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Last active May 29, 2020 03:36
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#lang racket/base
(require (only-in racket/port open-output-nowhere)
(only-in racket/string string-join))
(struct pending-write (bstr out start end) #:authentic #:mutable)
(define-syntax-rule (define/pending-write (bstr out start end) pending-write)
(define-values (bstr out start end)
(let ([x pending-write])
(values (pending-write-bstr x)
(pending-write-out x)
(pending-write-start x)
(pending-write-end x)))))
(define (n-way-output-port . output-ports)
(define-values (out0 out-rest)
(if (null? output-ports)
(values (open-output-nowhere 'nowhere #f) null)
(values (car output-ports) (cdr output-ports))))
(define pending null)
(define lock (make-semaphore 1))
(define ready-evt
(for/fold ([evt out0]) ([out (in-list out-rest)])
(replace-evt out (λ (_) evt))))
(define retry-evt
(wrap-evt ready-evt (λ (_) #f)))
(define port-name
(format "n-way-output (~a)"
(string-join (map (λ (port) (format "~s" (object-name port)))
(cons out0 out-rest))
" "))))
(define (write-pending!)
(when (pair? pending)
(let loop ([xs pending])
[(null? xs)
(set! pending null)]
(define/pending-write (bstr out start end) (car xs))
(define n (or (write-bytes-avail* bstr out start end) 0))
[(= n (- end start))
(loop (cdr xs))]
(when (> n 0)
(set-pending-write-start! (car xs) (+ start n)))
(unless (eq? pending xs)
(set! pending xs))])]))))
(define (flush-all)
(flush-output out0)
(for ([out (in-list out-rest)])
(flush-output out)))
(define (write-out bstr start end non-blocking? enable-break?)
(define result
(λ ()
(cond [(pair? pending) retry-evt]
[(= start end) 0]
[enable-break? (write-out* write-bytes-avail/enable-break bstr start end)]
[else (write-out* write-bytes-avail* bstr start end)]))
(λ () retry-evt)))
(when (eqv? result 0)
(define (write-out* write-initial bstr start end)
(define m (write-initial bstr out0 start end))
[(or (not m) (= m 0))
(let loop ([xs out-rest])
(when (pair? xs)
(define n (or (write-bytes-avail* bstr (car xs) start (+ start m)) 0))
[(= n m)
(loop (cdr xs))]
(set! pending
(cons (pending-write bstr (car xs) (+ start n) (+ start m))
(map (λ (out-i)
(pending-write bstr out-i 0 (+ start m)))
(cdr xs))))])))
(define (close)
(λ ()
(for ([x (in-list pending)])
(define/pending-write (bstr out start end) x)
(write-bytes bstr out start end))
(set! pending null)))
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