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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Immutable Javascript Linked List
// immutable linked list
// Some functional patterns use head/tail a *lot*, and this particular collection
// has constant time for both head and tail. Concatenation is also constant time.
var nil = {};
// used to make the fields on the list truly immutable
function props(obj, fields){
var args = {};
for(var key in fields){
args[key] = {
value: fields[key],
writable: false
Object.defineProperties(obj, args);
props(nil, {
isEmpty: true,
head: undefined,
tail: undefined,
map: function() { return nil; },
forEach: function() {},
reduce: function(accu, func){ return accu; },
reduceRight: function(func, accu){ return accu; },
takeWhile: function(){ return nil; },
dropWhile: function() { return nil; },
toArray: function() { return []; },
toString: function() { return 'list()'; },
append: function(ls) { return ls; },
prepend: function(ls) { return ls; },
union: function(ls) { return ls; }
function Link(){}
var linkProto = {};
props(linkProto, {
isEmpty: false,
map: function(func) {
return link(func(this.head),;
forEach: function(func){
reduce: function(accu, func){
var res = func(accu, this.head);
return this.tail.reduce(res, func);
reduceRight: function(accu, func){
return func(this.tail.reduceRight(accu, func));
// get a new list with the element added at the end.
append: function(val){
var ls = link(val, nil);
return this.reduceRight(ls, function(elem, accu){
return link(elem, accu);
// join the two lists together to create one big list.
union: function(ls){
return this.reduceRight(ls, function(accu, e){
return link(e, accu);
// create a new list with an element added at the begining.
prepend: function(val){
return link(val, this);
dropWhile: function(test){
return this.tail.dropWhile(test);
} else {
return this;
takeWhile: function(test) {
if(test(this.head)) {
return link(this.head, this.tail.takeWhile(test));
} else {
return nil;
toArray: function(){
return this.reduce([], function(accu, elem){
return accu;
toString: function(){
return 'list(' + this.toArray().join(', ') + ')'
toJson: function(){
return JSON.parse(this.toArray());
Link.prototype = linkProto;
Link.prototype.constructor = Link;
// link factory. A list is a series of links containing a value and a reference
// to another link or nil.
function link(head, tail){
var ln = new Link();
Object.defineProperties(ln, {
value: head,
writable: false
value: tail,
writable: false
return ln;
// list factory
// list([1, 2, 3]) or list(1, 2, 3)
function list(arr){
return list.apply(undefined, arr);
var ls = nil;
for(var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
ls = link(arguments[i], ls);
return ls;
module.exports = list;
module.exports.cons = link; // in some functional languages, its called cons.
module.exports.nil = nil;
var chai = require('chai');
var expect = chai.expect;
var list = require('../index');
var cons = list.cons;
var nil = list.nil;
describe('list creation', function(){
it('should not throw exceptions...', function(){
var err;
try { list(1, 2); }
catch (ex) { err = ex; }
it('should give a properly formed array', function(){
list(1, 2, 3).toArray()[1,2,3]);
describe('immutability', function(){
var ls3 = list(1, 2, 3);
it('should be impossible to modify tail', function(){
ls3.tail = cons(10, nil);
ls3.tail.toArray()[2, 3]);
it('should be impossible to modify methods', function(){ = {};;
describe('reduce', function(){
var ls = list(1, 2, 3);
it('should access all elements in the list', function(){
var result = ls.reduce(0, function(accu, e){ return accu + e; });;
it('should call the function from left to right', function(){
var arr = [];
ls.reduce([], function(a,e){
});[1, 2, 3]);
describe('map', function(){
var ls = list(1, 2, 3);
it('should go over all elements', function(){{ return e * 2; }).toArray()[2, 4, 6]);
describe('forEach', function(){
var ls = list(1, 2, 3);
it('should go over all elments from left to right', function(){
var arr = [];
});[1, 2, 3]);
describe('isEmpty', function(){
it('should have the proper values from the factory', function(){
it('should have the proper values at the tails', function(){
describe('dropWhile', function(){
it('should drop things...', function(){
var res = list(1,2).dropWhile(function(e) { return e === 1 }).toArray();[2]);
describe('takeWhile', function(){
it('should keep until the predidate becomes false', function(){
var res = list(1,2,3,4).takeWhile(function(e) { return e < 3}).toArray();[1, 2]);
describe('prepend', function(){
it('should add at the begining', function(){
var res = list(2,3).prepend(1).toArray();[1, 2, 3]);
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