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Last active January 5, 2024 14:08
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Updated more detailled guide:
Make steam force Proton 5.0-10 (Needs to be this version, no modern one because modern proton/wine versions have broken dotnet winetricks installs, needed to run the game)
* If at any stage of the steps wine asks you to install mono or gecko, just cancel/press 'no' on the popup and continue.
* If at any stage of the steps a info/warning/error message appears and asks you if you want to get more information in a webpage just cancel/press 'no' on the opoup and continue.
* If you mess up and need to restart the process from the start you have to manually delete the 'pfx' (steam's wine bottle folder) (/path/to/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/244210/pfx) and restart the process from the very begining.
Execute the game once and let it close
$ WINE=/home/yourusername/path/to/steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 5.0/dist/bin/wine protontricks 244210 -q dotnet452
$ WINE=/home/yourusername/path/to/steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 5.0/dist/bin/wine protontricks 244210 -q dotnet472
$ WINE=/home/yourusername/path/to/steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 5.0/dist/bin/wine protontricks 244210 -q d3dcompiler_43 d3dx11_43
$ WINE=/home/yourusername/path/to/steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 5.0/dist/bin/wine protontricks 244210 -q vcrun2015 win10
The base game will work now.
If you want CM and CSP mods ( you have to:
- Save "Content Manager.exe" as "Content Manager Safe.exe" in the root game folder (next to acs.exe) and decompres CSP's "extension" folder and "dwrite.dll" also in root folder (so dwrite.dll is next to acs.exe).
- Execute
WINEPREFIX=/path/to/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/244210/pfx WINE=/path/to/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Proton\ 5.0/dist/bin/wine winecfg
Go to Libraries and add "dwrite" as "Native, then built in"
[This step might throw some errors at you, ignore them, everything will be fine]
- Create folder "config" in "/path/to/steam/library/compatdata/244210/pfx/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Steam/" and copy "loginusers.vdf" from "~/.steam/root/config/" there.
- Lastly modify Assetto Corsa's launch options to:
/path/to/steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 5.0/proton waitforexitandrun "/path/to/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/Content Manager Safe.exe"; PROTON_USE_DXVK=1 echo %command%
Adapted from Carbon's report to make CM and CSP work in the last versions.
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jackun commented Jul 7, 2021

Also seems to help with CM's SyncFlush error:


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w35134 commented Jul 7, 2021

protontricks 244210 -q dotnet452
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/protontricks", line 33, in
sys.exit(load_entry_point('protontricks==1.4.4', 'console_scripts', 'protontricks')())
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/protontricks/", line 156, in main
steam_lib_paths = get_steam_lib_paths(steam_path)
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/protontricks/", line 584, in get_steam_lib_paths
library_folders = parse_library_folders(folders_vdf_path.read_text())
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/protontricks/", line 568, in parse_library_folders
Path(value) for key, value in vdf_data["LibraryFolders"].items()
KeyError: 'LibraryFolders'

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I've been following this guide many times over, deleting the compatdata folder several times during testing and I just cannot get CM to work. Base game will work just fine, but the moment I use the launch options to start content manager I get two errors (something along the lines of: this application could not be started, would you like to see more info), the same ones I get when I run winecfg to add the dwrite library. Then I see the error "dotnet 4.5.2 is not installed, would you like to install it", which makes no sense as the winestricks should have installed it for me. And then it proceeds to open a window and spew some C# errors at me. If anyone here could help me out, I would be grateful.

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BFCE commented Aug 17, 2021

Base game works fine, but when doing all the steps to make content manager run, the first launch throws a generic error that brings me to a microsoft website, and then every subsequent launch simply does nothing. Pop_OS! 21.04.

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BFCE commented Aug 17, 2021

Base game works fine, but when doing all the steps to make content manager run, the first launch throws a generic error that brings me to a microsoft website, and then every subsequent launch simply does nothing. Pop_OS! 21.04.

I've managed to get content manager to open by following the guide and then running the following command:
WINEPREFIX= "/home/bfce/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/compatdata/244210/pfx" wine "/home/bfce/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/Content Manager Safe.exe"

this runs content manager with my built in wine install.. which works for some reason. However, trying to launch the game it says it can't contact steam. Any Help? @ANBAL534

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BFCE commented Aug 18, 2021

I can not get content manager to launch using proton at all. Not sure what the error might be, because it fails silently. I can get content manager to work just fine using normal wine with proton's prefix, but i get this error trying to launch into a game

12:49:47.201: → [SteamRunningHelper:21] TryToRunSteam(): System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): File not found
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at AcTools.Utils.SteamRunningHelper.TryToRunSteam(Boolean launchAc) (AcTools)
12:49:47.217: ⚠ [GameWrapper:398] StartAsync_Ui(): System.Exception: Couldn’t run Steam
at AcTools.Utils.SteamRunningHelper.EnsureSteamIsRunning(Boolean tryToRun, Boolean launchAc)
at AcManager.Tools.Starters.AppIdStarter.Run()
at AcManager.Tools.Starters.StarterBase.b__26_0()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---


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I have made some modifications to the process to reflect the changes I had made with the time in my install for the game to work.
I Hope this helps for those of you that are having trouble making asseto run.

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BFCE commented Aug 24, 2021

Thanks for the update! this let me get everything working. Only problem is I had to force the game to 32-bit. If I don't, I get this error. "0000000140019B35 (acs): (filename not available): kglBlitStringWide"
I'm not sure if forcing 32-bit causes performance problems or not, but I do atleast have the game working with content manager and CSP. Oddly, with the old guide, i couldn't get content manager but running the game 64 bit was no issue.

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BFCE commented Aug 24, 2021

update: the issue isn't anything to do with 32 or 64 bit. The issue is CSP. Running the game in 32 bit simply makes CSP not work.
The game runs fine in 64 bit if you don't have CSP. Not sure what the issue is.

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BFCE commented Aug 24, 2021

final update: After following this guide, install Proton-GE 5.21, set the game to use it in steam and change your launch argument. Then, content manager will have the ability to use an internet connection. Reinstall CSP within content manager, and it should work. You'll need to turn off a few things in CSP for it to work fully (car instruments, "perperly project shadows on the ground", new loading screen)

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Acreen commented Aug 26, 2021

Okay after like 50 tries setting up a pfx I made it to run with CM and CSP and being able to join online servers with custom tracks. I was able to shorten the list a bit for me. Maybe it helps someone but none of this is really new and I thank ANBAL and everyone else for their instructions for me to be able to get this far.

----short explanation

  • If you already fidlled with it, remove the 244210 folder from the compatdata folder if it exists.
  • Run Assetto Cora once using Proton 5.0 (force it via compatibilty menu) (it will fail)
  • In case it is not installed, install protontricks
  • use the following:
    $ WINEPREFIX=/home/$USER/.steam/root/steamapps/compatdata/244210/pfx WINE=/home/user/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Proton\ 5.0/dist/bin/wine winecfg
  • Add dwrite as library exception (native,builtin) (should be standard)
  • Use the following
    protontricks 244210 -q dotnet472
  • Download Content Manager and extract its executable to AC installation directory. Rename it to Content Manager Safe.exe.
  • Use the following:
mkdir ~/.steam/root/steamapps/compatdata/244210/pfx/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Steam/config
    ln -s $HOME/.steam/root/config/loginusers.vdf ~/.steam/root/steamapps/compatdata/244210/pfx/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Steam/config/loginusers.vdf
  • Change proton version to 6.3

  • Set launch arguments of assetto corsa to the following:
    ~/.steam/root/steamapps/common/'Proton 6.3'/proton waitforexitandrun ~/.steam/root/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/'Content Manager Safe.exe'; echo %command%

  • Now run the game via Steam again, CM should appear and ask about AC location. Hidden directories are not visible in its explorer, so you can get the path by executing something like this in terminal:
    echo 'Z:\home\'$USER'\.steam\root\steamapps\common\assettocorsa'

  • Copy and paste the answer to CM

  • Install CSP 1.74 with CM (Is the only one working for me so far)

  • Deactivate CSP Car Instruments by removing the mark at "active" in the Car Instruments extension section

----long explanation

I'm using an AMD RX 5500 card using the standard installed AMD Radeon Driver for Ubuntu 21.04 in case someone is interested.

  • If you already fidlled with it, remove the 244210 folder from the compatdata folder if it exists.

  • Run Assetto Cora once using Proton 5.0 (force it via compatibilty menu) (it will fail)

  • Use the following:
    $ WINEPREFIX=/home/$USER/.steam/root/steamapps/compatdata/244210/pfx WINE=/home/user/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Proton\ 5.0/dist/bin/wine winecfg

  • Add library dwrite as native,builtin ( if you do it before messing with dotnet installation it is faster to start over if something fails with dotnet. Also if you are in the library tab of winecfg and the list is empty you are most likely in the wrong prefix.)

IMPORTANT: It is crucial to add dwrite and install dotnet while using PROTON 5.0 since dotnet is broken in newer installations and winecfg doesn't want to work then. This step is crucial for CSP to work. I tried it with a track that has a CSP dependency which would crash if it wasn't working. If someone knows how to add the dll override using console there would still be the problem that you are unable to install dotnet.

  • In case it is not installed, install protontricks

  • Use the followingf
    protontricks 244210 -q dotnet472
    NOTE: YES, you only need that one since it seems to install 4.52 and other needed applications as well, I tested it several to make sure I did not forget anything.

  • After the last step you can already change proton version (5.0 does not allow CM to update itself or load CSP so I did not stick with it considering using CM for custom tracks online it would not be able to load the VAO files etc. 5.13 refuses to open CM so that was no option either) You can use a newer proton version. I tried it sucessfully with 6.3 and 6.15-GE-2. Everytime I tried to go back to Proton 5.0 after this, CM did refuse to start. Going back to your new version won't help without a restart here. Maybe some half started wine process with CM is blocking in the backround here.

  • Download Content Manager and extract its executable to AC installation directory. Rename it to Content Manager Safe.exe.

  • Add a soft link for CM to find your steam profile using:

mkdir ~/.steam/root/steamapps/compatdata/244210/pfx/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Steam/config
    ln -s $HOME/.steam/root/config/loginusers.vdf ~/.steam/root/steamapps/compatdata/244210/pfx/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Steam/config/loginusers.vdf
  • Change start arguments (if you use an official Proton)
    ~/.steam/root/steamapps/common/'Proton 6.3'/proton waitforexitandrun ~/.steam/root/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/'Content Manager Safe.exe'; echo %command%

    or else (where the unofficial proton versions usually are)

    ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/'Proton-6.15-GE-2'/proton waitforexitandrun ~/.steam/root/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/'Content Manager Safe.exe'; echo %command%

    IMPORTANT: Remember to change Compatiblitymode to the same proton version you are setting the start arguments to!

  • The argument PROTON_USE_DXVK=1 did not make any difference for me. (What should be the benefit?)

  • Now run the game via Steam again, CM should appear and ask about AC location. Hidden directories are not visible in its explorer, so you can get the path by executing something like this in terminal: echo 'Z:\home\'$USER'\.steam\root\steamapps\common\assettocorsa'

  • Copy and paste the answer to CM

-Install CSP 1.74 (Is the only one working for me so far)

  • Deactivate CSP Car Instruments by removing the mark at "active" in the Car Instruments extension section

If the dwrite.dll override is in place and you install CSP it should crash if you do not disable Car Instruments in the CSP options. Otherwise the game will start but CSP won't be active although it says it is! I just found out that one because I tried to join an online server using a track which needed CSP.

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StefanTT commented Oct 1, 2021

Thanks @Acreen for the guide. Some notes:

  • in the short version the CM installation step is missing
  • Add a hard link: "ln -s" is a soft link, which is perfectly fine at this point only the text is wrong
  • content manager did not start, but the normal game does (might need changing the windows version to XP)

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Acreen commented Oct 1, 2021

Thanks @Acreen for the guide. Some notes:

* in the short version the CM installation step is missing

* Add a hard link: "ln -s" is a soft link, which is perfectly fine at this point only the text is wrong

* content manager did not start, but the normal game does (might need changing the windows version to XP)

@StefanTT Thanks for your info. I updated the guide. But I'm not sure why CM does not start this way for you. I noticed while using proton 5.0 the windows version when installing the dotnet seems to be changed anyway. I retried it several times.

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Vuncano commented Oct 12, 2021

@Acreen could not proceed on the "Change start arguments (if you use an official Proton)" part, it says that "Proton: No compat data path?"

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Acreen commented Oct 12, 2021

@Vuncano Please check which Proton version you forced for Assetto Corsa. The guide assumes it is 6.3. I think if you do not select any it might be Proton Experimental instead. Also the guide assumes that steam is exactly in the default installation folder on ubuntu.

I think compat data path refers to the argument ~/.steam/root/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/'Content Manager Safe.exe' Please make sure to set the ' in the path else the spaces will mix up the path. I copied the whole line from my launch arguments.

If the Content Manager Safe.exe is at another location in your installation you must adapt it.

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Vuncano commented Oct 12, 2021

@Acreen yeah I did check all of that but I still have the same error. Thanks anyway

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paypur commented Nov 9, 2021

@Acreen I was able to get Assetto Corsa working with content manager but for some unknown reason it just doesn't launch anymore

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err:module:fixup_imports_ilonly mscoree.dll not found, IL-only binary L"Content Manager Safe.exe" cannot be loaded

is this a dotnet dll? dotnet48 installed.

Looks like that is exactly your problem, not following the guide, no dotnet48 is said to be installed, you no dotnet version installed but dotnet452 and dotnet472 and no other modern version

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Guys! Can you help me? I followed the instructions on the top. Here is my log. I uploaded to GDrive.

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I started to follow the acreed guide and I was not read the ANBAL comment "If at any stage of the steps wine asks you to install mono or gecko, just cancel/press 'no'"... ooops, I click "yes". How can I undo this decision? erasing pfx don't.

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ANBAL534 commented Mar 14, 2022

Guys! Can you help me? I followed the instructions on the top. Here is my log. I uploaded to GDrive.

Well, it seems like you are having problems with your linux install in itself, and also not following the guide as you are also using an invalid proton version to run the game ;)

I started to follow the acreed guide and I was not read the ANBAL comment "If at any stage of the steps wine asks you to install mono or gecko, just cancel/press 'no'"... ooops, I click "yes". How can I undo this decision? erasing pfx don't.

the pfx is the wine prefix folder, the bottle, it should be the only thing needed to be deleted to restart the process. Anyways, if you want/need a better more exhaustivelly cleaning, uninstall the game, remove the 244210 folder from the compatdata folder if it exists as @Acreen suggests and delete again the pfx all before installing assetto again.

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AC and CM work quite well on proton 7.0 but i have a problem with CSP.
CM says its active but it realy isn't.
i tried switching of the car instruments extension but i had no luck.

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the pfx is the wine prefix folder, the bottle, it should be the only thing needed to be deleted to restart the process. Anyways, if you want/need a better more exhaustivelly cleaning, uninstall the game, remove the 244210 folder from the compatdata folder if it exists as @Acreen suggests and delete again the pfx all before installing assetto again.

any version of protontricks, wine, etc suggested?
I have:
protontricks (1.8.0)

I ask this because i was waiting about 6 hrs after "protontricks 244210 -q dotnet472" step and can not wait more. im using an SSD disk and my PC is not old at all.

It stucks on
------------------------------------------------------ warning: Running /home/alohl669/.cache/protontricks/proton/Proton 5.0/bin/wineserver -w. This will hang until all wine processes in prefix=/mnt/alohl669/mySSD_for_Games/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/244210/pfx terminate ------------------------------------------------------

I left my process and logs on pastebin(I use generic names for my disk in the log to avoid confussions):

PS: I use many disk, some disks for games, other for VM and... im sorry, another to play on windows if everything fails.

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the pfx is the wine prefix folder, the bottle, it should be the only thing needed to be deleted to restart the process. Anyways, if you want/need a better more exhaustivelly cleaning, uninstall the game, remove the 244210 folder from the compatdata folder if it exists as @Acreen suggests and delete again the pfx all before installing assetto again.

any version of protontricks, wine, etc suggested? I have: wine-7.0 protontricks (1.8.0)

I ask this because i was waiting about 6 hrs after "protontricks 244210 -q dotnet472" step and can not wait more. im using an SSD disk and my PC is not old at all.

It stucks on ------------------------------------------------------ warning: Running /home/alohl669/.cache/protontricks/proton/Proton 5.0/bin/wineserver -w. This will hang until all wine processes in prefix=/mnt/alohl669/mySSD_for_Games/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/244210/pfx terminate ------------------------------------------------------

I left my process and logs on pastebin(I use generic names for my disk in the log to avoid confussions):

PS: I use many disk, some disks for games, other for VM and... im sorry, another to play on windows if everything fails.

The version I use is the Proton 5.0-10 forced from steam, I have not tested 7.x versions so I cant say if they work or not.

The dotnet install is a very lenghty install, not because of how powerfull is the machine but for the wine execution. In rare cases the installation fails and needs to be restarted again to succeed.

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alohl669 commented Mar 15, 2022

The version I use is the Proton 5.0-10 forced from steam, I have not tested 7.x versions so I cant say if they work or not.


Wait, at the begining I was not understand why did you say me this. I was using
WINEPREFIX=/mnt/alohl669/mySSD_for_Games/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/244210/pfx WINE=/mnt/alohl669/mySSD_for_Games/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Proton\ 5.0/dist/bin/wine winecfg and eventually i was need to install wine because wincfg does not start... even I had Proton 5.0, etc. I think that I have an important missundertanding here because to me
WINE=/mnt/alohl669/mySSD_for_Games/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Proton\ 5.0/dist/bin/wine winecfg is a variable declaration and I dont understand why exists the winecfg argument.

Maybe this format turns confusing. Then, If I am in the right way, it is true, there are 2 variable declarations and then you executes wincfg using this path, right?


EDIT: Ok ok, Im a really noob. It is only one line, give me time to learn something of wine :S. Sorry

By the way, could I see the protontricks progress while it is installing dotnet. I mean, after show the last message.

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Nah, it is impossible to me, I was stuck about 12h in "his will hang until all wine processes in prefix=... compatdata/244210/pfx terminate" message. Im done.

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MasterLooter commented Apr 9, 2022

I don't seem to get the protontricks 244210 -q dotnet472 command to work after "cleaning up" my installation. The first time I tried it everything worked and I got prompts to install the dotnet components but ever since I tried to do it again by this guide I don't think anything gets installed and I have no idea how to clean it up so the whole process would run again. Since this fails I am unable to start the game afterwards with an error of missing the required dotnet 4.52. The reason I tried to start over was to use CM. Until then my game worked and was playable. Then I deleted the 244210 folder and even tried removing and reinstalling the game but still can't get the dotnet stuff to install again.

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I have a problem launching the installation:
"WINE=/home/yourusername/path/to/steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 5.0/dist/bin/wine protontricks 244210 -q dotnet452"
it tells me that the Steam installation directory is not found.
"Steam installation directory could not be found"
I have set the Steam dir variable by putting in the terminal
STEAM_DIR=path of the local assetto files
i just do not see the variable that I have created.
Any help would be much appreciated

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Cathie44 commented Nov 2, 2023

did it just as told, tho it says that .net4.5.2 isn't installed...

even after running protontricks 244210 -q dotnet452 it still asks the same thing...

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if anyone is following this in 2024, i got it working on my system.
ubuntu 22.04, radeon 7600, amd 9 something.
AC+ CM(latest)+ CSP(1.79 manual install. CM install wasnt working. ) + SOL(latest)
i could leave the dash instruments on.

i used the latest wine. v8 i think. then protontricks installed using pipx.
follow the long guide above thanks @Acreen

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