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Last active April 14, 2020 15:33
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from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from PIL import Image, ImageFile
from functools import reduce
from datetime import datetime
import shutil
import os
class ImageRecovery:
def __init__(self, pathToRecoveryDirectory, pathToNewImagesDirectory, imageFilters):
self.pathToRecoveryDirectory = pathToRecoveryDirectory
self.pathToNewImagesDirectory = pathToNewImagesDirectory
self.imageFilters = imageFilters
def organizeRecoveredImages(self):
images = self._getAllImagesFromDirectory(self.pathToRecoveryDirectory)
filteredImages = self._filterOutImages(images)
def _getAllImagesFromDirectory(self, directoryPath):
allImages = list()
for entry in os.listdir(directoryPath):
newPath = os.path.join(directoryPath, entry)
if os.path.isdir(newPath):
allImages += self._getAllImagesFromDirectory(newPath)
elif self._isFileAnImage(newPath):
return allImages
def _isFileAnImage(self, file):
fileLower = file.lower()
return fileLower.endswith(".png") or \
fileLower.endswith(".jpg") or \
def _filterOutImages(self, images):
return list(reduce(self._filterReduces, self.imageFilters, images))
def _filterReduces(self, images, imageFilter):
return imageFilter.filter(images)
def _moveImagesToTheNewDirectory(self, filteredImages):
fileModificationAndImageMap = self._createFileModificationAndImage(filteredImages)
for timestamp in fileModificationAndImageMap:
self._moveImagesBasedOnTimestamp(timestamp, fileModificationAndImageMap[timestamp])
def _createFileModificationAndImage(self, images):
map = {}
for imagePath in images:
fileModificationDate = round(os.path.getmtime(imagePath), 1)
if fileModificationDate not in map:
map[fileModificationDate] = []
return map
def _moveImagesBasedOnTimestamp(self, timestamp, images):
newDirectoryPath = self._createNewDirectoryForFile(timestamp)
for index, imagePath in enumerate(images):
newImageName = self._createImageName(index, timestamp, imagePath)
newImagePath = os.path.join(newDirectoryPath, newImageName)
shutil.move(imagePath, newImagePath)
def _createNewDirectoryForFile(self, fileModificationDate):
newDirectoryName = self._getImageDirectoryName(fileModificationDate)
newDirectoryPath = os.path.join(self.pathToNewImagesDirectory, newDirectoryName)
if not os.path.exists(newDirectoryPath):
return newDirectoryPath
def _getImageDirectoryName(self, fileModificationDate):
return datetime.fromtimestamp(fileModificationDate).strftime('%Y.%m')
def _createImageName(self, index, fileModificationDate, imagePath):
image =
extension = "." + image.format.lower()
newImageName = datetime.fromtimestamp(fileModificationDate).strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
if index != 0:
newImageName += "_" + str(index)
return newImageName + extension
class ImageFilter(ABC):
def filter(cls, paths):
class AspectRationImageFilter(ImageFilter):
def __init__(self):
self.correctAspectRatios = ["4:3", "3:2", "5:3", "16:9", "16:10", "10:8", "7:5", "37:18"]
def filter(self, paths):
return list(filter(self._isAspectRatioCorrect, paths))
def _isAspectRatioCorrect(self, path):
image =
width, height = image.size
divisor = self.gcd(width, height)
aspectHeight = int(height / divisor)
aspectWidth = int(width / divisor)
firstPart = max(aspectHeight, aspectWidth)
secondPart = min(aspectHeight, aspectWidth)
aspectRatio = "{}:{}".format(firstPart, secondPart)
return aspectRatio in self.correctAspectRatios
def gcd(self, a, b):
return a if b == 0 else self.gcd(b, a % b)
class SizeImageFilter(ImageFilter):
def __init__(self, minSizeInBytes):
self.minSizeInBytes = minSizeInBytes
def filter(self, paths):
return list(filter(self._isSizeOverMin, paths))
def _isSizeOverMin(self, path):
return os.path.getsize(path) > self.minSizeInBytes
def main():
recoveryDirectory = os.path.join("Recovered")
newImagesDirectory = os.path.join("New")
if not os.path.exists(newImagesDirectory):
filters = [AspectRationImageFilter(), SizeImageFilter(300000)]
ir = ImageRecovery(recoveryDirectory, newImagesDirectory, filters)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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