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Created January 7, 2015 14:21
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Basic CoffeeScript Befunge Interpreter
numberize = (fn) -> (a, b) -> fn Number(a), Number(b)
changeDirection = (pos, direction) ->
if direction is '?' then direction = '^v<>'[parseInt Math.random() * 4]
[pos.dx, pos.dy] = {'^': [0,-1], 'v': [0,1], '<': [-1,0], '>': [1,0]}[direction]
operations =
'+': numberize (a, b) -> a + b
'-': numberize (a, b) -> b - a
'*': numberize (a, b) -> a * b
'/': numberize (a, b) -> ~~(a / b)
'%': numberize (a, b) -> ~~(b % a)
'!': (a ) -> Number !a
'`': (a, b) -> Number b > a
'_': (a ) -> if a is 0 then '>' else '<'
'|': (a ) -> if a is 0 then 'v' else '^'
':': (a ) -> [a, a]
'\\':(a, b) -> [a, b]
'$': (a ) -> []
doOp = (stack, ins, pushResult = true) ->
args = []
args.push stack.pop() ? 0 for i in [0...operations[ins].length]
result = operations[ins].apply null, args
if pushResult then stack.concat result else [stack, result]
doMove = (code, pos) ->
pos.x = (pos.x + pos.dx) % code[pos.y].length
pos.y = (pos.y + pos.dy) % code.length
interpret = (code) ->
output = ""
stack = []
code = code.split('\n').map (x) -> x.split ''
pos = x: 0, y: 0, dx: 1, dy: 0
asciiMode = false
while (instruction = code[pos.y][pos.x]) isnt '@'
if instruction is '"' then asciiMode = asciiMode is false
else if asciiMode isnt false then stack.push instruction.charCodeAt 0
else if /[0-9]/.test instruction then stack.push Number instruction
else if /[<>^v\?]/.test instruction then pos = changeDirection pos, instruction
else if /[|_]/.test instruction
[stack, res] = doOp stack, instruction, false
pos = changeDirection pos, res
else if instruction is '.' then output += stack.pop()
else if instruction is ',' then output += String.fromCharCode stack.pop()
else if instruction is '#' then pos = doMove code, pos
else if /[pg]/.test instruction
[y, x] = [stack.pop(), stack.pop()]
if instruction is 'p' then code[y][x] = stack.pop()
else stack.push code[y][x].charCodeAt?(0) ? code[y][x]
else if instruction isnt ' ' then stack = doOp stack, instruction
pos = doMove code, pos
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9point6 commented Jan 7, 2015

Missing the commands requiring user input for the time being.

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