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Created July 6, 2018 00:32
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import os
import hashlib
import time
import math
import sys
# Main function
def decrypt(x, y):
# Variables corresponding to string indices, counter, starting point, completion, and starting time
i = 0
ii = 0
iii = 0
iiii = 0
iiiii = 0
iiiiii = 0
c = 0
startPoint = 0
complete = 0
startTime = time.time()
# Set starting string (if given)
if (len(y) > 0):
# Ignore starting string if it is too long
if (len(y) > 6):
print "String too long, ignoring."
# Make sure every character of the string is in the list
elif (len(y) == 6 and y[0] in alpha and y[1] in alpha and y[2] in alpha and y[3] in alpha and y[4] in alpha and y[5] in alpha):
i = alpha.index(y[5])
ii = alpha.index(y[4])
iii = alpha.index(y[3])
iiii = alpha.index(y[2])
iiiii = alpha.index(y[1])
iiiiii = alpha.index(y[0])
startPoint = 5
elif (len(y) == 5 and y[0] in alpha and y[1] in alpha and y[2] in alpha and y[3] in alpha and y[4] in alpha):
i = alpha.index(y[4])
ii = alpha.index(y[3])
iii = alpha.index(y[2])
iiii = alpha.index(y[1])
iiiii = alpha.index(y[0])
startPoint = 4
elif (len(y) == 4 and y[0] in alpha and y[1] in alpha and y[2] in alpha and y[3] in alpha):
i = alpha.index(y[3])
ii = alpha.index(y[2])
iii = alpha.index(y[1])
iiii = alpha.index(y[0])
startPoint = 3
elif (len(y) == 3 and y[0] in alpha and y[1] in alpha and y[2] in alpha):
i = alpha.index(y[2])
ii = alpha.index(y[1])
iii = alpha.index(y[0])
startPoint = 2
elif (len(y) == 2 and y[0] in alpha and y[1] in alpha):
i = alpha.index(y[1])
ii = alpha.index(y[0])
startPoint = 1
elif (len(y) == 1 and y[0] in alpha):
i = alpha.index(y[0])
# Ignore starting string if it is not in the list
print "String not in list, ignoring."
# First check null string
if (hashType == 'sha512'):
if (hashlib.sha1('').hexdigest() == x):
print "Trying: " + hashlib.sha1('').hexdigest() + " ()"
print "Combinations Tried: 1"
print "Success! Decrypted to: <null string> ()"
if (((time.time() - startTime) % 60) < 1):
print "Time Taken: Less then 1 second"
print "Time Taken: " + str(int(math.floor(((time.time() - startTime) / 60) / 60))) + " hours " + str(int((math.floor((time.time() - startTime) / 60)) % 60)) + " minutes " + str(int((time.time() - startTime) % 60)) + " seconds"
complete = 1
# To skip the next check
startPoint = 99
if (hashType == 'sha256'):
if (hashlib.sha256('').hexdigest() == x):
print "Trying: " + hashlib.sha256('').hexdigest() + " ()"
print "Combinations Tried: 1"
print "Success! Decrypted to: <null string> ()"
if (((time.time() - startTime) % 60) < 1):
print "Time Taken: Less then 1 second"
print "Time Taken: " + str(int(math.floor(((time.time() - startTime) / 60) / 60))) + " hours " + str(int((math.floor((time.time() - startTime) / 60)) % 60)) + " minutes " + str(int((time.time() - startTime) % 60)) + " seconds"
complete = 1
# To skip the next check
startPoint = 99
if (startPoint == 0 and i == 0):
c += 1
# 1 character case (first check null string)
if (startPoint == 0):
skip_print = 0
while (i < len(alpha)):
c += 1
if skip_print == 0:
print "Decrypting: " + x
# SHA-512
if (hashType == 'sha512'):
if skip_print == 0:
print "Trying: " + hashlib.sha1(alpha[i]).hexdigest() + " (" + alpha[i] + ")"
print "Combinations Tried: " + str(c)
if (hashlib.sha512(alpha[i]).hexdigest() == x):
print "Success! Decrypted to: " + alpha[i]
if (((time.time() - startTime) % 60) < 1):
print "Time Taken: Less then 1 second"
print "Time Taken: " + str(int(math.floor(((time.time() - startTime) / 60) / 60))) + " hours " + str(int((math.floor((time.time() - startTime) / 60)) % 60)) + " minutes " + str(int((time.time() - startTime) % 60)) + " seconds"
complete = 1
i += 1
# SHA256
elif (hashType == 'sha256'):
if skip_print == 0:
print "Trying: " + hashlib.sha256(alpha[i]).hexdigest() + " (" + alpha[i] + ")"
print "Combinations Tried: " + str(c)
if (hashlib.sha256(alpha[i]).hexdigest() == x):
print "Success! Decrypted to: " + alpha[i]
if (((time.time() - startTime) % 60) < 1):
print "Time Taken: Less then 1 second"
print "Time Taken: " + str(int(math.floor(((time.time() - startTime) / 60) / 60))) + " hours " + str(int((math.floor((time.time() - startTime) / 60)) % 60)) + " minutes " + str(int((time.time() - startTime) % 60)) + " seconds"
complete = 1
i += 1
skip_print += 1
skip_print %= 10000
if (complete == 0):
startPoint = 1
i = 0
# 2 character case
if (startPoint == 1):
skip_print = 0
while (ii < len(alpha)):
c += 1
if skip_print == 0:
print "Decrypting: " + x
# SHA-512
if (hashType == 'sha512'):
if skip_print == 0:
print "Trying: " + hashlib.sha512(alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() + " (" + alpha[ii] + alpha[i] + ")"
print "Combinations Tried: " + str(c)
if (hashlib.sha512(alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() == x):
print "Success! Decrypted to: " + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]
if (((time.time() - startTime) % 60) < 1):
print "Time Taken: Less then 1 second"
print "Time Taken: " + str(int(math.floor(((time.time() - startTime) / 60) / 60))) + " hours " + str(int((math.floor((time.time() - startTime) / 60)) % 60)) + " minutes " + str(int((time.time() - startTime) % 60)) + " seconds"
complete = 1
i += 1
if (i == len(alpha)):
i = 0
ii += 1
# SHA256
elif (hashType == 'sha256'):
if skip_print == 0:
print "Trying: " + hashlib.sha256(alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() + " (" + alpha[ii] + alpha[i] + ")"
print "Combinations Tried: " + str(c)
if (hashlib.sha256(alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() == x):
print "Success! Decrypted to: " + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]
if (((time.time() - startTime) % 60) < 1):
print "Time Taken: Less then 1 second"
print "Time Taken: " + str(int(math.floor(((time.time() - startTime) / 60) / 60))) + " hours " + str(int((math.floor((time.time() - startTime) / 60)) % 60)) + " minutes " + str(int((time.time() - startTime) % 60)) + " seconds"
complete = 1
i += 1
if (i == len(alpha)):
i = 0
ii += 1
skip_print += 1
skip_print %= 10000
if (complete == 0):
i = 0
ii = 0
startPoint = 2
# 3 character case
if (startPoint == 2):
skip_print = 0
while (iii < len(alpha)):
c += 1
if skip_print == 0:
print "Decrypting: " + x
# SHA-512
if (hashType == 'sha1'):
if skip_print == 0:
print "Trying: " + hashlib.sha512(alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() + " (" + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i] + ")"
print "Combinations Tried: " + str(c)
if (hashlib.sha512(alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() == x):
print "Success! Decrypted to: " + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]
if (((time.time() - startTime) % 60) < 1):
print "Time Taken: Less then 1 second"
print "Time Taken: " + str(int(math.floor(((time.time() - startTime) / 60) / 60))) + " hours " + str(int((math.floor((time.time() - startTime) / 60)) % 60)) + " minutes " + str(int((time.time() - startTime) % 60)) + " seconds"
complete = 1
i += 1
if (i == len(alpha)):
i = 0
ii += 1
if (ii == len(alpha)):
ii = 0
iii += 1
# SHA256
elif (hashType == 'sha256'):
if skip_print == 0:
print "Trying: " + hashlib.sha256(alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() + " (" + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i] + ")"
print "Combinations Tried: " + str(c)
if (hashlib.sha256(alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() == x):
print "Success! Decrypted to: " + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]
if (((time.time() - startTime) % 60) < 1):
print "Time Taken: Less then 1 second"
print "Time Taken: " + str(int(math.floor(((time.time() - startTime) / 60) / 60))) + " hours " + str(int((math.floor((time.time() - startTime) / 60)) % 60)) + " minutes " + str(int((time.time() - startTime) % 60)) + " seconds"
complete = 1
i += 1
if (i == len(alpha)):
i = 0
ii += 1
if (ii == len(alpha)):
ii = 0
iii += 1
skip_print += 1
skip_print %= 200000
if (complete == 0):
i = 0
ii = 0
iii = 0
startPoint = 3
# 4 character case
if (startPoint == 3):
skip_print = 0
while (iiii < len(alpha)):
c += 1
if skip_print == 0:
print "Decrypting: " + x
# SHA-512
if (hashType == 'sha512'):
if skip_print == 0:
print "Trying: " + hashlib.sha512(alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() + " (" + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i] + ")"
print "Combinations Tried: " + str(c)
if (hashlib.sha512(alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() == x):
print "Success! Decrypted to: " + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]
if (((time.time() - startTime) % 60) < 1):
print "Time Taken: Less then 1 second"
print "Time Taken: " + str(int(math.floor(((time.time() - startTime) / 60) / 60))) + " hours " + str(int((math.floor((time.time() - startTime) / 60)) % 60)) + " minutes " + str(int((time.time() - startTime) % 60)) + " seconds"
complete = 1
i += 1
if (i == len(alpha)):
i = 0
ii += 1
if (ii == len(alpha)):
ii = 0
iii += 1
if (iii == len(alpha)):
iii = 0
iiii += 1
# SHA256
elif (hashType == 'sha256'):
if skip_print == 0:
print "Trying: " + hashlib.sha256(alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() + " (" + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i] + ")"
print "Combinations Tried: " + str(c)
if (hashlib.sha256(alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() == x):
print "Success! Decrypted to: " + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]
if (((time.time() - startTime) % 60) < 1):
print "Time Taken: Less then 1 second"
print "Time Taken: " + str(int(math.floor(((time.time() - startTime) / 60) / 60))) + " hours " + str(int((math.floor((time.time() - startTime) / 60)) % 60)) + " minutes " + str(int((time.time() - startTime) % 60)) + " seconds"
complete = 1
i += 1
if (i == len(alpha)):
i = 0
ii += 1
if (ii == len(alpha)):
ii = 0
iii += 1
if (iii == len(alpha)):
iii = 0
iiii += 1
skip_print += 1
skip_print %= 200000
if (complete == 0):
i = 0
ii = 0
iii = 0
iiii = 0
startPoint = 4
# 5 character case
if (startPoint == 4):
skip_print = 0
while (iiiii < len(alpha)):
c += 1
if skip_print == 0:
print "Decrypting: " + x
# SHA-512
if (hashType == 'sha512'):
if skip_print == 0:
print "Trying: " + hashlib.sha512(alpha[iiiii] + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() + " (" + alpha[iiiii] + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i] + ")"
print "Combinations Tried: " + str(c)
if (hashlib.sha1(alpha[iiiii] + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() == x):
print "Success! Decrypted to: " + alpha[iiiii] + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]
if (((time.time() - startTime) % 60) < 1):
print "Time Taken: Less then 1 second"
print "Time Taken: " + str(int(math.floor(((time.time() - startTime) / 60) / 60))) + " hours " + str(int((math.floor((time.time() - startTime) / 60)) % 60)) + " minutes " + str(int((time.time() - startTime) % 60)) + " seconds"
complete = 1
i += 1
if (i == len(alpha)):
i = 0
ii += 1
if (ii == len(alpha)):
ii = 0
iii += 1
if (iii == len(alpha)):
iii = 0
iiii += 1
if (iiii == len(alpha)):
iiii = 0
iiiii += 1
# SHA256
elif (hashType == 'md5'):
if skip_print == 0:
print "Trying: " + hashlib.sha256(alpha[iiiii] + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() + " (" + alpha[iiiii] + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i] + ")"
print "Combinations Tried: " + str(c)
if (hashlib.sha256(alpha[iiiii] + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() == x):
print "Success! Decrypted to: " + alpha[iiiii] + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]
if (((time.time() - startTime) % 60) < 1):
print "Time Taken: Less then 1 second"
print "Time Taken: " + str(int(math.floor(((time.time() - startTime) / 60) / 60))) + " hours " + str(int((math.floor((time.time() - startTime) / 60)) % 60)) + " minutes " + str(int((time.time() - startTime) % 60)) + " seconds"
complete = 1
i += 1
if (i == len(alpha)):
i = 0
ii += 1
if (ii == len(alpha)):
ii = 0
iii += 1
if (iii == len(alpha)):
iii = 0
iiii += 1
if (iiii == len(alpha)):
iiii = 0
iiiii += 1
skip_print += 1
skip_print %= 200000
if (complete == 0):
i = 0
ii = 0
iii = 0
iiii = 0
iiiii = 0
startPoint = 5
# 6 character case
if (startPoint == 5):
skip_print = 0
while (iiiiii < len(alpha)):
c += 1
if skip_print == 0:
print "Decrypting: " + x
# SHA-512
if (hashType == 'sha512'):
if skip_print == 0:
print "Trying: " + hashlib.sha512(alpha[iiiiii] + alpha[iiiii] + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() + " (" + alpha[iiiiii] + alpha[iiiii] + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i] + ")"
print "Combinations Tried: " + str(c)
if (hashlib.sha512(alpha[iiiiii] + alpha[iiiii] + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() == x):
print "Success! Decrypted to: " + alpha[iiiiii] + alpha[iiiii] + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]
if (((time.time() - startTime) % 60) < 1):
print "Time Taken: Less then 1 second"
print "Time Taken: " + str(int(math.floor(((time.time() - startTime) / 60) / 60))) + " hours " + str(int((math.floor((time.time() - startTime) / 60)) % 60)) + " minutes " + str(int((time.time() - startTime) % 60)) + " seconds"
complete = 1
i += 1
if (i == len(alpha)):
i = 0
ii += 1
if (ii == len(alpha)):
ii = 0
iii += 1
if (iii == len(alpha)):
iii = 0
iiii += 1
if (iiii == len(alpha)):
iiii = 0
iiiii += 1
if (iiiii == len(alpha)):
iiiii = 0
iiiiii += 1
# SHA256
elif (hashType == 'sha256'):
if skip_print == 0:
print "Trying: " + hashlib.sha256(alpha[iiiiii] + alpha[iiiii] + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() + " (" + alpha[iiiiii] + alpha[iiiii] + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i] + ")"
print "Combinations Tried: " + str(c)
if (hashlib.sha256(alpha[iiiiii] + alpha[iiiii] + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]).hexdigest() == x):
print "Success! Decrypted to: " + alpha[iiiiii] + alpha[iiiii] + alpha[iiii] + alpha[iii] + alpha[ii] + alpha[i]
if (((time.time() - startTime) % 60) < 1):
print "Time Taken: Less then 1 second"
print "Time Taken: " + str(int(math.floor(((time.time() - startTime) / 60) / 60))) + " hours " + str(int((math.floor((time.time() - startTime) / 60)) % 60)) + " minutes " + str(int((time.time() - startTime) % 60)) + " seconds"
complete = 1
i += 1
if (i == len(alpha)):
i = 0
ii += 1
if (ii == len(alpha)):
ii = 0
iii += 1
if (iii == len(alpha)):
iii = 0
iiii += 1
if (iiii == len(alpha)):
iiii = 0
iiiii += 1
if (iiiii == len(alpha)):
iiiii = 0
iiiiii += 1
skip_print += 1
skip_print %= 200000
# User Interface and console input
# Get hash type and value from user, exit if invalid
hashType = raw_input("Hash Type?(sha512/sha256): ")
if (hashType != 'sha512' and hashType != 'sha256'):
print "Invalid input (not sha512 or sha256)"
input = raw_input("Input hash to decrypt: ")
# SHA-512 must be 40 characters long
if (len(input) != 128 and hashType == 'sha512'):
print "You did not enter a valid SHA-512 hash (40 characters)"
# SHA256 must be 32 characters long
elif (len(input) != 64 and hashType == 'sha256'):
print "You did not enter a valid SHA256 hash (32 characters)"
# Set up the list to use in testing
alpha = list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
# Additional tests may be added, but they greatly increase the time taken
input2 = raw_input("Include upper-case?(y/n): ")
if (input2 == 'y'):
alpha.extend(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'])
input3 = raw_input("Include numbers?(y/n): ")
if (input3 == 'y'):
alpha.extend(['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'])
# Allow user to start from a specified string to promote parallel computing or save time
input4 = raw_input("Begin from a specific string?(leave blank to start from scratch): ")
# Decrypt and show answer with error handling
decrypt(input, input4)
print "Fatal Error!"
# Show error type and description
print str(sys.exc_type) + ":" + str(sys.exc_value)
# Protect against accidental keypresses leading to loss of data
print "Are you sure you want to exit?"
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