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Created February 28, 2024 12:36
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Example class for weather forecast with php-weather/open-meteo
use Http\Adapter\Guzzle7\Client;
use PhpWeather\Common\WeatherQuery;
use PhpWeather\Exception;
use PhpWeather\Provider\OpenMeteo\OpenMeteo as myWeatherData;
use PhpWeather\Weather;
* Example class for weather forecast with php-weather/open-meteo
* Shows the connection and two demo functions
* @see
class WeatherData
private static $httpClient;
private static $weatherData;
private float $latitude;
private float $longitude;
private array $forecastData;
public function __construct(float $latitude, float $longitude)
$this->latitude = $latitude;
$this->longitude = $longitude;
$this->forecastData = $this->getForecast();
* @return Weather[]
protected function getForecast():array
try {
$currentWeatherQuery = WeatherQuery::create($this->latitude, $this->longitude);
return $this->getWeatherData()->getForecast($currentWeatherQuery)->getForecast();
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
return [];
* @return object
private function getWeatherData():object
if (!self::$httpClient) {
self::$httpClient = new Client();
if (!self::$weatherData) {
// The "Provider" line can be replaced with another weather service, f.e:
// use PhpWeather\Provider\Tomorrow\Tomorrow as myWeatherData;
self::$weatherData = new myWeatherData(self::$httpClient);
return self::$weatherData;
* @return string
public function listMinMaxTemperaturesByDate(): string
[$minTemps, $maxTemps] = $this->getMinMaxTemperaturesByDate();
foreach ($minTemps as $date => $temp) {
$ret[] = "On $date, min $temp and max " . $maxTemps[$date];
return implode('<br />', $ret ?? []);
* @return string
protected function getMinMaxTemperaturesByDate(): array
$minTemps = [];
$maxTemps = [];
foreach ($this->forecastData as $obj) {
$datetime = $obj->getUtcDateTime();
if ($datetime !== null) { // Verify datetime is not null
$date = $datetime->format('Y-m-d');
$temp = $obj->getTemperature();
$minTemps[$date] = isset($minTemps[$date]) ? min($minTemps[$date], $temp) : $temp;
$maxTemps[$date] = isset($maxTemps[$date]) ? max($maxTemps[$date], $temp) : $temp;
return [$minTemps, $maxTemps];
* @return array[]
public function getByDate(string $setTime = ''): array
$targetDateTime = !empty($setTime) ? $setTime : date('Y-m-d H:00:00');
foreach ($this->forecastData as $obj) {
$datetime = $obj->getUtcDateTime();
$format = $datetime !== null ? $datetime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') : '';
if ($format === $targetDateTime) {
$forecastPerDate['Icon'] = $obj->getIcon();
$forecastPerDate['Temperature'] = $obj->getTemperature();
$forecastPerDate['FeelsLike'] = $obj->getFeelsLike();
$forecastPerDate['WindDirection'] = $obj->getWindDirection();
$forecastPerDate['WindSpeed'] = $obj->getWindSpeed();
// and so on...
return $forecastPerDate ?? [];
// Usage:
$latitude = 53.5;
$longitude = 10;
$weatherData = new WeatherData($latitude, $longitude);
echo $weatherData->listMinMaxTemperaturesByDate();
echo '<hr />';
echo implode('<br />', $weatherData->getByDate());
echo '<hr />';
$forecastDate = date('Y-m-d H:00:00', strtotime('12 hours'));
echo implode('<br />', $weatherData->getByDate($forecastDate));
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