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Created April 10, 2017 21:11
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Наброски первого варианта собственного HUD. Оказались крайне неудачными, от чего пришлось отказаться еще до того, как они стали на что-то похожи
surface.CreateFont('ui.40', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 40, weight = 500})
surface.CreateFont('ui.39', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 39, weight = 500})
surface.CreateFont('ui.38', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 38, weight = 500})
surface.CreateFont('ui.37', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 37, weight = 500})
surface.CreateFont('ui.36', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 36, weight = 500})
surface.CreateFont('ui.35', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 35, weight = 500})
surface.CreateFont('ui.34', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 34, weight = 500})
surface.CreateFont('ui.33', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 33, weight = 500})
surface.CreateFont('ui.32', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 32, weight = 500})
surface.CreateFont('ui.31', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 31, weight = 500})
surface.CreateFont('ui.30', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 30, weight = 500})
surface.CreateFont('ui.29', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 29, weight = 500})
surface.CreateFont('ui.28', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 28, weight = 500})
surface.CreateFont('ui.27', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 27, weight = 400})
surface.CreateFont('ui.26', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 26, weight = 400})
surface.CreateFont('ui.25', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 25, weight = 400})
surface.CreateFont('ui.24', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 24, weight = 400})
surface.CreateFont('ui.23', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 23, weight = 550}) -- weight
surface.CreateFont('ui.22', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 22, weight = 400})
surface.CreateFont('ui.20', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 20, weight = 700}) -- weight
surface.CreateFont('ui.19', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 19, weight = 400})
surface.CreateFont('ui.18', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 18, weight = 700}) -- weight
surface.CreateFont('ui.17', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 17, weight = 500})
surface.CreateFont('ui.15', {font = 'roboto', extended = true, size = 15, weight = 550})
local W,H = 200,80
local MG = 20 -- margin
local agenda = [[
Допустим задача
И еще одна
А теперь большая задача и типа длинная строка для теста ага
Атаковать мэра
Атаковать босса рэкетиров
Патролировать город, пока я не скажу, что хватит
Если кто будет бегать по улице, то арестуйте его
local lockdown = "Мэр объявил комендантский час!\nКто будет на улице может быть арестован"
local COL_BG = Color(255,255,255,200)
local COL_GREEN = Color(25,175,130)
local COL_GRAY = Color(35,35,35)
local COL_RED = Color(240,100,100)
local COL_BLUE = Color(80,150,255)
local SW,SH
local LP
local function drawHUD()
draw.Box(MG,SH - MG - H + 1,W,H,Color(150,150,150)) -- BG BG
draw.Box(MG,SH - MG - H,W,H,COL_BG) -- BG
draw.Box(MG,SH - MG - H,W,3,COL_GREEN) -- upper green line
surface.DrawLine(MG,SH - H - MG + H / 2, MG + W,SH - H - MG + H / 2) -- middle hor line
surface.DrawLine(MG + W / 2,SH - MG - H / 2,MG + W / 2,SH - MG) -- middle vert line
draw.DrawText(qq.formatMoney(2280435000),"ui.20",MG + 40,SH - MG - H + 5,COL_GREEN) -- wallet
draw.DrawText("Зарплата: " .. qq.formatMoney(40000),"ui.15",MG + 40,SH - MG - H + 23,COL_GRAY) -- salary
draw.DrawText(100500,"ui.18",MG + 30,SH - MG - H / 2 + 11,COL_RED) -- health
draw.DrawText(50,"ui.18",MG + 30 + W / 2,SH - MG - H / 2 + 11,COL_BLUE) -- armor
surface.SetMaterial(Material("icon16/error.png")) -- розыск
surface.DrawTexturedRect(MG + W + 10,SH - MG - 60,25,25)
surface.SetMaterial(Material("icon16/page.png")) -- лицензия
surface.DrawTexturedRect(MG + W + 10,SH - MG - 30,25,25)
surface.SetMaterial(Material("icon16/money.png")) -- кошелек
surface.DrawTexturedRect(MG + 10,SH - MG - H + 10,25,25)
surface.SetMaterial(Material("icon16/page.png")) -- ХП
surface.DrawTexturedRect(MG + 10,SH - MG - 29,16,16)
surface.SetMaterial(Material("icon16/page.png")) -- бронь
surface.DrawTexturedRect(MG + 110,SH - MG - 29,16,16)
local function drawTextBox(x,y,w,h,title,txt,color,icon)
txt = qq.textWrap(txt, "ui.15", w - 70)
txt = string.Implode("\n",txt)
local _,th = surface.GetTextSize(txt)
local tall = (h or th) + 120
draw.Box(x,y,w,tall,COL_BG) -- BG
draw.Box(x,y,w,2,color) -- upper line
draw.DrawText(title,"ui.23",x + 60,y + 15,color)
draw.DrawText(txt,"ui.17",x + 10,y + 15 + 30,COL_GRAY)
return tall--,txt
local lastpos = 0
local function drawAGENDA()
lastpos = MG + drawTextBox(MG,MG,300,nil,"Полицейское вещание",agenda,COL_BLUE)
local function drawLockdown()
drawTextBox(MG,MG + lastpos,300,nil,"Комендантский час",lockdown,COL_GREEN)
local function drawPLAYERINFO()
hook.Add("HUDPaint","any identifier",function()
SW,SH = ScrW(),ScrH()
LP = LocalPlayer()
return true
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