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Last active November 3, 2020 20:53
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1.Who your contact is, why you want to connect with them, and what you want to talk about

  • Virginia Ladd, She is currently my mentor but we have hardly ever talked.
  • I would like to talk to her about her experience job hunting.

2.When you will contact them by and how you plan to meet

  • I will contact her by 11/08. Due to the pandemic we will meet on Zoom.

3.What your follow-up will look like once you've met with them

  • I will email her a follow up thanking her for her time and adding in one or two follow up questions.

4.What other steps will you take to start building a stronger network in the tech community?

  • I will also be joining the lets grab donuts channel to meet other students and alumni that I do not interact with.
  • I would love to be able to attend more social events but there are none currently going on.
  • I also plan on becoming more involved in the JCS slack channel once being a SLC is over. The women in the group will be a great network to be a part of.
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