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Last active February 4, 2022 14:18
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Solve Wordle the fun way!
# Requires a copy of
from string import ascii_lowercase
from string import digits
from unicodedata import digit
import getopt, sys
class wordleChar:
def __init__(self, location: "int", char: "str"): = char
self.loc = location
def validateInput(input: "str") -> bool:
"""Validates user input by making sure its a string of length 5 with xo- chars
Also quits the program if the word is solved
input (str): The user input
bool: True if valid, False otherwise
# Validate length
if 5 != len(input):
return False
# Validate chars
for i in range(len(input)):
if (input[i] != "x") and (input[i] != "o") and (input[i] != "-"):
return False
# Check for a solve
if "ooooo" == input:
print("Got it!")
# Input is valid
return True
def histogramFromSet(setOfWords: "list[str]", dictIsAlpha: "bool") -> "dict[float]":
"""Create a histogram of letter occurrences in words
setOfWords (list[str]): A set of words to create a histogram of
list[charProb]: A list of chars and their probability of occuring in a
# Initialize the histogram
totalHistogram: "dict[float]" = {}
if dictIsAlpha:
for ch in ascii_lowercase:
totalHistogram[ch] = 0.0
for ch in digits:
totalHistogram[ch] = 0.0
# For each word
for word in setOfWords:
# Make a histogram of the chars in that word
wordHistogram = {}
for i in range(len(word)):
wordHistogram[word[i]] = True
# For each unique char in the word
for ch in wordHistogram.keys():
if wordHistogram[ch]:
# Add one to the total histogram
totalHistogram[ch] = totalHistogram[ch] + 1
# Normalize
for key in totalHistogram.keys():
totalHistogram[key] = totalHistogram[key] / len(setOfWords)
return totalHistogram
def wordValue(word: "str", histogram: "dict[int]") -> int:
"""Compute the value of a word by summing the values of the chars from a
probability histogram. A lower number means the word better bisects the set
of remaining words
word (str): The word to find a value for
histogram (list[charProb]): The histogram with values per-char
int: The value of the word
guessedLetters: "list[str]" = []
val: "int" = 0
for ch in word:
# Ignore letters that are already known one way or the other
if 0 != histogram[ch] and 1 != histogram[ch]:
# If a letter was guessed in the word already, treat it as a 1
# (bad guess)
if ch in guessedLetters:
val = val + 1
# Score each letter by how close it is to 0.5 probability
val = val + abs(0.5 - histogram[ch])
return val
def wordContainsUniqueLetters(word: "str", dictIsAlpha: "bool") -> bool:
"""Check if a word contains only unique letters
word (str): The word to check for letter uniqueness
bool: True if the word contains unique letters, False otherwise
if dictIsAlpha:
lettersInWord: "list[int]" = [0] * len(ascii_lowercase)
lettersInWord: "list[int]" = [0] * len(digits)
for char in word:
if dictIsAlpha:
idx: "int" = ord(char) - ord("a")
idx: "int" = ord(char) - ord("0")
lettersInWord[idx] = lettersInWord[idx] + 1
for charCount in lettersInWord:
if charCount > 1:
return False
return True
def main():
# Assume teh ospd4 dictionary by default
dictFileName: "str" = "ospd4.txt"
# Read the arguments to see if a different dictionary should be used
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "d:", ["dictionary"])
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
# print help information and exit:
print(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-d", "--dictionary"):
dictFileName = a
assert False, "unhandled option"
# Get a list of five letter words
with open(dictFileName) as f:
lines: "list[str]" = f.readlines()
wordles: "list[str]" = []
line: "str"
for line in lines:
line = line.strip().lower()
if 5 == len(line):
# Check if we should use digits or chars
dictIsAlpha: "bool" = True
if wordles[0].isnumeric():
dictIsAlpha = False
# Find the best starting word
charHist: "dict[float]" = histogramFromSet(wordles, dictIsAlpha)
wordles.sort(key=lambda word: wordValue(word, charHist))
bestStarter: "str" = wordles[0].lower()
# Tell the player how to start
"Start with "
+ bestStarter
+ ". What was the result? Use 'o' for a letter in the"
print("right spot, '-' for a letter in the wrong spot, and 'x' for a bad")
wordleGuessed: "str" = bestStarter
# Data from the results of guesses
okChars: "list[wordleChar]" = []
badChars: "str" = []
placedChars: "list[wordleChar]" = []
# Iterate until the word is guessed
wordleSolved: "bool" = False
while not wordleSolved:
# Get input from the user
resultIsValid: "bool" = False
while not resultIsValid:
result: "str" = input()
resultIsValid = validateInput(result)
if not resultIsValid:
print("String must be length 5, made up of 'x', 'o', and '-'")
# Append the input to the known data
for resIdx in range(len(result)):
if "x" == result[resIdx]:
chIsOk = False
for okc in okChars:
if == wordleGuessed[resIdx]:
chIsOk = True
for pc in placedChars:
if == wordleGuessed[resIdx]:
chIsOk = True
if not chIsOk:
# This char definitely isn't in the word
elif "-" == result[resIdx]:
# This char is in the word... somewhere...
okChars.append(wordleChar(resIdx, wordleGuessed[resIdx]))
elif "o" == result[resIdx]:
# This char is in the right place!
placedChars.append(wordleChar(resIdx, wordleGuessed[resIdx]))
# Make sure that placed chars are removed from the 'ok' list
for okc in list(okChars):
if == wordleGuessed[resIdx]:
# Find all valid remaining words
validWordles: "list[str]" = []
word: "str"
for word in wordles:
valid: "bool" = True
# Make sure the word doesn't contain these chars
for badc in badChars:
if badc in word:
valid = False
if not valid:
# Make sure the word does contain these chars NOT in their location
for okc in okChars:
if ( not in word) or (word[okc.loc] ==
valid = False
if not valid:
# Make sure the word contains these chars in their location
for plc in placedChars:
if word[plc.loc] !=
valid = False
if not valid:
# Found a valid word, add it to the list
if valid:
# Replace old wordles with only valid words
# Calculate a histogram of letters in valid wordles
charHistogram: "dict[int]" = histogramFromSet(wordles, dictIsAlpha)
# Debug print all character probabilites
# for ch in charHistogram.keys():
# print(str(ch) + " - " + str(charHistogram[ch]))
# Sort all valid wordles by how well they bisect the set
wordles.sort(key=lambda word: wordValue(word, charHistogram))
# Debug print all potential words
# for word in wordles:
# print(" ? " + word)
# Try guessing the word that best bisects the remaining set
wordlePicked: "bool" = False
for word in wordles:
if wordContainsUniqueLetters(word, dictIsAlpha):
print("Try " + word.upper())
wordleGuessed = word
wordlePicked = True
# Gotta pick a word with non-unique characters
if not wordlePicked:
print("Try " + wordles[0].upper())
wordleGuessed = wordles[0]
# Make sure to not guess this again
if __name__ == "__main__":
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