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Last active August 2, 2022 12:48
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Swift Basics
// variable and constant
var a = 10 // variable can be updated later
let PI = 3.14 // can not modify later
// Data types (Int, Float, Bool, Double, String) or Type Annotations
var age: Int = 10
var name:String = "John"
var radius: Float = 2.5
var area: Double = 14.50
var isAlive: Bool = false
// joining strings
var name = "Smith"
var age = 30
var userInfo = "User name is \(name) and his age is \(age)"
// if - else
if age > 18 {
print("\(name) can vote")
}else {
print("\(name) can not vote")
//switch statement
var dayOfWeek: Int = 3
switch dayOfWeek {
case 1,2,3,4,5,6,7:
print("It is a week day")
print("Wrong input : it's not a week day ")
// ternary operator
var canVote = age >= 18 ? true : false
print("You can vote : \(canVote)")
// for loop
var sum:Int = 0
for index in 1...5 {
sum += index
print("sum of 1 to 5 is ", sum)
// while loop
var tableNo = 2
var counter = 1
while(counter <= 10) {
print(tableNo , "*", counter, "=", counter * tableNo)
// repeat loop
tableNo = 2
counter = 1
repeat {
print(tableNo , "*", counter, "=", counter * tableNo)
} while(counter <= 10)
// functions
func greetings() {
print("Hello Sir/Madam")
// passing parameters
func greetingUser(user:String) {
print("Hello, ",user)
// return values
func addTwoNUmbers(num1: Int, num2: Int) -> Int {
return num1 + num2
greetingUser(user: "John")
print("Func Add 2 numbers ", addTwoNUmbers(num1: 10, num2: 20))
// return multiple values
func getUser() -> (firstName: String, lastName: String) {
(firstName: "Tom", lastName:"Cruise")
let user = getUser()
print("User \(user.firstName) last name is : \(user.lastName)")
let (firstName, _) = getUser()
print("User \(firstName)")
// class
class BlogPost {
var title:String? = nil;
var body:String? = nil;
var author:String? = nil;
var publishDate:String? = nil;
var b = BlogPost()
print(b.title ?? "No title found")
b.title = "Swift for beginners"
print(b.title ?? "No title found")
// inheritance
class Laptop {
var weight: Float = 2.8
var color : String = "Black"
func bootSpeed() {
print("Old Laptop take 15 seconds in booting")
class MacBook : Laptop {
override func bootSpeed() {
print("New M1 chip can boot in 3-4 seconds")
var oldLaptop = Laptop()
var m1MackBook = MacBook()
print("Macbook color is \(m1MackBook.color)")
// initializers and optionals
class Person {
var name:String?
var age:Int?
var behaviour: String?
// init() {
// print("called init method")
// name = "John"
// age = 30
// }
init(_ name:String, _ age:Int) { = name
self.age = age
convenience init(behaviour: String){
self.init("Max", 24)
self.behaviour = behaviour
var a1 = Person("John", 30)
var b1: Person?
b1 = a1
a1.age = 35
b1?.age = 40
if let canVote = a1.age {
if(canVote > 18){
print("Yes you can vote")
print("No you can not vote")
var hasIdentity: Bool {
return != nil
print("user a has idendity \(hasIdentity)")
if let aBehaviour = a1.behaviour {
print("A's Behaviour \(aBehaviour)")
}else {
print("A has no Behaviour")
let c = Person(behaviour: "is a Good Person")
print("C ", c.behaviour ?? "has no behaviour")
print("C name is \( ?? "") and age is \(c.age ?? 0 )")
// Array
var employeeArray = ["John", "Max", "Nick"]
// other way is => var employeeArray = [String]()
print("Total Employees \(employeeArray.count)")
print("access 0th index -> \(employeeArray[0])")
// traverse
for employee in employeeArray {
employeeArray[0] = "Kumaar"
// Dictionaries (Collection for key-value pair)
var employeesDict = ["name": "John", "Job":"Swift Developer"]
var countries = Dictionary<String, String>()
//var countries = [String:String]()
countries["IN"] = "India"
countries["US"] = "America"
for (code, country) in countries {
print("Country Code : \(code) - \(country)")
// Sets (collection with no order and no duplicates values)
var numbers = Set([1,2,2,1,3,7,6,5,3])
// Enum
enum weekDays { case Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday , Sunday}
var day = weekDays.Monday
day = .Friday
// Handling errors
enum EmailError : Error {
case invalid
func checkEmail(_ email:String!) throws -> String {
if(email == nil) {
throw EmailError.invalid
throw EmailError.invalid
return "Valid Email"
do {
let result = try checkEmail("abc")
}catch EmailError.invalid {
print("Not a valid email")
}catch {
print("wrong input")
// Closures
let oddEvenNumbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
let onlyOdd = oddEvenNumbers.filter({ (item : Int ) -> Bool in
return item % 2 != 0
// short operation with closures
let onlyEven = oddEvenNumbers.filter { $0 % 2 == 0 }
// In Swift, structs are value types whereas classes are reference types. When you copy a struct, you end up with two unique // copies of the data. When you copy a class, you end up with two references to one instance of the data. It's a crucial // // difference, and it affects your choice between classes or structs.
// Structs
struct Car {
var color : String
var speed : Int
var gear: Int = 4 // default value
var onSale : Bool = true
// if you want to update struct value, use mutating
mutating func stopSales() {
onSale = false
var carA = Car(color: "Red", speed: 180, gear: 5)
var carB = Car(color: "Grey", speed: 100)
// Property Observers
struct Weather {
var temperature = 0 {
didSet {
print("temperature is now \(temperature) degree")
var weather = Weather()
weather.temperature += 15
weather.temperature -= 10
// Access Modifiers & static properties
struct Student {
static let className = "First Standard"
private(set) var name : String
private(set) var grade: String
mutating func updateGrade(newGrade : String) {
self.grade = newGrade
var st = Student(name: "John", grade: "A")
st.updateGrade(newGrade: "A+")
// = "Smith" // not allowed for private members
// Protocols
protocol Person {
var name: String { get }
var age: Int { get set }
func PersonHabbits(for habbits: String) -> String
class Male : Person {
var age: Int = 0
let name : String = "John"
func PersonHabbits(for habbits: String) -> String {
var male = Male()
male.age = 24
male.PersonHabbits(for: "Watching football")
// Extensions
extension Collection {
var isNotEmpty : Bool {
isEmpty == false
let games = ["Football", "Hockey", "Baseball"]
if games.isNotEmpty {
print("Total games are \(games.count)")
// guard optional
func printAge(of age: Int?) {
guard let age = age else {
print("please provide age")
print("Your age is \(age)")
printAge(of: nil)
printAge(of: 20)
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