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Тексты для чтения 10 класс английский язык

Тексты для чтения 10 класс английский язык

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Тексты с заданиями на английском языке для 10-11 классов.
Тексты для чтения на английском языке
Тексты для чтения в 9-10 классах с вопросами на английском языке.

Read the text and fill in the gaps with phrases A-G. There is one phrase you will not need. How do you feel about crocodiles? Do you consider them fierce animals with brains as small as walnuts? This is not the right point of view for many reasons. And the first reason is that they are much older than us, people, [1]. And the first reason is that they are much older than us, people,. The crocodile adapts to the environment perfectly [2]. They are able to control their blood circulation system, i. The most amazing fact about crocodiles is that they are able to regulate the work of their heart. The fact is that unlike other reptiles, crocodiles have very complicated four-chamber heart. However, when they dive they make the heart work as a three-chamber one. The crocodile is carnivorous, which means it eats other animals and undoubtedly can be dangerous to people. The crocodile is definitely not a pet and wants to be taken seriously. Once a worker in the Australian Zoo was badly injured by a crocodile. The man was careless enough to enter the hedged territory where the crocodile was kept. Vibration is absolutely irresistible for a crocodile, [5]. After the accident the crocodile was sold to a private crocodile farm in Queensland, and still lives there. He comes very close to the pool, entices the crocodile ashore, and feeds it from his hand. It looks very risky, [б]. Ваш e-mail не будет опубликован. Текст на английском языке класс upper-intermediate Posted on Декабрь 9, by Татьяна Н. И, конечно, узнать много интересного! В дальнейшем к текстам предполагается разбор. And the first reason is that they are much older than us, people, and uses the environment very efficiently. The crocodile adapts to the environment perfectly [2] and uses the environment very efficiently. It looks very risky, [б] but the young man obviously knows his business very well. Добавить комментарий Отменить ответ Ваш e-mail не будет опубликован. Enter your email address: Обратная связь Татьяна Набеева. Dictionary English Russian Dictionary. Double click on any word on the page or type a word:

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