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My PowerShell Profiles
# Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
# ##############################################################################
# This profile is for the current user
# This profile loads when the current user opens the PowerShell console
# To create a profile for all users, create a profile in the $PSHOME directory
# To create a profile for the current user, create a profile in the $PROFILE directory
# To find the $PROFILE directory, run $PROFILE in the PowerShell console
# To find the $PSHOME directory, run $PSHOME in the PowerShell console
# ##############################################################################
# consts for Color and Style of the prompt
# ANSI Escape Code
Set-Variable -Name "bcolors" -Value (New-Module -AsCustomObject -ScriptBlock {
[string]$BGRED = "`e[41m"
[string]$BGGREEN = "`e[42m"
[string]$BGYELLOW = "`e[43m"
[string]$BGBLUE = "`e[44m"
[string]$BGMAGENDA = "`e[45m"
[string]$BGCYAN = "`e[46m"
[string]$RED = "`e[91m"
[string]$GREEN = "`e[92m"
[string]$YELLOW = "`e[93m"
[string]$BLUE = "`e[94m"
[string]$MAGENDA = "`e[95m"
[string]$CYAN = "`e[96m"
[string]$ENDC = "`e[0m"
[string]$BOLD = "`e[1m"
[string]$UNDERLINE = "`e[4m"
Export-ModuleMember -Variable *
}) -Option ReadOnly
# Set the default prompt
function UserPrompt {
param (
[string]$prefix = "PS"
# ユーザー名を取得
$username = $env:UserName
# pc の名前を取得 大文字で取得されるので小文字にする
$computername = $env:ComputerName.ToLower()
# ドライブ名を取得 C とか D とか
# $drive = $PWD.Drive.Name
# ドライブ名(C:) を除き、ホームディレクトリ(/users/{name}) は ~ に変換したパスを取得
# 変換後のパス末尾が \ で終わらない場合は、\ を追加
# $wd = $PWD.path.Replace($HOME, "~").Replace("${drive}:", "")
$wd = $PWD.path.Replace($HOME, "~").Replace("C:", "")
if ($wd[-1] -ne '\') {
$wd += '\'
# 現在のセッションが管理者権限で実行されているかどうかによってプロンプトの文字を変更
$isAdmin = [bool](([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).groups -match "S-1-5-32-544")
$promptChar = if ($isAdmin) { "#" } else { ">" }
# タイトルバーに表示する文字列
$host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "${prefix} ${promptChar} ${wd}"
# プロンプトの表示
# [ユーザー名@コンピュータ名:カレントディレクトリ] と コマンド入力行に分ける
Write-Host "$username@$computername" -ForegroundColor "DarkGreen" -NoNewLine
Write-Host ":" -NoNewLine
Write-Host "$wd" -ForegroundColor "DarkBlue"
Write-Host "${prefix} ${promptChar}" -NoNewLine
return " "
# 他のプロファイルからこのプロンプト関数を呼び出すためのエイリアス
Set-Alias -Name Prompt -Value UserPrompt
#region Custom Prompt
#region Reset
function Reset-Session {
# store this shell's parent PID for later use
$parentPID = $PID
# get the the path of this shell's executable
$thisExePath = (Get-Process -Id $PID).Path
# start a new shell, same window
Write-Host "`nOpen New Session" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Start-Process $thisExePath -NoNewWindow
# stop this shell if it's still alive
Stop-Process -Id $parentPID -Force
Set-Alias -Name reset -Value Reset-Session
#endregion Reset
#region Invoke-WithVariable
Invokes a command with legacy variable format support.
This function allows you to invoke a command with support for legacy variable format. It replaces %var% with $Env:var and %cd% with $PWD in the command.
Specifies the command to be invoked.
Invoke-WithLegacyVariableFormat -Command 'echo %USERNAME%'
This example invokes the 'echo' command with the legacy variable format '%USERNAME%'. It will replace '%USERNAME%' with the value of $Env:USERNAME and execute the command.
function Invoke-WithLegacyVariableFormat {
param (
# コマンド中の%var%を$Env:varに変換し、%cd%を$PWDに変換する
$Command = $Command -replace '%(.*?)%', {
$variable = $match.Groups[1].Value
if ($variable -eq 'cd') {
return '$PWD'
elseif ($ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Get($variable, [System.Management.Automation.ScopedItemOptions]::None)) {
return '$Env:' + $variable
else {
return $match.Value
Write-Host "Invoke-Expression $Command" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# 別のコマンドを呼び出す
Invoke-Expression $Command
# cmd形式の変数が使えることがわかるエイリアス名
Set-Alias -Name runWithLegacyVars -Value Invoke-WithLegacyVariableFormat
Set-Alias -Name V-Run -Value Invoke-WithLegacyVariableFormat
# ショートカットキー
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord Ctrl+Enter `
-BriefDescription RunWithLegacyVars `
-LongDescription "Run command with cmd-style variables" `
-ScriptBlock {
param($key, $arg)
$line = $null
$cursor = $null
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref]$line, [ref]$cursor)
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Insert('V-Run ' + "'" + $line + "'" )
Write-Host "`n$error " -ForegroundColor Red
#endregion Invoke-WithVariable
#region Reload-Profile
function Import-Profile($profilePath = $PROFILE) {
# プロファイルの読み込み
. $profilePath
Set-Alias -Name .profile -Value Reload-Profile
Set-Alias -Name source -Value Reload-Profile
#endregion Reload-Profile
#region Add-Operator
# 呼び出し演算子なしでコマンドを実行する
function Invoke-CommandWithoutCallOperator {
param (
# コマンドを実行
Invoke-Expression $Command
Set-Alias -Name run -Value Invoke-CommandWithoutCallOperator
#endregion Add-Operator
#endregion Custom Prompt
#region PSReadLine
#region PSReadLine settings
Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionViewStyle ListView
Set-PSReadlineOption -HistoryNoDuplicates
Set-PSReadlineOption -AddToHistoryHandler {
param ($command)
switch -regex ($command) {
"SKIPHISTORY" { return $false } # SKIPHISTORY is a special command that will not be added to history
"^[a-z]$" { return $false }
"exit" { return $false }
return $true
Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionSource HistoryAndPlugin
Set-PSReadlineOption -HistorySaveStyle SaveIncrementally
Set-PSReadlineOption -HistorySearchCursorMovesToEnd
Set-PSReadlineOption -EditMode Windows # Emacs
#endregion PSReadLine settings
#region PSReadLine keybindings
# Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Ctrl+Spacebar -Function MenuComplete
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function MenuComplete
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Ctrl+Spacebar -Function MenuComplete
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Shift+Tab -Function Undo
# Session Reset Shortcut Key
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Ctrl+n `
-BriefDescription ResetSession `
-LongDescription "Reset and Start New Session" `
-ScriptBlock {
param($key, $arg)
$line = $null
$cursor = $null
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref]$line, [ref]$cursor)
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Insert('<#SKIPHISTORY#> reset')
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Alt+Backspace `
-BriefDescription RemoveFromHistory `
-LongDescription "Removes the content of the current line from history" `
-ScriptBlock {
param($key, $arg)
$line = $null
$cursor = $null
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref]$line, [ref]$cursor)
$toRemove = [Regex]::Escape(($line -replace "\n", "```n"))
$history = Get-Content (Get-PSReadLineOption).HistorySavePath -Raw
$history = $history -replace "(?m)^$toRemove\r\n", ""
# 成功したか否かで分岐させる (try-catch)
try {
Set-Content (Get-PSReadLineOption).HistorySavePath $history -NoNewline
catch {
Write-Host "`nFailed to remove the line from history." -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
# Get-PSReadLineOption | ForEach-Object { Set-PSReadLineOption -HistorySavePath $_.HistorySavePath }
Write-Host "`nRemoved the line from history. Please run Reset-Session (Ctrl+N) to apply the changes." -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Ctrl+Shift+R `
-BriefDescription "Reload PROFILE" `
-LongDescription "Reload PROFILE" `
-ScriptBlock {
param($key, $arg)
$line = $null
$cursor = $null
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref]$line, [ref]$cursor)
Write-Host "" -NoNewline
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Insert('<#SKIPHISTORY#> . $PROFILE')
Write-Host "`nReloaded PROFILE`n`n" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Alt+v `
-BriefDescription SkipFromHistory `
-LongDescription "Skip the current line from history" `
-ScriptBlock {
param($key, $arg)
$line = $null
$cursor = $null
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref]$line, [ref]$cursor)
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Insert('<#SKIPHISTORY#> ' + $line)
# Sometimes you enter a command but realize you forgot to do something else first.
# This binding will let you save that command in the history so you can recall it,
# but it doesn't actually execute. It also clears the line with RevertLine so the
# undo stack is reset - though redo will still reconstruct the command line.
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Alt+w `
-BriefDescription SaveInHistory `
-LongDescription "Save current line in history but do not execute" `
-ScriptBlock {
param($key, $arg)
$line = $null
$cursor = $null
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref]$line, [ref]$cursor)
# Insert text from the clipboard as a here string
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Ctrl+V `
-BriefDescription PasteAsHereString `
-LongDescription "Paste the clipboard text as a here string" `
-ScriptBlock {
param($key, $arg)
Add-Type -Assembly PresentationCore
if ([System.Windows.Clipboard]::ContainsText()) {
# Get clipboard text - remove trailing spaces, convert \r\n to \n, and remove the final \n.
$text = ([System.Windows.Clipboard]::GetText() -replace "\p{Zs}*`r?`n", "`n").TrimEnd()
else {
# F1 for help on the command line - naturally
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key F1 `
-BriefDescription CommandHelp `
-LongDescription "Open the help window for the current command" `
-ScriptBlock {
param($key, $arg)
$ast = $null
$tokens = $null
$errors = $null
$cursor = $null
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref]$ast, [ref]$tokens, [ref]$errors, [ref]$cursor)
$commandAst = $ast.FindAll( {
$node = $args[0]
$node -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst] -and
$node.Extent.StartOffset -le $cursor -and
$node.Extent.EndOffset -ge $cursor
}, $true) | Select-Object -Last 1
if ($commandAst -ne $null) {
$commandName = $commandAst.GetCommandName()
if ($commandName -ne $null) {
$command = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($commandName, 'All')
if ($command -is [System.Management.Automation.AliasInfo]) {
$commandName = $command.ResolvedCommandName
if ($commandName -ne $null) {
Get-Help $commandName -ShowWindow
#endregion PSReadLine keybindings
#endregion PSReadLine
### BEGIN: 3rd Party Modules ###
#34de4b3d-13a8-4540-b76d-b9e8d3851756 PowerToys CommandNotFound module
#34de4b3d-13a8-4540-b76d-b9e8d3851756 PowerToys CommandNotFound module
if ({ & where.exe /Q /R $ENV:LOCALAPPDATA\PowerToys\WinUI3Apps\..\ WinGetCommandNotFound.psd1 ; return $LASTEXITCODE } -eq 0) {
Import-Module "${ENV:LOCALAPPDATA}\PowerToys\WinUI3Apps\..\WinGetCommandNotFound.psd1"
elseif ({ & where.exe /R "$ENV:PROGRAMFILES\PowerToys\WinUI3Apps\..\" WinGetCommandNotFound.psd1; return $LASTEXITCODE } -eq 0) {
Import-Module "C:\Program Files\PowerToys\WinUI3Apps\..\WinGetCommandNotFound.psd1"
# Description: This profile is loaded when using PowerShell extension in Visual Studio Code.
# import Default profile
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1")
function VSCodePrompt {
return UserPrompt -prefix ($bcolors.CYAN + "Code PS Extention" + $bcolors.ENDC)
set-alias Prompt VSCodePrompt
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