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Created November 8, 2023 10:53
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Demo Script
Hello everyone, I am Sneha Roy, working as a full-stack AI Engineer and recently I have been working on Generative AI projects.
Today, I will be showcasing a solution that we have developed.........."GCC KB Chatbot".
it is an intelligent assistant tailored to simplify how call centers operate, in this case.. the GCC team.
GCC faces a significant challenge managing a high volume of tickets daily.
Each of these tickets is needing assistance, and each minute spent resolving one is critical.
Traditionally, our colleagues at GCC relied on a comprehensive but cumbersome Knowledge Base (KB) to find solutions,
which significantly contributed to longer turnaround times.
That's where our solution comes in... it drastically reduces the time taken to resolve tickets. Acting as a virtual agent,
it recommends step-by-step solutions to the end user drawing from the same KB manual but with the speed and
efficiency that only Generative AI can offer.
We have leveraged GPT-3.5 Turbo of Azure's OpenAI, and have implemented the workflow with advanced prompt techniques.
These include rule-based prompting, where the chatbot understands the context through predefined rules,
and instruction-based prompting, where it follows specific instructions to provide accurate responses.
Before we go to demo, is there any questions?
Let's jump in the demo now.............
And that concludes our demo. There are multiple benefits of this solution:
One is from the efficiency standpoint. Other includes: 24/7 Availability, Cost-Effective: It reduces the need for a large workforce,
cutting down operational costs significantly and Scalability: The system can handle
a surge in tickets without the need for extra resources, etc.
As we look ahead, we are exploring improvements on
We aim to integrate multilingual support to break language barriers and make our solution globally accessible.
and incorporating more advanced analytics to provide insights into customer interactions and further refine the chatbot's performance.
That's all...... Arko do you like to add anything?
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