- fractalize each one.
function Map.methods.fractal_tile(self, tile_size)
for y = 0, self.height / tile_size - 1 do
for x = 0, self.width / tile_size - 1 do
self:fractal(x*tile_size, y*tile_size, tile_size)
return self
-- Returns the XPM data for a map.
function Map.methods.xpm(self, name)
name = name or 'map'
local header = '\"' .. self.width .. ' ' .. self.height .. ' 16 1\",'
local color_names = '0123456789abcdef'
local colors = {}
for n=1,8 do -- blues
local cn = color_names:sub(n, n)
local ch = color_names:sub(n+3, n+3)
local c = '\"' .. cn .. ' c #0000' .. ch:rep(2) .. '\",'
table.insert(colors, c)
for n=9,10 do -- greens
local ch = color_names:sub(n, n)
local c = '\"' .. ch .. ' c #00' .. ch:rep(2) .. '00\",'
table.insert(colors, c)
for n=11,16 do -- grays
local ch = color_names:sub(n, n)
local c = '\"' .. ch .. ' c #' .. ch:rep(6) .. '\",'
table.insert(colors, c)
local rows = {}
for y = 0, self.height - 1 do
local r = ''
for x = 0, self.width - 1 do
local v = self:at(x, y)
r = r .. color_names:sub(v+1, v+1)
r = '\"' .. r .. '\"'
if y < self.height - 1 then r = r .. ',' end
table.insert(rows, r)
local s = '/* XPM */\nstatic char * ' .. name .. '_xpm[] = {\n'
s = s .. header .. '\n'
for n, c in ipairs(colors) do s = s .. c .. '\n' end
for n, r in ipairs(rows) do s = s .. r .. '\n' end
return s .. '}'
function math.round(n)
if n - math.floor(n) < math.ceil(n) - n then
return math.floor(n)
return math.ceil(n)
-- Generate a map with all the trimmings.
-- seed is a random seed
-- size is the size of the resultant map (square maps only, powers of 2 only)
-- chunk_size is how big each fractalized tile is.
-- Larger chunks make larger continents, but look more square.
-- smoothing_passes is how many times to smooth after fractalization.
-- (we always smooth the seed map once pre-fractalization)
function Map.generate(seed, size, chunk_size, smoothing_passes)
local seed_dim = size/chunk_size + 1
local seed_map =, seed_dim):smooth()
local fractalized = seed_map:scale(chunk_size):fractal_tile(chunk_size)
smoothing_passes = smoothing_passes or 1
local smoothed = fractalized:slice(0,0,size,size)
for n = 1, smoothing_passes do
smoothed = smoothed:smooth()
return smoothed
m = Map.generate(31337, 512, 16, 5)
file ="map.xpm", "w")
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