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Last active August 16, 2021 12:51
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PowerShell: Get list of unique vCenter Events
# Import PowerCLI Module
Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core
# Connect to vCenter Server
$Server = Read-Host 'Specify the vCenter Server or ESXi Host to connect to (IP or FQDN)?'
Connect-VMwareServer -VMServer $Server
# Get list of unique events over a period of time
$Events = Get-VIEvent -maxsamples 100000 -Start "01/08/2015" -Finish "05/08/2015"
$aResults = @()
ForEach($Item in $Events){
$sEventType = $Item.GetType().Name
If($aResults.Count -ge 1){
$aResults += $sEventType
$aResults += $sEventType
$aResults | Sort-Object
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