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Created December 26, 2017 06:20
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SICP Exercise 3.26, nth depth table as a tree
(define (make-table . args)
;; there is an optional parameter for a function
;; which can check the equality of keys
(define (default-comp l r)
(cond ((eq? l r) 'eq)
((> l r) 'gt)
((< l r) 'lt)))
(define compare-key
(if (null? args)
(car args)))
(define (make-local-table) (cons '*table* '()))
(define (table-empty? table) (null? (cdr table)))
(define (assoc path table)
(define (find-or-insert key node)
(define comp (compare-key (node-key node) key))
(define (force-exist getter setter)
(define branch (getter node))
(if (not (null? branch))
;; if null lets create it and then set it in place of where it was being retrieved
(let ((new-branch (make-node key '())))
(setter node new-branch)
(cond ((eq? comp 'eq) node)
((eq? comp 'lt) (force-exist node-left set-node-left!))
((eq? comp 'gt) (force-exist node-right set-node-right!))))
(define (loop path table)
(let ((key-head (car path))
(key-tail (cdr path)))
(if (null? (cdr table))
;; in the event the tree has not been defined we'll create a new node with the
;; current key and we'll set that as the tree.
(let ((new-node (make-node key-head '())))
(set-cdr! table new-node)))
(let ((sub-node (find-or-insert key-head (cdr table))))
(if (null? key-tail)
;; if the tail is null this means there are no more
;; nodes to look up so we'll just return this node.
;; otherwise we'll continue recursing down the paths of keys
(loop key-tail (node-table sub-node))))))
(if (null? path)
"path cannot be null!!!"
(loop path table)))
(define (make-node key value)
(cons key (cons (cons value '()) (cons '() '()))))
(define node-key car)
(define node-val caadr)
(define node-left caddr)
(define node-right cdddr)
(define (node-table node)
(define sub-table (cdadr node))
(if (not (null? sub-table))
;; if the table does not exist created it and then return it!
(let ((table (make-local-table)))
(set-cdr! (cadr node) table)
(define (set-node-val! node value) (set-car! (cadr node) value))
(define (set-node-left! node left) (set-car! (cddr node) left))
(define (set-node-right! node right) (set-cdr! (cddr node) right))
;; local-table will be internal state
;; for the procedural object
(let ((local-table (make-local-table)))
;; implementation for the lookup method
(define (lookup-impl path)
(node-val (assoc path local-table)))
;; implementation for the insert! method
(define (insert-impl path value)
(let ((node (assoc path local-table)))
(set-node-val! node value)
(define (display-impl)
(define (display-all . args)
(map display args))
(define (display-node node padding)
(if (not (null? node))
(display-node (node-left node) padding)
(map display padding)
(display-all "node(" (node-key node) ") = " (node-val node))
(table-impl (node-table node) (cons " " padding))
(display-node (node-right node) padding))))
(define (table-impl table padding)
(if (not (table-empty? table))
(map display padding)
(display "Table:")
(display-node (cdr table) (cons " " padding)))))
(table-impl local-table '())
(define (dispatch message . arguments)
(cond ((eq? message 'lookup)
(apply lookup-impl arguments))
((eq? message 'insert)
(apply insert-impl arguments))
((eq? message 'display)
(apply display-impl arguments))
((eq? message 'empty)
(table-empty? local-table))
((eq? message 'debug)
(else (error "Unknown message"))))
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