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Last active January 23, 2017 17:35
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" Script that uses Python and the `base64` module to provide base64 decode and
" encode commands. It’d be pretty simple to support any other base64 program as
" well, as long as it reads from stdin — just replace `python -m base64 -e` with
" the encoding command and `python -m base64 -d` with the decoding command.
" Some features this provides:
" * Supports ranges, converts only the current line by default (use
" `:%Base64Encode` to encode the whole file, for example, and it’ll work as
" expected from within visual mode, although it only converts whole lines)
" * Doesn’t leave output indented — all indents (tabs/spaces) is encoded into
" base64, and then preserved when decoding.
" * Can be combined with other commands with the bar (`:c1 | c2`, see `:h :bar`)
" Relevant `:help` tags: `user-functions`, `func-range`, `i_0_CTRL-D`,
" `i_CTRL-R_CTRL-O`, `expr-register`, `system()`, `user-commands`,
" `command-nargs`, `command-range`, `:normal`
function! Base64Encode() range
" go to first line, last line, delete into @b, insert text
" note the substitute() call to join the b64 into one line
" this lets `:Base64Encode | Base64Decode` work without modifying the text
" at all, regardless of line length -- although that particular command is
" useless, lossless editing is a plus
exe "normal! " . a:firstline . "GV" . a:lastline . "G"
\ . "\"bdO0\<C-d>\<C-r>\<C-o>"
\ . "=substitute(system('python -m base64 -e', @b), "
\ . "'\\n', '', 'g')\<CR>\<ESC>"
function! Base64Decode() range
let l:join = "\"bc"
if a:firstline != a:lastline
" gJ exits vis mode so we need a cc to change two lines
let l:join = "gJ" . l:join . "c"
exe "normal! " . a:firstline . "GV" . a:lastline . "G" . l:join
\ . "0\<C-d>\<C-r>\<C-o>"
\ . "=system('python -m base64 -d', @b)\<CR>\<BS>\<ESC>"
command! -nargs=0 -range -bar Base64Encode <line1>,<line2>call Base64Encode()
command! -nargs=0 -range -bar Base64Decode <line1>,<line2>call Base64Decode()
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