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Created March 1, 2021 15:10
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Bugfix for the Playmaker integration. Replace 'DunGen/Integration/Playmaker/GenerateWithSettings.cs' with this code
using UnityEngine;
using HutongGames.PlayMaker;
using DunGen.Graph;
using TooltipAttribute = HutongGames.PlayMaker.TooltipAttribute;
namespace DunGen.PlayMaker.Actions
[Tooltip("Generates a new dungeon layout with specific settings")]
public class GenerateWithSettings : FsmStateAction
[Tooltip("The GameObject who owns the RuntimeDungeon component you'd like to generate from")]
public FsmOwnerDefault TargetGameObject;
[Tooltip("The DungeonFlow to use")]
public DungeonFlow DungeonFlow;
[Tooltip("Should the genration seed be randomized each time, producing a different result for the dungeon?")]
public FsmBool RandomizeSeed;
[Tooltip("The seed used to generate the dungeon layout. If none, a random seed will be used each time")]
public FsmInt Seed;
[Tooltip("The maximum number of times a dungeon can fail to generate - only active in the editor to prevent infinite loops. In a packaged game, the generator will keep trying indefinitely")]
public FsmInt MaxFailedAttempts;
[Tooltip("Used to modify the main path length specified in the DungeonFlow asset. (1 = Normal Size, 2 = Double Size, 0.5 = Half Size, etc)")]
public FsmFloat LengthMultiplier;
[Tooltip("Should sprites be ignored when automatically calculating bounding boxes around tiles? Should be unchecked for 2D dungeons")]
public FsmBool IgnoreSpriteBounds;
[Tooltip("The up direction for this dungeon. In most cases, this will be +Y for 3D dungeons and -Z for 2D dungeons")]
public FsmEnum UpDirection;
[Tooltip("If checked, useful debug information will be rendered ontop of the dungeon in play mode")]
public FsmBool DebugRender;
[Tooltip("If checked, placed trigger colliders around each room which can be used in conjunction with the DungenCharacter component to recieve events when changing rooms")]
public FsmBool PlaceTileTriggers;
[Tooltip("The layer to place the tile root objects on if \"Place Tile Triggers\" is checked")]
public FsmInt TriggerLayer;
public override void Reset()
DungeonFlow = null;
RandomizeSeed = true;
Seed = null;
MaxFailedAttempts = 20;
LengthMultiplier = 1.0f;
IgnoreSpriteBounds = true;
UpDirection = AxisDirection.PosY;
DebugRender = false;
PlaceTileTriggers = true;
TriggerLayer = 2; // "Ignore Raycast" layer
public override void OnEnter()
var go = Fsm.GetOwnerDefaultTarget(TargetGameObject);
RuntimeDungeon runtimeDungeon = go.GetComponent<RuntimeDungeon>();
if (runtimeDungeon == null)
runtimeDungeon = go.AddComponent<RuntimeDungeon>();
runtimeDungeon.GenerateOnStart = false;
var generator = runtimeDungeon.Generator;
generator.DungeonFlow = DungeonFlow;
generator.ShouldRandomizeSeed = RandomizeSeed.Value || Seed.IsNone;
if (!generator.ShouldRandomizeSeed)
generator.Seed = Seed.Value;
generator.MaxAttemptCount = MaxFailedAttempts.Value;
generator.LengthMultiplier = LengthMultiplier.Value;
generator.IgnoreSpriteBounds = IgnoreSpriteBounds.Value;
generator.UpDirection = (AxisDirection)UpDirection.Value;
generator.DebugRender = DebugRender.Value;
generator.PlaceTileTriggers = PlaceTileTriggers.Value;
generator.TileTriggerLayer = TriggerLayer.Value;
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