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Forked from I-NRL/mention.js
Last active November 18, 2023 09:09
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  • Save A-S-W-I-N-S-P-A-R-K-Y/8c05ad33bcb8a88b4598af4ae35c410e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save A-S-W-I-N-S-P-A-R-K-Y/8c05ad33bcb8a88b4598af4ae35c410e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const {inrl, getBuffer} = require('../lib');
pattern: "mention",
type: "misc",
desc: external
}, async (message, match) => {
const title = "JINN";
const body = "⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ";
const thumbnail = [""];
const fileLength = 9999999999;
const seconds = 99999999999;
const LargeThumb = false;
const SourceUrl = "";
const waveform = [0,50,100,50,0,50,100,50,0,50,100,50,0]
const vcard_name = "A-S-W-I-N-S-P-A-R-K-Y";
const number = "917907671449";
//if you need more or nay ither add it with sñdnyïn//
const bgms = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
let option = {
linkPreview: {
thumbnailUrl: thumbnail[Math.floor(Math.random() * thumbnail.length)],
showAdAttribution: true,
mediaType: 2,
renderLargerThumbnail: LargeThumb,
mediaUrl: SourceUrl,
sourceUrl: SourceUrl
mimetype: "audio/mpeg",
forwardType: "audio",
ptt: true,
quoted: {
key: {
fromMe: false,
participant: "",
remoteJid: "status@broadcast"
message: {
'contactMessage': {
'displayName': `${vcard_name}`,
'vcard': `BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN:XL;${vcard_name},;;;\nFN:${vcard_name},\nitem1.TEL;waid=${number}:${number}\nitem1.X-ABLabel:Ponsel\nEND:VCARD`,
'jpegThumbnail': undefined//await getBuffer(thumbnail[Math.floor(Math.random() * thumbnail.length)])
on: "all",//text, image, video, audio, sticker also be use
allowBot: true,
fromMe: 'public'
}, async (m) => {
if(!m.client.mention.isOwner) return;
return await m.forwardMessage(m.jid, bgms[Math.floor(Math.random() * bgms.length)], option);
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