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Last active November 18, 2024 20:37
Namespace: WinEventHook
; Usage example:
#SingleInstance force
ControlGet, hEdit1, Hwnd,, Edit1, ahk_class Notepad
if not (hEdit1)
WinEventHook.setForId(hEdit1, 0x800E, "f")
; WinEventHook.setForId(hEdit1, 0x800E, "f", 100) ; '100' means: "treat events separated by a period of less than 100ms as an influx of calls and buffer it as such"
count := WinEventHook.unsetById(hEdit1)
MsgBox % "ErrorLevel = " . ErrorLevel . "`nHook instance unset count = " . count
f(_params*) { ; _hWinEventHook, _event, _hwnd, _idObject, _idChild, _dwEventThread, _dwmsEventTime
local _idObject := _params.4
if (_idObject = OBJID_CLIENT) ; actually, both the (edit child control) window's horizontal and the vertical scroll bars (OBJID_VSCROLL/OBJID_HSCROLL) could otherwise update the tooltip below
ToolTip % Format("hWinEventHook = {}`nevent = {}`nhwnd = {}`nidObject = {}`nidChild = {}`ndwEventThread = {}`ndwmsEventTime = {}", _params*)
; ========================================================
Class WinEventHook {
Namespace: WinEventHook
Environment: Windows 8.1 64 bit - Autohotkey v1.1.30.01 32-bit Unicode
Fanatic Guru for WinHook -
Related works:
[LIB] EWinHook - SetWinEventHook implementation by cyruz -
Event Library by KuroiLight/klomb -
static _map := {}
static _instances := {} ; _map and _instances are combined with a design conceived to allow cross-referencing while keeping track of instances
static HANDLE_IDPROCESS := "" ; use internally to 'capture' events if a hWnd-filtering is set @._hookFunction. In any event, should not be 0 since the handle to the window that generates the event can be NULL -
static _callback := RegisterCallback("WinEventHook._hookFunction") ; we only need to call registercallback ones, we use a static variable -
Class _TimedCallback { ; nested class used internally to buffer an influx of calls as such, as influx
static instances := {} ; keep track of instances
_delegate := Func("Max") ; dummy variadic delegate
_range := "Off"
__New(_hWinEventHook) {
return WinEventHook._TimedCallback.instances[ (this.ID:=_hWinEventHook) ] := this
__Call(_callee, _params*) { ; triggered by %this%(_hWinEventHook, _event, _hwnd, _idObject, _idChild, _dwEventThread, _dwmsEventTime)
if (_callee = "") { ; for %fn%() or fn.() -
this.params := _params
SetTimer, % this, % -this._range
__Delete() {
SetTimer, % this, Off
SetTimer, % this, Delete
this._delegate := "" ; release the user function object
call() { ; triggered by, _event, _hwnd, _idObject, _idChild, _dwEventThread, _dwmsEventTime) yet if the object is being used by SetTimer, only the call method is needed -
_fn := this._delegate
return %_fn%(this.params*)
delegate {
set {
if not (IsObject(value) || value:=Func(value)) {
throw Exception("Invalid callback.")
; return
return this._delegate := value
get {
return this._delegate
range {
set {
static USER_RANGE_MAXIMUM := 1000
if value not between -1 and %USER_RANGE_MAXIMUM%
throw Exception("The property could not be set to a value lower or greater than the ranged value.",, (value = "") ? """""" : value)
; return
return this._range := (value = -1) ? "Off" : value
get {
return (this._range = "Off") ? -1 : this._range
__New(_idProcess, _event, _delegate, _hwnd, _offset:=-1, _range:=0) { ; designed to be used internally
static _junkTimedCallback := (new WinEventHook._TimedCallback(0)) ; junk 'timed callback' used to check input parameters against the prerequisites
static _junkFunc := Func("Func")
local _hWinEventHook, _exception, _cbObject
try { ; check input parameters against the prerequisites
_junkTimedCallback.delegate := _delegate
_junkTimedCallback.range := _range
} catch _exception {
throw Exception(_exception.message, _offset, _exception.extra)
; return
} finally _junkTimedCallback.delegate := _junkFunc ; in any event, release the user function object
if not (_hWinEventHook:=WinEventHook._map[_idProcess, _event]) { ; if the hook instance is not yet listed...
_hWinEventHook := DllCall("SetWinEventHook"
, "UInt", _event
, "UInt", _event
, "Ptr", 0x0
, "Ptr", WinEventHook._callback
, "UInt", _idProcess
, "UInt", 0x0
, "UInt", 0x0) ;
if not (_hWinEventHook) {
throw Exception("Could not set the event hook function.", _offset)
; return
WinEventHook._map[_idProcess, _event] := _hWinEventHook
WinEventHook._instances[_hWinEventHook] := {idProcess: _idProcess, event: _event} ; 'cross-referencing'
if (_range) { ; if influxes of calls need to be buffer as such, as influxes...
_cbObject := new WinEventHook._TimedCallback(_hWinEventHook)
_cbObject.delegate := _delegate
_cbObject.range := _range
WinEventHook._instances[_hWinEventHook].sieve[_hwnd] := _cbObject
} else WinEventHook._instances[_hWinEventHook].sieve[_hwnd] := _delegate
return _hWinEventHook
setForProcess(_idProcess, _event, _delegate, _p*) {
if (_idProcess <> 0) {
Process, Exist, % (_idProcess+0 <> "") ? _idProcess : 0 ; otherwise, if the PIDOrName parameter is blank, the script's own PID is retrieved -
if not (ErrorLevel) {
throw Exception("The process could not be found.", -1, (_idProcess = "") ? """""" : _idProcess)
; return
return new WinEventHook(_idProcess, _event, _delegate, WinEventHook.HANDLE_IDPROCESS, -2, _p*)
setForId(_hwnd, _event, _delegate, _p*) {
local _idProcess := ""
DllCall("User32.dll\GetWindowThreadProcessId", "Ptr", _hwnd, "UIntP", _idProcess, "UInt")
if not (_idProcess) {
throw Exception("Could not retrieve the identifier of the process that created the window.", -1)
; return
} else return new WinEventHook(_idProcess, _event, _delegate, Format("{1:u}", _hwnd), -2, _p*)
unset(_hWinEventHook) {
local _unsetCount, _instance
_unsetCount := (_instance:=WinEventHook._instances[_hWinEventHook]) ? WinEventHook._unset(_instance.idProcess, _instance.event) : 0
return _unsetCount
unsetByProcess(_idProcess) {
local _event, _hWinEventHook, _unsetCount
for _event, _hWinEventHook in ObjClone(WinEventHook._map[_idProcess]), _unsetCount := 0
ErrorLevel += !_unsetCount += WinEventHook._unset(_idProcess, _event)
return _unsetCount
unsetById(_hwnd) {
local _h, _hWinEventHook, _obj, _unsetCount, _sieve
if not (_h:=Format("{1:u}", _hwnd)) { ; i.e. also if _hwnd = WinEventHook.HANDLE_IDPROCESS
throw Exception("Invalid handle.", -1, (_hwnd = "") ? """""" : _hwnd)
; return
_hwnd := _h
for _hWinEventHook, _obj in ObjClone(WinEventHook._instances), _unsetCount := 0 {
if (ObjHasKey(_obj.sieve, _hwnd)) {
_sieve := WinEventHook._instances[_hWinEventHook].sieve, ObjDelete(_sieve, _hwnd)
if not (ObjCount(_sieve)) {
ErrorLevel += !_unsetCount += WinEventHook._unset(_obj.idProcess, _obj.event)
return _unsetCount
unsetByEvent(_eventNum) {
local _idProcess, _obj, _unsetCount, _event
for _idProcess, _obj in ObjClone(WinEventHook._map), _unsetCount := 0 {
for _event in _obj {
if (_event = _eventNum) {
ErrorLevel += !_unsetCount += WinEventHook._unset(_idProcess, _event)
return _unsetCount
unsetAll() {
local _idProcess, _obj, _unsetCount, _event
for _idProcess, _obj in ObjClone(WinEventHook._map), _unsetCount := 0
for _event in _obj
ErrorLevel += !_unsetCount += WinEventHook._unset(_idProcess, _event)
return _unsetCount
_unset(_idProcess, _event) {
local _hWinEventHook, _r
_hWinEventHook := ObjDelete(WinEventHook._map[_idProcess], _event)
(!ObjCount(WinEventHook._map[_idProcess]) && ObjDelete(WinEventHook._map, _idProcess))
_r := DllCall("UnhookWinEvent", "Ptr", _hWinEventHook) ;
ObjDelete(WinEventHook._instances, _hWinEventHook)
if (ObjHasKey(WinEventHook._TimedCallback.instances, _hWinEventHook)) ; if a '_TimedCallback' instance is associated with this hook instance...
ObjDelete(WinEventHook._TimedCallback.instances, _hWinEventHook) ; release the function object (actually, the instance's own __Delete meta-function will be called)
return _r
_dispose(_params*) {
static _ := OnExit(ObjBindMethod(WinEventHook, "_dispose"))
static _preventExit := 1
return not _preventExit, WinEventHook.unsetAll()
_hookFunction(_event, _hwnd, _idObject, _idChild, _dwEventThread, _dwmsEventTime) {
local _hWinEventHook, _enum, _handle, _delegate
(_enum:=ObjNewEnum(WinEventHook._instances[ _hWinEventHook:=this ].sieve)).next(_handle, _delegate)
if (_handle <> WinEventHook.HANDLE_IDPROCESS) { ; unsigned integers (i.e. hWnd, if any) necessarily appear before "" (HANDLE_IDPROCESS) in an enumeration
Loop {
if (_handle = _hwnd) {
%_delegate%(_hWinEventHook, _event, _hwnd, _idObject, _idChild, _dwEventThread, _dwmsEventTime)
return ; 'capture' the event: do not go all the way up on the process
} Until not (_enum[_handle, _delegate])
if (_handle <> WinEventHook.HANDLE_IDPROCESS)
%_delegate%(_hWinEventHook, _event, _hwnd, _idObject, _idChild, _dwEventThread, _dwmsEventTime)
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