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Created June 20, 2023 17:48
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AABB and sphere collision detection
// This file shows the algorithms for detecting 3D AABB-AABB, sphere-sphere and AABB-sphere collisions together with collision normal and penetration.
// - This was thought for use with an ECS system, specifically flecs.
// - Based on
// - This won't compile as-is, you have to provide your own math functions.
// - An AABB is represented by a center, min and max coordinates. The code assumes that an AABB's min corners coords are always less than the max corners.
// - A sphere is represented by a center and a radius.
// - Uses double-precision floating point numbers for translation, penetration, AABBs and sphere's radius. Single precision for everything else. You can change this easily.
// - Supports scale.
// - For AABBs, scale is applied to its extents.
// - For spheres, scale vector components are averaged and applied to the radius. That is, it works intuitively only with a uniform scale.
// - Only positive scales have been tested.
// - Licensed under the WTFPL:
// Drop a comment if you have suggestions or improvements!
typedef struct vec3 {
float x;
float y;
float z;
} vec3;
typedef struct dvec3 {
double x;
double y;
double z;
} dvec3;
// Multiplication is cheaper, and the compiler will likely not optimize a division.
#define VEC3_AVERAGE(vec) (((vec).x + (vec).y + (vec).z) * .33333333333f)
#define DVEC3_TO_VEC3(vec) (vec3){{ (float)(vec).x, (float)(vec).y, (float)(vec).z }}
#define VEC3_TO_DVEC3(vec) (dvec3){{ (double)(vec).x, (double)(vec).y, (double)(vec).z }}
#define INVERT_VEC3(vec) (vec3){{ -(vec).x, -(vec).y, -(vec).z }}
typedef uint64_t ecs_entity_t;
typedef struct manifold {
ecs_entity_t a, b;
double penetration;
vec3 normal;
} manifold;
// ECS components.
typedef dvec3 Translation;
typedef vec3 Scale;
typedef struct Aabb {
dvec3 min;
dvec3 max;
} Aabb;
typedef double Radius;
// Functions.
bool aabb_vs_aabb(
manifold* manifold,
const Translation* a_translation,
const Translation* b_translation,
const Aabb* a_aabb,
const Aabb* b_aabb,
const Scale* a_scale,
const Scale* b_scale
) {
dvec3 result, result2;
dvec3_sub(&a_aabb->max, &a_aabb->min, &result);
dvec3 a_half_extents;
dvec3_mul_scalar(&result, .5, &a_half_extents);
dvec3_sub(&b_aabb->max, &b_aabb->min, &result);
dvec3 b_half_extents;
dvec3_mul_scalar(&result, .5, &b_half_extents);
dvec3_add(&a_aabb->min, a_translation, &result);
dvec3 a_center;
dvec3_add(&result, &a_half_extents, &a_center);
dvec3_add(&b_aabb->min, b_translation, &result);
dvec3 b_center;
dvec3_add(&result, &b_half_extents, &b_center);
if (a_scale) {
const dvec3 dscale = VEC3_TO_DVEC3(*a_scale);
dvec3_mul(&a_half_extents, &dscale, &a_half_extents);
if (b_scale) {
const dvec3 dscale = VEC3_TO_DVEC3(*b_scale);
dvec3_mul(&b_half_extents, &dscale, &b_half_extents);
dvec3 a_to_b;
dvec3_sub(&b_center, &a_center, &a_to_b);
dvec3 overlaps;
dvec3_add(&a_half_extents, &b_half_extents, &result);
dvec3_abs(&a_to_b, &result2);
dvec3_sub(&result, &result2, &overlaps);
if (overlaps.x > 0 && overlaps.y > 0 && overlaps.z > 0) {
if (!manifold)
return true;
if (overlaps.x < overlaps.y) {
if (overlaps.x < overlaps.z) {
// x is the axis of least penetration.
if (a_to_b.x > 0)
manifold->normal = (vec3){ { 1.f, 0.f, 0.f } };
manifold->normal = (vec3){ { -1.f, 0.f, 0.f } };
manifold->penetration = overlaps.x;
return true;
// z is the axis of least penetration.
if (a_to_b.z > 0)
manifold->normal = (vec3){ { 0.f, 0.f, 1.f } };
manifold->normal = (vec3){ { 0.f, 0.f, -1.f } };
manifold->penetration = overlaps.z;
return true;
if (overlaps.y < overlaps.z) {
// y is the axis of least penetration.
if (a_to_b.y > 0)
manifold->normal = (vec3){ { 0.f, 1.f, 0.f } };
manifold->normal = (vec3){ { 0.f, -1.f, 0.f } };
manifold->penetration = overlaps.y;
return true;
// z is the axis of least penetration.
if (a_to_b.z > 0)
manifold->normal = (vec3){ { 0.f, 0.f, 1.f } };
manifold->normal = (vec3){ { 0.f, 0.f, -1.f } };
manifold->penetration = overlaps.z;
return true;
return false;
bool sphere_vs_sphere(
manifold* manifold,
const Translation* a_translation,
const Translation* b_translation,
Radius a_radius,
Radius b_radius,
const Scale* a_scale,
const Scale* b_scale
) {
if (a_scale)
a_radius *= VEC3_AVERAGE(*a_scale);
if (b_scale)
b_radius *= VEC3_AVERAGE(*b_scale);
Radius radiuses_sum2 = a_radius + b_radius;
radiuses_sum2 *= radiuses_sum2;
const bool collision = dvec3_distance2(a_translation, b_translation) < radiuses_sum2;
if (!manifold)
return collision;
if (collision) {
dvec3 normal;
dvec3_sub(b_translation, a_translation, &normal);
const double distance = dvec3_length(&normal);
if (distance != 0.) {
dvec3_div_scalar(&normal, distance, &normal);
manifold->normal = DVEC3_TO_VEC3(normal);
manifold->penetration = a_radius + b_radius - distance;
} else {
// Arbitrary values.
manifold->normal = (vec3){ { 1.f, 0.f, 0.f } };
manifold->penetration = a_radius;
return collision;
bool aabb_vs_sphere(
manifold* manifold,
const Translation* aabb_translation,
const Translation* sphere_translation,
const Aabb* aabb,
Radius radius,
const Scale* aabb_scale,
const Scale* sphere_scale
) {
if (sphere_scale)
radius *= VEC3_AVERAGE(*sphere_scale);
dvec3 result, dscale;
dvec3_sub(&aabb->max, &aabb->min, &result);
if (aabb_scale) {
dscale = VEC3_TO_DVEC3(*aabb_scale);
dvec3_mul(&result, &dscale, &result);
dvec3 half_extents;
dvec3_mul_scalar(&result, .5, &half_extents);
dvec3_add(&aabb->min, aabb_translation, &result);
dvec3 aabb_center;
dvec3_add(&result, &half_extents, &aabb_center);
dvec3 a_to_b;
dvec3_sub(sphere_translation, &aabb_center, &a_to_b);
const dvec3 min = (dvec3){ { -half_extents.x, -half_extents.y, -half_extents.z } };
dvec3 closest = a_to_b;
dvec3_clamp(&closest, &min, &half_extents, &closest);
bool inside = false;
if (dvec3_equals(&closest, &a_to_b)) {
inside = true;
// Find closest axis and clamp to closest extent.
if (fabs(closest.x) > fabs(closest.y))
if (fabs(closest.x) > fabs(closest.z))
// x is the closest axis.
if (closest.x > 0)
closest.x = half_extents.x;
closest.x = -half_extents.x;
// z is the closest axis.
if (closest.z > 0)
closest.z = half_extents.z;
closest.z = -half_extents.z;
if (fabs(closest.y) > fabs(closest.z))
// y is the closest axis.
if (closest.y > 0)
closest.y = half_extents.y;
closest.y = -half_extents.y;
// z is the closest axis.
if (closest.z > 0)
closest.z = half_extents.z;
closest.z = -half_extents.z;
dvec3 normal;
dvec3_sub(&a_to_b, &closest, &normal);
double length = dvec3_length2(&normal);
// Early out if the radius is shorter than distance to closest point and sphere is not inside the AABB.
if (!inside && length >= radius * radius)
return false;
length = sqrt(length);
// Collision normal needs to be flipped to point outside if circle was inside the AABB.
if (inside) {
manifold->normal = INVERT_VEC3(normal);
manifold->penetration = radius + length;
} else {
manifold->normal = DVEC3_TO_VEC3(normal);
manifold->penetration = radius - length;
glm_vec3_divs(manifold->normal.raw, (float)length, manifold->normal.raw);
return true;
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