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AJLoveChina / customPromise.js
Created August 22, 2018 01:17
custom promise. is likely as the window.Promise
let once = function (fn) {
let used = false;
return function () {
if (!used) {
fn.apply(null, arguments);
used = true;
AJLoveChina / msci.txt
Created May 15, 2018 01:41
代码 600893 601288 601111 600271 000898 600585 600816 000768 600705 601169 601988 601328 601997 600926 600919 601009 002142 601229 600019 601992 600008 002385 002310 002153 600085 000725 002594 000783 600372 601998 601800 601939 600115 601818 600977 600340 600068 600297 601118 000039 601888 601628 600036 600999 001979 600016 603993 601117 601985 600111 601611 601601 600028 601186 601390 000999 600482 600118 601668 600029 601098 000002 600900 600373 000625 000839 600030 601866 601919 601766 601006 002065 000 生 23 601198 000413 600804 601788 000157 简称航发动力农业银行中国国航航天信息鞍钢股份;每螺水泥安信信托中航飞机中航资本北京银行中国银行交通银行贵阳银行杭州银行江苏银行南京银行宁波银行上海银行宝钢股份金隅集团首创股份大北农东方园林石基信息同仁堂京东方 A 比亚迪长江证券中航电子中信银行中国交建建设银行东方航空光大银行中国电影华夏幸福葛洲坝广汇汽车海南橡胶中集集团中国国旅中国人寿招商银行招商证券招商蛇口民生银行洛阳宝目业中国化学中国核电北方稀土中国核建中国太保中国石化中国铁建中国中铁华润三九中国动力中国卫星中国建筑南方航空中南传媒万科 A 长江电力中文传媒长安汽车中信国安中信证券中远海发中远海 1 空中国中车大秦铁路东华软件东阿阿胶东兴证券东旭光电鹏博士光大证券中联重科代码 600516 000402 002797 002027 603288 601901 601155 600660 600383 000776 002558 002241 000651 600606 601333 601238 600332 002465 002736 601211 000728 600837
mybatis generator 每次生成之前,记得要清除上一次生成的记录文件(xml,dao,model),否则会有不可预测的异常发生(比如:无法部署到tomcat,spring装配异常)
AJLoveChina /
Created November 22, 2016 14:20
do not put xml,json.. files inside src/main/java

do not put xml,json.. files inside src/main/java, otherwise put them inside src/main/resources, so maven install will include them in war file.

AJLoveChina /
Last active November 22, 2016 12:21
maven add custom jars to local maven home

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file> -DgroupId=<group-id>
-DartifactId=<artifact-id> -Dversion=<version> -Dpackaging=<packaging>

Such as:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=G:\XAMPP\htdocs\Github\meAjax\neon\hyy\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\lib\taobao-sdk-java-auto_1455716734757-20160803.jar -DartifactId=nigeerhuo-taobao1 -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar

AJLoveChina / Difference Between ClassNotFoundException Vs NoClassDefFoundError In Java
Last active November 22, 2016 11:18
Difference Between ClassNotFoundException Vs NoClassDefFoundError In Java
In Java, both ClassNotFoundException and NoClassDefFoundError occur when a particular class is not found at run time.
But, they occur at different scenarios. ClassNotFoundException is an exception which occurs when you try to load a class
at run time using Class.forName() or loadClass() methods and mentioned classes are not found in the classpath.
On the other hand, NoClassDefFoundError is an error which occurs when a particular class is present at compile time
but it was missing at run time. In this tutorial, we will see the differences between ClassNotFoundException Vs NoClassDefFoundError
in java and when they occur.
AJLoveChina / Tomcat
Last active October 8, 2016 11:55
Tomcat Proxy Configuration

My Tomcat is 7.0 on Windows7 64bit.

Steps :

  1. Go To Tomcat installed directory and open /bin directory
  2. Open catalina.bat with notepad, and add SET "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dhttp.proxyHost=Your Personal Host -Dhttp.proxyPort=Your Personal Port" , remember replacing the host and port as your own.
  3. OK!

such as :

>if not "%LOGGING_CONFIG%" == "" goto noJuliConfig

AJLoveChina /
Created November 24, 2015 03:25
How to type any ascii char on windows?

Type any Ascii character on windows

这几天用markdown写一些文字, 遇到一个问题, 就是如何敲 ` 这个字符

因为它可以组合成一个按键的样式 `key` => key 但是, 我在键盘上怎么也找不到 ` 这个字符

后来, Google一下发现有个小技巧, 三步敲出任意Ascii字符 (以`为例):

  • Press Alt and hold, 按住alt键不放
  • Press 96, 敲9再敲6
AJLoveChina /
Last active November 24, 2015 03:09


即使安装了`git`(注意是 git, 不是github for windows)Webstorm在使用`bower`的时候也出现`git`不是命令的错误 原因很简单, 因为`git`不是全局的命令, 也就是说你打开 命令行, 敲`git`会提示你不是内部命令