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Created November 15, 2016 15:39
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Attempt at creating dungeon settings through code in DunGen 2.10
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using DunGen;
using System.Linq;
using DunGen.Graph;
public class BuildDungeonFlow : MonoBehaviour
public List<GameObject> RoomPrefabs = new List<GameObject>();
public List<GameObject> BossRoomPrefabs = new List<GameObject>();
public List<GameObject> LockedDoorPrefabs = new List<GameObject>();
private void Start()
// Create the KeyManager
var keyManager = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<KeyManager>();
var blueKey = keyManager.CreateKey();
blueKey.Colour =;
var keySet = new KeyLockPlacement();
keySet.ID = blueKey.ID;
keySet.Range = new IntRange(1, 1);
var lockSet = keySet;
// Create a pair of TileSets for later use
var startGoalTileSet = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TileSet>();
startGoalTileSet.AddTile(RoomPrefabs.First(), 1, 1); // Just use the first room as our start & end tiles
var tileSetA = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TileSet>();
tileSetA.AddTiles(RoomPrefabs.Take(3), 1, 1); // We're using the first 3 rooms in the RoomPrefabs list for this set..
var tileSetB = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TileSet>();
tileSetB.AddTiles(RoomPrefabs.Skip(3).Take(2), 1, 1); // ..and the last 2 for this one
var bossTileSet = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TileSet>();
bossTileSet.AddTiles(BossRoomPrefabs, 1, 1);
// Tell the boss tile which locked door prefab(s) to use
var lockedDoorwayAssociation = new LockedDoorwayAssociation();
lockedDoorwayAssociation.SocketGroup = DoorwaySocketType.Default;
foreach (var lockedDoor in LockedDoorPrefabs)
lockedDoorwayAssociation.LockPrefabs.Weights.Add(new GameObjectChance(lockedDoor, 1, 1, bossTileSet));
// Create some Archetypes from the TileSets we just made
var archetypeA = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<DungeonArchetype>();
archetypeA.BranchCount = new IntRange(0, 0); // No branching
var archetypeB = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<DungeonArchetype>();
archetypeB.BranchCount = new IntRange(0, 0);
// Finally, build the dungeon flow itself..
var flow = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<DungeonFlow>();
var builder = new DungeonFlowBuilder(flow)
.AddNode(startGoalTileSet, "Start")
.AddLine(archetypeA, 1f)
.AddNode(bossTileSet, "Mini-Boss")
.AddLine(archetypeB, 3f, keys: new KeyLockPlacement[] { keySet })
.AddNode(bossTileSet, "Boss", true, false, locks: new KeyLockPlacement[] { lockSet })
.AddNode(startGoalTileSet, "Goal");
// ..and pass it to a dungeon generator
var generator = new DungeonGenerator();
generator.DungeonFlow = flow;
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