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Last active December 11, 2015 17:19
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  • Save AHK-just-me/4633751 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AHK-just-me/4633751 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Class_SQLiteDB{} - wrapper class for SQLite.dll function calls used to access SQLite databases.
; ======================================================================================================================
; Script Function: Sample script for Class_SQLiteDB.ahk
; AHK Version: L (U32)
; Language: English
; Tested on: Win XPSP3, Win VistaSP2 (32 Bit)
; Author: just me
; ======================================================================================================================
; AHK Settings
; ======================================================================================================================
; #Warn
; #Warn LocalSameAsGlobal, Off
#SingleInstance force
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
SetBatchLines, -1
; ======================================================================================================================
; Includes
#Include Class_SQLiteDB.ahk
; ======================================================================================================================
; Get the Google logo or store a picture named Original.gif in the script's folder and comment this out
FileDelete, Original.gif
URLDownloadToFile,, Original.gif
; ======================================================================================================================
; Start
FileDelete, Blob.gif
DBFileName := A_ScriptDir . "\TEST.DB"
If FileExist(DBFileName) {
SB_SetText("Deleting " . DBFileName)
FileDelete, %DBFileName%
; ======================================================================================================================
; Use Class SQLiteDB : Create new instance
DB := new SQLiteDB
; ======================================================================================================================
; Use Class SQLiteDB : Open/create database and table, insert a BLOB from a GIF file
If !DB.OpenDB(DBFileName) {
MsgBox, 16, SQLite Error, % "Msg:`t" . DB.ErrorMsg . "`nCode:`t" . DB.ErrorCode
HFILE := FileOpen("Original.gif", "r")
Size := HFILE.RawRead(BLOB, HFILE.Length)
If !DB.Exec("CREATE TABLE Test (TextType, BlobType);")
MsgBox, 16, SQLite Error, % "Msg:`t" . DB.ErrorMsg . "`nCode:`t" . DB.ErrorCode
; ? stands for an automatically numbered parameter (here: 1) to use in BlobArray
SQL := "INSERT INTO Test VALUES('Text', ?);"
; Create the BLOB array
BlobArray := []
BlobArray.Insert({Addr: &BLOB, Size: Size}) ; will be inserted as element 1
If !DB.StoreBLOB(SQL, BlobArray)
MsgBox, 16, SQLite Error, % "Msg:`t" . DB.ErrorMsg . "`nCode:`t" . DB.ErrorCode
; ======================================================================================================================
; Start of query using Query() : Get the BLOB from table Test
HFILE := FileOpen("Blob.gif", "w")
If !DB.Query("SELECT * FROM Test;", RecordSet)
MsgBox, 16, SQLite Error: Query, % "Msg:`t" . RecordSet.ErrorMsg . "`nCode:`t" . RecordSet.ErrorCode
If (RecordSet.HasRows) {
If (RecordSet.Next(Row) < 1) {
MsgBox, 16, %A_ThisFunc%, % "Msg:`t" . RecordSet.ErrorMsg . "`nCode:`t" . RecordSet.ErrorCode
Loop, % RecordSet.ColumnCount {
If IsObject(Row[A_Index]) {
Size := Row[A_Index].Size
Addr := Row[A_Index].GetAddress("Blob")
If !(Addr) || !(Size) {
MsgBox, 0, Error, BlobAddr = %Addr% - BlobSize = %Size%
} Else {
HFILE.RawWrite(Addr + 0, Size)
; ======================================================================================================================
; Show the result
Gui, Margin, 20, 20
Gui, Add, Text, Section, Original from Google:
Gui, Add, Pic, y+5, Original.gif
Gui, Add, Text, ys, Copy out of database:
Gui, Add, Pic, y+5, Blob.gif
Gui, Show, , Pictures
FileDelete, Original.gif
FileDelete, Blob.gif
; Function: Class definitions as wrappers for SQLite3.dll to work with SQLite DBs.
; AHK version: (U32) +
; Language: English
; Tested on: Win XPSP3, Win VistaSP2 (32 Bit), SQLite 3.7.6
; Version: me
; me - Added basic BLOB support
; me - Added more advanced BLOB support
; Remarks: Names of "private" properties / methods are prefixed with an underscore,
; they must not be set / called by the script!
; SQLite3.dll file is assumed to be in the script's folder, otherwise you have to
; provide an INI-File SQLiteDB.ini in the script's folder containing the path:
; [Main]
; DllPath=Path to SQLite3.dll
; Encoding of SQLite DBs is assumed to be UTF-8
; Minimum supported SQLite3.dll version is 3.6
; Download the current version of SQLite3.dll (and also SQlite3.exe) from
; This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
; In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the
; use of this software.
; ######################################################################################################################
; BASE _SQLiteDB_ - Do not instantiate!
; ######################################################################################################################
Class _SQLiteDB_ {
Static Version := ""
Static _SQLiteDLL := A_ScriptDir . "\SQLite3.dll"
Static _RefCount := 0
Static _MinVersion := 36
__New() {
MsgBox, 16, % This.__Class, You must not instantiate this class!
; ######################################################################################################################
; CLASS SQliteDB - SQLite main class
; ######################################################################################################################
Class SQLiteDB Extends _SQLiteDB_ {
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; PRIVATE Properties and Methods ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; ===================================================================================================================
; CLASS _Table
; Object returned from method GetTable()
; _Table is an independent object and does not need SQLite after creation at all.
; ===================================================================================================================
Class _Table {
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; CONSTRUCTOR Create instance variables
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
__New() {
This.ColumnCount := 0 ; Number of coumns in the result table (Integer)
This.RowCount := 0 ; Number of rows in the result table (Integer)
This.ColumnNames := [] ; Names of columns in the result table (Array)
This.Rows := [] ; Rows of the result table (Array of Arrays)
This.HasNames := False ; Does var ColumnNames contain names? (Bool)
This.HasRows := False ; Does var Rows contain rows? (Bool)
This._CurrentRow := 0 ; Row index of last returned row (Integer)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; METHOD GetRow Get row for RowIndex
; Parameters: RowIndex - Index of the row to retrieve, the index of the first row is 1
; ByRef Row - Variable to pass out the row array
; Return values: On failure - False
; On success - True, Row contains a valid array
; Remarks: _CurrentRow is set to RowIndex, so a subsequent call of NextRow() will return the
; following row.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetRow(RowIndex, ByRef Row) {
Row := ""
If (RowIndex < 1 || RowIndex > This.RowCount)
Return False
If !This.Rows.HasKey(RowIndex)
Return False
Row := This.Rows[RowIndex]
This._CurrentRow := RowIndex
Return True
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; METHOD Next Get next row depending on _CurrentRow
; Parameters: ByRef Row - Variable to pass out the row array
; Return values: On failure - False, -1 for EOR (end of rows)
; On success - True, Row contains a valid array
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Next(ByRef Row) {
Row := ""
If (This._CurrentRow >= This.RowCount)
Return -1
This._CurrentRow += 1
If !This.Rows.HasKey(This._CurrentRow)
Return False
Row := This.Rows[This._CurrentRow]
Return True
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; METHOD Reset Reset _CurrentRow to zero
; Parameters: None
; Return value: True
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reset() {
This._CurrentRow := 0
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; CLASS _RecordSet
; Object returned from method Query()
; The records (rows) of a recordset can be accessed sequentially per call of Next() starting with the first record.
; After a call of Reset() calls of Next() will start with the first record again.
; When the recordset isn't needed any more, call Free() to free the resources.
; The lifetime of a recordset depends on the lifetime of the related SQLiteDB object.
; ===================================================================================================================
Class _RecordSet {
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; CONSTRUCTOR Create instance variables
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
__New() {
This.ColumnCount := 0 ; Number of columns (Integer)
This.ColumnNames := [] ; Names of columns in the result table (Array)
This.HasNames := False ; Does var ColumnNames contain names? (Bool)
This.HasRows := False ; Does _RecordSet contain rows? (Bool)
This.CurrentRow := 0 ; Index of current row (Integer)
This.ErrorMsg := "" ; Last error message (String)
This.ErrorCode := 0 ; Last SQLite error code / ErrorLevel (Variant)
This._Handle := 0 ; Query handle (Pointer)
This._DB := {} ; SQLiteDB object (Object)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; METHOD Next Get next row of query result
; Parameters: ByRef Row - Variable to store the row array
; Return values: On success - True, Row contains the row array
; On failure - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
; -1 for EOR (end of records)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Next(ByRef Row) {
Static SQLITE_NULL := 5
Static SQLITE_BLOB := 4
Static EOR := -1
Row := ""
This.ErrorMsg := ""
This.ErrorCode := 0
If !(This._Handle) {
This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid query handle!"
Return False
RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_step", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_step failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
If (RC <> This._DB._ReturnCode("SQLITE_ROW")) {
If (RC = This._DB._ReturnCode("SQLITE_DONE")) {
This.ErrorMsg := "EOR"
This.ErrorCode := RC
Return EOR
This.ErrorMsg := This._DB.ErrMsg()
This.ErrorCode := RC
Return False
RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_data_count", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_data_count failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
If (RC < 1) {
This.ErrorMsg := "RecordSet is empty!"
This.ErrorCode := This._DB._ReturnCode("SQLITE_EMPTY")
Return False
Row := []
Loop, %RC% {
Column := A_Index - 1
ColumnType := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_column_type", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Int", Column, "Cdecl Int")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_column_type failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
If (ColumnType = SQLITE_NULL) {
Row[A_Index] := ""
} Else If (ColumnType = SQLITE_BLOB) {
BlobPtr := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_column_blob", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Int", Column, "Cdecl UPtr")
BlobSize := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_column_bytes", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Int", Column, "Cdecl Int")
If (BlobPtr = 0) || (BlobSize = 0) {
Row[A_Index] := ""
} Else {
Row[A_Index] := {}
Row[A_Index].Size := BlobSize
Row[A_Index].Blob := ""
Row[A_Index].SetCapacity("Blob", BlobSize)
Addr := Row[A_Index].GetAddress("Blob")
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\RtlMoveMemory", "Ptr", Addr, "Ptr", BlobPtr, "Ptr", BlobSize)
} Else {
StrPtr := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_column_text", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Int", Column, "Cdecl UPtr")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_column_text failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
Row[A_Index] := StrGet(StrPtr, "UTF-8")
This.CurrentRow += 1
Return True
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; METHOD Reset Reset the result pointer
; Parameters: None
; Return values: On success - True
; On failure - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
; Remarks: After a call of this method you can access the query result via Next() again.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reset() {
This.ErrorMsg := ""
This.ErrorCode := 0
If !(This._Handle) {
This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid query handle!"
Return False
RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_reset", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_reset failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
If (RC) {
This.ErrorMsg := This._DB._ErrMsg()
This.ErrorCode := RC
Return False
This.CurrentRow := 0
Return True
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; METHOD Free Free query result
; Parameters: None
; Return values: On success - True
; On failure - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
; Remarks: After the call of this method further access on the query result is impossible.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Free() {
This.ErrorMsg := ""
This.ErrorCode := 0
If !(This._Handle)
Return True
RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_finalize", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_finalize failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
If (RC) {
This.ErrorMsg := This._DB._ErrMsg()
This.ErrorCode := RC
Return False
This._Handle := 0
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; ===================================================================================================================
__New() {
This._Path := "" ; Database path (String)
This._Handle := 0 ; Database handle (Pointer)
This._Queries := {} ; Valid queries (Object)
If (This.Base._RefCount = 0) {
SQLiteDLL := This.Base._SQLiteDLL
If !FileExist(SQLiteDLL)
If FileExist(A_ScriptDir . "\SQLiteDB.ini") {
IniRead, SQLiteDLL, %A_ScriptDir%\SQLiteDB.ini, Main, DllPath, %SQLiteDLL%
This.Base._SQLiteDLL := SQLiteDLL
If !(DLL := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", This.Base._SQLiteDLL, "UPtr")) {
MsgBox, 16, SQLiteDB Error, % "DLL " . SQLiteDLL . " does not exist!"
This.Base.Version := StrGet(DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_libversion", "Cdecl UPtr"), "UTF-8")
If (SubStr(RegExReplace(This.Base.Version, "\."), 1, 2) < This.Base._MinVersion) {
DllCall("FreeLibrary", "Ptr", DLL)
MsgBox, 16, SQLite ERROR, % "Version " . This.Base.Version . " of SQLite3.dll is not supported!`n`n"
. "You can download the current version from!"
This.Base._RefCount += 1
; ===================================================================================================================
; ===================================================================================================================
__Delete() {
If (This._Handle)
This.Base._RefCount -= 1
If (This.Base._RefCount = 0) {
If (DLL := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "Str", This.Base._SQLiteDLL, "UPtr"))
DllCall("FreeLibrary", "Ptr", DLL)
; ===================================================================================================================
; ===================================================================================================================
_StrToUTF8(Str) {
VarSetCapacity(UTF8, StrPut(Str, "UTF-8"), 0)
StrPut(Str, &UTF8, "UTF-8")
Return UTF8
; ===================================================================================================================
; ===================================================================================================================
_UTF8ToStr(UTF8) {
Return StrGet(UTF8, "UTF-8")
; ===================================================================================================================
; ===================================================================================================================
_ErrMsg() {
If (RC := DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_errmsg", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl UPtr"))
Return StrGet(&RC, "UTF-8")
Return ""
; ===================================================================================================================
; PRIVATE _ErrCode
; ===================================================================================================================
_ErrCode() {
Return DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_errcode", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
; ===================================================================================================================
; PRIVATE _Changes
; ===================================================================================================================
_Changes() {
Return DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_changes", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
; ===================================================================================================================
; PRIVATE _Returncode
; ===================================================================================================================
_ReturnCode(RC) {
Static RCODE := {SQLITE_OK: 0 ; Successful result
, SQLITE_ERROR: 1 ; SQL error or missing database
, SQLITE_INTERNAL: 2 ; NOT USED. Internal logic error in SQLite
, SQLITE_PERM: 3 ; Access permission denied
, SQLITE_ABORT: 4 ; Callback routine requested an abort
, SQLITE_BUSY: 5 ; The database file is locked
, SQLITE_LOCKED: 6 ; A table in the database is locked
, SQLITE_NOMEM: 7 ; A malloc() failed
, SQLITE_READONLY: 8 ; Attempt to write a readonly database
, SQLITE_INTERRUPT: 9 ; Operation terminated by sqlite3_interrupt()
, SQLITE_IOERR: 10 ; Some kind of disk I/O error occurred
, SQLITE_CORRUPT: 11 ; The database disk image is malformed
, SQLITE_NOTFOUND: 12 ; NOT USED. Table or record not found
, SQLITE_FULL: 13 ; Insertion failed because database is full
, SQLITE_CANTOPEN: 14 ; Unable to open the database file
, SQLITE_PROTOCOL: 15 ; NOT USED. Database lock protocol error
, SQLITE_EMPTY: 16 ; Database is empty
, SQLITE_SCHEMA: 17 ; The database schema changed
, SQLITE_TOOBIG: 18 ; String or BLOB exceeds size limit
, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: 19 ; Abort due to constraint violation
, SQLITE_MISMATCH: 20 ; Data type mismatch
, SQLITE_MISUSE: 21 ; Library used incorrectly
, SQLITE_NOLFS: 22 ; Uses OS features not supported on host
, SQLITE_AUTH: 23 ; Authorization denied
, SQLITE_FORMAT: 24 ; Auxiliary database format error
, SQLITE_RANGE: 25 ; 2nd parameter to sqlite3_bind out of range
, SQLITE_NOTADB: 26 ; File opened that is not a database file
, SQLITE_ROW: 100 ; sqlite3_step() has another row ready
, SQLITE_DONE: 101} ; sqlite3_step() has finished executing
Return RCODE.HasKey(RC) ? RCODE[RC] : ""
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; PUBLIC Interface ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; ===================================================================================================================
; Properties
; ===================================================================================================================
ErrorMsg := "" ; Error message (String)
ErrorCode := 0 ; SQLite error code / ErrorLevel (Variant)
Changes := 0 ; Changes made by last call of Exec() (Integer)
SQL := "" ; Last executed SQL statement (String)
; ===================================================================================================================
; METHOD OpenDB Open a database
; Parameters: DBPath - Path of the database file
; Access - Wanted access: "R"ead / "W"rite
; Create - Create new database in write mode, if it doesn't exist
; Return values: On success - True
; On failure - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
; Remarks: If DBPath is empty in write mode, a database called ":memory:" is created in memory
; and deletet on call of CloseDB.
; ===================================================================================================================
OpenDB(DBPath, Access = "W", Create = True) {
Static SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY := 0x01 ; Database opened as read-only
Static SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE := 0x02 ; Database opened as read-write
Static SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE := 0x04 ; Database will be created if not exists
Static MEMDB := ":memory:"
This.ErrorMsg := ""
This.ErrorCode := 0
HDB := 0
If (DBPath = "")
If (DBPath = This._Path) && (This._Handle)
Return True
If (This._Handle) {
This.ErrorMsg := "You must first close DB " . This._Path . "!"
Return False
Flags := 0
Access := SubStr(Access, 1, 1)
If (Access <> "W") && (Access <> "R")
Access := "R"
If (Access = "W") {
If (Create)
This._Path := DBPath
UTF8 := This._StrToUTF8(DBPath)
RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_open_v2", "Ptr", &UTF8, "PtrP", HDB, "Int", Flags, "Ptr", 0, "Cdecl Int")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This._Path := ""
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_open_v2 failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
If (RC) {
This._Path := ""
This.ErrorMsg := This._ErrMsg()
This.ErrorCode := RC
Return False
This._Handle := HDB
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; METHOD CloseDB Close database
; Parameters: None
; Return values: On success - True
; On failure - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
; ===================================================================================================================
CloseDB() {
This.ErrorMsg := ""
This.ErrorCode := 0
This.SQL := ""
If !(This._Handle)
Return True
For Each, Query in This._Queries
DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_finalize", "Ptr", Query, "Cdecl Int")
RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_close", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_close failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
If (RC) {
This.ErrorMsg := This._ErrMsg()
This.ErrorCode := RC
Return False
This._Path := ""
This._Handle := ""
This._Queries := []
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; METHOD Exec Execute SQL statement
; Parameters: SQL - Valid SQL statement
; Callback - Name of a callback function to invoke for each result row coming out
; of the evaluated SQL statements.
; The function must accept 4 parameters:
; 1: SQLiteDB object
; 2: Number of columns
; 3: Pointer to an array of pointers to columns text
; 4: Pointer to an array of pointers to column names
; The address of the current SQL string is passed in A_EventInfo.
; If the callback function returns non-zero, DB.Exec() returns SQLITE_ABORT
; without invoking the callback again and without running any subsequent
; SQL statements.
; Return values: On success - True, the number of changed rows is given in property Changes
; On failure - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
; ===================================================================================================================
Exec(SQL, Callback = "") {
This.ErrorMsg := ""
This.ErrorCode := 0
This.SQL := SQL
If !(This._Handle) {
This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid dadabase handle!"
Return False
CBPtr := 0
Err := 0
If (FO := Func(Callback)) && (FO.MinParams = 4)
CBPtr := RegisterCallback(Callback, "F C", 4, &SQL)
UTF8 := This._StrToUTF8(SQL)
RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_exec", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Ptr", &UTF8, "Int", CBPtr, "Ptr", Object(This)
, "PtrP", Err, "Cdecl Int")
CallError := ErrorLevel
If (CBPtr)
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GlobalFree", "Ptr", CBPtr)
If (CallError) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_exec failed!"
This.ErrorCode := CallError
Return False
If (RC) {
This.ErrorMsg := StrGet(Err, "UTF-8")
This.ErrorCode := RC
DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_free", "Ptr", Err, "Cdecl")
Return False
This.Changes := This._Changes()
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; METHOD GetTable Get complete result for SELECT query
; Parameters: SQL - SQL SELECT statement
; ByRef TB - Variable to store the result object (TB _Table)
; MaxResult - Number of rows to return:
; 0 Complete result (default)
; -1 Return only RowCount and ColumnCount
; -2 Return counters and array ColumnNames
; n Return counters and ColumnNames and first n rows
; Return values: On success - True, TB contains the result object
; On failure - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
; ===================================================================================================================
GetTable(SQL, ByRef TB, MaxResult = 0) {
TB := ""
This.ErrorMsg := ""
This.ErrorCode := 0
This.SQL := SQL
If !(This._Handle) {
This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid dadabase handle!"
Return False
If !RegExMatch(SQL, "i)^\s*SELECT\s") {
This.ErrorMsg := "Method " . A_ThisFunc . " requires a SELECT-Statement!"
Return False
Names := ""
Err := 0, RC := 0, GetRows := 0
I := 0, Rows := Cols := 0
Table := 0
If MaxResult Is Not Integer
MaxResult := 0
If (MaxResult < -2)
MaxResult := 0
UTF8 := This._StrToUTF8(SQL)
RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_get_table", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Ptr", &UTF8, "PtrP", Table
, "IntP", Rows, "IntP", Cols, "PtrP", Err, "Cdecl Int")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_get_table failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
If (RC) {
This.ErrorMsg := StrGet(Err, "UTF-8")
This.ErrorCode := RC
DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_free", "Ptr", Err, "Cdecl")
Return False
TB := new This._Table
TB.ColumnCount := Cols
TB.RowCount := Rows
If (MaxResult = -1) {
DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_free_table", "Ptr", Table, "Cdecl")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_free_table failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
Return True
If (MaxResult = -2)
GetRows := 0
Else If (MaxResult > 0) && (MaxResult <= Rows)
GetRows := MaxResult
GetRows := Rows
Offset := 0
Names := Array()
Loop, %Cols% {
Names[A_Index] := StrGet(NumGet(Table+0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8")
Offset += A_PtrSize
TB.ColumnNames := Names
TB.HasNames := True
Loop, %GetRows% {
I := A_Index
TB.Rows[I] := []
Loop, %Cols% {
TB.Rows[I][A_Index] := StrGet(NumGet(Table+0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8")
Offset += A_PtrSize
If (GetRows)
TB.HasRows := True
DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_free_table", "Ptr", Table, "Cdecl")
If (ErrorLevel) {
TB := ""
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_free_table failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; METHOD Query Get "recordset" object for prepared SELECT query
; Parameters: SQL - SQL SELECT statement
; ByRef RS - Variable to store the result object (Class _RecordSet)
; Return values: On success - True, RS contains the result object
; On failure - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
; ===================================================================================================================
Query(SQL, ByRef RS) {
RS := ""
This.ErrorMsg := ""
This.ErrorCode := 0
This.SQL := SQL
ColumnCount := 0
HasRows := False
If !(This._Handle) {
This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid dadabase handle!"
Return False
If !RegExMatch(SQL, "i)^\s*SELECT\s") {
This.ErrorMsg := "Method " . A_ThisFunc . " requires a SELECT statement!"
Return False
Query := 0
UTF8 := This._StrToUTF8(SQL)
RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_prepare_v2", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Ptr", &UTF8, "Int", -1
, "PtrP", Query, "Ptr", 0, "Cdecl Int")
If (ErrorLeveL) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_prepare_v2 failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
If (RC) {
This.ErrorMsg := This._ErrMsg()
This.ErrorCode := RC
Return False
RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_column_count", "Ptr", Query, "Cdecl Int")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_column_count failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
If (RC < 1) {
This.ErrorMsg := "Query result is empty!"
This.ErrorCode := This._ReturnCode("SQLITE_EMPTY")
Return False
ColumnCount := RC
Names := []
Loop, %RC% {
StrPtr := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_column_name", "Ptr", Query, "Int", A_Index - 1, "Cdecl UPtr")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_column_name failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
Names[A_Index] := StrGet(StrPtr, "UTF-8")
RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_step", "Ptr", Query, "Cdecl Int")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_step failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
If (RC = This._ReturnCode("SQLITE_ROW"))
HasRows := True
RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_reset", "Ptr", Query, "Cdecl Int")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_reset failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
RS := new This._RecordSet
RS.ColumnCount := ColumnCount
RS.ColumnNames := Names
RS.HasNames := True
RS.HasRows := HasRows
RS._Handle := Query
RS._DB := This
This._Queries.Insert(Query, Query)
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; METHOD LastInsertRowID Get the ROWID of the last inserted row
; Parameters: ByRef RowID - Variable to store the ROWID
; Return values: On success - True, RowID contains the ROWID
; On failure - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
; ===================================================================================================================
LastInsertRowID(ByRef RowID) {
This.ErrorMsg := ""
This.ErrorCode := 0
This.SQL := ""
If !(This._Handle) {
This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid dadabase handle!"
Return False
RowID := 0
RC := DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_last_insert_rowid", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int64")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_last_insert_rowid failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
RowID := RC
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; METHOD TotalChanges Get the number of changed rows since connecting to the database
; Parameters: ByRef Rows - Variable to store the number of rows
; Return values: On success - True, Rows contains the number of rows
; On failure - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
; ===================================================================================================================
TotalChanges(ByRef Rows) {
This.ErrorMsg := ""
This.ErrorCode := 0
This.SQL := ""
If !(This._Handle) {
This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid dadabase handle!"
Return False
Rows := 0
RC := DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_total_changes", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_total_changes failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
Rows := RC
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; METHOD SetTimeout Set the timeout to wait before SQLITE_BUSY or SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED is returned,
; when a table is locked.
; Parameters: TimeOut - Time to wait in milliseconds
; Return values: On success - True
; On failure - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
; ===================================================================================================================
SetTimeout(Timeout = 1000) {
This.ErrorMsg := ""
This.ErrorCode := 0
This.SQL := ""
If !(This._Handle) {
This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid dadabase handle!"
Return False
If Timeout Is Not Integer
Timeout := 1000
RC := DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_busy_timeout", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_busy_timeout failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
If (RC) {
This.ErrorMsg := This._ErrMsg()
This.ErrorCode := RC
Return False
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; METHOD EscapeStr Escapes special characters in a string to be used as field content
; Parameters: Str - String to be escaped
; Quote - Add single quotes around the outside of the total string (True / False)
; Return values: On success - True
; On failure - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
; ===================================================================================================================
EscapeStr(ByRef Str, Quote = True) {
This.ErrorMsg := ""
This.ErrorCode := 0
This.SQL := ""
If !(This._Handle) {
This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid dadabase handle!"
Return False
If Str Is Number
Return True
OP := Quote ? "%Q" : "%q"
OP := This._StrToUTF8(OP)
UTF8 := This._StrToUTF8(Str)
Ptr := DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_mprintf", "Ptr", &OP, "Ptr", &UTF8, "Cdecl UPtr")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_mprintf failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
Str := This._UTF8ToStr(Ptr)
DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_free", "Ptr", Ptr, "Cdecl")
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; METHOD StoreBLOB Use BLOBs as parameters of an INSERT/UPDATE/REPLACE statement.
; Parameters: SQL - SQL statement to be compiled
; BlobArray - Array of objects containing two keys/value pairs:
; Addr : Address of the (variable containing the) BLOB.
; Size : Size of the BLOB in bytes.
; Return values: On success - True
; On failure - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
; Remarks: For each BLOB in the row you have to specify a ? parameter within the statement. The
; parameters are numbered automatically from left to right starting with 1.
; For each parameter you have to pass an object within BlobArray containing the address
; and the size of the BLOB.
; ===================================================================================================================
StoreBLOB(SQL, BlobArray) {
This.ErrorMsg := ""
This.ErrorCode := 0
If !(This._Handle) {
This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid dadabase handle!"
Return False
If !RegExMatch(SQL, "i)^\s*(INSERT|UPDATE|REPLACE)\s") {
This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . " requires an INSERT/UPDATE/REPLACE statement!"
Return False
Query := 0
UTF8 := This._StrToUTF8(SQL)
RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_prepare_v2", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Ptr", &UTF8, "Int", -1
, "PtrP", Query, "Ptr", 0, "Cdecl Int")
If (ErrorLeveL) {
This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": DLLCall sqlite3_prepare_v2 failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
If (RC) {
This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": " . This._ErrMsg()
This.ErrorCode := RC
Return False
For BlobNum, Blob In BlobArray {
If !(Blob.Addr) || !(Blob.Size) {
This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": Invalid parameter BlobArray!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_bind_blob", "Ptr", Query, "Int", BlobNum, "Ptr", Blob.Addr
, "Int", Blob.Size, "Ptr", SQLITE_STATIC, "Cdecl Int")
If (ErrorLeveL) {
This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": DLLCall sqlite3_prepare_v2 failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
If (RC) {
This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": " . This._ErrMsg()
This.ErrorCode := RC
Return False
RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_step", "Ptr", Query, "Cdecl Int")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": DLLCall sqlite3_step failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
If (RC) && (RC <> This._ReturnCode("SQLITE_DONE")) {
This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": " . This._ErrMsg()
This.ErrorCode := RC
Return False
RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_finalize", "Ptr", Query, "Cdecl Int")
If (ErrorLevel) {
This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": DLLCall sqlite3_finalize failed!"
This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
Return False
If (RC) {
This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": " . This._ErrMsg()
This.ErrorCode := RC
Return False
Return True
; ======================================================================================================================
; Script Function: Sample script for Class_SQLiteDB.ahk
; AHK Version: L (U 32)
; Language: English
; Tested on: Win XPSP3, Win VistaSP2 (32 Bit)
; Author: just me
; Version: me
; ======================================================================================================================
; AHK Settings
; ======================================================================================================================
; #Warn
#SingleInstance force
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
SetBatchLines, -1
OnExit, GuiClose
; ======================================================================================================================
; Includes
; ======================================================================================================================
#Include Class_SQLiteDB.ahk
; ======================================================================================================================
; Start & GUI
; ======================================================================================================================
DBFileName := A_ScriptDir . "\TEST.DB"
Title := "SQL Query/Command ListView Function GUI"
If FileExist(DBFileName) {
SB_SetText("Deleting " . DBFileName)
FileDelete, %DBFileName%
Gui, +LastFound +OwnDialogs +Disabled
Gui, Margin, 10, 10
Gui, Add, Text, w100 h20 0x200 vTX, SQL statement:
Gui, Add, ComboBox, x+0 ym w590 vSQL Sort, %CBBSQL%
GuiControlGet, P, Pos, SQL
GuiControl, Move, TX, h%PH%
Gui, Add, Button, ym w80 hp vRun gRunSQL Default, Run
Gui, Add, Text, xm h20 w100 0x200, Table name:
Gui, Add, Edit, x+0 yp w150 hp vTable, Test
Gui, Add, Button, Section x+10 yp wp hp gGetTable, Get _Table
Gui, Add, Button, x+10 yp wp hp gGetRecordSet, Get _RecordSet
Gui, Add, GroupBox, xm w780 h330, Results
Gui, Add, ListView, xp+10 yp+18 w760 h300 vResultsLV +LV0x00010000
Gui, Add, StatusBar,
Gui, Show, , %Title%
; ======================================================================================================================
; Use Class SQLiteDB : Initialize and get lib version
; ======================================================================================================================
SB_SetText("SQLiteDB new")
DB := new SQLiteDB
Sleep, 1000
Version := DB.Version
WinSetTitle, %Title% - SQLite3.dll v %Version%
Sleep, 1000
; ======================================================================================================================
; Use Class SQLiteDB : Open/Create database and table
; ======================================================================================================================
If !DB.OpenDB(DBFileName) {
MsgBox, 16, SQLite Error, % "Msg:`t" . DB.ErrorMsg . "`nCode:`t" . DB.ErrorCode
Sleep, 1000
SB_SetText("Exec: CREATE TABLE")
SQL := "CREATE TABLE Test (Name, Fname, Phone, Room, PRIMARY KEY(Name ASC, FName ASC));"
If !DB.Exec(SQL)
MsgBox, 16, SQLite Error, % "Msg:`t" . DB.ErrorMsg . "`nCode:`t" . DB.ErrorCode
Sleep, 1000
SB_SetText("Exec: INSERT 1000 rows")
Start := A_TickCount
SQLStr := ""
_SQL := "INSERT INTO Test VALUES('Näme#', 'Fname#', 'Phone#', 'Room#');"
Loop, 1000 {
StringReplace, SQL, _SQL, #, %A_Index%, All
If !DB.Exec(SQLStr)
MsgBox, 16, SQLite Error, % "Msg:`t" . DB.ErrorMsg . "`nCode:`t" . DB.ErrorCode
SQLStr := ""
SB_SetText("Exec: INSERT 1000 rows done in " . (A_TickCount - Start) . " ms")
Sleep, 1000
; ======================================================================================================================
; Use Class SQLiteDB : Using Exec() with callback function
; ======================================================================================================================
SB_SetText("Exec: Using a callback function")
DB.Exec(SQL, "SQLiteExecCallBack")
; ======================================================================================================================
; Use Class SQLiteDB : Get some informations
; ======================================================================================================================
If !DB.LastInsertRowID(RowID)
MsgBox, 16, SQLite Error, % "Msg:`t" . DB.ErrorMsg . "`nCode:`t" . DB.ErrorCode
GuiControl, -ReDraw, ResultsLV
ColCount := LV_GetCount("Column")
Loop, %ColCount%
LV_InsertCol(1,"", "LastInsertedRowID")
LV_Add("", RowID)
GuiControl, +ReDraw, ResultsLV
Sleep, 1000
SB_SetText("SQLite_GetTable : " . SQL)
Result := ""
If !DB.GetTable(SQL, Result)
MsgBox, 16, SQLite Error: GetTable, % "Msg:`t" . DB.ErrorMsg . "`nCode:`t" . DB.ErrorCode
Sleep, 1000
; ======================================================================================================================
; Start of query using Query() : Get the column names for table Test
; ======================================================================================================================
SQL := "SELECT * FROM Test;"
SB_SetText("Query : " . SQL)
If !DB.Query(SQL, RecordSet)
MsgBox, 16, SQLite Error: Query, % "Msg:`t" . RecordSet.ErrorMsg . "`nCode:`t" . RecordSet.ErrorCode
GuiControl, -ReDraw, ResultsLV
ColCount := LV_GetCount("Column")
Loop, %ColCount%
LV_InsertCol(1,"", "Column names")
Loop, % RecordSet.ColumnCount
LV_Add("", RecordSet.ColumnNames[A_Index])
LV_ModifyCol(1, "AutoHdr")
GuiControl, +ReDraw, ResultsLV
; ======================================================================================================================
; End of query using Query()
; ======================================================================================================================
Gui, -Disabled
; ======================================================================================================================
; Gui Subs
; ======================================================================================================================
If !DB.CloseDB()
MsgBox, 16, SQLite Error, % "Msg:`t" . DB.ErrorMsg . "`nCode:`t" . DB.ErrorCode
Gui, Destroy
; ======================================================================================================================
; Other Subs
; ======================================================================================================================
; "One step" query using GetTable()
; ======================================================================================================================
Gui, Submit, NoHide
Result := ""
SQL := "SELECT * FROM " . Table . ";"
SB_SetText("GetTable: " . SQL)
Start := A_TickCount
If !DB.GetTable(SQL, Result)
MsgBox, 16, SQLite Error, % "Msg:`t" . DB.ErrorMsg . "`nCode:`t" . DB.ErrorCode
SB_SetText("GetTable: " . SQL . " done in " . (A_TickCount - Start) . " ms")
; ======================================================================================================================
; Show results for prepared query using Query()
; ======================================================================================================================
Gui, Submit, NoHide
SQL := "SELECT * FROM " . Table . ";"
SB_SetText("Query: " . SQL)
RecordSet := ""
Start := A_TickCount
If !DB.Query(SQL, RecordSet)
MsgBox, 16, SQLite Error: Query, % "Msg:`t" . RecordSet.ErrorMsg . "`nCode:`t" . RecordSet.ErrorCode
SB_SetText("Query: " . SQL . " done in " . (A_TickCount - Start) . " ms")
; ======================================================================================================================
; Execute SQL statement using Exec() / GetTable()
; ======================================================================================================================
Gui, +OwnDialogs
GuiControlGet, SQL
If SQL Is Space
SB_SetText("No text entered")
If !InStr("`n" . CBBSQL . "`n", "`n" . SQL . "`n") {
GuiControl, , SQL, %SQL%
CBBSQL .= "`n" . SQL
If (SubStr(SQL, 0) <> ";")
SQL .= ";"
Result := ""
If RegExMatch(SQL, "i)^\s*SELECT\s") {
SB_SetText("GetTable: " . SQL)
If !DB.GetTable(SQL, Result)
MsgBox, 16, SQLite Error: GetTable, % "Msg:`t" . DB.ErrorMsg . "`nCode:`t" . DB.ErrorCode
SB_SetText("GetTable: " . SQL . " done!")
} Else {
SB_SetText("Exec: " . SQL)
If !DB.Exec(SQL)
MsgBox, 16, SQLite Error: Exec, % "Msg:`t" . DB.ErrorMsg . "`nCode:`t" . DB.ErrorCode
SB_SetText("Exec: " . SQL . " done!")
; ======================================================================================================================
; Exec() callback function sample
; ======================================================================================================================
SQLiteExecCallBack(DB, ColumnCount, ColumnValues, ColumnNames) {
This := Object(DB)
MsgBox, 0, %A_ThisFunc%
, % "SQLite version: " . This.Version . "`n"
. "SQL statement: " . StrGet(A_EventInfo) . "`n"
. "Number of columns: " . ColumnCount . "`n"
. "Name of first column: " . StrGet(NumGet(ColumnNames + 0, "UInt"), "UTF-8") . "`n"
. "Value of first column: " . StrGet(NumGet(ColumnValues + 0, "UInt"), "UTF-8")
Return 0
; ======================================================================================================================
; Show results
; ======================================================================================================================
ShowTable(Table) {
Local ColCount, RowCount, Row
GuiControl, -ReDraw, ResultsLV
ColCount := LV_GetCount("Column")
Loop, %ColCount%
If (Table.HasNames) {
Loop, % Table.ColumnCount
LV_InsertCol(A_Index,"", Table.ColumnNames[A_Index])
If (Table.HasRows) {
Loop, % Table.RowCount {
RowCount := LV_Add("", "")
Loop, % Table.ColumnCount
LV_Modify(RowCount, "Col" . A_Index, Row[A_Index])
Loop, % Table.ColumnCount
LV_ModifyCol(A_Index, "AutoHdr")
GuiControl, +ReDraw, ResultsLV
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ShowRecordSet(RecordSet) {
Local ColCount, RowCount, Row, RC
GuiControl, -ReDraw, ResultsLV
ColCount := LV_GetCount("Column")
Loop, %ColCount%
If (RecordSet.HasNames) {
Loop, % RecordSet.ColumnCount
LV_InsertCol(A_Index,"", RecordSet.ColumnNames[A_Index])
If (RecordSet.HasRows) {
If (RecordSet.Next(Row) < 1) {
MsgBox, 16, %A_ThisFunc%, % "Msg:`t" . RecordSet.ErrorMsg . "`nCode:`t" . RecordSet.ErrorCode
Loop {
RowCount := LV_Add("", "")
Loop, % RecordSet.ColumnCount
LV_Modify(RowCount, "Col" . A_Index, Row[A_Index])
RC := RecordSet.Next(Row)
} Until (RC < 1)
If (RC = 0)
MsgBox, 16, %A_ThisFunc%, % "Msg:`t" . RecordSet.ErrorMsg . "`nCode:`t" . RecordSet.ErrorCode
Loop, % RecordSet.ColumnCount
LV_ModifyCol(A_Index, "AutoHdr")
GuiControl, +ReDraw, ResultsLV
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