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Created May 18, 2011 00:19
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Save maffoo/977752 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Macro to expand animations in a LibreOffice/ presentation into separate slides, suitable for pdf export.
' ExpandAnimations
' Copyright 2010 Matthew Neeley.
' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
' the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
' (at your option) any later version.
' This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
' GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
' along with this program. If not, see <>.
' future enhancements:
' - delete unnecessary animations from expanded slides
' - turn appear/disappear animations or fades into slide transitions
' - add progress dialog and make the operation modal
' - use the standard presenter machinery to "play" anims and grab frames.
' in particular, this would let us handle other types of animation like
' objects moving, resizing, changing colors, etc.
Private ANIMSET as String
Private ENUMACCESS as String
Private VISATTR as String
sub ExpandAnimations
VISATTR = "Visibility"
doc = thisComponent
numSlides = doc.getDrawPages().getCount()
' go through pages in reverse order
for i = numSlides-1 to 0 step -1
slide = doc.drawPages(i)
if hasAnimation(slide) then
n = countAnimationSteps(slide)
if n > 1 then
origName = slide.Name
replicateSlide(doc, slide, n)
visArray = getShapeVisibility(slide, n)
for frame = 0 to n-1
currentSlide = doc.drawPages(i + frame)
currentSlide.Name = origName & " (" & CStr(frame+1) & ")"
removeInvisibleShapes(currentSlide, visArray, frame)
end if
end if
finalSlides = doc.getDrawPages().getCount()
MsgBox("Done! Expanded " & CStr(numSlides) & " slides to " & CStr(finalSlides) & ".")
end sub
' get a list of all shapes whose visibility is changed during the animation
function getAnimatedShapes(slide as Object)
shapes = Array() ' start with an empty array
if not hasAnimation(slide) then
getAnimatedShapes = shapes
exit function
end if
mainSequence = getMainSequence(slide)
clickNodes = mainSequence.createEnumeration()
while clickNodes.hasMoreElements()
clickNode = clickNodes.nextElement()
groupNodes = clickNode.createEnumeration()
while groupNodes.hasMoreElements()
groupNode = groupNodes.nextElement()
effectNodes = groupNode.createEnumeration()
while effectNodes.hasMoreElements()
effectNode = effectNodes.nextElement()
animNodes = effectNode.createEnumeration()
while animNodes.hasMoreElements()
animNode = animNodes.nextElement()
if isVisibilityAnimation(animNode) then
target =
' if we haven't seen this shape yet, add it to the array
if not containsObject(shapes, target) then
newUBound = UBound(shapes) + 1
reDim preserve shapes(newUBound)
shapes(newUBound) = target
end if
end if
getAnimatedShapes = shapes
end function
' create a 2-D array giving the visibility of each animated
' shape for each frame in the expanded animation
function getShapeVisibility(slide as Object, nFrames as Integer)
shapes = getAnimatedShapes(slide)
dim visibility(UBound(shapes), nFrames-1) as Boolean
' loop over all animated shapes
for n = 0 to UBound(shapes)
shape = shapes(n)
visKnown = false
visCurrent = false
' iterate over the animations for this slide,
' looking for those that change the visibility
' of the current shape
mainSequence = getMainSequence(slide)
if HasUnoInterfaces(mainSequence, ENUMACCESS) then
clickNodes = mainSequence.createEnumeration()
currentFrame = 0
while clickNodes.hasMoreElements()
clickNode = clickNodes.nextElement()
groupNodes = clickNode.createEnumeration()
while groupNodes.hasMoreElements()
groupNode = groupNodes.nextElement()
effectNodes = groupNode.createEnumeration()
while effectNodes.hasMoreElements()
effectNode = effectNodes.nextElement()
animNodes = effectNode.createEnumeration()
while animNodes.hasMoreElements()
animNode = animNodes.nextElement()
if isVisibilityAnimation(animNode) then
target =
' if this is the shape we want, check the visibility
if EqualUnoObjects(shape, target) then
visCurrent = animNode.To
' if this is the first time we've seen this
' shape, set the visibility on the previous frames
if visKnown = false then
for i = 0 to currentFrame
visibility(n, i) = not visCurrent
visKnown = true
end if
end if
end if
currentFrame = currentFrame + 1
visibility(n, currentFrame) = visCurrent
end if
getShapeVisibility = visibility
end function
' remove from the given slide all shapes that are invisible in the specified frame
sub removeInvisibleShapes(slide as Object, visibility, frame as Integer)
shapes = getAnimatedShapes(slide)
for n = 0 to UBound(shapes)
if visibility(n, frame) = false then
end if
end sub
' checks if the given animation node changes a shape's visibility
function isVisibilityAnimation(animNode as Object) as Boolean
isVisibilityAnimation = HasUnoInterfaces(animNode, ANIMSET) and _
(animNode.AttributeName = VISATTR)
end function
' check if an object (needle) is contained in an array (haystack)
function containsObject(haystack as Object, needle as Object) as Boolean
containsObject = false
for each item in haystack
if EqualUnoObjects(item, needle) then
containsObject = true
exit function
end if
next item
end function
' determine whether the given drawPage has animations attached
function hasAnimation(slide as Object) as Boolean
mainSequence = getMainSequence(slide)
hasAnimation = HasUnoInterfaces(mainSequence, ENUMACCESS)
end function
' count the number of frames in the animation for the given slide
function countAnimationSteps(slide as Object) as Integer
mainSequence = getMainSequence(slide)
countAnimationSteps = countElements(mainSequence) + 1
end function
' count the number of elements in an enumerable object
function countElements(enumerable as Object) as Integer
oEnum = enumerable.createEnumeration()
n = 0
while oEnum.hasMoreElements()
n = n + 1
countElements = n
end function
' make n-1 copies of the given slide in the given doc
' when done, the slide will appear a total of n times
' note that doc.duplicate adds copies immediately after
' the page being copied
function replicateSlide(doc, slide, n)
for i = 1 to n-1
end function
' get the main sequence from the given draw page
function getMainSequence(oPage as Object) as Object
on error resume next
mainSeq =
oNodes = oPage.AnimationNode.createEnumeration()
while oNodes.hasMoreElements()
oNode = oNodes.nextElement()
if getNodeType(oNode) = mainSeq then
getMainSequence = oNode
exit function
end if
end function
' get the type of a node
function getNodeType(oNode as Object) as Integer
on error resume next
for each oData in oNode.UserData
if oData.Name = "node-type" then
getNodeType = oData.Value
exit function
end if
next oData
end function
' get the class of an effect
function getEffectClass(oEffectNode as Object) as String
on error resume next
for each oData in oEffectNode.UserData
if oData.Name = "preset-class" then
getEffectId = oData.Value
exit function
end if
next oData
End Function
' get the id of an effect
function getEffectId(oEffectNode as Object) as String
on error resume next
for each oData in oEffectNode.UserData
if oData.Name = "preset-id" then
getEffectId = oData.Value
exit function
end if
next oData
end function
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I have a presentation which could not be parsed with the given macro. May I send it to You?
Best regards,

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I'd just like to select a text in Impress and add a simple "ooo-entrance-fade-in" effect (duration: 1second) to all the text on the current slide that have no effect attached. May I ask you to help me on this (or maybe a link to a tutorial specific to Impress because all I can find is about Calc or Word)

Thank you very much

Olivier Pons

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