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Last active October 27, 2016 10:10
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(A quick and dirty) Node V8 GC trace parser.
'use strict';
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const _ = require('lodash');
const path = require('path');
const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'));
const DEBUG = true;
const FILENAME = './gc';
const ALPHA_REGEX = /^[a-zA-Z\s]+$/;
const LINE_REGEX = /(PM2:\s)\[([0-9:xa-f\s]+)\]\s+(.*)/;
const HEAP_REGEX = /Heap growing factor ([0-9\.]+) based on mu=([0-9\.]+), speed_ratio=([0-9]+) \(gc=([0-9]+), mutator=([0-9]+)\)/;
const CRAZY_REGEX = /([0-9]+)\sms:\s([A-Za-z\-]+)\s([0-9\.]+)\s\(([0-9\.]+)\)\s->\s([0-9\.]+)\s\(([0-9\.]+)\)\sMB,\s([0-9\.]+)\s\/\s([0-9\.]+)/;
const debugLine = (error, line) => {
if (!DEBUG) {
const getPath = _.partial(path.resolve, __dirname, FILENAME);
const getFileStream = _.flow(
const chunkToLines = (iterator) => {
let remainder = '';
return (input) => {
if (!input) {
return iterator(remainder);
const lines = (remainder + input).split('\n');
remainder = lines.pop();
const trimAssign = _.flow(
_.overArgs(_.concat, [_.identity, _.partial(_.split, _, ':')]),
_.spread(_.overArgs(_.set, [_.identity, _.trim, _.trim]))
const processLine = (line) => {
const indexOfUsed = line.indexOf('used:');
if (indexOfUsed !== -1) {
const indexOfMs = line.indexOf(' ms ');
if (indexOfMs !== -1 && indexOfUsed > indexOfMs) {
line = line.slice(indexOfMs + 4);
const parts = line.split(',');
const type = parts.shift();
return { [type]: _.reduce(parts, trimAssign, {}) };
if (line.indexOf('->') !== -1) {
const parsed = CRAZY_REGEX.exec(line);
if (parsed) {
return {
GC: {
cumulativeMs: parsed[1],
type: parsed[2],
beforeHeapMB: parsed[3],
beforeSystemMB: parsed[4],
afterHeapMB: parsed[5],
afterSystemMB: parsed[6],
timeSpendGCing: parsed[7],
externalTime: parsed[8],
gcReason: parsed[9]
if (line.indexOf('Heap growing factor') === 0) {
const parsed = HEAP_REGEX.exec(line);
if (parsed) {
return {
'Heap growth': {
factor: parsed[1],
mu: parsed[2],
speedRatio: parsed[3],
gc: parsed[4],
mutator: parsed[5]
if (line.startsWith('Grow:') || line.startsWith('Dampen:')) {
const sansSpaces = line.split(' ');
const type = sansSpaces.shift().slice(0, -1);
const ratio = sansSpaces.pop().slice(1, -1);
return {
action: _(sansSpaces)
.join(' ')
.reduce(trimAssign, {
if (line.indexOf(':') !== -1) {
if (line.split(':').length === 2) {
return trimAssign({}, line);
debugLine('UNPROCESSED LINE', line);
return line;
const processStream = (stream) => {
let output = [];
const dechunker = _.flow(chunkToLines((line) => {
const lineParts = LINE_REGEX.exec(line);
if (!lineParts) {
debugLine('UNREGEXABLE LINE:', line);
return {};
return {
process: lineParts[2],
data: processLine(lineParts[3])
}), (out) => {
output = output.concat(out);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
stream.on('data', dechunker);
stream.on('end', _.flow(dechunker, () => {
console.error('Done Parsing!');
const jsonSaver = (destination) => _.flow(
_.bind(JSON.stringify, JSON, _, _, 2),
_.bind(fs.writeFileAsync, fs, destination)
const dataFlattener = _.flow('data'),
const isNotRubbish = _.overEvery(
_.partial(_.get, _, '0'),
_.partial(_.startsWith, _, '['),
_.partial(_.endsWith, _, ' ms')
const aggregateToArrays = (memo, [key, val]) => {
if (!memo[key]) {
memo[key] = [];
return memo;
const groupProcess = (process) => _(process)
.reduce(aggregateToArrays, {});
const groupData = (data) => _(data)
.map((item) => _.set(item, 'process', item.process.split(' ').join('')))
const toNumber = (str) => {
const num = Number(str) || parseFloat(str) || parseInt(str);
return _.isNaN(num) ? str : num;
const aggAdd = (memo, key, item) => _.add(_.get(memo, key, 0), toNumber(item));
const sumObject = (summed, val, key) => {
if (_.isString(val)) {
return summed;
return _.set((summed || {}), key, aggAdd(summed, key, val));
const fixObject = (obj) => _.reduce(obj, (memo, val, key) => {
if (ALPHA_REGEX.test(key)) {
memo[key.split(' ').join('')] = toNumber(val);
return memo;
}, {});
const fixData = _.cond([
[_.isObject, fixObject],
[_.isString, toNumber]
const discreteObject = (memo, item, key) => {
if (!memo[key]) {
memo[key] = [];
return memo;
const dataSummer = (key, type, memo, item) => {
// (key === '0'): hacky remove weird set
if (typeof item !== type || key === '0') {
return memo;
item = fixData(item);
const count = memo.count + 1;
let sum, discrete;
if (type === 'object') {
discrete = _.reduce(item, discreteObject, (memo.discrete || {}));
sum = _.reduce(item, sumObject, memo.sum);
} else if (type === 'string') {
discrete = _.concat((memo.discrete || []), item);
sum = aggAdd(memo, 'sum', item);
return { key, count, sum, discrete };
const reduceToSums = (data, key) => _.reduce(
_.partial(dataSummer, key, typeof data[0]),
{ count: 0 }
const computeMean = (data) => {
if (typeof data.sum === 'object') {
data.mean = _.mapValues(data.sum, _.partial(_.divide, _, data.count));
} else {
data.mean = _.divide(data.sum, data.count);
return data;
const aggregateProcess = (process) => _(process)
.filter((item) => item.sum && item.count > RUBBISH_THRESHOLD)
const aggregateData = (data) => _.mapValues(data, aggregateProcess);
const main = _.flow(getFileStream, processStream);
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