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Created December 14, 2023 17:34
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
Comparing different tracking algorithm using navigation measurements
# This example compares the performances of various filters
# in tracking objects with navigation-like measurements models.
# We are interested in this scenario to show how we can use
# measurements models in the navigation context, and how
# different tracking algorithm perform.
# In an different example, we have explained how to
# set up the problem involving Euler angles and
# forces acting onto a sensor, using measurement models components
# coming from :class:`~.AccelerometerMeasurementModel`,
# :class:`~.GyroscopeMeasurementModel` and fixed targets, landmarks,
# in Stone soup.
# This example will show the performances in a 1-to-1 comparison
# using Extended Kalman filter (EKF), Unscented Kalman Filter
# (UKF) and Particle filter (PF) in a single target-sensor scenario.
# This example follows this schema:
# 1) Instantiate the target-sensor ground truths and gather the measurements;
# 2) Prepare and load the various filters components;
# 3) Run the trackers and obtain the tracks;
# 4) Create and visualise the performances of the
# tracking algorithms.
# %%
# General imports
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# %%
# Stone Soup imports
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
from stonesoup.models.transition.linear import CombinedGaussianTransitionModel, \
ConstantAcceleration, ConstantVelocity, Singer, CombinedLinearGaussianTransitionModel
from stonesoup.types.groundtruth import GroundTruthState, GroundTruthPath
from stonesoup.types.state import GaussianState
from stonesoup.types.array import StateVector
from stonesoup.types.detection import Detection
from stonesoup.functions.navigation import getEulersAngles
# Simulation parameters
np.random.seed(2000) # fix a random seed
simulation_steps = 100
timesteps = np.linspace(1, simulation_steps+1, simulation_steps+1)
start_time =
# Lets assume a sensor with these specifics
radius = 5000
speed = 200
center = np.array([0, 0, 1000]) # latitude, longitude, altitutde (meters)
# %%
# 1) Instantiate the target ground truth path
# -------------------------------------------
# For this example we consider a different
# approach for describing the target ground truth.
# We evaluate the sensor motion on a circular
# trajectory by modelling simply the 3D movements
# and measure the Euler angles associated with
# the object direction.
from stonesoup.types.detection import TrueDetection
# Create a function to create the groundtruth paths
def describe_sensor_motion(target_speed: float,
target_radius: float,
starting_position: np.array,
start_time: datetime,
number_of_timesteps: np.array
) -> (list, set):
Auxuliary function to create the sensor-target dynamics in the
specific case of circular motion.
target_speed: float
Speed of the sensor;
target_tadius: float
radius of the circular trajectory;
starting_position: np.array
starting point of the trajectory, latitude, longitude
and altitude;
start_time: datetime,
start of the simulation;
number_of_timesteps: np.array
simulation lenght
(list, set):
list of timestamps of the simulation and
groundtruths path.
# Instantiate the 15 dimension object describing
# the positions, dynamics and angles of the target
sensor_dynamics = np.zeros((15))
# Generate the groundTruthpath
truths = GroundTruthPath([])
# instantiate a list for the timestamps
timestamps = []
# indexes of the array
position_indexes = [0, 3, 6]
velocity_indexes = [1, 4, 7]
acceleration_indexes = [2, 5, 8]
angles_indexes = [9, 11, 13]
vangles_indexes = [10, 12, 14]
# loop over the timestep
for i in number_of_timesteps:
theta = target_speed * i / target_radius + 0
# positions
sensor_dynamics[position_indexes] += target_radius * \
np.array([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta),
0.001*np.random.choice(np.arange(-5, 5), 1)[0]]) + \
# velocities
sensor_dynamics[velocity_indexes] += target_speed * \
np.array([-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), 0])
# acceleration
sensor_dynamics[acceleration_indexes] += ((-target_speed * target_speed) / target_radius) * \
np.array([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta), 0])
# Now using the velocity and accelerations terms we get the Euler angles
angles, dangles = getEulersAngles(sensor_dynamics[velocity_indexes],
# add the Euler angles and their time derivative
# please check that are all angles
sensor_dynamics[angles_indexes] += angles
sensor_dynamics[vangles_indexes] += dangles
# append all those as ground state
timestamp=start_time +
# restart the array
sensor_dynamics = np.zeros((15))
timestamps.append(start_time + timedelta(seconds=int(i)))
return (timestamps, truths)
# Instantiate the transition model, We consider the Singer model for
# an exponential declining acceleration in the z-coordinate.
transition_model = CombinedLinearGaussianTransitionModel([ConstantAcceleration(1.5),
Singer(0.1, 10),
# Generate the ground truths
timestamps, groundtruths = describe_sensor_motion(speed, radius, center, start_time,
# %%
# Load the measurement model
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# As for the other example, we compose our measurement model
# using the accelearation, gyroscope and landmarks measurement models.
# We for the landmarks we consider a :class:`~.CartesianAzimuthElevationRangeMeasurementModel`
# which provides the Azimuth, Elevation and Range between the
# sensor and the fixed target to ease the tracking efficiency.
from stonesoup.models.measurement.nonlinear import AccelerometerMeasurementModel, GyroscopeMeasurementModel, \
CartesianAzimuthElevationRangeMeasurementModel, CombinedReversibleGaussianMeasurementModel
# Instantiate the measurement model
measurement_model_list = []
# Instantiate the landmarks - the z-coordinate is randomly drawn
target1 = np.array([3000, 3000, 0.0096])
target2 = np.array([-3000, 3000, 1.6034])
target3 = np.array([0, -3000, 0.93])
targets = [target1, target2, target3]
# Instantantiate a reference frame for the Gravity
# forces
reference_frame = StateVector([55, 0, 0]) # Latitude, longitude, Altitude
# Model list
measurement_model_list = []
accelerometer = AccelerometerMeasurementModel(
mapping=(0, 3, 6),
noise_covar=np.diag([1, 1, 5]), # Acceleration
gyroscope = GyroscopeMeasurementModel(
mapping=(0, 3, 6),
noise_covar=np.diag([1, 1, 1]), # Gyroscope
# add the measurements models
# loop over the various targets to initilise the
# azimuth-elevation-range models.
for target in targets:
mapping=(0, 3, 6),
noise_covar=np.diag([1, 1, 25]),
measurement_model = CombinedReversibleGaussianMeasurementModel(measurement_model_list)
measurements_set = []
# Now create the measurements
for truth in groundtruths:
measurement = measurement_model.function(truth, noise=True)
# %%
# 2) Prepare and load the various filters components;
# ---------------------------------------------------
# So far we have generate the sensor original track and
# we have gathered the measurements using the :class:`~.CombinedReversibleGaussianMeasurementModel`.
# We can now load the various filter components for the
# EKF, UKF and PF. Then we need to instantiate the
# components as the prior and the tracks.
# Load the Kalman components
from stonesoup.updater.kalman import UnscentedKalmanUpdater, ExtendedKalmanUpdater
from stonesoup.predictor.kalman import UnscentedKalmanPredictor, ExtendedKalmanPredictor
# Load the Particle filter components
from stonesoup.updater.particle import ParticleUpdater
from stonesoup.predictor.particle import ParticlePredictor
from stonesoup.resampler.particle import SystematicResampler
# Extended Kalman filter
EKF_predictor = ExtendedKalmanPredictor(transition_model)
EKF_updater = ExtendedKalmanUpdater(measurement_model=None)
# Unscented Kalman filter
UKF_predictor = UnscentedKalmanPredictor(transition_model)
UKF_updater = UnscentedKalmanUpdater(measurement_model=None)
# Particle filter
PF_predictor = ParticlePredictor(transition_model)
resampler = SystematicResampler()
PF_updater = ParticleUpdater(measurement_model=None,
# Create a starting covarinace
covar_starting_position = np.repeat(10, 15)
# Instantiate the prior, with a known location.
prior = GaussianState(
# instantate the PF prior
from stonesoup.types.state import ParticleState
from stonesoup.types.numeric import Probability
from stonesoup.types.particle import Particle
samples = multivariate_normal.rvs(
particles = [Particle(sample.reshape(-1, 1),
weight= Probability(1./number_particles))
for sample in samples]
# Particle prior
particle_prior = ParticleState(state_vector=None,
from stonesoup.types.track import Track
from stonesoup.types.hypothesis import SingleHypothesis
# Instantiate the various tracks
track_ukf, track_ekf, track_pf = Track(), Track(), Track()
# Loop over the measurement
updaters = [UKF_updater, UKF_updater, PF_updater]
predictors = [UKF_predictor, EKF_predictor, PF_predictor]
tracks = [track_ukf, track_ekf, track_pf]
priors = [prior, prior, particle_prior]
# %%
# 3) Run the trackers and obtain the tracks;
# ------------------------------------------
# We can run the various trackers
# and generate some tracks.
# Then, we store the various objects into
# a metric manager to evaluate the tracking
# performances and perform a 1-to-1
# comparison on the accuracy of the
# tracking algorithms.
# Loop over the various trackers
for predictor, updater, track, prior in zip(predictors, updaters, tracks, priors):
for k, measurement in enumerate(measurements_set):
predictions = predictor.predict(prior, timestamp=measurement.timestamp)
hyps = SingleHypothesis(predictions, measurement)
post = updater.update(hyps)
prior = track[-1]
# Add the landmarks as fixed platforms
from stonesoup.platform.base import FixedPlatform
platforms = []
for target in targets:
state = np.array([target[0], 0,
target[1], 0,
target[2], 0])
position_mapping=(0, 2, 4)
from stonesoup.plotter import Plotter, Dimension
plotter = Plotter(dimension=Dimension.THREE)
# Visualise with the landmarks
plotter.plot_ground_truths(groundtruths, mapping=[0, 3, 6])
plotter.plot_tracks(track_ukf, mapping=[0, 3, 6], track_label='UKF')
plotter.plot_tracks(track_ekf, mapping=[0, 3, 6], track_label='EKF')
plotter.plot_tracks(track_pf, mapping=[0, 3, 6], track_label='PF')
plotter.plot_sensors({*platforms}, mapping=[0, 1, 2],
# %%
# 4) Create and visualise the performances of the tracking algorithms
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# We have all the components from the tracking and now we can
# measure how well the various filter perform. We consider the
# RMSE (root mean square error) between the tracks and the
# groundtruth over the various simulation timesteps.
truths = GroundTruthPath([groundtruths[0]])
for idx, truth in enumerate(groundtruths):
if idx>1:
tracking_filters = ['EKF', 'UKF', 'PF']
from stonesoup.metricgenerator.ospametric import OSPAMetric
ospa_generators = [OSPAMetric(c=40, p=1,
generator_name=f'{tracking_filter} OSPA metrics',
for tracking_filter in tracking_filters]
from stonesoup.metricgenerator.tracktotruthmetrics import SIAPMetrics
from stonesoup.measures import Euclidean
siap_generators = [SIAPMetrics(position_measure=Euclidean((0, 3, 6)),
velocity_measure=Euclidean((1, 4, 7)),
generator_name=f'{tracking_filter} SIAP metrics',
for tracking_filter in tracking_filters]
from stonesoup.dataassociator.tracktotrack import TrackToTruth
from stonesoup.metricgenerator.manager import MultiManager
associator = TrackToTruth(association_threshold=30)
generators = ospa_generators + siap_generators
metric_manager = MultiManager(generators, associator=associator)
metric_manager.add_data({'truths': truths,
'tracks_EKF': track_ekf,
'tracks_UKF': track_ukf,
'tracks_PF': track_pf},
metrics = metric_manager.generate_metrics()
from stonesoup.plotter import MetricPlotter
graph = MetricPlotter()
graph.plot_metrics(metrics, generator_names=['EKF OSPA metrics',
'UKF OSPA metrics',
'PF OSPA metrics',
'EKF SIAP metrics',
'UKF SIAP metrics',
'PF SIAP metrics'],
# metric_names=['OSPA distances',
# 'SIAP Position Accuracy at times'], # uncomment and run to see effect
color=['orange', 'green', 'blue'])
# update y-axis label and title, other subplots are displaying auto-generated title and labels
graph.axes[0].set(ylabel='OSPA metrics', title='OSPA distances over time')
# %%
# Conclusion
# ----------
# In this example we have compared the
# performances of some tracking algorithms
# available in Stone Soup providing measurements
# from the accelerometer and gyroscope on board of a
# sensor and using some landmarks on the ground to
# adjust the tracking. By adressing the RMSE (root mean
# square error) of the tracks obtained we can see that
# the Kalman Filter based algorithms offer good performances
# over the simulation, while the Particle filter seems
# to suffer from the high dimensionality of the
# problem. Overall, the intent of this example was to
# show how to use and perform a 1-to-1 comparison
# between these algorithms in Stone Soup.
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