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Created August 22, 2021 14:14
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Grid View in SwiftUI (iOS - 13)
// GridStack.swift
// Grocers
// Created by Anand Nimje on 27/08/20.
// Copyright © 2020 Anscoder. All rights reserved.
import SwiftUI
/// A container that presents rows of data arranged in multiple columns.
@available(iOS 13.0, OSX 10.15, *)
public struct QGrid<Data, Content>: View
where Data : RandomAccessCollection, Content : View, Data.Element : Identifiable {
private struct QGridIndex : Identifiable { var id: Int }
private let columns: Int
private let columnsInLandscape: Int
private let vSpacing: CGFloat
private let hSpacing: CGFloat
private let vPadding: CGFloat
private let hPadding: CGFloat
private let isScrollable: Bool
private let showScrollIndicators: Bool
private let data: [Data.Element]
private let content: (Data.Element) -> Content
/// Creates a QGrid that computes its cells from an underlying collection of identified data.
/// - Parameters:
/// - data: A collection of identified data.
/// - columns: Target number of columns for this grid, in Portrait device orientation
/// - columnsInLandscape: Target number of columns for this grid, in Landscape device orientation; If not provided, `columns` value will be used.
/// - vSpacing: Vertical spacing: The distance between each row in grid. If not provided, the default value will be used.
/// - hSpacing: Horizontal spacing: The distance between each cell in grid's row. If not provided, the default value will be used.
/// - vPadding: Vertical padding: The distance between top/bottom edge of the grid and the parent view. If not provided, the default value will be used.
/// - hPadding: Horizontal padding: The distance between leading/trailing edge of the grid and the parent view. If not provided, the default value will be used.
/// - isScrollable: Boolean that determines whether or not the grid should scroll
/// - content: A closure returning the content of the individual cell
public init(_ data: Data,
columns: Int,
columnsInLandscape: Int? = nil,
vSpacing: CGFloat = 10,
hSpacing: CGFloat = 10,
vPadding: CGFloat = 10,
hPadding: CGFloat = 10,
isScrollable: Bool = true,
showScrollIndicators: Bool = false,
content: @escaping (Data.Element) -> Content) { = { $0 }
self.content = content
self.columns = max(1, columns)
self.columnsInLandscape = columnsInLandscape ?? max(1, columns)
self.vSpacing = vSpacing
self.hSpacing = hSpacing
self.vPadding = vPadding
self.hPadding = hPadding
self.isScrollable = isScrollable
self.showScrollIndicators = showScrollIndicators
private var rows: Int {
data.count / self.cols
private var cols: Int {
#if os(tvOS)
return columnsInLandscape
#elseif os(macOS)
return columnsInLandscape
return UIDevice.current.orientation.isLandscape ? columnsInLandscape : columns
/// Declares the content and behavior of this view.
public var body : some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
Group {
if ! {
if self.isScrollable {
ScrollView(showsIndicators: self.showScrollIndicators) {
self.content(using: geometry)
} else {
self.content(using: geometry)
.padding(.horizontal, self.hPadding)
.padding(.vertical, self.vPadding)
private func rowAtIndex(_ index: Int,
geometry: GeometryProxy,
isLastRow: Bool = false) -> some View {
HStack(spacing: self.hSpacing) {
ForEach((0..<(isLastRow ? data.count % cols : cols))
.map { QGridIndex(id: $0) }) { column in
self.content([index +])
.frame(width: self.contentWidthFor(geometry))
if isLastRow { Spacer() }
private func content(using geometry: GeometryProxy) -> some View {
VStack(spacing: self.vSpacing) {
ForEach((0..<self.rows).map { QGridIndex(id: $0) }) { row in
self.rowAtIndex( * self.cols,
geometry: geometry)
// Handle last row
if ( % self.cols > 0) {
self.rowAtIndex(self.cols * self.rows,
geometry: geometry,
isLastRow: true)
private func contentWidthFor(_ geometry: GeometryProxy) -> CGFloat {
let hSpacings = hSpacing * (CGFloat(self.cols) - 1)
let width = geometry.size.width - hSpacings - hPadding * 2
return width / CGFloat(self.cols)
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Uses this code inside your code

      columns: 2,
      vSpacing: 8,
      hSpacing: 8,
      vPadding: 0) {
      // Your Grid cell 
       GridCell(model: $0)

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