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Created March 18, 2014 14:20
PowerShell: Encryption Functions
Function Set-EncryptKey{
Used to create an encryption \ decryption key
This function is used to create an encrytpion \ decryption key that will be used in conjunction with PowerShell cmdlets and functions to encrypt and decrypt data.
The key needs to be between 16 and 32 characters in length.
Mandatory. The key as a string that the user wants to use to encrypt \ decrypt data
None - other than parameter above
Valid Byte Key to be used to encrypt \ decrypt data
Version: 1.0
Author: Luca Sturlese
Creation Date: 14/02/13
Purpose/Change: Initial function development
Version: 1.1
Author: Luca Sturlese
Creation Date: 13/03/13
Purpose/Change: Added sleep of few seconds between major commands to improve script success
$EncryptKey = Set-EncryptKey -Key "PNBX2JIRV7VARUFVZ48O7GTW3HVZ48J5"
Param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Key)
$iLength = $Key.Length
$iPad = 32 - $iLength
If(($iLength -lt 16) -Or ($iLength -gt 32)){
Throw "Key must be between 16 and 32 characters in length"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$oEncoding = New-Object System.Text.ASCIIEncoding
$oBytes = $oEncoding.GetBytes($Key + "0" * $iPad)
Return $oBytes
Function Encrypt-Data{
Used to encrypt data using a specified key
This function is used to encryt data using the specified key. The data can then be stored or used accordingly in the calling script.
Note: This script requires that the key used be converted to a 16, 24 or 32 byte key. To do this, use the Set-EncryptKey function above.
Non-Mandatory. A plain-text string that you want to encrypt. Must pass either String or SecureString.
.PARAMETER SecureString
Non-Mandatory. A secure-string that you want to encrypt. Must pass either String or SecureString. Example: Password from Get-Credential cmdlet
Mandatory. A 16, 24 or 32 byte key used to encrypt the data
None - other than parameters above
Encrypted data using specified key
Version: 1.0
Author: Luca Sturlese
Creation Date: 14/02/13
Purpose/Change: Initial function development
Version: 1.1
Author: Luca Sturlese
Creation Date: 15/02/13
Purpose/Change: Added functionality to encrypt from plain-text of secure-string
Version: 1.2
Author: Luca Sturlese
Creation Date: 13/03/13
Purpose/Change: Added sleep of few seconds between major commands to improve script success
$EncryptedData = Encrypt-Data -String "This is the string I want to encrypt" -EncryptKey $EncryptKey
$EncryptedData = Encrypt-Data -SecureString $Credentials.Password -EncryptKey $EncryptKey
Param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$String, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$SecureString, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$EncryptKey)
#Check if plain-text string provided or secure-string provided for encryption
If(!($String) -And !($SecureString)){
Throw "No data to encrypt provided. Either plain-text or secure-text string must be provided."
#Check that both not provided
If(($String) -And ($SecureString)){
Throw "Only provide either plain-text or secure-text string, not both."
#If plain-text, then convert to secure-string
$oSecureString = New-Object System.Security.SecureString
$Chars = $String.toCharArray()
# Convert plain text string to char
ForEach($Char in $Chars){
$oSecureString = New-Object System.Security.SecureString
$oSecureString = $SecureString
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
#Encrypt data using EncryptKey and char string
$oEncryptedData = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $oSecureString -Key $EncryptKey
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
Return $oEncryptedData
Function Decrypt-Data{
Used to decrypt data using a specified key
This function is used to decryt data using the specified key. The data can then be used accordingly in the calling script.
Note: This script requires that the key used be converted to a 16, 24 or 32 byte key. To do this, use the Set-EncryptKey function above.
Mandatory. The data you want to decrypt
Mandatory. A 16, 24 or 32 byte key used to decrypt the data
.PARAMETER ConvertToPlainText
Non-Mandatory. If specified will convert decrypted data to plain-text. If not specified will leave decrypted data as a secure-string (e.g. good for passwords)
None - other than parameters above
Decrypted data using specified key
Version: 1.0
Author: Luca Sturlese
Creation Date: 14/02/13
Purpose/Change: Initial function development
Version: 1.1
Author: Luca Sturlese
Creation Date: 18/02/13
Purpose/Change: Added functionality to decrypt data to secure-string or to plain-text
$sPlainText = Decrypt-Data -EncryptedData $Data -DecryptKey $DecryptKey -ConvertToPlainText $True
$sPlainText = Decrypt-Data -EncryptedData $Data -DecryptKey $DecryptKey
Param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$Data, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$DecryptKey, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$ConvertToPlainText)
#If ConvertToPlainText = False or not specified then convert to Secure-String, else convert to plain-text
If(!($ConvertToPlainText) -or ($ConvertToPlainText -eq $False)){
$Data | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $DecryptKey
$Data | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $DecryptKey | ForEach-Object {
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