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Created February 10, 2024 09:36
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Summarizing a text with LangChain and Ollama and StableLM 2.
# Get a Mac with Apple Silicon tech or a PC with NVIDA GPU and Linux.
# Install all necessary dependencies.
# Install Ollama:
# Pull stablelm2: ollama pull stablelm2
# If ollama does not run as a service, run: ollama serve
import time, datetime
import colorama
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.chains.summarize import load_summarize_chain
from langchain_community.document_loaders import WebBaseLoader
from langchain.text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter
# Take the current time.
start_time = time.time()
# Create a connection to the local Ollama server.
llm = ChatOpenAI(
openai_api_key="Not needed for local server",
# Downloading the data from the web.
url = ""
loader = WebBaseLoader(url)
docs = loader.load()
# Split the documents into chunks.
text_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter.from_tiktoken_encoder(
chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=0
split_docs = text_splitter.split_documents(docs)
# Summarize the documents.
chain = load_summarize_chain(llm, chain_type="refine")
summary = chain.invoke(split_docs)["output_text"]
# Print the summary.
print("Summary: ")
print(colorama.Fore.GREEN + summary + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL)
# Print the elapsed time. Use timedelta.
end_time = time.time()
print("Elapsed time: ", datetime.timedelta(seconds=end_time - start_time))
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