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Last active November 3, 2020 20:55
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Habits of a Software Developer

What do you think are the traits of a good software developer? What are they like in the workplace? What would you as a co-worker think of this person? Reliable, team-player, creative, self-manager, positive, decisive In the workplace I think they would be a mentor to others and open to collaboration. As I co-worker I would enjoy working with this person and happy to be on their team.

What are the habits that this person demonstrates to embody the identity of a software developer? Always on time, happy to help, positive, always gaining knowledge.

Who do you want to be as a software developer? What kind of behaviors do you already have in place to be that person? What behaviors would you need to put into place? How will you do that? As a software developer I want to be a productive member of the team and contribute to the success of the team. I am reading nightly to gain new knowledge, I am always on time, and review what we have previously learned. I need to be better at contributing when I am with extrovert people that talk over me. In order to achieve this I need to be more confident and have a growth mindset, it does not matter if I am wrong, still contribute.

Working on the 1st Law of Behavior Change: Make it Obvious

Bring self-awareness to your current habits by making a Habits Scorecard. Make a list of your daily habits (examples: wake up, turn off alarm, check phone, etc.) as a way to bring awareness to what you do. Then, decide how effective that habit is for you and your goal of becoming a software developer. Put a + next to habits that are effective; put a - next to habits that are not effective; put a = next to habits that are neutral. +take a walk at 7am +study for 1 hour before class =watch tv during lunch -not taking breaks from 4-6pm & 7-9 =read a book

Pick 1 new habit you’d like to build and create an implementation intention following this template: “I will [BEHAVIOR] at [TIME] in [LOCATION].” Then, stack the habit onto something you already do: “After [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT].” (Hint: make this highly specific and immediately actionable) I will take POM breaks every 30 minutes by walking outside. After class ends at 4 I will immediately turn on my POM timer

Design your environment for success: what changes could you make in your space to better implement your habit? How could you remove any triggers for bad habits? How will you implement these changes? I will use my watch to remind me to move and make sure to get up when the timer goes off not just turn it off and keep working.

Respond after a few days of this implementation: What are your results? How do you feel about this method? How will you move forward with this habit? After a few days I feel that this is a great habit that keeps my stress level down. I will continue to set my timer when I sit down to stay in the habit.

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