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Save AJpon/20e751bb53c310d052b62f26d883fc3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Windows版 GoogleDriveFS (GoogleDriveDesktop) にある、マウントポイントを自動的にLocalizeする機能のオンオフを切り替えるPowerShellスクリプト
[ValidateSet("machine", "user")]
[string]$scope = "user",
if ($help) {
Write-Output "`nThis script accepts the following arguments:"
Write-Output "--scope: Specify 'machine' or 'user'. The default is 'user'."
Write-Output "-?: Displays this help."
function Start-DriveFS {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if ($maxTryCount -lt 1) {
Write-Error "Failed to start GoogleDriveFS.exe.: Max try count reached."
throw "Failed to start GoogleDriveFS.exe."
Exit 1
try {
Start-Process -FilePath $driveFS -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Output "GoogleDriveFS.exe restarted.`n"
# Wait 10 sec for detect the process crash
Write-Output "Waiting for GoogleDriveFS.exe to start..."
for ($i = 0; $i -le 100; $i++) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing" -Status "$i% Complete:" -PercentComplete $i
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing" -Status "100% Complete:" -Completed
# Check if GoogleDriveFS.exe is running
$driveFSProcess = Get-Process -Name "GoogleDriveFS" -ErrorAction Stop
if ($driveFSProcess) {
Write-Output "GoogleDriveFS.exe is running.`nProcess ID: $($driveFSProcess.Id)`n`nProcess complete."
Exit 0
else {
throw "GoogleDriveFS.exe is not running."
catch {
Write-Error "Failed to restart GoogleDriveFS.exe.: $_ "
Write-Output "Try restoring the registry key from $backupPath."
Copy-Item -Path $backupPath -Destination $regPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Output "Registry key restored from $backupPath.`n"
Write-Output "Retry to start GoogleDriveFS..."
Stert-DriveFS -maxTryCount ($maxTryCount - 1)
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
$drivefsConfigPathUser = "HKCU:\Software\Google\DriveFS"
$drivefsConfigPathMachine = "HKLM:\Software\Google\DriveFS"
$propertyName = "DisableLocalizedVirtualFolders"
$drivefsInfoPath = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{6BBAE539-2232-434A-A4E5-9A33560C6283}"
$installLocation = Get-ItemProperty -Path $drivefsInfoPath -Name "InstallLocation" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -ne $installLocation.InstallLocation) {
$driveFS = $installLocation.InstallLocation
try {
Write-Output "`nStopping GoogleDriveFS.exe..."
Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.Path -eq $driveFS } | Stop-Process -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Output "GoogleDriveFS.exe stopped.`n"
catch {
Write-Error "Failed to stop GoogleDriveFS.exe.: $_ `nPlease close Google Drive Desktop manually. And try again."
Exit 1
$regPath = if ($scope -eq "machine") { $drivefsConfigPathMachine } elseif ($scope -eq "user") { $drivefsConfigPathUser }
Write-Output "Backing up registry key: $regPath..."
$backupPath = "$regPath.bak"
if (Test-Path $backupPath) {
Remove-Item -Path $backupPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Copy-Item -Path $regPath -Destination $backupPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Output "Backup created at $backupPath.`n"
Write-Output "Toggling $propertyName..."
try {
$propertyValue = Get-ItemProperty -Path $regPath -Name $propertyName -ErrorAction Stop
$currentValue = [bool]$propertyValue.$propertyName
Write-Output "$propertyName found in `e[95m$regPath`e[0m.`nValue is ${currentValue}."
# Toggle the value
# $propertyValue is DWORD
$newValue = -not $propertyValue.$propertyName
Set-ItemProperty -Path $regPath -Name $propertyName -Value $newValue -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Output "`n`e[95m$propertyName`e[0m toggled to `e[96m`e[1m`e[4m$newValue`e[0m."
catch {
Write-Output "$propertyName does not exist in `e[95m$regPath`e[0m. `nCreating..."
New-ItemProperty -Path $regPath -Name $propertyName -Value 1 -PropertyType DWORD -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Output "$propertyName created with value 1."
Write-Output "`nRestarting GoogleDriveFS.exe..."
Start-DriveFS -maxTryCount 3
else {
Write-Error "Cannot resolve Google Drive Desktop install location.`nPlease Install or Repair Google Drive Desktop."
Exit 1
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