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Last active March 12, 2021 03:28
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Rose Filter


Design a simple web app that features a color swatch preview (in 6 color hex notation, e.g. #a02bff), and filter button. When pressed, the filter button should apply a 'Rose' fitler, making the color of the swatch 20% more red, 10% less green, and 10% more blue. You should write this web app in pure JS, HTML, and CSS if possible.

Interviewer Strategy Guide

  • This problem involves knowing how CSS represents colors with 6-digit hex strings, as well as converting between base 10 and base 16.

  • A CSS color string (eg, #F3A256) actually is a concatenation of 3 2-digit hex strings ranging from 0 to 255 (FF in hex), for the Red, Green, and Blue Saturation of a color.

  • Prompt interviewee for how they would subtract 10% for the B/G values (10% must be converted to hexadecimal, which is 25)

  • How does the interviewee plan to handle edge cases when the RGB value is is already at its max or min values (0 or 255)

  • ParseInt() is a handy method for base conversions!

  • Once the logical approach is solidified, how do we wire it together within the callback function of a click handler?

Starting Point

  <div id=swatch></div>
    You are viewing: <span id='value'></span>
  <button id='filter'>Rose Filter</button>
#swatch {
  height: 250px;
  width: 250px;
  border: 2px solid black
let colorStr = '1AB20D';

const swatch = document.getElementById('swatch');
const span = document.getElementById('value')
const roseBtn = document.getElementById('filter'); = span.innerHTML = `#${colorStr}`;

// Your Code Below



  <div id=swatch></div>
    You are viewing: <span id='value'></span>
  <button id='filter'>Rose Filter</button>
#swatch {
  height: 250px;
  width: 250px;
  border: 2px solid black
let colorStr = '1AB20D';

const swatch = document.getElementById('swatch');
const span = document.getElementById('value')
const roseBtn = document.getElementById('filter'); = span.innerHTML = `#${colorStr}`;

const colorize = () => {
  // slice each 2-digift color hex val, convert to base-10;
  // NB: 255 === FF in hex
  let redVal = (parseInt(colorStr.slice(0, 2), 16));
  let greenVal = (parseInt(colorStr.slice(2, 4), 16));
  let blueVal = (parseInt(colorStr.slice(4, 6), 16));

  // adjust values to be more rose, within (0,255) range
  // NB: 25 == 10% of 255 (FF)
  redVal < 205 ? redVal += 50 : redVal = 255; 
  greenVal > 24 ? greenVal -= 25 : greenVal = 0;
  blueVal < 230 ? blueVal += 25 : blueVal = 255;
  //convert back to hex && add buffer 0 to single-digit strings
  const convertAndAddBuffer = val => val.toString(16).length === 1 ? '0' + val.toString(16) : val.toString(16);

  colorStr = [redVal, greenVal, blueVal].map(convertAndAddBuffer).join(''); = span.innerHTML = `#${colorStr.toUpperCase()}`;


roseBtn.addEventListener('click', colorize));


Good sub-questions to ask:

  • How is measuring a number hexadecimal (base-16) different from decimal (base-10). What is 10% in base-16?

  • How is a 6-digit hex string constructed? How do those values correspond the a given RGB color value?

  • How can we convert numbers from decimal to hex, and vice versa?

  • What are some edge cases to consider? What if a color is completely saturated (#FF) or completely unsaturated (#00)?

  • js-fiddle

Hex Code explanation --- start at 2:30 mins

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